
97 lines
2.7 KiB

extern crate alloc;
extern crate core;
extern crate wee_alloc;
static ALLOC: wee_alloc::WeeAlloc = wee_alloc::WeeAlloc::INIT;
use crate::app_interface::list::ImmutableList;
use crate::app_interface::{BaseTurnChoice, BattleLibrary, EffectParameter, StringKey};
pub(crate) use crate::handling::extern_ref::*;
use crate::handling::ffi_array::FFIArray;
use crate::handling::{Script, ScriptCapabilities, ScriptCategory};
use alloc::boxed::Box;
pub mod app_interface;
pub mod handling;
pub mod utils;
pub type LoadScriptFnType = Box<dyn Fn(ScriptCategory, &StringKey) -> Option<Box<dyn Script>>>;
static mut LOAD_SCRIPT_FN: Option<LoadScriptFnType> = None;
pub fn set_load_script_fn(f: LoadScriptFnType) {
unsafe {
extern "wasm" fn load_script(category: ScriptCategory, name: ExternRef<StringKey>) -> u32 {
let name_c = StringKey::new(name);
let boxed_script = unsafe { &LOAD_SCRIPT_FN }.as_ref().unwrap()(category, &name_c);
if boxed_script.is_none() {
return 0;
let b = Box::new(boxed_script.unwrap());
Box::into_raw(b) as u32
unsafe extern "wasm" fn destroy_script(script: *mut u8) {
// By turning it from a raw pointer back into a Box with from_raw, we give ownership back to rust.
// This lets Rust do the cleanup.
let boxed_script = Box::from_raw(script as *mut Box<dyn Script>);
unsafe extern "wasm" fn get_script_capabilities(
script: *const Box<dyn Script>,
) -> FFIArray<ScriptCapabilities> {
let c = script.as_ref().unwrap().get_capabilities();
unsafe extern "wasm" fn script_on_initialize(
script: *const Box<dyn Script>,
library: ExternRef<BattleLibrary>,
parameters: VecExternRef<EffectParameter>,
) {
let lib = BattleLibrary::new(library);
let parameters = ImmutableList::from_ref(parameters);
.on_initialize(&lib, Some(parameters));
unsafe extern "wasm" fn script_on_before_turn(
script: *const Box<dyn Script>,
choice: ExternRef<BaseTurnChoice>,
) {