1574 lines
58 KiB
1574 lines
58 KiB
* See Copyright Notice in atomorph.h
#include "atomorph.h"
namespace am {
morph::morph() {
std::default_random_engine e(0);
e1 = e;
morph::~morph() {
void morph::clear() {
while (!frames.empty()) {
frame f = frames.begin()->second;
while (!f.blobs.empty()) {
delete f.blobs.back();
while (!chains.empty()) {
chain c = chains.begin()->second;
identifier= 0;
energy = 0.0;
bbox_x1 = UINT16_MAX;
bbox_y1 = UINT16_MAX;
bbox_x2 = 0;
bbox_y2 = 0;
if (worker.is_running()) {
if (fluid) delete fluid;
void morph::compute() {
if (is_busy()) return;
if (worker.is_running()) worker.resume();
else worker.start();
void morph::iterate(size_t iterations) {
if (is_busy()) return;
if (worker.is_running()) worker.resume(iterations);
else worker.start (iterations);
void morph::compute(double seconds) {
if (is_busy()) return;
if (worker.is_running()) worker.resume(seconds);
else worker.start(seconds);
void morph::suspend() {
while (is_busy()) {
// Attempt to suspend the worker.
bool morph::suspend(double timeout) {
if (!is_busy()) return true;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point t_start, t_end;
t_start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
while (1) {
// Attempt to suspend the worker.
if (worker.is_paused()) break;
t_end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
if (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(t_end - t_start).count() > (timeout * 1000000000)) {
return false;
return true;
bool morph::synchronize() {
if (!worker.is_paused()) return false;
if (worker.get_seed() != seed) worker.set_seed(seed);
worker.set_blob_delimiter (blob_delimiter);
worker.set_blob_threshold (blob_threshold);
worker.set_blob_max_size (blob_max_size);
worker.set_blob_min_size (blob_min_size);
worker.set_blob_box_grip (blob_box_grip);
worker.set_blob_number (blob_number);
worker.set_degeneration (degeneration);
worker.set_density (density);
worker.set_threads (threads);
worker.set_cycle_length (cycle_length);
worker.set_bbox(bbox_x1, bbox_y1, bbox_x2, bbox_y2);
worker.set_blob_weights(blob_rgba_weight, blob_size_weight, blob_xy_weight);
if (identifier != worker.get_identifier()) {
// Reset everything.
std::map<size_t, frame>::iterator it;
for (it=frames.begin(); it!=frames.end(); ++it) {
worker.set_frame(it->first, &(it->second));
if (fluid) delete fluid;
fluid = nullptr;
// Load results.
state = worker.get_state();
energy = worker.get_energy();
std::map<size_t, frame>::iterator fit;
for (fit=frames.begin(); fit!=frames.end(); ++fit) {
frame *to = &(fit->second);
frame *from = worker.get_frame(fit->first);
while (!to->blobs.empty()) {
delete to->blobs.back();
for (size_t i=0; i<from->blobs.size(); ++i) {
blob* b= from->blobs[i];
if (!b) continue;
blob* new_blob = new blob;
new_blob->index = to->blobs.size();
new_blob->r = b->r;
new_blob->g = b->g;
new_blob->b = b->b;
new_blob->a = b->a;
new_blob->x = b->x;
new_blob->y = b->y;
new_blob->surface = b->surface;
new_blob->group = b->group;
const std::map<size_t, chain> *chains_from = worker.get_chains();
std::map<size_t, chain>::const_iterator cit;
// Get chain updates from worker's chains.
for (cit=chains_from->begin(); cit!=chains_from->end(); ++cit) {
size_t chain_key = cit->first;
// If this chain already exists, it might have different attributes.
if ((chains[chain_key].width != chains_from->at(chain_key).width
|| chains[chain_key].height != chains_from->at(chain_key).height)) {
// Chains are different, free the target to allocate memory again later.
if (!renew_chain(&(chains[chain_key]), cit->second.width, cit->second.height)) {
return false;
// Normally the above memory allocation is not needed because the morph should
// not change its parameters very often, although the implementation allows it
// by essentially restarting the whole procedure whenever critical parameters
// change. For normal synchronization, only the below code is called to refresh
// the key points and splines for example.
for (size_t y=0; y<chains[chain_key].height; ++y) {
for (size_t x=0; x<chains[chain_key].width; ++x) {
chains[chain_key].points[x][y] = chains_from->at(chain_key).points[x][y];
double vx = chains[chain_key].points[x][y].s.x + chains[chain_key].points[x][y].s.x_fract / double(UINT8_MAX+1);
double vy = chains[chain_key].points[x][y].s.y + chains[chain_key].points[x][y].s.y_fract / double(UINT8_MAX+1);
if (y == 0) chains[chain_key].splines[x].clearCPoints();
chains[chain_key].splines[x].AddSplinePoint(glnemo::Vec3D(vx, vy, 0.0));
if (chains[chain_key].max_surface != chains_from->at(chain_key).max_surface) {
// Number of particles in the fluid simulator has changed, reset the simulation.
chains[chain_key].max_surface = chains_from->at(chain_key).max_surface;
if (fluid) {
delete fluid;
fluid = nullptr;
// Delete chains that don't exist in worker's chains.
std::vector<size_t> delete_keys;
for (cit=chains.begin(); cit!=chains.end(); ++cit) {
if (chains_from->find(cit->first) != chains_from->end()) continue;
while (!delete_keys.empty()) {
if (skip_state) {
skip_state = false;
// Initialize the fluid simulator if needed.
