Move all dependencies over to CPM
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing Details

This commit is contained in:
Deukhoofd 2022-02-11 12:17:27 +01:00
parent c960f3fa0b
commit b7c27cb1f8
Signed by: Deukhoofd
GPG Key ID: F63E044490819F6F
41 changed files with 58 additions and 14276 deletions

View File

@ -37,18 +37,6 @@ CPMAddPackage(
execute_process(COMMAND ln -sf ${Arbutils_SOURCE_DIR}/src ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/Arbutils)
NAME CreatureLib
GIT_TAG master
execute_process(COMMAND ln -sf ${CreatureLib_SOURCE_DIR}/src ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/CreatureLib)
NAME CreatureLib
@ -80,6 +68,7 @@ if (SCRIPT_PROVIDER STREQUAL "angelscript")
@ -144,13 +133,24 @@ if (SCRIPT_PROVIDER STREQUAL "angelscript")
SET(FILE_SOURCE ${FILE_SOURCE} "extern/AngelscriptDebuggerServer/src/*.cpp")
NAME AngelscriptDebugger
GIT_TAG master
execute_process(COMMAND ln -sf ${AngelscriptDebugger_SOURCE_DIR}/src ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/AngelscriptDebuggerServer)
set(_LINKS ${_LINKS} AngelscriptDebugger)
set(_TESTLINKS ${_TESTLINKS} AngelscriptDebugger)
endif ()
@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ if (IPO_SUPPORTED)
endif ()
SET(_LINKS CreatureLib Arbutils)
SET(_TESTLINKS pkmnLib CreatureLib Arbutils)
SET(_LINKS ${_LINKS} CreatureLib Arbutils)
SET(_TESTLINKS ${_TESTLINKS} pkmnLib CreatureLib Arbutils)
message(STATUS "Using Angelscript as script provider.")
@ -210,14 +210,23 @@ endif ()
target_link_libraries(pkmnLib PRIVATE ${_LINKS})
NAME doctest
GITHUB_REPOSITORY doctest/doctest
GIT_TAG 2.4.0
# Create Test executable
file(GLOB_RECURSE TEST_FILES "tests/*.cpp" "tests/*.hpp")
add_executable(pkmnLibTests ${TEST_FILES} extern/doctest.hpp)
add_executable(pkmnLibTests ${TEST_FILES})
# Enable all warnings, and make them error when occurring.
target_compile_options(pkmnLibTests PRIVATE -Wall -Wextra -Werror)
message(STATUS "${_TESTLINKS}")
target_link_libraries(pkmnLibTests PUBLIC ${_TESTLINKS})
target_include_directories(pkmnLibTests PUBLIC ${doctest_SOURCE_DIR}/doctest)
# Add a definition for the test library
target_compile_definitions(pkmnLibTests PRIVATE TESTS_BUILD)

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 2fe2286df8f790ef75702a517c1751972da364c5

