
499 lines
20 KiB

#include "AngelScriptResolver.hpp"
#include <CreatureLib/Battling/Models/Creature.hpp>
#include <filesystem>
#include <regex>
#include <scriptdictionary/scriptdictionary.h>
#include <scripthandle/scripthandle.h>
#include <scripthelper/scripthelper.h>
#include <scriptmath/scriptmath.h>
#include <scriptstdstring/scriptstdstring.h>
#include "AngelScriptMetadata.hpp"
#include "AngelscriptUserdata.hpp"
#include "ByteCodeHandling/FileByteCodeStream.hpp"
#include "ByteCodeHandling/MemoryByteCodeStream.hpp"
#include "ContextPool.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/BasicScriptClass.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/Battling/RegisterBattleClass.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/Battling/RegisterBattleHistory.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/Battling/RegisterBattleLibrary.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/Battling/RegisterExecutingAttack.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/Battling/RegisterParty.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/Battling/RegisterPokemonClass.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/Battling/RegisterTurnChoices.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/ConstString.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/HelperFile.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/Library/RegisterEffectParameter.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/Library/RegisterGrowthRateTypes.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/Library/RegisterItemTypes.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/Library/RegisterMoveTypes.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/Library/RegisterSpeciesTypes.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/Library/RegisterStaticLibraryTypes.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/Library/RegisterTypeLibrary.hpp"
#include "TypeRegistry/NativeArray.hpp"
PkmnLib::Battling::ScriptResolver* PkmnLib::Battling::BattleLibrary::CreateScriptResolver() {
return new AngelScriptResolver();
static void TranslateException(asIScriptContext* ctx, void* /*userParam*/) {
try {
// Retrow the original exception so we can catch it again
} catch (ArbUt::Exception& e) {
// Tell the VM the type of exception that occurred
} catch (std::exception& e) {
// Tell the VM the type of exception that occurred
} catch (...) {
// The callback must not allow any exception to be thrown, but it is not necessary
// to explicitly set an exception string if the default exception string is sufficient
AngelScriptResolver::AngelScriptResolver() : _userData(new AngelscriptUserdata(this)) {}
AngelScriptResolver::~AngelScriptResolver() {
for (const auto& ius : _itemUseScripts) {
delete ius.second;
delete _contextPool;
for (const auto& category : _typeDatabase) {
for (const auto& type : category.second) {
delete type.second;
delete _userData;
void AngelScriptResolver::Initialize(CreatureLib::Battling::BattleLibrary* arg, bool includeStandard) {
for (auto scriptCategory : ScriptCategoryHelper::GetValues()) {
_typeDatabase.Insert(scriptCategory, {});
for (auto scriptCategory : PkmnScriptCategoryHelper::GetValues()) {
_typeDatabase.Insert(static_cast<ScriptCategory>(scriptCategory), {});
auto library = (PkmnLib::Battling::BattleLibrary*)arg;
_engine = asCreateScriptEngine();
_engine->SetTranslateAppExceptionCallback(asFUNCTION(TranslateException), 0, asCALL_CDECL);
int32_t r = _engine->SetMessageCallback(asFUNCTION(MessageCallback), nullptr, asCALL_CDECL);
if (r < 0)
throw ArbUt::Exception("Registering message callback failed.");
_engine->SetEngineProperty(asEP_DISALLOW_EMPTY_LIST_ELEMENTS, true);
_engine->SetEngineProperty(asEP_DISALLOW_VALUE_ASSIGN_FOR_REF_TYPE, false);
_engine->SetEngineProperty(asEP_ALLOW_UNSAFE_REFERENCES, true);
_engine->SetEngineProperty(asEP_ALWAYS_IMPL_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCT, true);
_engine->SetEngineProperty(asEP_AUTO_GARBAGE_COLLECT, false);
_engine->SetEngineProperty(asEP_REQUIRE_ENUM_SCOPE, true);
_engine->SetEngineProperty(asEP_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR_MODE, 2);
_engine->SetEngineProperty(asEP_COMPILER_WARNINGS, 2);
if (includeStandard) {
// Register Script Array type
RegisterScriptArray(_engine, true);
r = _engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void print(const string &in)", asFUNCTION(Print), asCALL_CDECL);
if (r < 0)
throw ArbUt::Exception("Registering print function failed.");
r = _engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void print(const constString &in)", asFUNCTION(PrintConst), asCALL_CDECL);
if (r < 0)
throw ArbUt::Exception("Registering print function failed.");
_builder.SetIncludeCallback(IncludeCallback, this);
_builder.StartNewModule(_engine, "pkmn");
_mainModule = _builder.GetModule();
if (library != nullptr) {
auto& staticLib = library->GetStaticLib();
_engine->RegisterGlobalProperty("const StaticLibrary@ StaticLib", (void*)staticLib.get());
_contextPool = new ContextPool(this, _userData);
void AngelScriptResolver::RegisterTypes() {
// Register static library types
// Register battle types
// Predeclare these two types, and declare their implementation later.