if (!fluid && width > 0 && height > 0) {
size_t particle_count = 0;
for (cit=chains.begin(); cit!=chains.end(); ++cit) {
particle_count += cit->second.max_surface;
fluid = new (std::nothrow) FluidModel(width*sparseness+20, height*sparseness+20, particle_count);
if (fluid) {
Particle *particles = fluid->getParticles();
for (size_t i=0; i<particle_count; ++i) {
Particle *p = &(particles[i]);
p->x = width *sparseness/2.0 - 10;
p->y = height*sparseness/2.0 - 10;
p->u = 0.0;
p->v = 0.0;
p->gravity_x = p->x;
p->gravity_y = p->y;
p->freedom_r = 1.0;
p->R = 0.0; p->r = p->R;
p->G = 1.0; p->g = p->G; // Should never appear in morphs.
p->B = 0.0; p->b = p->B;
p->A = 1.0; p->a = p->A;
p->active = false;
p->mature = false;
return true;
void morph::refresh_frames() {
std::map<size_t, frame>::iterator it;
size_t index = 0;
for (it=frames.begin(); it!=frames.end(); ++it) {
it->second.index = index++;
if (it->second.pixels.empty()) {
it->second.x = (bbox_x1 <= bbox_x2 ? (bbox_x1 + bbox_x2)/2.0 : 0.0);
it->second.y = (bbox_y1 <= bbox_y2 ? (bbox_y1 + bbox_y2)/2.0 : 0.0);
it->second.r = 0.0;
it->second.g = 0.0;
it->second.b = 0.0;
it->second.a = 0.0;
bool morph::add_frame(size_t frame_key) {
if (frames.find(frame_key) != frames.end()) return false;
frames[frame_key].x = (bbox_x1 <= bbox_x2 ? (bbox_x1 + bbox_x2)/2.0 : 0.0);
frames[frame_key].y = (bbox_y1 <= bbox_y2 ? (bbox_y1 + bbox_y2)/2.0 : 0.0);
return true;
bool morph::add_pixel(size_t frame_key, pixel px) {
if (blob_delimiter == HSP) {
px.c = rgb_to_hsp(px.c);
am::frame *f = &(frames[frame_key]);
auto pixelmap = &(f->pixels);
size_t pos = px.y * (UINT16_MAX+1) + px.x;
(*pixelmap)[pos] = px;
if (px.x < bbox_x1) bbox_x1 = px.x;
if (px.y < bbox_y1) bbox_y1 = px.y;
if (px.x > bbox_x2) bbox_x2 = px.x;
if (px.y > bbox_y2) bbox_y2 = px.y;
if (pixelmap->size() == 1) {
f->x = px.x;
f->y = px.y;
f->r = px.c.r / 255.0;
f->g = px.c.g / 255.0;
f->b = px.c.b / 255.0;
f->a = px.c.a / 255.0;
return true;
double weight = 1.0 / double(pixelmap->size());
f->x = (1.0 - weight)*f->x + weight*px.x;
f->y = (1.0 - weight)*f->y + weight*px.y;
f->r = (1.0 - weight)*f->r + weight*(px.c.r/255.0);
f->g = (1.0 - weight)*f->g + weight*(px.c.g/255.0);
f->b = (1.0 - weight)*f->b + weight*(px.c.b/255.0);
f->a = (1.0 - weight)*f->a + weight*(px.c.a/255.0);
return true;
pixel morph::get_average_pixel (size_t f) {
pixel px = create_pixel(0,0,0,0,0,0);
if (!has_frame(f)) return px;
px.x = round(frames[f].x);
px.y = round(frames[f].y);
px.c.r = round(255.0*frames[f].r);
px.c.g = round(255.0*frames[f].g);
px.c.b = round(255.0*frames[f].b);
px.c.a = round(255.0*frames[f].a);
if (blob_delimiter == HSP) {
px.c = hsp_to_rgb(px.c);
return px;
pixel morph::get_average_pixel (size_t f, size_t b) {
pixel px = create_pixel(0,0,0,0,0,0);
if (!has_frame(f)
|| frames[f].blobs.size() <= b
|| frames[f].blobs[b] == nullptr) {
return px;
px.x = round(frames[f].blobs[b]->x);
px.y = round(frames[f].blobs[b]->y);
px.c.r = round(255.0*frames[f].blobs[b]->r);
px.c.g = round(255.0*frames[f].blobs[b]->g);
px.c.b = round(255.0*frames[f].blobs[b]->b);
px.c.a = round(255.0*frames[f].blobs[b]->a);
if (blob_delimiter == HSP) {
px.c = hsp_to_rgb(px.c);
return px;
pixel morph::get_pixel (size_t f, size_t pos) {
pixel px = create_pixel(0,0,0,0,0,0);
if (!has_pixel(f,pos)) {
// Asking a pixel from void gives
// a fully transparent pixel.