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
// Avoid having to inform include path if header is already include before
#include <angelscript.h>
// Sometimes it may be desired to use the same method names as used by C++ STL.
// This may for example reduce time when converting code from script to C++ or
// back.
// 0 = off
// 1 = on
// Some prefer to use property accessors to get/set the length of the array
// This option registers the accessors instead of the method length()
struct SArrayBuffer;
struct SArrayCache;
class CScriptArray
// Set the memory functions that should be used by all CScriptArrays
static void SetMemoryFunctions(asALLOCFUNC_t allocFunc, asFREEFUNC_t freeFunc);
// Factory functions
static CScriptArray *Create(asITypeInfo *ot);
static CScriptArray *Create(asITypeInfo *ot, asUINT length);
static CScriptArray *Create(asITypeInfo *ot, asUINT length, void *defaultValue);
static CScriptArray *Create(asITypeInfo *ot, void *listBuffer);
// Memory management
void AddRef() const;
void Release() const;
// Type information
asITypeInfo *GetArrayObjectType() const;
int GetArrayTypeId() const;
int GetElementTypeId() const;
// Get the current size
asUINT GetSize() const;
// Returns true if the array is empty
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Pre-allocates memory for elements
void Reserve(asUINT maxElements);
// Resize the array
void Resize(asUINT numElements);
// Get a pointer to an element. Returns 0 if out of bounds
void *At(asUINT index);
const void *At(asUINT index) const;
// Set value of an element.
// The value arg should be a pointer to the value that will be copied to the element.
// Remember, if the array holds handles the value parameter should be the
// address of the handle. The refCount of the object will also be incremented
void SetValue(asUINT index, void *value);
// Copy the contents of one array to another (only if the types are the same)
CScriptArray &operator=(const CScriptArray&);
// Compare two arrays
bool operator==(const CScriptArray &) const;
// Array manipulation
void InsertAt(asUINT index, void *value);
void InsertAt(asUINT index, const CScriptArray &arr);
void InsertLast(void *value);
void RemoveAt(asUINT index);
void RemoveLast();
void RemoveRange(asUINT start, asUINT count);
void SortAsc();
void SortDesc();
void SortAsc(asUINT startAt, asUINT count);
void SortDesc(asUINT startAt, asUINT count);
void Sort(asUINT startAt, asUINT count, bool asc);
void Sort(asIScriptFunction *less, asUINT startAt, asUINT count);
void Reverse();
int Find(void *value) const;
int Find(asUINT startAt, void *value) const;
int FindByRef(void *ref) const;
int FindByRef(asUINT startAt, void *ref) const;
// Return the address of internal buffer for direct manipulation of elements
void *GetBuffer();
// GC methods
int GetRefCount();
void SetFlag();
bool GetFlag();
void EnumReferences(asIScriptEngine *engine);
void ReleaseAllHandles(asIScriptEngine *engine);
mutable int refCount;
mutable bool gcFlag;
asITypeInfo *objType;
SArrayBuffer *buffer;
int elementSize;
int subTypeId;
// Constructors
CScriptArray(asITypeInfo *ot, void *initBuf); // Called from script when initialized with list
CScriptArray(asUINT length, asITypeInfo *ot);
CScriptArray(asUINT length, void *defVal, asITypeInfo *ot);
CScriptArray(const CScriptArray &other);
virtual ~CScriptArray();
bool Less(const void *a, const void *b, bool asc);
void *GetArrayItemPointer(int index);
void *GetDataPointer(void *buffer);
void Copy(void *dst, void *src);
void Precache();
bool CheckMaxSize(asUINT numElements);
void Resize(int delta, asUINT at);
void CreateBuffer(SArrayBuffer **buf, asUINT numElements);
void DeleteBuffer(SArrayBuffer *buf);
void CopyBuffer(SArrayBuffer *dst, SArrayBuffer *src);
void Construct(SArrayBuffer *buf, asUINT start, asUINT end);
void Destruct(SArrayBuffer *buf, asUINT start, asUINT end);
bool Equals(const void *a, const void *b, asIScriptContext *ctx, SArrayCache *cache) const;
void RegisterScriptArray(asIScriptEngine *engine, bool defaultArray);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
// Compilation settings
// Set this flag to turn on/off metadata processing
// 0 = off
// 1 = on
// TODO: Implement flags for turning on/off include directives and conditional programming
// Declaration
// Avoid having to inform include path if header is already include before
#include <angelscript.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200
// disable the annoying warnings on MSVC 6
#pragma warning (disable:4786)
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <string.h> // _strcmpi
class CScriptBuilder;
// This callback will be called for each #include directive encountered by the
// builder. The callback should call the AddSectionFromFile or AddSectionFromMemory
// to add the included section to the script. If the include cannot be resolved
// then the function should return a negative value to abort the compilation.
typedef int (*INCLUDECALLBACK_t)(const char *include, const char *from, CScriptBuilder *builder, void *userParam);
// This callback will be called for each #pragma directive encountered by the builder.
// The application can interpret the pragmaText and decide what do to based on that.
// If the callback returns a negative value the builder will report an error and abort the compilation.
typedef int(*PRAGMACALLBACK_t)(const std::string &pragmaText, CScriptBuilder &builder, void *userParam);
// Helper class for loading and pre-processing script files to
// support include directives and metadata declarations
class CScriptBuilder
// Start a new module
int StartNewModule(asIScriptEngine *engine, const char *moduleName);
// Load a script section from a file on disk
// Returns 1 if the file was included
// 0 if the file had already been included before
// <0 on error
int AddSectionFromFile(const char *filename);
// Load a script section from memory
// Returns 1 if the section was included
// 0 if a section with the same name had already been included before
// <0 on error
int AddSectionFromMemory(const char *sectionName,
const char *scriptCode,
unsigned int scriptLength = 0,
int lineOffset = 0);
// Build the added script sections
int BuildModule();
// Returns the engine
asIScriptEngine *GetEngine();
// Returns the current module
asIScriptModule *GetModule();
// Register the callback for resolving include directive
void SetIncludeCallback(INCLUDECALLBACK_t callback, void *userParam);
// Register the callback for resolving pragma directive
void SetPragmaCallback(PRAGMACALLBACK_t callback, void *userParam);
// Add a pre-processor define for conditional compilation
void DefineWord(const char *word);
// Enumerate included script sections
unsigned int GetSectionCount() const;
std::string GetSectionName(unsigned int idx) const;
// Get metadata declared for classes, interfaces, and enums
std::vector<std::string> GetMetadataForType(int typeId);
// Get metadata declared for functions
std::vector<std::string> GetMetadataForFunc(asIScriptFunction *func);
// Get metadata declared for global variables
std::vector<std::string> GetMetadataForVar(int varIdx);
// Get metadata declared for class variables
std::vector<std::string> GetMetadataForTypeProperty(int typeId, int varIdx);
// Get metadata declared for class methods
std::vector<std::string> GetMetadataForTypeMethod(int typeId, asIScriptFunction *method);
void ClearAll();
int Build();
int ProcessScriptSection(const char *script, unsigned int length, const char *sectionname, int lineOffset);
int LoadScriptSection(const char *filename);
bool IncludeIfNotAlreadyIncluded(const char *filename);
int SkipStatement(int pos);
int ExcludeCode(int start);
void OverwriteCode(int start, int len);
asIScriptEngine *engine;
asIScriptModule *module;
std::string modifiedScript;
INCLUDECALLBACK_t includeCallback;
void *includeParam;
PRAGMACALLBACK_t pragmaCallback;
void *pragmaParam;
int ExtractMetadata(int pos, std::vector<std::string> &outMetadata);
int ExtractDeclaration(int pos, std::string &outName, std::string &outDeclaration, int &outType);
MDT_VAR = 3,
// Temporary structure for storing metadata and declaration
struct SMetadataDecl
SMetadataDecl(std::vector<std::string> m, std::string n, std::string d, int t, std::string c, std::string ns) : metadata(m), name(n), declaration(d), type(t), parentClass(c), nameSpace(ns) {}
std::vector<std::string> metadata;
std::string name;
std::string declaration;
int type;
std::string parentClass;
std::string nameSpace;
std::vector<SMetadataDecl> foundDeclarations;
std::string currentClass;
std::string currentNamespace;
// Storage of metadata for global declarations
std::map<int, std::vector<std::string> > typeMetadataMap;
std::map<int, std::vector<std::string> > funcMetadataMap;
std::map<int, std::vector<std::string> > varMetadataMap;
// Storage of metadata for class member declarations
struct SClassMetadata
SClassMetadata(const std::string& aName) : className(aName) {}
std::string className;
std::map<int, std::vector<std::string> > funcMetadataMap;
std::map<int, std::vector<std::string> > varMetadataMap;
std::map<int, SClassMetadata> classMetadataMap;
#ifdef _WIN32
// On Windows the filenames are case insensitive so the comparisons to
// avoid duplicate includes must also be case insensitive. True case insensitive
// is not easy as it must be language aware, but a simple implementation such
// as strcmpi should suffice in almost all cases.
// ref:
// ref:
// ref:
// TODO: Strings by default are treated as UTF8 encoded. If the application choses to
// use a different encoding, the comparison algorithm should be adjusted as well
struct ci_less
bool operator()(const std::string &a, const std::string &b) const
return _stricmp(a.c_str(), b.c_str()) < 0;
std::set<std::string, ci_less> includedScripts;
std::set<std::string> includedScripts;
std::set<std::string> definedWords;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
// The dictionary class relies on the script string object, thus the script
// string type must be registered with the engine before registering the
// dictionary type
// Avoid having to inform include path if header is already include before
#include <angelscript.h>
// By default the CScriptDictionary use the std::string for the keys.
// If the application uses a custom string type, then this typedef
// can be changed accordingly.
#include <string>
typedef std::string dictKey_t;
// Forward declare CScriptDictValue so we can typedef the internal map type
class CScriptDictValue;
// C++11 introduced the std::unordered_map which is a hash map which is
// is generally more performatic for lookups than the std::map which is a
// binary tree.
// TODO: memory: The map allocator should use the asAllocMem and asFreeMem
#include <unordered_map>
typedef std::unordered_map<dictKey_t, AS_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER CScriptDictValue> dictMap_t;
#include <map>
typedef std::map<dictKey_t, AS_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER CScriptDictValue> dictMap_t;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Turn off annoying warnings about truncated symbol names
#pragma warning (disable:4786)
// Sometimes it may be desired to use the same method names as used by C++ STL.
// This may for example reduce time when converting code from script to C++ or
// back.
// 0 = off
// 1 = on
class CScriptArray;
class CScriptDictionary;
class CScriptDictValue
// This class must not be declared as local variable in C++, because it needs
// to receive the script engine pointer in all operations. The engine pointer
// is not kept as member in order to keep the size down
CScriptDictValue(asIScriptEngine *engine, void *value, int typeId);
// Destructor must not be called without first calling FreeValue, otherwise a memory leak will occur
// Replace the stored value
void Set(asIScriptEngine *engine, void *value, int typeId);
void Set(asIScriptEngine *engine, const asINT64 &value);
void Set(asIScriptEngine *engine, const double &value);
void Set(asIScriptEngine *engine, CScriptDictValue &value);
// Gets the stored value. Returns false if the value isn't compatible with the informed typeId
bool Get(asIScriptEngine *engine, void *value, int typeId) const;
bool Get(asIScriptEngine *engine, asINT64 &value) const;
bool Get(asIScriptEngine *engine, double &value) const;
// Returns the address of the stored value for inspection
const void *GetAddressOfValue() const;
// Returns the type id of the stored value
int GetTypeId() const;
// Free the stored value
void FreeValue(asIScriptEngine *engine);
// GC callback
void EnumReferences(asIScriptEngine *engine);
friend class CScriptDictionary;
asINT64 m_valueInt;
double m_valueFlt;
void *m_valueObj;
int m_typeId;
class CScriptDictionary
// Factory functions
static CScriptDictionary *Create(asIScriptEngine *engine);
// Called from the script to instantiate a dictionary from an initialization list
static CScriptDictionary *Create(asBYTE *buffer);
// Reference counting
void AddRef() const;
void Release() const;
// Reassign the dictionary
CScriptDictionary &operator =(const CScriptDictionary &other);
// Sets a key/value pair
void Set(const dictKey_t &key, void *value, int typeId);
void Set(const dictKey_t &key, const asINT64 &value);
void Set(const dictKey_t &key, const double &value);
// Gets the stored value. Returns false if the value isn't compatible with the informed typeId
bool Get(const dictKey_t &key, void *value, int typeId) const;
bool Get(const dictKey_t &key, asINT64 &value) const;
bool Get(const dictKey_t &key, double &value) const;
// Index accessors. If the dictionary is not const it inserts the value if it doesn't already exist
// If the dictionary is const then a script exception is set if it doesn't exist and a null pointer is returned
CScriptDictValue *operator[](const dictKey_t &key);
const CScriptDictValue *operator[](const dictKey_t &key) const;
// Returns the type id of the stored value, or negative if it doesn't exist
int GetTypeId(const dictKey_t &key) const;
// Returns true if the key is set
bool Exists(const dictKey_t &key) const;
// Returns true if there are no key/value pairs in the dictionary
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Returns the number of key/value pairs in the dictionary
asUINT GetSize() const;
// Deletes the key
bool Delete(const dictKey_t &key);
// Deletes all keys
void DeleteAll();
// Get an array of all keys
CScriptArray *GetKeys() const;
// STL style iterator
class CIterator
void operator++(); // Pre-increment
void operator++(int); // Post-increment
// This is needed to support C++11 range-for
CIterator &operator*();
bool operator==(const CIterator &other) const;
bool operator!=(const CIterator &other) const;
// Accessors
const dictKey_t &GetKey() const;
int GetTypeId() const;
bool GetValue(asINT64 &value) const;
bool GetValue(double &value) const;
bool GetValue(void *value, int typeId) const;
const void * GetAddressOfValue() const;
friend class CScriptDictionary;
CIterator(const CScriptDictionary &dict,
dictMap_t::const_iterator it);
CIterator &operator=(const CIterator &) {return *this;} // Not used
dictMap_t::const_iterator m_it;
const CScriptDictionary &m_dict;
CIterator begin() const;
CIterator end() const;
CIterator find(const dictKey_t &key) const;
// Garbage collections behaviours
int GetRefCount();
void SetGCFlag();
bool GetGCFlag();
void EnumReferences(asIScriptEngine *engine);
void ReleaseAllReferences(asIScriptEngine *engine);
// Since the dictionary uses the asAllocMem and asFreeMem functions to allocate memory
// the constructors are made protected so that the application cannot allocate it
// manually in a different way
CScriptDictionary(asIScriptEngine *engine);
CScriptDictionary(asBYTE *buffer);
// We don't want anyone to call the destructor directly, it should be called through the Release method
virtual ~CScriptDictionary();
// Cache the object types needed
void Init(asIScriptEngine *engine);
// Our properties
asIScriptEngine *engine;
mutable int refCount;
mutable bool gcFlag;
dictMap_t dict;
// This function will determine the configuration of the engine
// and use one of the two functions below to register the dictionary object
void RegisterScriptDictionary(asIScriptEngine *engine);
// Call this function to register the math functions
// using native calling conventions
void RegisterScriptDictionary_Native(asIScriptEngine *engine);
// Use this one instead if native calling conventions
// are not supported on the target platform
void RegisterScriptDictionary_Generic(asIScriptEngine *engine);

