
159 lines
5.6 KiB

use crate::static_data::Nature;
use crate::{Random, StringKey};
use anyhow::bail;
use anyhow_ext::{ensure, Result};
use indexmap::IndexMap;
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::sync::Arc;
/// A library of all natures that can be used, stored by their names.
pub trait NatureLibrary: Debug {
/// Adds a new nature with name to the library.
fn load_nature(&self, name: StringKey, nature: Arc<dyn Nature>);
/// Gets a nature by name.
fn get_nature(&self, key: &StringKey) -> Option<Arc<dyn Nature>>;
/// Gets a random nature.
fn get_random_nature(&self, rand: &mut Random) -> Result<Arc<dyn Nature>>;
/// Finds a nature name by nature.
fn get_nature_name(&self, nature: &Arc<dyn Nature>) -> Result<StringKey>;
/// A library of all natures that can be used, stored by their names.
pub struct NatureLibraryImpl {
/// The underlying data structure.
map: RwLock<IndexMap<StringKey, Arc<dyn Nature>>>,
impl NatureLibraryImpl {
/// Creates a new nature library with a given capacity.
pub fn new(capacity: usize) -> Self {
Self {
map: RwLock::new(IndexMap::with_capacity(capacity)),
impl NatureLibrary for NatureLibraryImpl {
/// Adds a new nature with name to the library.
fn load_nature(&self, name: StringKey, nature: Arc<dyn Nature>) {, nature);
/// Gets a nature by name.
fn get_nature(&self, key: &StringKey) -> Option<Arc<dyn Nature>> {
fn get_random_nature(&self, rand: &mut Random) -> Result<Arc<dyn Nature>> {
let map =;
ensure!(!map.is_empty(), "No natures were loaded into the library.");
let i = rand.get_between(0, map.len() as i32);
.get_index(i as usize)
// this should never happen, but we'll check anyway.
.ok_or(anyhow_ext::anyhow!("Failed to get a random nature from the library."))?
/// Finds a nature name by nature.
fn get_nature_name(&self, nature: &Arc<dyn Nature>) -> Result<StringKey> {
let read_lock =;
for kv in read_lock.iter() {
// As natures can't be copied, and should always be the same reference as the value
// in the map, we just compare by reference.
if kv.1.eq(nature.deref()) {
return Ok(kv.0.clone());
bail!("No name was found for the given nature. The nature may not be in the library.");
pub mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::static_data::statistics::Statistic;
use crate::static_data::{NatureImpl, NatureLibrary, NatureLibraryImpl};
pub fn build() -> NatureLibraryImpl {
let lib = NatureLibraryImpl::new(2);
NatureImpl::new(Statistic::HP, Statistic::Attack, 1.1, 0.9),
mockall::mock! {
pub NatureLibrary{}
impl NatureLibrary for NatureLibrary {
fn load_nature(&self, name: StringKey, nature: Arc<dyn Nature>);
fn get_nature(&self, key: &StringKey) -> Option<Arc<dyn Nature>>;
fn get_nature_name(&self, nature: &Arc<dyn Nature>) -> Result<StringKey>;
fn get_random_nature(&self, rand: &mut Random) -> Result<Arc<dyn Nature>>;
fn create_nature_library_insert_and_retrieve() {
let lib = NatureLibraryImpl::new(2);
NatureImpl::new(Statistic::HP, Statistic::Attack, 1.1, 0.9),
NatureImpl::new(Statistic::Attack, Statistic::Defense, 1.1, 0.9),
let n1 = lib.get_nature(&"foo".into()).expect("Nature was not found");
assert_eq!(n1.increased_stat(), Statistic::HP);
assert_eq!(n1.decreased_stat(), Statistic::Attack);
assert_eq!(n1.get_stat_modifier(n1.increased_stat()), 1.1);
assert_eq!(n1.get_stat_modifier(n1.decreased_stat()), 0.9);
fn create_nature_library_insert_and_get_name() {
let lib = NatureLibraryImpl::new(2);
NatureImpl::new(Statistic::HP, Statistic::Attack, 1.1, 0.9),
NatureImpl::new(Statistic::Attack, Statistic::Defense, 1.1, 0.9),
let n1 = lib.get_nature(&"foo".into()).expect("Nature was not found");
let name = lib.get_nature_name(&n1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(name, "foo".into());
let n2 = lib.get_nature(&"bar".into()).expect("Nature was not found");
let name2 = lib.get_nature_name(&n2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(name2, "bar".into());
fn create_nature_library_insert_single_and_retrieve_random() {
let lib = NatureLibraryImpl::new(2);
NatureImpl::new(Statistic::HP, Statistic::Attack, 1.1, 0.9),
let n1 = lib.get_random_nature(&mut Random::new(0)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(n1.increased_stat(), Statistic::HP);
assert_eq!(n1.decreased_stat(), Statistic::Attack);
assert_eq!(n1.get_stat_modifier(n1.increased_stat()), 1.1);
assert_eq!(n1.get_stat_modifier(n1.decreased_stat()), 0.9);