return px;
px = frames[f].pixels[pos];
if (blob_delimiter == HSP) {
px.c = hsp_to_rgb(px.c);
return px;
size_t morph::get_pixel_count (size_t f) {
if (!has_frame(f)) return 0;
return frames[f].pixels.size();
size_t morph::get_blob_count (size_t f) {
if (!has_frame(f)) return 0;
return frames[f].blobs.size();
size_t morph::get_frame_key (double t) {
double integ;
t = std::modf(t, &integ);
if (t < 0.0) t += 1.0;
size_t f = t * frames.size();
std::map<size_t, frame>::iterator it;
size_t i=0;
size_t frame = SIZE_MAX;
for (it=frames.begin(); it!=frames.end(); ++it) {
if (i++ == f) {
frame = it->first;
return frame;
size_t morph::get_blob_count () {
size_t count = 0;
std::map<size_t, frame>::iterator it;
for (it=frames.begin(); it!=frames.end(); ++it) {
count += get_blob_count(it->first);
return count;
void morph::set_seed(unsigned seed) {
std::default_random_engine e(seed);
e1 = e;
PerlinNoise l_map(seed); lag_map = l_map;
PerlinNoise s_map(seed+1); slope_map = s_map;
this->seed = seed;
double morph::normalize_time(double t) {
double integ, time = std::modf(t, &integ);
if (time < 0.0) time += 1.0;
return time;
const blob* morph::get_pixels(size_t blob_index, double time, std::vector<pixel> *to) {
time = normalize_time(time);
double t = time;
if (frames.empty()) return nullptr;
size_t frame_key = get_frame_key(t);
size_t blob_count = get_blob_count(frame_key);
if (blob_index >= blob_count) return nullptr;
double dt = 1.0 / double(frames.size());
t = std::max(0.0, (t - (frame_key * dt)) / dt);
const blob * bl = get_blob(frame_key, blob_index);
if (!bl) return nullptr;
if (chains.empty()) {
std::set<size_t>::iterator it;
for (it=bl->surface.begin(); it!=bl->surface.end(); ++it) {
pixel px = get_pixel(frame_key, *it);
else {
std::map<size_t, std::vector<color >> colors;
std::map<size_t, std::vector<double>> weights;
if (chains.find(bl->group) == chains.end()) return nullptr;
size_t w = chains[bl->group].width;
size_t h = chains[bl->group].height;
point**p = chains[bl->group].points;
size_t y = frames[frame_key].index;
size_t y_next = (y+1)%h;
assert(y < h);
std::map<size_t, frame>::iterator it = frames.find(frame_key);
if (it == frames.end()) it = frames.begin();
size_t next_frame_key = it->first;
for (size_t x=0; x<w; ++x) {
pixel px1, px2;
point pt1 = p[x][y];
point pt2 = p[x][y_next];
if (!point_has_pixel(pt1)
&& !point_has_pixel(pt2)) continue;
if (point_has_pixel(pt1)
&& !point_has_pixel(pt2)) {
px1 = get_pixel(frame_key, xy2pos(pt1.s.x, pt1.s.y));
px2 = px1;
px2.x = pt2.s.x;
px2.y = pt2.s.y;
px2.c.a = 0;
else if (point_has_pixel(pt2)
&& !point_has_pixel(pt1)) {
px2 = get_pixel(next_frame_key, xy2pos(pt2.s.x, pt2.s.y));
px1 = px2;
px1.x = pt1.s.x;
px1.y = pt1.s.y;
px1.c.a = 0;
else {
px1 = get_pixel(frame_key, xy2pos(pt1.s.x, pt1.s.y));
px2 = get_pixel(next_frame_key, xy2pos(pt2.s.x, pt2.s.y));
point pt = pt1;
if (motion == LINEAR) pt = interpolate(pt1, pt2, 1.0 - t);
else if (motion == SPLINE && chains[bl->group].splines) {
glnemo::Vec3D v = chains[bl->group].splines[x].GetInterpolatedSplinePoint(time);
double fract, integ;
fract = std::modf(v.x, &integ); pt.s.x = integ; pt.s.x_fract = std::round(fract * UINT8_MAX);
fract = std::modf(v.y, &integ); pt.s.y = integ; pt.s.y_fract = std::round(fract * UINT8_MAX);
pixel px;
px.x = pt.s.x;
px.y = pt.s.y;
if (fading == PERLIN) {
double f = 8.0; // Frequency
int octaves = 8; // Octaves
double bbox_w = bbox_x2 - bbox_x1 + 1.0;
double bbox_h = bbox_y2 - bbox_y1 + 1.0;
double perlin_x = (((pt1.s.x-bbox_x1)*(UINT8_MAX+1)+pt1.s.x_fract) / double(bbox_w*(UINT8_MAX+1)))*f;
double perlin_y = (((pt1.s.y-bbox_y1)*(UINT8_MAX+1)+pt1.s.y_fract) / double(bbox_h*(UINT8_MAX+1)))*f;
double lag = lag_map. octaveNoise(perlin_x, perlin_y, octaves)*0.5 + 0.5;
double slope = slope_map.octaveNoise(perlin_x, perlin_y, 8)*0.5 + 0.5;
px.c = interpolate(px1.c, px2.c, lag, slope, 1.0 - t);