View File

@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
#include "scripthandle.h"
#include <new>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
static void Construct(CScriptHandle *self) { new(self) CScriptHandle(); }
static void Construct(CScriptHandle *self, const CScriptHandle &o) { new(self) CScriptHandle(o); }
// This one is not static because it needs to be friend with the CScriptHandle class
void Construct(CScriptHandle *self, void *ref, int typeId) { new(self) CScriptHandle(ref, typeId); }
static void Destruct(CScriptHandle *self) { self->~CScriptHandle(); }
m_ref = 0;
m_type = 0;
CScriptHandle::CScriptHandle(const CScriptHandle &other)
m_ref = other.m_ref;
m_type = other.m_type;
CScriptHandle::CScriptHandle(void *ref, asITypeInfo *type)
m_ref = ref;
m_type = type;
// This constructor shouldn't be called from the application
// directly as it requires an active script context
CScriptHandle::CScriptHandle(void *ref, int typeId)
m_ref = 0;
m_type = 0;
Assign(ref, typeId);
void CScriptHandle::ReleaseHandle()
if( m_ref && m_type )
asIScriptEngine *engine = m_type->GetEngine();
engine->ReleaseScriptObject(m_ref, m_type);
m_ref = 0;
m_type = 0;
void CScriptHandle::AddRefHandle()
if( m_ref && m_type )
asIScriptEngine *engine = m_type->GetEngine();
engine->AddRefScriptObject(m_ref, m_type);
// Hold on to the engine so it isn't destroyed while
// a reference to a script object is still held
CScriptHandle &CScriptHandle::operator =(const CScriptHandle &other)
Set(other.m_ref, other.m_type);
return *this;
void CScriptHandle::Set(void *ref, asITypeInfo *type)
if( m_ref == ref ) return;
m_ref = ref;
m_type = type;
void *CScriptHandle::GetRef()
return m_ref;
asITypeInfo *CScriptHandle::GetType() const
return m_type;
int CScriptHandle::GetTypeId() const
if( m_type == 0 ) return 0;
return m_type->GetTypeId() | asTYPEID_OBJHANDLE;
// This method shouldn't be called from the application
// directly as it requires an active script context
CScriptHandle &CScriptHandle::Assign(void *ref, int typeId)
// When receiving a null handle we just clear our memory
if( typeId == 0 )
Set(0, 0);
return *this;
// Dereference received handles to get the object
if( typeId & asTYPEID_OBJHANDLE )
// Store the actual reference
ref = *(void**)ref;
// Get the object type
asIScriptContext *ctx = asGetActiveContext();
asIScriptEngine *engine = ctx->GetEngine();
asITypeInfo *type = engine->GetTypeInfoById(typeId);
// If the argument is another CScriptHandle, we should copy the content instead
if( type && strcmp(type->GetName(), "ref") == 0 )
CScriptHandle *r = (CScriptHandle*)ref;
ref = r->m_ref;
type = r->m_type;
Set(ref, type);
return *this;
bool CScriptHandle::operator==(const CScriptHandle &o) const
if( m_ref == o.m_ref &&
m_type == o.m_type )
return true;
// TODO: If type is not the same, we should attempt to do a dynamic cast,
// which may change the pointer for application registered classes
return false;
bool CScriptHandle::operator!=(const CScriptHandle &o) const
return !(*this == o);
bool CScriptHandle::Equals(void *ref, int typeId) const
// Null handles are received as reference to a null handle
if( typeId == 0 )
ref = 0;
// Dereference handles to get the object
if( typeId & asTYPEID_OBJHANDLE )
// Compare the actual reference
ref = *(void**)ref;
// TODO: If typeId is not the same, we should attempt to do a dynamic cast,
// which may change the pointer for application registered classes
if( ref == m_ref ) return true;
return false;
// AngelScript: used as '@obj = cast<obj>(ref);'
void CScriptHandle::Cast(void **outRef, int typeId)
// If we hold a null handle, then just return null
if( m_type == 0 )
*outRef = 0;
// It is expected that the outRef is always a handle
assert( typeId & asTYPEID_OBJHANDLE );
// Compare the type id of the actual object
asIScriptEngine *engine = m_type->GetEngine();
asITypeInfo *type = engine->GetTypeInfoById(typeId);
*outRef = 0;
// RefCastObject will increment the refCount of the returned object if successful
engine->RefCastObject(m_ref, m_type, type, outRef);
void CScriptHandle::EnumReferences(asIScriptEngine *inEngine)
// If we're holding a reference, we'll notify the garbage collector of it
if (m_ref)
// The object type itself is also garbage collected
if( m_type)
void CScriptHandle::ReleaseReferences(asIScriptEngine *)
// Simply clear the content to release the references
Set(0, 0);
void RegisterScriptHandle_Native(asIScriptEngine *engine)
[[maybe_unused]] int r;
// With C++11 it is possible to use asGetTypeTraits to automatically determine the flags that represent the C++ class
r = engine->RegisterObjectType("ref", sizeof(CScriptHandle), asOBJ_VALUE | asOBJ_ASHANDLE | asOBJ_GC | asGetTypeTraits<CScriptHandle>()); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectType("ref", sizeof(CScriptHandle), asOBJ_VALUE | asOBJ_ASHANDLE | asOBJ_GC | asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CDAK); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("ref", asBEHAVE_CONSTRUCT, "void f()", asFUNCTIONPR(Construct, (CScriptHandle *), void), asCALL_CDECL_OBJFIRST); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("ref", asBEHAVE_CONSTRUCT, "void f(const ref &in)", asFUNCTIONPR(Construct, (CScriptHandle *, const CScriptHandle &), void), asCALL_CDECL_OBJFIRST); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("ref", asBEHAVE_CONSTRUCT, "void f(const ?&in)", asFUNCTIONPR(Construct, (CScriptHandle *, void *, int), void), asCALL_CDECL_OBJFIRST); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("ref", asBEHAVE_DESTRUCT, "void f()", asFUNCTIONPR(Destruct, (CScriptHandle *), void), asCALL_CDECL_OBJFIRST); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("ref", asBEHAVE_ENUMREFS, "void f(int&in)", asMETHOD(CScriptHandle,EnumReferences), asCALL_THISCALL); assert(r >= 0);
r = engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("ref", asBEHAVE_RELEASEREFS, "void f(int&in)", asMETHOD(CScriptHandle, ReleaseReferences), asCALL_THISCALL); assert(r >= 0);
r = engine->RegisterObjectMethod("ref", "void opCast(?&out)", asMETHODPR(CScriptHandle, Cast, (void **, int), void), asCALL_THISCALL); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectMethod("ref", "ref &opHndlAssign(const ref &in)", asMETHOD(CScriptHandle, operator=), asCALL_THISCALL); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectMethod("ref", "ref &opHndlAssign(const ?&in)", asMETHOD(CScriptHandle, Assign), asCALL_THISCALL); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectMethod("ref", "bool opEquals(const ref &in) const", asMETHODPR(CScriptHandle, operator==, (const CScriptHandle &) const, bool), asCALL_THISCALL); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectMethod("ref", "bool opEquals(const ?&in) const", asMETHODPR(CScriptHandle, Equals, (void*, int) const, bool), asCALL_THISCALL); assert( r >= 0 );
void CScriptHandle_Construct_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
CScriptHandle *self = reinterpret_cast<CScriptHandle*>(gen->GetObject());
new(self) CScriptHandle();
void CScriptHandle_ConstructCopy_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
CScriptHandle *other = reinterpret_cast<CScriptHandle*>(gen->GetArgAddress(0));
CScriptHandle *self = reinterpret_cast<CScriptHandle*>(gen->GetObject());
new(self) CScriptHandle(*other);
void CScriptHandle_ConstructVar_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
void *ref = gen->GetArgAddress(0);
int typeId = gen->GetArgTypeId(0);
CScriptHandle *self = reinterpret_cast<CScriptHandle*>(gen->GetObject());
Construct(self, ref, typeId);
void CScriptHandle_Destruct_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
CScriptHandle *self = reinterpret_cast<CScriptHandle*>(gen->GetObject());
void CScriptHandle_Cast_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
void **ref = reinterpret_cast<void**>(gen->GetArgAddress(0));
int typeId = gen->GetArgTypeId(0);
CScriptHandle *self = reinterpret_cast<CScriptHandle*>(gen->GetObject());
self->Cast(ref, typeId);
void CScriptHandle_Assign_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
CScriptHandle *other = reinterpret_cast<CScriptHandle*>(gen->GetArgAddress(0));
CScriptHandle *self = reinterpret_cast<CScriptHandle*>(gen->GetObject());
*self = *other;
void CScriptHandle_AssignVar_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
void *ref = gen->GetArgAddress(0);
int typeId = gen->GetArgTypeId(0);
CScriptHandle *self = reinterpret_cast<CScriptHandle*>(gen->GetObject());
self->Assign(ref, typeId);
void CScriptHandle_Equals_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
CScriptHandle *other = reinterpret_cast<CScriptHandle*>(gen->GetArgAddress(0));
CScriptHandle *self = reinterpret_cast<CScriptHandle*>(gen->GetObject());
gen->SetReturnByte(*self == *other);
void CScriptHandle_EqualsVar_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
void *ref = gen->GetArgAddress(0);
int typeId = gen->GetArgTypeId(0);
CScriptHandle *self = reinterpret_cast<CScriptHandle*>(gen->GetObject());
gen->SetReturnByte(self->Equals(ref, typeId));
void CScriptHandle_EnumReferences_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
CScriptHandle *self = reinterpret_cast<CScriptHandle*>(gen->GetObject());
void CScriptHandle_ReleaseReferences_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
CScriptHandle *self = reinterpret_cast<CScriptHandle*>(gen->GetObject());
void RegisterScriptHandle_Generic(asIScriptEngine *engine)
[[maybe_unused]] int r;
r = engine->RegisterObjectType("ref", sizeof(CScriptHandle), asOBJ_VALUE | asOBJ_ASHANDLE | asOBJ_GC | asOBJ_APP_CLASS_CDAK); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("ref", asBEHAVE_CONSTRUCT, "void f()", asFUNCTION(CScriptHandle_Construct_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("ref", asBEHAVE_CONSTRUCT, "void f(const ref &in)", asFUNCTION(CScriptHandle_ConstructCopy_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("ref", asBEHAVE_CONSTRUCT, "void f(const ?&in)", asFUNCTION(CScriptHandle_ConstructVar_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("ref", asBEHAVE_DESTRUCT, "void f()", asFUNCTION(CScriptHandle_Destruct_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("ref", asBEHAVE_ENUMREFS, "void f(int&in)", asFUNCTION(CScriptHandle_EnumReferences_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC); assert(r >= 0);
r = engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("ref", asBEHAVE_RELEASEREFS, "void f(int&in)", asFUNCTION(CScriptHandle_ReleaseReferences_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC); assert(r >= 0);
r = engine->RegisterObjectMethod("ref", "void opCast(?&out)", asFUNCTION(CScriptHandle_Cast_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectMethod("ref", "ref &opHndlAssign(const ref &in)", asFUNCTION(CScriptHandle_Assign_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectMethod("ref", "ref &opHndlAssign(const ?&in)", asFUNCTION(CScriptHandle_AssignVar_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectMethod("ref", "bool opEquals(const ref &in) const", asFUNCTION(CScriptHandle_Equals_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC); assert( r >= 0 );
r = engine->RegisterObjectMethod("ref", "bool opEquals(const ?&in) const", asFUNCTION(CScriptHandle_EqualsVar_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC); assert( r >= 0 );
void RegisterScriptHandle(asIScriptEngine *engine)
if( strstr(asGetLibraryOptions(), "AS_MAX_PORTABILITY") )

