
124 lines
3.7 KiB
Executable File

use std::sync::{Arc, LazyLock};
use hashbrown::{HashMap, HashSet};
use crate::static_data::Form;
use crate::static_data::Gender;
use crate::Random;
use crate::StringKey;
/// The data belonging to a Pokemon with certain characteristics.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "wasm", derive(unique_type_id_derive::UniqueTypeId))]
pub struct Species {
/// The national dex identifier of the Pokemon.
id: u16,
/// The name of the Pokemon.
name: StringKey,
/// The chance between 0.0 and 1.0 that a Pokemon is female.
gender_rate: f32,
/// How much experience is required for a level.
growth_rate: StringKey,
/// How hard it is to capture a Pokemon. 255 means this will be always caught, 0 means this is
/// uncatchable.
capture_rate: u8,
/// The forms that belong to this Pokemon.
forms: HashMap<StringKey, Arc<Form>>,
/// The arbitrary flags that can be set on a Pokemon for script use.
flags: HashSet<StringKey>,
/// A cached String Key to get the default form.
static DEFAULT_KEY: LazyLock<StringKey> = LazyLock::new(|| StringKey::new("default"));
/// Gets the StringKey for "default". Initialises it if it does not exist.
fn get_default_key() -> StringKey {
impl Species {
/// Creates a new species.
pub fn new(
id: u16,
name: &StringKey,
gender_rate: f32,
growth_rate: &StringKey,
capture_rate: u8,
default_form: Form,
flags: HashSet<StringKey>,
) -> Species {
let mut forms = HashMap::with_capacity(1);
forms.insert_unique_unchecked(get_default_key(), Arc::new(default_form));
Species {
name: name.clone(),
growth_rate: growth_rate.clone(),
/// The national dex identifier of the Pokemon.
pub fn id(&self) -> u16 {
/// The name of the Pokemon.
pub fn name(&self) -> &StringKey {
/// The chance between 0.0 and 1.0 that a Pokemon is female.
pub fn gender_rate(&self) -> f32 {
/// How much experience is required for a level.
pub fn growth_rate(&self) -> &StringKey {
/// How hard it is to capture a Pokemon. 255 means this will be always caught, 0 means this is
/// uncatchable.
pub fn capture_rate(&self) -> u8 {
/// The forms that belong to this Pokemon.
pub fn forms(&self) -> &HashMap<StringKey, Arc<Form>> {
/// The arbitrary flags that can be set on a Pokemon for script use.
pub fn flags(&self) -> &HashSet<StringKey> {
/// Adds a new form to the species.
pub fn add_form(&mut self, id: StringKey, form: Form) {
self.forms.insert(id, Arc::new(form));
/// Gets a form by name.
pub fn get_form(&self, id: &StringKey) -> Option<&Arc<Form>> {
/// Gets the form the Pokemon will have by default, if no other form is specified.
pub fn get_default_form(&self) -> &Arc<Form> {
/// Gets a random gender.
pub fn get_random_gender(&self, rand: &mut Random) -> Gender {
if self.gender_rate < 0.0 {
} else if rand.get_float() >= self.gender_rate {
} else {
/// Check whether the Pokemon has a specific flag set.
pub fn has_flag(&self, key: &StringKey) -> bool {