else if (fading == COSINE) px.c = interpolate(px1.c, px2.c, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 - t);
else px.c = interpolate(px1.c, px2.c, 1.0 - t);
if (px.x >= width || px.y >= height) {
if (px.x > bbox_x2 || px.x < bbox_x1
|| px.y > bbox_y2 || px.y < bbox_y1) continue;
// Bilinear interpolation:
double total_weight= UINT8_MAX * UINT8_MAX;
double weight_x1y1 = ((UINT8_MAX - pt.s.x_fract) * (UINT8_MAX - pt.s.y_fract)) / total_weight;
double weight_x2y1 = ( pt.s.x_fract * (UINT8_MAX - pt.s.y_fract)) / total_weight;
double weight_x1y2 = ((UINT8_MAX - pt.s.x_fract) * pt.s.y_fract ) / total_weight;
double weight_x2y2 = ( pt.s.x_fract * pt.s.y_fract ) / total_weight;
size_t pos = xy2pos(px.x, px.y);
if (weight_x1y1 > 0.0) {
colors [pos].push_back(px.c);
if ((px.x < bbox_x2 || px.x+1 < width) && weight_x2y1 > 0.0) {
pos = xy2pos(px.x + 1, px.y);
colors [pos].push_back(px.c);
if ((px.y < bbox_y2 || px.y+1 < height) && weight_x1y2 > 0.0) {
pos = xy2pos(px.x, px.y + 1);
colors [pos].push_back(px.c);
if (weight_x2y2 > 0.0) {
if ((px.y < bbox_y2 && px.x < bbox_x2)
|| (px.y+1 < height && px.x+1 < width)) {
pos = xy2pos(px.x + 1, px.y + 1);
colors [pos].push_back(px.c);
std::map<size_t, pixel> blob;
std::map<size_t, std::vector<color>>::iterator cit;
for (cit = colors.begin(); cit!=colors.end(); ++cit) {
std::vector<color> *cs = &(cit->second);
std::vector<double>*ws = &(weights[cit->first]);
size_t vsz = cs->size();
double r = 0.0, g = 0.0, b = 0.0, a = 0.0;
double weight_sum = 0.0;
for (size_t c = 0; c<vsz; ++c) {
weight_sum += ws->at(c);
r += cs->at(c).r * ws->at(c);
g += cs->at(c).g * ws->at(c);
b += cs->at(c).b * ws->at(c);
a += cs->at(c).a * ws->at(c);
double w = density > 0 ? double(vsz)/double(density) : 0.0;
if (w > 1.0) w = 1.0;
r = std::round(r/weight_sum);
g = std::round(g/weight_sum);
b = std::round(b/weight_sum);
a = std::round(w*(a/weight_sum));
size_t pos = cit->first;
uint16_t x = pos % (UINT16_MAX+1);
uint16_t y = pos / (UINT16_MAX+1);
pixel px = create_pixel(x,y,r,g,b,a);
if (feather > 0) blob[pos] = px;
else to->push_back(px);
if (feather > 0) {
std::vector<std::set<size_t>> layers;
std::map<size_t, pixel> peeled_blob = blob;
while (!peeled_blob.empty() && layers.size() < feather) {
std::set<size_t> border;
std::map<size_t, pixel>::iterator pit;
for (pit = peeled_blob.begin(); pit!=peeled_blob.end(); ++pit) {
size_t pos = pit->first;
uint16_t x = pos % (UINT16_MAX+1);
uint16_t y = pos / (UINT16_MAX+1);
if (x == 0 || x == UINT16_MAX
|| y == 0 || y == UINT16_MAX) {
if (peeled_blob.find(xy2pos(x+1, y )) == peeled_blob.end()
|| peeled_blob.find(xy2pos(x-1, y )) == peeled_blob.end()
|| peeled_blob.find(xy2pos(x, y+1)) == peeled_blob.end()
|| peeled_blob.find(xy2pos(x, y-1)) == peeled_blob.end()) {
std::set<size_t>::iterator bt;
for (bt = border.begin(); bt != border.end(); ++bt) {
size_t pos = *bt;
size_t lsz = layers.size();
for (size_t l=0; l<lsz; ++l) {
std::set<size_t> *layer = &(layers[l]);
std::set<size_t>::iterator lt;
for (lt = layer->begin(); lt != layer->end(); ++lt) {
pixel px = blob[*lt];
px.c.a = std::round(double(px.c.a)*(double(l+1)/double(feather+1)));
std::map<size_t, pixel>::iterator pit;
for (pit = peeled_blob.begin(); pit!=peeled_blob.end(); ++pit) {
return bl;
void morph::update_particle( Particle *p, const blob * blob_before, const blob * blob_after, point **points,
std::map<size_t, size_t>& sources, std::map<size_t, size_t>& destinations, double t,
size_t y, size_t y_next, size_t frame_key, size_t next_frame_key, size_t chain_key, double time )
double previous_surface = blob_before->surface.size();
double next_surface = blob_after->surface.size();
size_t src_pos = p->source_pos;
size_t dst_pos = p->destination_pos;
size_t src_x = sources[src_pos];
size_t dst_x = destinations[dst_pos];
// If area is growing then gain the real source x from the destination.