View File

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
// Avoid having to inform include path if header is already include before
#include <angelscript.h>
class CScriptHandle
// Constructors
CScriptHandle(const CScriptHandle &other);
CScriptHandle(void *ref, asITypeInfo *type);
// Copy the stored value from another any object
CScriptHandle &operator=(const CScriptHandle &other);
// Set the reference
void Set(void *ref, asITypeInfo *type);
// Compare equalness
bool operator==(const CScriptHandle &o) const;
bool operator!=(const CScriptHandle &o) const;
bool Equals(void *ref, int typeId) const;
// Dynamic cast to desired handle type
void Cast(void **outRef, int typeId);
// Returns the type of the reference held
asITypeInfo *GetType() const;
int GetTypeId() const;
// Get the reference
void *GetRef();
// GC callback
void EnumReferences(asIScriptEngine *engine);
void ReleaseReferences(asIScriptEngine *engine);
// These functions need to have access to protected
// members in order to call them from the script engine
friend void Construct(CScriptHandle *self, void *ref, int typeId);
friend void RegisterScriptHandle_Native(asIScriptEngine *engine);
friend void CScriptHandle_AssignVar_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen);
void ReleaseHandle();
void AddRefHandle();
// These shouldn't be called directly by the
// application as they requires an active context
CScriptHandle(void *ref, int typeId);
CScriptHandle &Assign(void *ref, int typeId);
void *m_ref;
asITypeInfo *m_type;
void RegisterScriptHandle(asIScriptEngine *engine);