[[maybe_unused]] int r = _engine->RegisterObjectType("Battle", 0, asOBJ_REF | asOBJ_NOCOUNT);
Ensure(r >= 0);
r = _engine->RegisterObjectType("BattleSide", 0, asOBJ_REF | asOBJ_NOCOUNT);
Ensure(r >= 0);
// Register base script
void AngelScriptResolver::MessageCallback(const asSMessageInfo* msg, void*) {
const char* type = "ERR ";
if (msg->type == asMSGTYPE_WARNING)
type = "WARN";
else if (msg->type == asMSGTYPE_INFORMATION)
type = "INFO";
printf("%s (%d, %d) : %s : %s\n", msg->section, msg->row, msg->col, type, msg->message);
CreatureLib::Battling::BattleScript* AngelScriptResolver::LoadScript(const ArbUt::OptionalBorrowedPtr<void>& owner,
ScriptCategory category,
const ArbUt::StringView& scriptName) {
ArbUt::Dictionary<ArbUt::StringView, AngelScriptTypeInfo*> innerDb;
auto v = _typeDatabase.TryGet(category);
if (!v.has_value()) {
innerDb.Insert(scriptName, nullptr);
_typeDatabase.Insert(category, innerDb);
return nullptr;
} else {
innerDb = v.value();
auto t = innerDb.TryGet(scriptName);
if (!t.has_value()) {
innerDb.Insert(scriptName, nullptr);
return nullptr;
if (t.value() == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
auto ctx = _contextPool->RequestContext();
auto obj = const_cast<AngelScriptTypeInfo*>(t.value().get())->Instantiate(ctx);
auto ownerType = GetScriptOwnerType(category);
return new AngelScriptScript(owner, ownerType, this, t.value(), obj, _contextPool);
CreatureLib::Battling::ItemUseScript* AngelScriptResolver::LoadItemScript(const CreatureLib::Library::Item* item) {
auto v = this->_itemUseScripts.TryGet(item);
if (v.has_value()) {
return v.value();
if (!item->GetEffect().HasValue()) {
return nullptr;
auto typeInfoOption = _itemUseTypes.TryGet(item->GetEffect().GetValue()->GetEffectName());
if (!typeInfoOption.has_value()) {
return nullptr;
auto* ctx = _contextPool->RequestContext();
auto factory = typeInfoOption.value().get()->GetFactoryByIndex(0);
auto result = ctx->Execute();
if (result != asEXECUTION_FINISHED) {
throw ArbUt::Exception("Instantiation failed.");
asIScriptObject* obj = *(asIScriptObject**)ctx->GetAddressOfReturnValue();
auto scriptObject = new AngelScriptItemUseScript(obj, this);
_itemUseScripts.Insert(item, scriptObject);
return scriptObject;
ArbUt::OptionalBorrowedPtr<const PkmnLib::Battling::EvolutionScript>
AngelScriptResolver::LoadEvolutionScript(const ArbUt::StringView& view) {
auto v = this->_evolutionScripts.TryGet(view);
if (v.has_value()) {
return v.value().get();
auto typeInfoOption = _evolutionTypes.TryGet(view);
if (!typeInfoOption.has_value()) {
return nullptr;
auto* ctx = _contextPool->RequestContext();
auto* factory = typeInfoOption.value().get()->GetFactoryByIndex(0);
auto result = ctx->Execute();
if (result != asEXECUTION_FINISHED) {
throw ArbUt::Exception("Instantiation failed.");
asIScriptObject* obj = *(asIScriptObject**)ctx->GetAddressOfReturnValue();
auto* scriptObject = new AngelScriptEvolutionScript(obj, this);
_evolutionScripts.Insert(view, scriptObject);
return scriptObject;
void AngelScriptResolver::FinalizeModule() {
int r = _builder.BuildModule();
if (r < 0)
throw ArbUt::Exception("Building Script Module failed.");
asUINT count = _mainModule->GetObjectTypeCount();
std::regex metadataMatcher(R"(^\s*(\w+)([\w\s=]*)$)", std::regex_constants::icase);
std::regex variableMatcher(R"(\s*(\w+)=(\w+))", std::regex_constants::icase);
std::smatch base_match;
auto pkmnScriptType = _mainModule->GetTypeInfoByName("PkmnScript");
auto itemUseScriptType = _mainModule->GetTypeInfoByName("ItemUseScript");
auto evolutionScriptType = _mainModule->GetTypeInfoByName("EvolutionScript");
for (asUINT n = 0; n < count; n++) {
auto typeInfo = _mainModule->GetObjectTypeByIndex(n);
if (typeInfo->DerivesFrom(pkmnScriptType)) {
auto metadata = _builder.GetMetadataForType(typeInfo->GetTypeId());
for (auto& m : metadata) {
auto data = AngelscriptMetadata(m);