if (next_surface > previous_surface) {
src_x = destinations[dst_pos];
point pt1 = points[src_x][y];
point pt2 = points[dst_x][y_next];
pixel px1, px2;
if (point_has_pixel(pt1)
&& !point_has_pixel(pt2)) {
px1 = get_pixel(frame_key, xy2pos(pt1.s.x, pt1.s.y));
px2 = px1;
px2.x = pt2.s.x;
px2.y = pt2.s.y;
if (next_surface > 0.0) px2.c.a = 0;
else if (point_has_pixel(pt2)
&& !point_has_pixel(pt1)) {
px2 = get_pixel(next_frame_key, xy2pos(pt2.s.x, pt2.s.y));
px1 = px2;
px1.x = pt1.s.x;
px1.y = pt1.s.y;
if (previous_surface > 0.0) px1.c.a = 0;
else {
px1 = get_pixel(frame_key, xy2pos(pt1.s.x, pt1.s.y));
px2 = get_pixel(next_frame_key, xy2pos(pt2.s.x, pt2.s.y));
color c;
if (fading == PERLIN) {
double f = 8.0; // Frequency
int octaves = 8; // Octaves
double bbox_w = bbox_x2 - bbox_x1 + 1.0;
double bbox_h = bbox_y2 - bbox_y1 + 1.0;
double perlin_x = (((pt1.s.x-bbox_x1)*(UINT8_MAX+1)+pt1.s.x_fract) / double(bbox_w*(UINT8_MAX+1)))*f;
double perlin_y = (((pt1.s.y-bbox_y1)*(UINT8_MAX+1)+pt1.s.y_fract) / double(bbox_h*(UINT8_MAX+1)))*f;
double lag = lag_map. octaveNoise(perlin_x, perlin_y, octaves)*0.5 + 0.5;
double slope = slope_map.octaveNoise(perlin_x, perlin_y, 8)*0.5 + 0.5;
c = interpolate(px1.c, px2.c, lag, slope, 1.0 - t);
else if (fading == COSINE) c = interpolate(px1.c, px2.c, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 - t);
else c = interpolate(px1.c, px2.c, 1.0 - t);
point pt = pt1;
if (motion == LINEAR) pt = interpolate(pt1, pt2, 1.0 - t);
else if (motion == SPLINE && chains[chain_key].splines) {
glnemo::Vec3D v = chains[chain_key].splines[src_x].GetInterpolatedSplinePoint(time);
double fract, integ;
fract = std::modf(v.x, &integ); pt.s.x = integ; pt.s.x_fract = std::round(fract * UINT8_MAX);
fract = std::modf(v.y, &integ); pt.s.y = integ; pt.s.y_fract = std::round(fract * UINT8_MAX);
float ptx, pty;
point2xy(pt, &ptx, &pty);
p->gravity_x = std::min(std::max((ptx * sparseness) + 10.0, 1.0), double(width *sparseness + 10.0) );
p->gravity_y = std::min(std::max((pty * sparseness) + 10.0, 1.0), double(height*sparseness + 10.0) );
p->R = c.r/255.0;
p->G = c.g/255.0;
p->B = c.b/255.0;
p->A = c.a/255.0;
if (show_blobs == DISTINCT) {
std::mt19937 gen(chain_key);
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> uniform_dist_color(0.0, 1.0);
p->R = uniform_dist_color(gen);
p->G = uniform_dist_color(gen);
p->B = uniform_dist_color(gen);
p->A = 1.0;
else if (show_blobs == AVERAGE) {
p->R = blob_before->r;
p->G = blob_before->g;
p->B = blob_before->b;
p->A = blob_before->a;
p->r = t*p->R + (1.0-t)*p->r;
p->g = t*p->G + (1.0-t)*p->g;
p->b = t*p->B + (1.0-t)*p->b;
p->a = t*p->A + (1.0-t)*p->a;
if (!p->mature) {
if (p->source_owner) {
p->x = p->gravity_x;
p->y = p->gravity_y;
// These lines should only be called
// for a newly created particle that was
// first to occupy its source location:
p->r = p->R;
p->g = p->G;
p->b = p->B;
p->a = p->A;
// Otherwise wrongly coloured single particles
// start appearing during the morph when new
// particles are created.
if (previous_surface == 0.0) p->strength = 0.1;
else p->strength = 1.0;
p->freedom_r = 1.0;
void morph::step_fluid(size_t frame_key, double t, double time) {
// t is for current transition between 2 images, time is overall time across all key frames.
size_t iptc = 0;
size_t particle_count = fluid->get_particle_count();
Particle *particles = fluid->getParticles();
std::map<size_t, chain>::const_iterator cit;
for (cit=chains.begin(); cit!=chains.end(); ++cit) {
size_t chain_key = cit->first;
size_t w = cit->second.width;
size_t h = cit->second.height;
point **points = cit->second.points;
size_t y = frames[frame_key].index;
size_t y_next = (y+1)%h;
std::map<size_t, frame>::iterator fit = frames.find(frame_key); ++fit;
if (fit == frames.end()) fit = frames.begin();
size_t next_frame_key = fit->first;
const blob* blob_before = find_blob_by_group(frame_key, chain_key);
const blob* blob_after = find_blob_by_group(next_frame_key, chain_key);
double previous_surface = blob_before->surface.size();
double next_surface = blob_after->surface.size();
double current_surface = std::round((1.0-t)*previous_surface + t*next_surface);
size_t active_count = 0;
size_t active_limit = current_surface;
std::map<size_t, size_t> sources; // pt1 has fluid, pt2 maybe not
std::map<size_t, size_t> destinations; // pt2 has fluid, pt1 maybe not
std::map<size_t, std::vector<Particle *>> particles_by_destination;
std::map<size_t, std::vector<Particle *>> particles_by_source;
std::vector<Particle *> free_particles;
std::vector<Particle *> update_particles;
for (size_t x=0; x<w && iptc < particle_count; ++x) {
point pt1 = points[x][y];
point pt2 = points[x][y_next];
// Map this pixel as a possible destination.
// The vector it holds contains indexes for
// detailed lookups about this destination.
size_t destination_pos = xy2pos(pt2.s.x, pt2.s.y);
if (point_has_fluid(pt2)) {
destinations[destination_pos] = x;
// Map this pixel as a possible source.
size_t source_pos = xy2pos(pt1.s.x, pt1.s.y);
if (point_has_fluid(pt1)) {
sources[source_pos] = x;
Particle *p = &(particles[iptc++]);
if (p->active && p->frame_key == frame_key) {
// Map this particle as an existing particle.
particles_by_source [p->source_pos ].push_back(p);
else {
p->active = false;
if (active_count < active_limit) {
size_t to_create = active_limit - active_count;
// Add new particles.
while (to_create > 0) {
Particle *p = free_particles.back();
p->frame_key = frame_key;
bool source_found = false;
std::map<size_t, size_t>::iterator it;
std::vector<size_t > source_candidates;
// First see if any of the source positions is still unused,
// it is the highest priority to have these filled.
for (it=sources.begin(); it!=sources.end(); ++it) {
size_t pos = it->first;
if (particles_by_source.find(pos) != particles_by_source.end()
&& !particles_by_source[pos].empty()) {
// This source is already taken.