View File

@ -1,987 +0,0 @@
#include <string.h>
#include "scripthelper.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <set>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
int CompareRelation(asIScriptEngine *engine, void *lobj, void *robj, int typeId, int &result)
// TODO: If a lot of script objects are going to be compared, e.g. when sorting an array,
// then the method id and context should be cached between calls.
int retval = -1;
asIScriptFunction *func = 0;
asITypeInfo *ti = engine->GetTypeInfoById(typeId);
if( ti )
// Check if the object type has a compatible opCmp method
for( asUINT n = 0; n < ti->GetMethodCount(); n++ )
asIScriptFunction *f = ti->GetMethodByIndex(n);
asDWORD flags;
if( strcmp(f->GetName(), "opCmp") == 0 &&
f->GetReturnTypeId(&flags) == asTYPEID_INT32 &&
flags == asTM_NONE &&
f->GetParamCount() == 1 )
int paramTypeId;
f->GetParam(0, &paramTypeId, &flags);
// The parameter must be an input reference of the same type
// If the reference is a inout reference, then it must also be read-only
if( !(flags & asTM_INREF) || typeId != paramTypeId || ((flags & asTM_OUTREF) && !(flags & asTM_CONST)) )
// Found the method
func = f;
if( func )
// Call the method
asIScriptContext *ctx = engine->CreateContext();
ctx->SetArgAddress(0, robj);
int r = ctx->Execute();
result = (int)ctx->GetReturnDWord();
// The comparison was successful
retval = 0;
return retval;
int CompareEquality(asIScriptEngine *engine, void *lobj, void *robj, int typeId, bool &result)
// TODO: If a lot of script objects are going to be compared, e.g. when searching for an
// entry in a set, then the method and context should be cached between calls.
int retval = -1;
asIScriptFunction *func = 0;
asITypeInfo *ti = engine->GetTypeInfoById(typeId);
if( ti )
// Check if the object type has a compatible opEquals method
for( asUINT n = 0; n < ti->GetMethodCount(); n++ )
asIScriptFunction *f = ti->GetMethodByIndex(n);
asDWORD flags;
if( strcmp(f->GetName(), "opEquals") == 0 &&
f->GetReturnTypeId(&flags) == asTYPEID_BOOL &&
flags == asTM_NONE &&
f->GetParamCount() == 1 )
int paramTypeId;
f->GetParam(0, &paramTypeId, &flags);
// The parameter must be an input reference of the same type
// If the reference is a inout reference, then it must also be read-only
if( !(flags & asTM_INREF) || typeId != paramTypeId || ((flags & asTM_OUTREF) && !(flags & asTM_CONST)) )
// Found the method
func = f;
if( func )
// Call the method
asIScriptContext *ctx = engine->CreateContext();
ctx->SetArgAddress(0, robj);
int r = ctx->Execute();
result = ctx->GetReturnByte() ? true : false;
// The comparison was successful
retval = 0;
// If the opEquals method doesn't exist, then we try with opCmp instead
int relation;
retval = CompareRelation(engine, lobj, robj, typeId, relation);
if( retval >= 0 )
result = relation == 0 ? true : false;
return retval;
int ExecuteString(asIScriptEngine *engine, const char *code, asIScriptModule *mod, asIScriptContext *ctx)
return ExecuteString(engine, code, 0, asTYPEID_VOID, mod, ctx);
int ExecuteString(asIScriptEngine *engine, const char *code, void *ref, int refTypeId, asIScriptModule *mod, asIScriptContext *ctx)
// Wrap the code in a function so that it can be compiled and executed
string funcCode = " ExecuteString() {\n";
funcCode += code;
funcCode += "\n;}";
// Determine the return type based on the type of the ref arg
funcCode = engine->GetTypeDeclaration(refTypeId, true) + funcCode;
// GetModule will free unused types, so to be on the safe side we'll hold on to a reference to the type
asITypeInfo *type = 0;
if( refTypeId & asTYPEID_MASK_OBJECT )
type = engine->GetTypeInfoById(refTypeId);
if( type )
// If no module was provided, get a dummy from the engine
asIScriptModule *execMod = mod ? mod : engine->GetModule("ExecuteString", asGM_ALWAYS_CREATE);
// Now it's ok to release the type
if( type )
// Compile the function that can be executed
asIScriptFunction *func = 0;
int r = execMod->CompileFunction("ExecuteString", funcCode.c_str(), -1, 0, &func);
if( r < 0 )
return r;
// If no context was provided, request a new one from the engine
asIScriptContext *execCtx = ctx ? ctx : engine->RequestContext();
r = execCtx->Prepare(func);
if (r >= 0)
// Execute the function
r = execCtx->Execute();
// Unless the provided type was void retrieve it's value
if (ref != 0 && refTypeId != asTYPEID_VOID)
if (refTypeId & asTYPEID_OBJHANDLE)
// Expect the pointer to be null to start with
assert(*reinterpret_cast<void**>(ref) == 0);
*reinterpret_cast<void**>(ref) = *reinterpret_cast<void**>(execCtx->GetAddressOfReturnValue());
engine->AddRefScriptObject(*reinterpret_cast<void**>(ref), engine->GetTypeInfoById(refTypeId));
else if (refTypeId & asTYPEID_MASK_OBJECT)
// Use the registered assignment operator to do a value assign.
// This assumes that the ref is pointing to a valid object instance.
engine->AssignScriptObject(ref, execCtx->GetAddressOfReturnValue(), engine->GetTypeInfoById(refTypeId));
// Copy the primitive value
memcpy(ref, execCtx->GetAddressOfReturnValue(), engine->GetSizeOfPrimitiveType(refTypeId));
// Clean up
if( !ctx ) engine->ReturnContext(execCtx);
return r;
int WriteConfigToFile(asIScriptEngine *engine, const char *filename)
ofstream strm;;
return WriteConfigToStream(engine, strm);
int WriteConfigToStream(asIScriptEngine *engine, ostream &strm)
// A helper function for escaping quotes in default arguments
struct Escape
static string Quotes(const char *decl)
string str = decl;
size_t pos = 0;
// Find " characters
pos = str.find("\"",pos);
if( pos == string::npos )
// Add a \ to escape them
str.insert(pos, "\\");
pos += 2;
return str;
int c, n;
asDWORD currAccessMask = 0;
string currNamespace = "";
// Export the engine version, just for info
strm << "// AngelScript " << asGetLibraryVersion() << "\n";
strm << "// Lib options " << asGetLibraryOptions() << "\n";
// Export the relevant engine properties
strm << "// Engine properties\n";
for( n = 0; n < asEP_LAST_PROPERTY; n++ )
strm << "ep " << n << " " << engine->GetEngineProperty(asEEngineProp(n)) << "\n";
// Make sure the default array type is expanded to the template form
bool expandDefArrayToTempl = engine->GetEngineProperty(asEP_EXPAND_DEF_ARRAY_TO_TMPL) ? true : false;
engine->SetEngineProperty(asEP_EXPAND_DEF_ARRAY_TO_TMPL, true);
// Write enum types and their values
strm << "\n// Enums\n";
c = engine->GetEnumCount();
for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
asITypeInfo *ti = engine->GetEnumByIndex(n);
asDWORD accessMask = ti->GetAccessMask();
if( accessMask != currAccessMask )
strm << "access " << hex << (unsigned int)(accessMask) << dec << "\n";
currAccessMask = accessMask;
const char *nameSpace = ti->GetNamespace();
if( nameSpace != currNamespace )
strm << "namespace \"" << nameSpace << "\"\n";
currNamespace = nameSpace;
const char *enumName = ti->GetName();
strm << "enum " << enumName << "\n";
for( asUINT m = 0; m < ti->GetEnumValueCount(); m++ )
const char *valName;
int val;
valName = ti->GetEnumValueByIndex(m, &val);
strm << "enumval " << enumName << " " << valName << " " << val << "\n";
// Enumerate all types
strm << "\n// Types\n";
// Keep a list of the template types, as the methods for these need to be exported first
set<asITypeInfo*> templateTypes;
c = engine->GetObjectTypeCount();
for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
asITypeInfo *type = engine->GetObjectTypeByIndex(n);
asDWORD accessMask = type->GetAccessMask();
if( accessMask != currAccessMask )
strm << "access " << hex << (unsigned int)(accessMask) << dec << "\n";
currAccessMask = accessMask;
const char *nameSpace = type->GetNamespace();
if( nameSpace != currNamespace )
strm << "namespace \"" << nameSpace << "\"\n";
currNamespace = nameSpace;
if( type->GetFlags() & asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT )
// This should only be interfaces
assert( type->GetSize() == 0 );
strm << "intf " << type->GetName() << "\n";
// Only the type flags are necessary. The application flags are application
// specific and doesn't matter to the offline compiler. The object size is also
// unnecessary for the offline compiler
strm << "objtype \"" << engine->GetTypeDeclaration(type->GetTypeId()) << "\" " << (unsigned int)(type->GetFlags() & asOBJ_MASK_VALID_FLAGS) << "\n";
// Store the template types (but not template instances)
if( (type->GetFlags() & asOBJ_TEMPLATE) && type->GetSubType() && (type->GetSubType()->GetFlags() & asOBJ_TEMPLATE_SUBTYPE) )
c = engine->GetTypedefCount();
for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
asITypeInfo *ti = engine->GetTypedefByIndex(n);
const char *nameSpace = ti->GetNamespace();
if( nameSpace != currNamespace )
strm << "namespace \"" << nameSpace << "\"\n";
currNamespace = nameSpace;
asDWORD accessMask = ti->GetAccessMask();
if( accessMask != currAccessMask )
strm << "access " << hex << (unsigned int)(accessMask) << dec << "\n";
currAccessMask = accessMask;
strm << "typedef " << ti->GetName() << " \"" << engine->GetTypeDeclaration(ti->GetTypedefTypeId()) << "\"\n";
c = engine->GetFuncdefCount();
for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
asITypeInfo *funcDef = engine->GetFuncdefByIndex(n);
asDWORD accessMask = funcDef->GetAccessMask();
const char *nameSpace = funcDef->GetNamespace();
// Child funcdefs do not have any namespace, as they belong to the parent object
if( nameSpace && nameSpace != currNamespace )
strm << "namespace \"" << nameSpace << "\"\n";
currNamespace = nameSpace;
if( accessMask != currAccessMask )
strm << "access " << hex << (unsigned int)(accessMask) << dec << "\n";
currAccessMask = accessMask;
strm << "funcdef \"" << funcDef->GetFuncdefSignature()->GetDeclaration() << "\"\n";
// A helper for writing object type members
struct TypeWriter
static void Write(asIScriptEngine *engine, ostream &strm, asITypeInfo *type, string &currNamespace, asDWORD &currAccessMask)
const char *nameSpace = type->GetNamespace();
if( nameSpace != currNamespace )
strm << "namespace \"" << nameSpace << "\"\n";
currNamespace = nameSpace;
string typeDecl = engine->GetTypeDeclaration(type->GetTypeId());
if( type->GetFlags() & asOBJ_SCRIPT_OBJECT )
for( asUINT m = 0; m < type->GetMethodCount(); m++ )
asIScriptFunction *func = type->GetMethodByIndex(m);
asDWORD accessMask = func->GetAccessMask();
if( accessMask != currAccessMask )
strm << "access " << hex << (unsigned int)(accessMask) << dec << "\n";
currAccessMask = accessMask;
strm << "intfmthd " << typeDecl.c_str() << " \"" << Escape::Quotes(func->GetDeclaration(false)).c_str() << (func->IsProperty() ? " property" : "") << "\"\n";
asUINT m;
for( m = 0; m < type->GetFactoryCount(); m++ )
asIScriptFunction *func = type->GetFactoryByIndex(m);
asDWORD accessMask = func->GetAccessMask();
if( accessMask != currAccessMask )
strm << "access " << hex << (unsigned int)(accessMask) << dec << "\n";
currAccessMask = accessMask;
strm << "objbeh \"" << typeDecl.c_str() << "\" " << asBEHAVE_FACTORY << " \"" << Escape::Quotes(func->GetDeclaration(false)).c_str() << "\"\n";
for( m = 0; m < type->GetBehaviourCount(); m++ )
asEBehaviours beh;
asIScriptFunction *func = type->GetBehaviourByIndex(m, &beh);
if( beh == asBEHAVE_CONSTRUCT )
// Prefix 'void'
strm << "objbeh \"" << typeDecl.c_str() << "\" " << beh << " \"void " << Escape::Quotes(func->GetDeclaration(false)).c_str() << "\"\n";
else if( beh == asBEHAVE_DESTRUCT )
// Prefix 'void' and remove ~
strm << "objbeh \"" << typeDecl.c_str() << "\" " << beh << " \"void " << Escape::Quotes(func->GetDeclaration(false)).c_str()+1 << "\"\n";
strm << "objbeh \"" << typeDecl.c_str() << "\" " << beh << " \"" << Escape::Quotes(func->GetDeclaration(false)).c_str() << "\"\n";
for( m = 0; m < type->GetMethodCount(); m++ )
asIScriptFunction *func = type->GetMethodByIndex(m);
asDWORD accessMask = func->GetAccessMask();
if( accessMask != currAccessMask )
strm << "access " << hex << (unsigned int)(accessMask) << dec << "\n";
currAccessMask = accessMask;
strm << "objmthd \"" << typeDecl.c_str() << "\" \"" << Escape::Quotes(func->GetDeclaration(false)).c_str() << (func->IsProperty() ? " property" : "") << "\"\n";
for( m = 0; m < type->GetPropertyCount(); m++ )
asDWORD accessMask;
type->GetProperty(m, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &accessMask);
if( accessMask != currAccessMask )
strm << "access " << hex << (unsigned int)(accessMask) << dec << "\n";
currAccessMask = accessMask;
strm << "objprop \"" << typeDecl.c_str() << "\" \"" << type->GetPropertyDeclaration(m) << "\"";
// Save information about composite properties
int compositeOffset;
bool isCompositeIndirect;
type->GetProperty(m, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &compositeOffset, &isCompositeIndirect);
strm << " " << compositeOffset << " " << (isCompositeIndirect ? "1" : "0") << "\n";
// Write the members of the template types, so they can be fully registered before any other type uses them
// TODO: Order the template types based on dependency to avoid failure if one type uses instances of another
strm << "\n// Template type members\n";
for( set<asITypeInfo*>::iterator it = templateTypes.begin(); it != templateTypes.end(); ++it )
asITypeInfo *type = *it;
