
101 lines
5.5 KiB

#include "BasicScriptClass.hpp"
#include <Arbutils/Ensure.hpp>
void BasicScriptClass::Register(asIScriptEngine* engine) {
// As far as I am aware at the moment you can't create an abstract class with virtual members through the
// application registry interface. As such, we just create it from string.
int r = engine->GetModuleByIndex(0)->AddScriptSection("PkmnScript", R"(
shared abstract class PkmnScript {
private ref@ __owner;
protected ref@& GetOwner() { return __owner; };
// CreatureLib methods
void OnInitialize(const BattleLibrary@ library, const narray<EffectParameter@>@ parameters){};
void Stack(){};
void OnRemove(){};
void OnBeforeTurn(BaseTurnChoice@ choice){};
void ChangeAttack(MoveTurnChoice@ choice, constString& changedMove){};
void ModifyNumberOfHits(MoveTurnChoice@ choice, uint8& result){};
void PreventAttack(ExecutingMove@ attack, bool& result){};
void FailAttack(ExecutingMove@ attack, bool& result){};
void StopBeforeAttack(ExecutingMove@ attack, bool& result){};
void OnBeforeAttack(ExecutingMove@ attack){};
void FailIncomingAttack(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, bool& result){};
void IsInvulnerable(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, bool& result){};
void OnAttackMiss(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target){};
void ChangeAttackType(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, uint8& outType){};
void ChangeEffectiveness(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, float& effectiveness){};
void BlockCritical(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, bool& blockCritical){};
void OnIncomingHit(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit){};
void OnFaintingOpponent(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit){};
void PreventStatBoostChange(Pokemon@ target, Statistic stat, int8 amount, bool& prevent){};
void ModifyStatBoostChange(Pokemon@ target, Statistic stat, int8& amount){};
void PreventSecondaryEffects(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, bool& outResult){};
void OnSecondaryEffect(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit){};
void OnAfterHits(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target){};
void PreventSelfSwitch(SwitchTurnChoice@ choice, bool& prevented){};
void ModifyEffectChance(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, float& chance){};
void ModifyIncomingEffectChance(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, float& chance){};
void OverrideBasePower(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, uint8& basePower){};
void ChangeDamageStatsUser(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, Pokemon@& user){};
void BypassDefensiveStat(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, bool& bypass){};
void BypassOffensiveStat(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, bool& bypass){};
void ModifyStatModifier(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, float& modifier){};
void ModifyDamageModifier(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, float& modifier){};
void OverrideDamage(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, uint& damage){};
void OverrideIncomingDamage(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, uint& damage){};
void ChangePriority(MoveTurnChoice@ choice, int8& priority){};
void OnFail(Pokemon@ user){};
void OnOpponentFail(Pokemon@ user){};
void PreventRunAway(FleeTurnChoice@ choice, bool& result){};
void PreventOpponentRunAway(FleeTurnChoice@ choice, bool& result){};
void PreventOpponentSwitch(SwitchTurnChoice@ choice, bool& result){};
void OnEndTurn(){};
void OnDamage(Pokemon@ pokemon, DamageSource damageSource, uint oldHealth, uint newHealth){};
void OnFaint(Pokemon@ pokemon, DamageSource damageSource){};
void OnAfterHeldItemConsume(Pokemon@ target, const Item@ item){};
// PkmnLib methods
void PreventIncomingCritical(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, bool& preventCrit){};
void ModifyCriticalStage(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, uint8& critStage){};
void OverrideCriticalModifier(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, float& critModifier){};
void OverrideSTABModifier(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, float& stabModifier){};
void ModifyExperienceGain(Pokemon@ faintedMon, Pokemon@ winningMon, uint32& critStage){};
void DoesShareExperience(Pokemon@ faintedMon, Pokemon@ winningMon, bool& shareExperience){};
void BlockWeather(Battle@ battle, bool& blockWeather){};
void OnSwitchIn(Pokemon@ pokemon){};
void ModifyOffensiveStatValue(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, float& offensiveStatValue){};
void ModifyDefensiveStatValue(ExecutingMove@ attack, Pokemon@ target, uint8 hit, float& defensiveStatValue){};
Ensure(r >= 0);
r = engine->GetModuleByIndex(0)->AddScriptSection("ItemUseScript", R"(
shared abstract class ItemUseScript {
void OnInitialize(const narray<EffectParameter@>@ parameters){};
bool IsItemUsable() { return false; };
bool IsPokemonUseItem() { return false; };
bool IsUseValidForPokemon(Pokemon@ target) { return false; };
bool IsHoldable() { return false; }
void OnUse(Battle@ battle) { };
void OnPokemonUse(Pokemon@ target, bool isBattle) { };
Ensure(r >= 0);
r = engine->GetModuleByIndex(0)->AddScriptSection("EvolutionScript", R"(
shared abstract class EvolutionScript {
void DoesEvolveFromLevelUp(bool& out, const EvolutionData@ evoData, const Pokemon@ pokemon) { };
Ensure(r >= 0);