// Free source was found, take it.
if (!source_candidates.empty()) {
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> uniform_dist_candidate(0, source_candidates.size()-1);
size_t pos = source_candidates[uniform_dist_candidate(e1)];
assert(sources.find(pos) != sources.end());
size_t x = sources[pos];
p->source_pos = pos;
source_found = true;
// This source was unoccupied, take its default destination
// even if it leads to a place without HAS_FLUID flag and thus this
// particle must be destroyed sooner or later during this morph.
point pt2 = points[x][y_next];
size_t destination_pos = xy2pos(pt2.s.x, pt2.s.y);
p->destination_pos = destination_pos;
assert(destinations.find(destination_pos) != destinations.end());
if (!source_found) {
// All sources are already occupied, this new particle must now
// share the source with some other particle, but it will still
// must get an unused destination. Search for such destination.
bool destination_found = false;
for (it=destinations.begin(); it!=destinations.end(); ++it) {
size_t pos = it->first;
size_t x = it->second;
if (particles_by_destination.find(pos) != particles_by_destination.end()
&& !particles_by_destination[pos].empty()) {
// This destination is already taken.
// Free destination was found, take it.
p->destination_pos = pos;
destination_found = true;
// Destination was found but all the sources were already
// occupied. Now see the pt1 of this destination even if
// it does not have HAS_FLUID flag.
point pt1 = points[x][y];
size_t source_pos = xy2pos(pt1.s.x, pt1.s.y);
p->source_pos = source_pos;
source_found = true;
assert(sources.find(source_pos) != sources.end());
size_t pos = p->source_pos;
// Find a suitable starting position for this particle.
if (particles_by_source.find(pos) != particles_by_source.end()
&& particles_by_source[pos].size() > 1) {
// Another particle exists with the same source,
// copy its location for seamless creation.
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> uniform_dist_p(0, particles_by_source[pos].size()-2);
Particle *parent = particles_by_source[pos].at(uniform_dist_p(e1));
assert(parent != p);
p->mature = parent->mature;
p->strength = parent->strength;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> uniform_dist_fuzz(0.0, 1.0);
p->x = std::min(p->x + uniform_dist_fuzz(e1), width * sparseness-10.0);
p->y = std::min(p->y + uniform_dist_fuzz(e1), height* sparseness-10.0);
p->source_owner = false;
else {
// No other particle currently exists with the
// same source location. Copy the attractor's
// current position for the initial setup of this
// new particle.
p->mature = false;
p->source_owner = true;
update_particle(p, blob_before, blob_after, points, sources,
destinations, t, y, y_next, frame_key,
next_frame_key, chain_key, time);
p->active = true;
else if (active_count > active_limit) {
size_t to_delete = active_count - active_limit;
// Delete particles.
std::shuffle(update_particles.begin(), update_particles.end(), e1);
while (to_delete > 0) {
Particle *p = update_particles.back();
p->active = false;
// Particles either created or deleted by now, update their positions.
size_t usz = update_particles.size();
for (size_t i=0; i < usz; ++i) {
Particle *p = update_particles[i];
if (!p->active) continue;
update_particle(p, blob_before, blob_after, points, sources,
destinations, t, y, y_next, frame_key,
next_frame_key, chain_key, time);
double freedom = std::sqrt(width*width + height*height) * double(sparseness) / 4.0;
double freedom_radius = freedom*(1.0 - t);
for (size_t step = 0; step < fluidsteps; ++step) fluid->step(fluidsteps - (step+1), freedom_radius, t);
void morph::draw_fluid(double time, std::vector<pixel> *image) {
if (!fluid || chains.empty()) return;
time = normalize_time(time);
double t = time;
if (frames.empty()) return;
size_t frame_key = get_frame_key(t);
double dt = 1.0 / double(frames.size());
t = std::max(0.0, (t - (frame_key * dt)) / dt);
// t is 0.0 at the beginning of frame
// t is 1.0 at the end of this frame
step_fluid(frame_key, t, time);
std::map<size_t, color> image_buffer;
Particle *particles = fluid->getParticles();
size_t particle_count = fluid->get_particle_count();
std::map<size_t, std::vector<color >> colors;
std::map<size_t, std::vector<double >> weights;
std::map<size_t, std::vector<Particle* >> startups;
for (size_t i=0; i<particle_count; ++i) {
Particle *p = &(particles[i]);
if (p->active == false) continue;
// Correct the colours so they would not blur too much.
// Blobs that appear from nothingness should be blended
// with their surroundings a lot though to avoid sharp
// gradient spots in the very beginnning of the morph.