TypeWriter::Write(engine, strm, type, currNamespace, currAccessMask);
// Write the object types members
strm << "\n// Type members\n";
c = engine->GetObjectTypeCount();
for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
asITypeInfo *type = engine->GetObjectTypeByIndex(n);
if( templateTypes.find(type) == templateTypes.end() )
TypeWriter::Write(engine, strm, type, currNamespace, currAccessMask);
// Write functions
strm << "\n// Functions\n";
c = engine->GetGlobalFunctionCount();
for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
asIScriptFunction *func = engine->GetGlobalFunctionByIndex(n);
const char *nameSpace = func->GetNamespace();
if( nameSpace != currNamespace )
strm << "namespace \"" << nameSpace << "\"\n";
currNamespace = nameSpace;
asDWORD accessMask = func->GetAccessMask();
if( accessMask != currAccessMask )
strm << "access " << hex << (unsigned int)(accessMask) << dec << "\n";
currAccessMask = accessMask;
strm << "func \"" << Escape::Quotes(func->GetDeclaration()).c_str() << (func->IsProperty() ? " property" : "") << "\"\n";
// Write global properties
strm << "\n// Properties\n";
c = engine->GetGlobalPropertyCount();
for( n = 0; n < c; n++ )
const char *name;
int typeId;
bool isConst;
asDWORD accessMask;
const char *nameSpace;
engine->GetGlobalPropertyByIndex(n, &name, &nameSpace, &typeId, &isConst, 0, 0, &accessMask);
if( accessMask != currAccessMask )
strm << "access " << hex << (unsigned int)(accessMask) << dec << "\n";
currAccessMask = accessMask;
if( nameSpace != currNamespace )
strm << "namespace \"" << nameSpace << "\"\n";
currNamespace = nameSpace;
strm << "prop \"" << (isConst ? "const " : "") << engine->GetTypeDeclaration(typeId) << " " << name << "\"\n";
// Write string factory
strm << "\n// String factory\n";
// Reset the namespace for the string factory and default array type
if ("" != currNamespace)
strm << "namespace \"\"\n";
currNamespace = "";
asDWORD flags = 0;
int typeId = engine->GetStringFactoryReturnTypeId(&flags);
if( typeId > 0 )
strm << "strfactory \"" << ((flags & asTM_CONST) ? "const " : "") << engine->GetTypeDeclaration(typeId) << ((flags & asTM_INOUTREF) ? "&" : "") << "\"\n";
// Write default array type
strm << "\n// Default array type\n";
typeId = engine->GetDefaultArrayTypeId();
if( typeId > 0 )
strm << "defarray \"" << engine->GetTypeDeclaration(typeId) << "\"\n";
// Restore original settings
engine->SetEngineProperty(asEP_EXPAND_DEF_ARRAY_TO_TMPL, expandDefArrayToTempl);
return 0;
int ConfigEngineFromStream(asIScriptEngine *engine, istream &strm, const char *configFile, asIStringFactory *stringFactory)
int r;
// Some helper functions for parsing the configuration
struct in
static asETokenClass GetToken(asIScriptEngine *engine, string &token, const string &text, asUINT &pos)
asUINT len = 0;
asETokenClass t = engine->ParseToken(&text[pos], text.length() - pos, &len);
while( (t == asTC_WHITESPACE || t == asTC_COMMENT) && pos < text.length() )
pos += len;
t = engine->ParseToken(&text[pos], text.length() - pos, &len);
token.assign(&text[pos], len);
pos += len;
return t;
static void ReplaceSlashQuote(string &str)
size_t pos = 0;
// Search for \" in the string
pos = str.find("\\\"", pos);
if( pos == string::npos )
// Remove the \ character
str.erase(pos, 1);
static asUINT GetLineNumber(const string &text, asUINT pos)
asUINT count = 1;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < pos; n++ )
if( text[n] == '\n' )
return count;
// Since we are only going to compile the script and never actually execute it,
// we turn off the initialization of global variables, so that the compiler can
// just register dummy types and functions for the application interface.
r = engine->SetEngineProperty(asEP_INIT_GLOBAL_VARS_AFTER_BUILD, false); assert( r >= 0 );
// Read the entire file
char buffer[1000];
string config;
do {
strm.getline(buffer, 1000);
config += buffer;
config += "\n";
} while( !strm.eof() && strm.good() );
// Process the configuration file and register each entity
asUINT pos = 0;
while( pos < config.length() )
string token;
// TODO: The position where the initial token is found should be stored for error messages
in::GetToken(engine, token, config, pos);
if( token == "ep" )
string tmp;
in::GetToken(engine, tmp, config, pos);
asEEngineProp ep = asEEngineProp(atol(tmp.c_str()));
// Only set properties that affect the compiler
ep != asEP_MAX_STACK_SIZE &&
// Get the value for the property
in::GetToken(engine, tmp, config, pos);
stringstream s(tmp);
asPWORD value;
s >> value;
engine->SetEngineProperty(ep, value);
else if( token == "namespace" )
string ns;
in::GetToken(engine, ns, config, pos);
ns = ns.substr(1, ns.length() - 2);
r = engine->SetDefaultNamespace(ns.c_str());
if( r < 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Failed to set namespace");
return -1;
else if( token == "access" )
string maskStr;
in::GetToken(engine, maskStr, config, pos);
asDWORD mask = strtoul(maskStr.c_str(), 0, 16);
else if( token == "objtype" )
string name, flags;
in::GetToken(engine, name, config, pos);
name = name.substr(1, name.length() - 2);
in::GetToken(engine, flags, config, pos);
// The size of the value type doesn't matter, because the
// engine must adjust it anyway for different platforms
r = engine->RegisterObjectType(name.c_str(), (atol(flags.c_str()) & asOBJ_VALUE) ? 1 : 0, atol(flags.c_str()));
if( r < 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Failed to register object type");
return -1;
else if( token == "objbeh" )
string name, behaviour, decl;
in::GetToken(engine, name, config, pos);
name = name.substr(1, name.length() - 2);
in::GetToken(engine, behaviour, config, pos);
in::GetToken(engine, decl, config, pos);
decl = decl.substr(1, decl.length() - 2);
// Remove the $ that the engine prefixes the behaviours with
size_t n = decl.find("$");
if( n != string::npos )
decl[n] = ' ';
asEBehaviours behave = static_cast<asEBehaviours>(atol(behaviour.c_str()));
// TODO: How can we let the compiler register this? Maybe through a plug-in system? Or maybe by implementing the callback as a script itself
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_WARNING, "Cannot register template callback without the actual implementation");
r = engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour(name.c_str(), behave, decl.c_str(), asFUNCTION(0), asCALL_GENERIC);
if( r < 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Failed to register behaviour");
return -1;
else if( token == "objmthd" )
string name, decl;
in::GetToken(engine, name, config, pos);
name = name.substr(1, name.length() - 2);
in::GetToken(engine, decl, config, pos);
decl = decl.substr(1, decl.length() - 2);
r = engine->RegisterObjectMethod(name.c_str(), decl.c_str(), asFUNCTION(0), asCALL_GENERIC);
if( r < 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Failed to register object method");
return -1;
else if( token == "objprop" )
string name, decl, compositeOffset, isCompositeIndirect;
in::GetToken(engine, name, config, pos);
name = name.substr(1, name.length() - 2);
in::GetToken(engine, decl, config, pos);
decl = decl.substr(1, decl.length() - 2);
in::GetToken(engine, compositeOffset, config, pos);
in::GetToken(engine, isCompositeIndirect, config, pos);
asITypeInfo *type = engine->GetTypeInfoById(engine->GetTypeIdByDecl(name.c_str()));
if( type == 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Type doesn't exist for property registration");
return -1;
// All properties must have different offsets in order to make them
// distinct, so we simply register them with an incremental offset
r = engine->RegisterObjectProperty(name.c_str(), decl.c_str(), type->GetPropertyCount(), compositeOffset != "0" ? type->GetPropertyCount() : 0, isCompositeIndirect != "0");
if( r < 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Failed to register object property");
return -1;
else if( token == "intf" )
string name, size, flags;
in::GetToken(engine, name, config, pos);
r = engine->RegisterInterface(name.c_str());
if( r < 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Failed to register interface");
return -1;
else if( token == "intfmthd" )
string name, decl;
in::GetToken(engine, name, config, pos);
in::GetToken(engine, decl, config, pos);
decl = decl.substr(1, decl.length() - 2);
r = engine->RegisterInterfaceMethod(name.c_str(), decl.c_str());
if( r < 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Failed to register interface method");
return -1;
else if( token == "func" )
string decl;
in::GetToken(engine, decl, config, pos);
decl = decl.substr(1, decl.length() - 2);
r = engine->RegisterGlobalFunction(decl.c_str(), asFUNCTION(0), asCALL_GENERIC);
if( r < 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Failed to register global function");
return -1;
else if( token == "prop" )
string decl;
in::GetToken(engine, decl, config, pos);
decl = decl.substr(1, decl.length() - 2);
// All properties must have different offsets in order to make them
// distinct, so we simply register them with an incremental offset.
// The pointer must also be non-null so we add 1 to have a value.
r = engine->RegisterGlobalProperty(decl.c_str(), reinterpret_cast<void*>(asPWORD(engine->GetGlobalPropertyCount()+1)));
if( r < 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Failed to register global property");
return -1;
else if( token == "strfactory" )
string type;
in::GetToken(engine, type, config, pos);
type = type.substr(1, type.length() - 2);
if (stringFactory == 0)
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_WARNING, "Cannot register string factory without the actual implementation");
return -1;
r = engine->RegisterStringFactory(type.c_str(), stringFactory);
if (r < 0)
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Failed to register string factory");
return -1;
else if( token == "defarray" )
string type;
in::GetToken(engine, type, config, pos);
type = type.substr(1, type.length() - 2);
r = engine->RegisterDefaultArrayType(type.c_str());
if( r < 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Failed to register the default array type");
return -1;
else if( token == "enum" )
string type;
in::GetToken(engine, type, config, pos);
r = engine->RegisterEnum(type.c_str());
if( r < 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Failed to register enum type");
return -1;
else if( token == "enumval" )
string type, name, value;
in::GetToken(engine, type, config, pos);
in::GetToken(engine, name, config, pos);
in::GetToken(engine, value, config, pos);
r = engine->RegisterEnumValue(type.c_str(), name.c_str(), atol(value.c_str()));
if( r < 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Failed to register enum value");
return -1;
else if( token == "typedef" )
string type, decl;
in::GetToken(engine, type, config, pos);
in::GetToken(engine, decl, config, pos);
decl = decl.substr(1, decl.length() - 2);
r = engine->RegisterTypedef(type.c_str(), decl.c_str());
if( r < 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Failed to register typedef");
return -1;
else if( token == "funcdef" )
string decl;
in::GetToken(engine, decl, config, pos);
decl = decl.substr(1, decl.length() - 2);
r = engine->RegisterFuncdef(decl.c_str());
if( r < 0 )
engine->WriteMessage(configFile, in::GetLineNumber(config, pos), 0, asMSGTYPE_ERROR, "Failed to register funcdef");
return -1;
return 0;
string GetExceptionInfo(asIScriptContext *ctx, bool showStack)
if( ctx->GetState() != asEXECUTION_EXCEPTION ) return "";
stringstream text;
const asIScriptFunction *function = ctx->GetExceptionFunction();
text << "func: " << function->GetDeclaration() << "\n";
text << "modl: " << (function->GetModuleName() ? function->GetModuleName() : "") << "\n";
text << "sect: " << (function->GetScriptSectionName() ? function->GetScriptSectionName() : "") << "\n";
text << "line: " << ctx->GetExceptionLineNumber() << "\n";
text << "desc: " << ctx->GetExceptionString() << "\n";
if( showStack )
text << "--- call stack ---\n";
for( asUINT n = 1; n < ctx->GetCallstackSize(); n++ )
function = ctx->GetFunction(n);
if( function )
if( function->GetFuncType() == asFUNC_SCRIPT )
text << (function->GetScriptSectionName() ? function->GetScriptSectionName() : "") << " (" << ctx->GetLineNumber(n) << "): " << function->GetDeclaration() << "\n";
// The context is being reused by the application for a nested call
text << "{...application...}: " << function->GetDeclaration() << "\n";
// The context is being reused by the script engine for a nested call
text << "{...script engine...}\n";
return text.str();
void ScriptThrow(const string &msg)
asIScriptContext *ctx = asGetActiveContext();
if (ctx)
string ScriptGetExceptionInfo()
asIScriptContext *ctx = asGetActiveContext();
if (!ctx)
return "";
const char *msg = ctx->GetExceptionString();
if (msg == 0)
return "";
return string(msg);
void RegisterExceptionRoutines(asIScriptEngine *engine)
[[maybe_unused]] int r;
// The string type must be available
r = engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void throw(const string &in)", asFUNCTION(ScriptThrow), asCALL_CDECL); assert(r >= 0);
r = engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("string getExceptionInfo()", asFUNCTION(ScriptGetExceptionInfo), asCALL_CDECL); assert(r >= 0);