RegisterScriptType(typeInfo, data.GetIdentifier(),
} else if (typeInfo->DerivesFrom(itemUseScriptType)) {
auto metadata = _builder.GetMetadataForType(typeInfo->GetTypeId());
for (auto& m : metadata) {
auto data = AngelscriptMetadata(m);
_itemUseTypes.Insert(ArbUt::StringView(data.GetParameter("effect"_cnc).c_str()), typeInfo);
} else if (typeInfo->DerivesFrom(evolutionScriptType)) {
auto metadata = _builder.GetMetadataForType(typeInfo->GetTypeId());
for (auto& m : metadata) {
auto data = AngelscriptMetadata(m);
_evolutionTypes.Insert(ArbUt::StringView(data.GetParameter("effect"_cnc).c_str()), typeInfo);
void AngelScriptResolver::RegisterScriptType(asITypeInfo* typeInfo, const ArbUt::StringView& metadataKind,
const ArbUt::StringView& effectName) {
if (effectName.IsEmpty()) {
switch (metadataKind) {
case "Move"_cnc:
_typeDatabase[ScriptCategory::Attack].Insert(effectName, new AngelScriptTypeInfo(effectName, typeInfo));
case "Pokemon"_cnc:
_typeDatabase[ScriptCategory::Creature].Insert(effectName, new AngelScriptTypeInfo(effectName, typeInfo));
case "Ability"_cnc:
_typeDatabase[ScriptCategory::Talent].Insert(effectName, new AngelScriptTypeInfo(effectName, typeInfo));
case "Status"_cnc:
_typeDatabase[ScriptCategory::Status].Insert(effectName, new AngelScriptTypeInfo(effectName, typeInfo));
case "Battle"_cnc:
_typeDatabase[ScriptCategory::Battle].Insert(effectName, new AngelScriptTypeInfo(effectName, typeInfo));
case "Side"_cnc:
_typeDatabase[ScriptCategory::Side].Insert(effectName, new AngelScriptTypeInfo(effectName, typeInfo));
case "ItemBattleTrigger"_cnc:
new AngelScriptTypeInfo(effectName, typeInfo));
case "Weather"_cnc:
effectName, new AngelScriptTypeInfo(effectName, typeInfo));
void AngelScriptResolver::CreateScript(const char* name, const char* script) {
_builder.AddSectionFromMemory(name, script);
void AngelScriptResolver::WriteByteCodeToFile(const char* file, bool stripDebugInfo) {
FILE* wFile = nullptr;
// Open file in write binary mode.
wFile = fopen(file, "wb");
// Ensure we opened it.
// Save the initial position, as we need to write here later.
fpos_t startPos;
fgetpos(wFile, &startPos);
// The first 8 bytes are the position of the data for which script name is which script decl.
// We don't know this position yet, so we write an empty value here. We write a size of 8, to accommodate an
// unsigned long.
uint64_t byteCodeSizeArr[]{0};
fwrite(byteCodeSizeArr, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, wFile);
// We initialize a stream, with no bounds (as this is a read thing)
auto stream = new FileByteCodeStream(wFile, SIZE_MAX);
// And save the angelscript byte code.
_mainModule->SaveByteCode(stream, stripDebugInfo);
// We grab the current position of the written file. This is the position the types will be written on. So we need
// to know this.
uint64_t bytecodeSize = (uint64_t)ftell(wFile);
stream->WriteTypes(_typeDatabase, _itemUseTypes, _evolutionTypes);
// Go back to the start of the file
fsetpos(wFile, &startPos);
// And write the actual position the types are at.
byteCodeSizeArr[0] = bytecodeSize;
fwrite(byteCodeSizeArr, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, wFile);
// Close the file
Ensure(fclose(wFile) == 0);
delete stream;
void AngelScriptResolver::LoadByteCodeFromFile(const char* file) {
FILE* rFile = nullptr;
// Open the file in read binary mode
rFile = fopen(file, "rb");
// Ensure it opened
// the first 8 bytes are position of the types database, everything before that is the angelscript byte code.
uint64_t byteCodeSize[]{0};
fread(byteCodeSize, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, rFile);
// Initialize a stream, with the earlier found bounds.
auto stream = new FileByteCodeStream(rFile, byteCodeSize[0] - 1);
// And load the angelscript byte code.
int result = _mainModule->LoadByteCode(stream);
// Ensure we succeeded in this.