//double w = 1.0 / (100.0 * std::pow(t, 2.0)+1.0);
double w = (1.0 / (100.0*std::pow((t-(1.0*(1.0-p->strength))), 2.0)+1.0)) * std::pow(p->strength, 2.0);
p->r = (w * p->R)+(1.0 - w)*p->r;
p->g = (w * p->G)+(1.0 - w)*p->g;
p->b = (w * p->B)+(1.0 - w)*p->b;
p->a = (w * p->A)+(1.0 - w)*p->a;
double px, py;
if (p->x <= 10.0) px = 0.0;
else if (p->x >= width*sparseness + 10.0) px = (width-1);
else px = (p->x-10.0)/sparseness;
if (p->y <= 10.0) py = 0.0;
else if (p->y >= height*sparseness+ 10.0) py = (height-1);
else py = (p->y-10.0)/sparseness;
uint16_t x = std::min(int(px), width - 1);
uint16_t y = std::min(int(py), height- 1);
size_t pos = xy2pos(x, y);
if (!p->mature) {
p->mature = true;
double x_fract, y_fract;
x_fract = std::modf(px, &px);
y_fract = std::modf(py, &py);
if (px >= width || py >= height) {
if (px > bbox_x2 || px < bbox_x1
|| py > bbox_y2 || py < bbox_y1) continue;
// Bilinear interpolation:
double weight_x1y1 = ((1.0 - x_fract) * (1.0 - y_fract));
double weight_x2y1 = ( x_fract * (1.0 - y_fract));
double weight_x1y2 = ((1.0 - x_fract) * y_fract );
double weight_x2y2 = ( x_fract * y_fract );
color c = create_color(p->r, p->g, p->b, p->a);
if (weight_x1y1 > 0.0) {
colors [pos].push_back(c);
if ((x < bbox_x2 || x+1 < width) && weight_x2y1 > 0.0) {
pos = xy2pos(x + 1, y);
colors [pos].push_back(c);
if ((y < bbox_y2 || y+1 < height) && weight_x1y2 > 0.0) {
pos = xy2pos(x, y + 1);
colors [pos].push_back(c);
if (weight_x2y2 > 0.0) {
if ((y < bbox_y2 && x < bbox_x2)
|| (y+1 < height && x+1 < width)) {
pos = xy2pos(x + 1, y + 1);
colors [pos].push_back(c);
std::map<size_t, color> blob;
std::map<size_t, std::vector<color>>::iterator cit;
for (cit = colors.begin(); cit!=colors.end(); ++cit) {
std::vector<color > *cs = &(cit->second);
std::vector<double > *ws = &(weights[cit->first]);
size_t vsz = cs->size();
double r = 0.0, g = 0.0, b = 0.0, a = 0.0;
double weight_sum = 0.0;
for (size_t c = 0; c<vsz; ++c) {
double weight = ws->at(c);
weight_sum += weight;
r += cs->at(c).r * weight;
g += cs->at(c).g * weight;
b += cs->at(c).b * weight;
a += cs->at(c).a * weight;
r = std::round(r/weight_sum);
g = std::round(g/weight_sum);
b = std::round(b/weight_sum);
a = std::round(a/weight_sum);
if (keep_background) {
double alpha = 1.0 - std::pow(t, 24.0);
a *= alpha;
size_t pos = cit->first;
uint16_t x = pos % (UINT16_MAX+1);
uint16_t y = pos / (UINT16_MAX+1);
pixel px = create_pixel(x,y,r,g,b,a);
size_t imgpos = y*width + x;
if (feather > 0) blob[pos] = px.c;
else image_buffer[imgpos] = px.c;
if (feather > 0) {
for (size_t layer = 0; layer < feather; ++layer) {
double alpha = 1.0 - (double(layer + 1) / double(feather + 1));
std::set<size_t> border;
std::map<size_t, color>::iterator it;
for (it = blob.begin(); it!=blob.end(); ++it) {
size_t pos = it->first;
uint16_t x = pos % (UINT16_MAX+1);
uint16_t y = pos / (UINT16_MAX+1);
size_t ps;
if (x+1 < width && blob.find( (ps = xy2pos(x+1, y )) ) == blob.end()) border.insert(ps);
if (y+1 < height && blob.find( (ps = xy2pos(x, y+1)) ) == blob.end()) border.insert(ps);
if (x > 0 && blob.find( (ps = xy2pos(x-1, y )) ) == blob.end()) border.insert(ps);
if (y > 0 && blob.find( (ps = xy2pos(x, y-1)) ) == blob.end()) border.insert(ps);
if (border.empty()) break;
std::map<size_t, color> blob_buf;
for (const auto& pos: border) {
uint16_t x = pos % (UINT16_MAX+1);
uint16_t y = pos / (UINT16_MAX+1);
std::set<size_t> components;
size_t ps;
if (x+1 < width && blob.find( (ps = xy2pos(x+1, y )) ) != blob.end()) components.insert(ps);
if (y+1 < height && blob.find( (ps = xy2pos(x, y+1)) ) != blob.end()) components.insert(ps);
if (x > 0 && blob.find( (ps = xy2pos(x-1, y )) ) != blob.end()) components.insert(ps);
if (y > 0 && blob.find( (ps = xy2pos(x, y-1)) ) != blob.end()) components.insert(ps);
double r = 0.0, g = 0.0, b = 0.0, a = 0.0;
double w = components.size();
for (const auto& comp: components) {
color c = blob[comp];
r += (c.r/255.0) / w;
g += (c.g/255.0) / w;
b += (c.b/255.0) / w;
a += (c.a/255.0) / w;
a *= alpha;
blob_buf[pos] = create_color(r, g, b, a);
for (it = blob_buf.begin(); it!=blob_buf.end(); ++it) {
blob[it->first] = it->second;