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
// Avoid having to inform include path if header is already include before
#include <angelscript.h>
// Compare relation between two objects of the same type
int CompareRelation(asIScriptEngine *engine, void *lobj, void *robj, int typeId, int &result);
// Compare equality between two objects of the same type
int CompareEquality(asIScriptEngine *engine, void *lobj, void *robj, int typeId, bool &result);
// Compile and execute simple statements
// The module is optional. If given the statements can access the entities compiled in the module.
// The caller can optionally provide its own context, for example if a context should be reused.
int ExecuteString(asIScriptEngine *engine, const char *code, asIScriptModule *mod = 0, asIScriptContext *ctx = 0);
// Compile and execute simple statements with option of return value
// The module is optional. If given the statements can access the entitites compiled in the module.
// The caller can optionally provide its own context, for example if a context should be reused.
int ExecuteString(asIScriptEngine *engine, const char *code, void *ret, int retTypeId, asIScriptModule *mod = 0, asIScriptContext *ctx = 0);
// Write the registered application interface to a file for an offline compiler.
// The format is compatible with the offline compiler in /sdk/samples/asbuild/.
int WriteConfigToFile(asIScriptEngine *engine, const char *filename);
// Write the registered application interface to a text stream.
int WriteConfigToStream(asIScriptEngine *engine, std::ostream &strm);
// Loads an interface from a text stream and configures the engine with it. This will not
// set the correct function pointers, so it is not possible to use this engine to execute
// scripts, but it can be used to compile scripts and save the byte code.
int ConfigEngineFromStream(asIScriptEngine *engine, std::istream &strm, const char *nameOfStream = "config", asIStringFactory *stringFactory = 0);
// Format the details of the script exception into a human readable text
std::string GetExceptionInfo(asIScriptContext *ctx, bool showStack = false);
// Register the exception routines
// 'void throw(const string &msg)'
// 'string getExceptionInfo()'
void RegisterExceptionRoutines(asIScriptEngine *engine);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
// Script std::string
// This function registers the std::string type with AngelScript to be used as the default string type.
// The string type is registered as a value type, thus may have performance issues if a lot of
// string operations are performed in the script. However, for relatively few operations, this should
// not cause any problem for most applications.
// Avoid having to inform include path if header is already include before
#include <angelscript.h>
#include <string>
// Compilation settings
// Sometimes it may be desired to use the same method names as used by C++ STL.
// This may for example reduce time when converting code from script to C++ or
// back.
// 0 = off
// 1 = on
// Some prefer to use property accessors to get/set the length of the string
// This option registers the accessors instead of the method length()
void RegisterStdString(asIScriptEngine *engine);
void RegisterStdStringUtils(asIScriptEngine *engine);