Ensure(result == asSUCCESS);
// Begin loading the type database
auto types = stream->ReadTypes();
Ensure(fclose(rFile) == 0);
delete stream;
uint8_t* AngelScriptResolver::WriteByteCodeToMemory(size_t& size, bool stripDebugInfo) {
auto stream = new MemoryByteCodeStream();
size_t byteCodeSize[]{0};
stream->Write(byteCodeSize, sizeof(uint64_t));
auto result = _mainModule->SaveByteCode(stream, stripDebugInfo);
Ensure(result == asSUCCESS);
byteCodeSize[0] = (uint64_t)stream->GetWrittenSize();
stream->WriteTypes(_typeDatabase, _itemUseTypes, _evolutionTypes);
stream->WriteToPosition(byteCodeSize, sizeof(uint64_t), 0);
auto arr = stream->GetOut();
size = stream->GetWrittenSize();
arr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(realloc(arr, size * sizeof(uint8_t)));
delete stream;
return arr;
void AngelScriptResolver::LoadByteCodeFromMemory(uint8_t* byte, size_t size) {
auto stream = new MemoryByteCodeStream(byte, size);
uint64_t byteCodeSizeArr[]{0};
stream->Read(byteCodeSizeArr, sizeof(uint64_t));
// And load the angelscript byte code.
int result = _mainModule->LoadByteCode(stream);
// Ensure we succeeded in this.
Ensure(result == asSUCCESS);
// Begin loading the type database
auto types = stream->ReadTypes();
delete stream;
void AngelScriptResolver::InitializeByteCode(
const ArbUt::Dictionary<i16, ArbUt::Dictionary<ArbUt::StringView, uint32_t>>& types) {
auto typeCount = _mainModule->GetObjectTypeCount();
ArbUt::Dictionary<uint32_t, asITypeInfo*> objectTypes;
for (asUINT i = 0; i < typeCount; i++) {
auto t = _mainModule->GetObjectTypeByIndex(i);
objectTypes.Set(ArbUt::StringView::CalculateHash(t->GetName()), t);
ArbUt::Dictionary<ScriptCategory, ArbUt::Dictionary<ArbUt::StringView, AngelScriptTypeInfo*>> typeDatabase;
for (const auto& innerDb : types) {
if (innerDb.first >= 0 && innerDb.first <= 255) {
ArbUt::Dictionary<ArbUt::StringView, AngelScriptTypeInfo*> newInnerDb;
for (const auto& val : innerDb.second) {
auto decl = val.second;
auto type = objectTypes[decl];
newInnerDb.Set(val.first, new AngelScriptTypeInfo(val.first, type));
typeDatabase.Set((ScriptCategory)innerDb.first, newInnerDb);
} else {
if (innerDb.first == -1) {
for (const auto& val : innerDb.second) {
auto decl = val.second;
auto type = objectTypes[decl];
_itemUseTypes.Set(val.first, type);
} else if (innerDb.first == -2) {
for (const auto& val : innerDb.second) {
auto decl = val.second;
auto type = objectTypes[decl];
_evolutionTypes.Set(val.first, type);
} else {
THROW("Resolving unknown script category value: ", innerDb.first);
_typeDatabase = typeDatabase;
i32 AngelScriptResolver::IncludeCallback(const char* include, const char*, CScriptBuilder* builder, void* userParam) {
auto* r = reinterpret_cast<AngelScriptResolver*>(userParam);
// If source directory is not set, bail out.
if (r->_sourceDirectory.empty()) {
return -100;
auto root = std::filesystem::path(r->_sourceDirectory);
// Resolve any special operators, to get the actual path.
auto path = (root / std::filesystem::path(include)).lexically_normal();
// Validate the path is inside the root directory. If not, bail out.
auto [rootEnd, nothing] = std::mismatch(root.begin(), root.end(), path.begin());
if (rootEnd != root.end()) {
return -101;
// If the file doesn't exist, bail out.
if (!std::filesystem::exists(path)) {
return -102;
return builder->AddSectionFromFile((const char*)path.c_str());
void AngelScriptResolver::Reset(CreatureLib::Battling::BattleLibrary* library) {
for (const auto& ius : _itemUseScripts) {
delete ius.second;
delete _contextPool;
for (const auto& category : _typeDatabase) {
for (const auto& type : category.second) {
delete type.second;
delete _userData;
_userData = new AngelscriptUserdata(this);