View File

@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include "scriptstdstring.h"
#include "../scriptarray/scriptarray.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
// This function takes an input string and splits it into parts by looking
// for a specified delimiter. Example:
// string str = "A|B||D";
// array<string>@ array = str.split("|");
// The resulting array has the following elements:
// {"A", "B", "", "D"}
// AngelScript signature:
// array<string>@ string::split(const string &in delim) const
static CScriptArray *StringSplit(const string &delim, const string &str)
// Obtain a pointer to the engine
asIScriptContext *ctx = asGetActiveContext();
asIScriptEngine *engine = ctx->GetEngine();
// TODO: This should only be done once
// TODO: This assumes that CScriptArray was already registered
asITypeInfo *arrayType = engine->GetTypeInfoByDecl("array<string>");
// Create the array object
CScriptArray *array = CScriptArray::Create(arrayType);
// Find the existence of the delimiter in the input string
int pos = 0, prev = 0, count = 0;
while( (pos = (int)str.find(delim, prev)) != (int)string::npos )
// Add the part to the array
((string*)array->At(count))->assign(&str[prev], pos-prev);
// Find the next part
prev = pos + (int)delim.length();
// Add the remaining part
return array;
static void StringSplit_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
// Get the arguments
string *str = (string*)gen->GetObject();
string *delim = *(string**)gen->GetAddressOfArg(0);
// Return the array by handle
*(CScriptArray**)gen->GetAddressOfReturnLocation() = StringSplit(*delim, *str);
// This function takes as input an array of string handles as well as a
// delimiter and concatenates the array elements into one delimited string.
// Example:
// array<string> array = {"A", "B", "", "D"};
// string str = join(array, "|");
// The resulting string is:
// "A|B||D"
// AngelScript signature:
// string join(const array<string> &in array, const string &in delim)
static string StringJoin(const CScriptArray &array, const string &delim)
// Create the new string
string str = "";
if( array.GetSize() )
int n;
for( n = 0; n < (int)array.GetSize() - 1; n++ )
str += *(string*)array.At(n);
str += delim;
// Add the last part
str += *(string*)array.At(n);
return str;
static void StringJoin_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
// Get the arguments
CScriptArray *array = *(CScriptArray**)gen->GetAddressOfArg(0);
string *delim = *(string**)gen->GetAddressOfArg(1);
// Return the string
new(gen->GetAddressOfReturnLocation()) string(StringJoin(*array, *delim));
// This is where the utility functions are registered.
// The string type must have been registered first.
void RegisterStdStringUtils(asIScriptEngine *engine)
[[maybe_unused]] int r;
if( strstr(asGetLibraryOptions(), "AS_MAX_PORTABILITY") )
r = engine->RegisterObjectMethod("string", "array<string>@ split(const string &in) const", asFUNCTION(StringSplit_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC); assert(r >= 0);
r = engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("string join(const array<string> &in, const string &in)", asFUNCTION(StringJoin_Generic), asCALL_GENERIC); assert(r >= 0);
r = engine->RegisterObjectMethod("string", "array<string>@ split(const string &in) const", asFUNCTION(StringSplit), asCALL_CDECL_OBJLAST); assert(r >= 0);
r = engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("string join(const array<string> &in, const string &in)", asFUNCTION(StringJoin), asCALL_CDECL); assert(r >= 0);

extern/doctest.hpp vendored

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#include <CreatureLib/Battling/ScriptHandling/ItemUseScript.hpp>
#include "../../../extern/angelscript_addons/scriptarray/scriptarray.h"
#include <scriptarray/scriptarray.h>
#include "TypeRegistry/NativeArray.hpp"
class AngelScriptResolver;

View File

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
#include <CreatureLib/Battling/Models/Creature.hpp>
#include <filesystem>
#include <regex>
#include "../../../extern/angelscript_addons/scriptdictionary/scriptdictionary.h"
#include "../../../extern/angelscript_addons/scripthandle/scripthandle.h"
#include "../../../extern/angelscript_addons/scripthelper/scripthelper.h"
#include "../../../extern/angelscript_addons/scriptstdstring/scriptstdstring.h"
#include <scriptdictionary/scriptdictionary.h>
#include <scripthandle/scripthandle.h>
#include <scripthelper/scripthelper.h>
#include <scriptstdstring/scriptstdstring.h>
#include "../../Battling/PkmnScriptCategory.hpp"
#include "../../Battling/Pokemon/Pokemon.hpp"
#include "AngelScriptMetadata.hpp"

View File

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
#include <CreatureLib/Battling/ScriptHandling/ScriptResolver.hpp>
#include <mutex>
#include "../../../extern/AngelscriptDebuggerServer/src/AngelscriptDebugger.hpp"
#include <AngelscriptDebuggerServer/AngelscriptDebugger.hpp>
#include "../../../extern/angelscript_addons/scriptbuilder/scriptbuilder.h"
#include <scriptbuilder/scriptbuilder.h>
#include "../../Battling/Library/BattleLibrary.hpp"
#include "AngelScriptEvolutionScript.hpp"

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
#include <CreatureLib/Battling/ScriptHandling/ScriptCategory.hpp>
#include <angelscript.h>
#include "../../../extern/angelscript_addons/scriptarray/scriptarray.h"
#include "../../../extern/angelscript_addons/scripthandle/scripthandle.h"
#include <scriptarray/scriptarray.h>
#include <scripthandle/scripthandle.h>
#include "../../Battling/PkmnScript.hpp"
#include "AngelScriptTypeInfo.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/NativeArray.hpp"

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#include <CreatureLib/Battling/Models/Battle.hpp>
#include <CreatureLib/Battling/Models/BattleSide.hpp>
#include <type_traits>
#include "../../../../../extern/angelscript_addons/scripthandle/scripthandle.h"
#include <scripthandle/scripthandle.h>
#include "../../../../Battling/Battle/Battle.hpp"
#include "../../../../Battling/Pokemon/Pokemon.hpp"
#include "../../AngelScriptResolver.hpp"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "RegisterPokemonClass.hpp"
#include <CreatureLib/Battling/Models/LearnedAttack.hpp>
#include "../../../../../extern/angelscript_addons/scriptarray/scriptarray.h"
#include "../../../../../extern/angelscript_addons/scripthandle/scripthandle.h"
#include <scriptarray/scriptarray.h>
#include <scripthandle/scripthandle.h>
#include "../../../../Battling/PkmnDamageSource.hpp"
#include "../../../../Battling/Pokemon/Pokemon.hpp"
#include "../../AngelScriptResolver.hpp"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../src/Battling/Library/DamageLibrary.hpp"
#include "../../src/Battling/Pokemon/CreatePokemon.hpp"
#include "../TestLibrary/TestLibrary.hpp"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../src/Library/Natures/NatureLibrary.hpp"
#include "../../src/Library/Statistic.hpp"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../src/Library/Species/SpeciesLibrary.hpp"
TEST_CASE("Able to build and destroy empty library") {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../src/Library/Species/PokemonSpecies.hpp"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../src/Battling/Pokemon/CreatePokemon.hpp"
#include "../TestLibrary/TestLibrary.hpp"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include <CreatureLib/Battling/TurnChoices/AttackTurnChoice.hpp>
#include <CreatureLib/Battling/TurnChoices/PassTurnChoice.hpp>
#include "../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../src/Battling/Battle/Battle.hpp"
#include "../../src/Battling/Pokemon/CreatePokemon.hpp"
#include "../../src/Battling/Pokemon/PokemonParty.hpp"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../src/Battling/Library/ExperienceLibrary.hpp"
#include "../../src/Battling/Pokemon/CreatePokemon.hpp"
#include "../TestLibrary/TestLibrary.hpp"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../src/Battling/Pokemon/CreatePokemon.hpp"
#include "../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/AngelScriptResolver.hpp"
#include "../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/ContextPool.hpp"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../src/Battling/Pokemon/CreatePokemon.hpp"
#include "../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/AngelScriptResolver.hpp"
#include "../TestLibrary/TestLibrary.hpp"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include <Arbutils/StringView.hpp>
#include "../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/AngelScriptMetadata.hpp"
TEST_CASE("Metadata without parameters") {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../src/Battling/Pokemon/CreatePokemon.hpp"
#include "../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/AngelScriptResolver.hpp"
#include "../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/ContextPool.hpp"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/AngelScriptResolver.hpp"
#include "../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/ContextPool.hpp"
#include "../TestLibrary/TestLibrary.hpp"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../../../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../../../src/Battling/Battle/Battle.hpp"
#include "../../../../src/Battling/Pokemon/CreatePokemon.hpp"
#include "../../../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/AngelScriptResolver.hpp"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../../../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../../../src/Battling/Pokemon/CreatePokemon.hpp"
#include "../../../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/AngelScriptResolver.hpp"
#include "../../../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/ContextPool.hpp"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../../../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/AngelScriptResolver.hpp"
#include "../../../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/ContextPool.hpp"
#include "../../../TestLibrary/TestLibrary.hpp"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../../../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/AngelScriptResolver.hpp"
#include "../../../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/ContextPool.hpp"
#include "../../../TestLibrary/TestLibrary.hpp"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../../../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/AngelScriptResolver.hpp"
#include "../../../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/ContextPool.hpp"
#include "../../../TestLibrary/TestLibrary.hpp"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../../../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/AngelScriptResolver.hpp"
#include "../../../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/ContextPool.hpp"
#include "../../../TestLibrary/TestLibrary.hpp"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../../../../extern/doctest.hpp"
#include <doctest.h>
#include "../../../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/AngelScriptResolver.hpp"
#include "../../../../src/ScriptResolving/AngelScript/ContextPool.hpp"
#include "../../../TestLibrary/TestLibrary.hpp"