std::map<size_t, color>::iterator it;
for (it = blob.begin(); it!=blob.end(); ++it) {
size_t pos = it->first;
uint16_t x = pos % (UINT16_MAX+1);
uint16_t y = pos / (UINT16_MAX+1);
size_t imgpos = y*width + x;
image_buffer[imgpos] = it->second;
std::map<size_t, color>::iterator cit;
for (cit = image_buffer.begin(); cit!=image_buffer.end(); ++cit) {
size_t pos = cit->first;
color c = cit->second;
if (keep_background) {
color bgc = image->at(pos).c;
double bgr = double(bgc.r)/255.0;
double bgg = double(bgc.g)/255.0;
double bgb = double(bgc.b)/255.0;
double bga = double(bgc.a)/255.0;
double r = c.r/255.0;
double g = c.g/255.0;
double b = c.b/255.0;
double a = c.a/255.0;
r = a*r + (1.0-a)*bgr;
g = a*g + (1.0-a)*bgg;
b = a*b + (1.0-a)*bgb;
a = bga + (1.0-bga)*a;
c.r = std::round(r*255.0);
c.g = std::round(g*255.0);
c.b = std::round(b*255.0);
c.a = std::round(a*255.0);
image->at(pos).c = c;
void morph::draw_atoms(double t, std::vector<pixel> *image) {
std::map<size_t, std::vector<am::color >> colors;
const am::blob *bl;
size_t b = 0;
std::vector<pixel> pixels;
while ( (bl = get_pixels(b++, t, &pixels)) != nullptr ) {
size_t group = bl->group;
pixel px_ave = blob2pixel(bl);
while (!pixels.empty()) {
pixel px = pixels.back();
size_t pos = px.y*width + px.x;
if (pos >= image->size()) continue;
unsigned char rr,gg,bb,aa;
if (show_blobs == DISTINCT) {
std::mt19937 gen(group);
std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned char> uniform_dist_byte(0, 255);
rr = uniform_dist_byte(gen);
gg = uniform_dist_byte(gen);
bb = uniform_dist_byte(gen);
aa = 255;
else if (show_blobs == AVERAGE) {
rr = px_ave.c.r;
gg = px_ave.c.g;
bb = px_ave.c.b;
aa = px_ave.c.a;
else {
rr = px.c.r;
gg = px.c.g;
bb = px.c.b;
aa = px.c.a;
if (aa == 0) continue;
std::map<size_t, std::vector<color>>::iterator cit;
for (cit = colors.begin(); cit!=colors.end(); ++cit) {
size_t pos = cit->first;
std::vector<color> *cs = &(cit->second);
size_t vsz = cs->size();
double r = 0.0, g = 0.0, b = 0.0, a = 0.0;
double rsum = 0.0, gsum = 0.0, bsum = 0.0, asum = 0.0;
for (size_t c = 0; c<vsz; ++c) {
double sr = cs->at(c).r/255.0;
double sg = cs->at(c).g/255.0;
double sb = cs->at(c).b/255.0;
double sa = cs->at(c).a/255.0;
asum += sa;
rsum += sr*sa;
gsum += sg*sa;
bsum += sb*sa;
if (c == 0) {
r = sr;
g = sg;
b = sb;
a = sa;
else {
r = sa*sr + (1.0-sa)*r;
g = sa*sg + (1.0-sa)*g;
b = sa*sb + (1.0-sa)*b;
a = a + (1.0-a)*(cs->at(c).a/255.0);
if (blend_blobs) {
r = rsum/asum;
g = gsum/asum;
b = bsum/asum;
if (keep_background) {
color bgc = image->at(pos).c;
double bgr = double(bgc.r)/255.0;
double bgg = double(bgc.g)/255.0;
double bgb = double(bgc.b)/255.0;
double bga = double(bgc.a)/255.0;
r = a*r + (1.0-a)*bgr;
g = a*g + (1.0-a)*bgg;
b = a*b + (1.0-a)*bgb;
a = bga + (1.0-bga)*a;
image->at(pos).c = create_color(r, g, b, a);
void morph::get_pixels(double t, std::vector<pixel> *image) {
for (size_t y=0; y<height; ++y) {
for (size_t x=0; x<width; ++x) {
pixel px = create_pixel(x,y,0,0,0,0);
if (keep_background) px.c = get_background(x, y, t);
if (fluid && fluidsteps > 0) draw_fluid(t, image);
else draw_atoms(t, image);
pixel morph::blob2pixel(const blob *bl) {
pixel px = create_pixel(bl->x, bl->y, create_color(bl->r, bl->g, bl->b, bl->a));
if (blob_delimiter == HSP) {
px.c = hsp_to_rgb(px.c);
return px;
color morph::get_background(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, double time) {
if (frames.empty()) return create_color(0.0, 0.0 ,0.0 ,0.0);
size_t position = xy2pos(x, y);
time = normalize_time(time);
double t = time;
size_t frame_key = get_frame_key(t);
std::map<size_t, frame>::iterator it = frames.find(frame_key);
if (it == frames.end()) it = frames.begin();
size_t next_frame_key = it->first;
double dt = 1.0 / double(frames.size());
t = std::max(0.0, (t - (frame_key * dt)) / dt);
color c1 = get_pixel(frame_key, position).c;
color c2 = get_pixel(next_frame_key, position).c;
if (fading == PERLIN) {
double f = 8.0; // Frequency
int octaves = 8; // Octaves
double bbox_w = bbox_x2 - bbox_x1 + 1.0;
double bbox_h = bbox_y2 - bbox_y1 + 1.0;
double perlin_x = ((x-bbox_x1) / double(bbox_w))*f;
double perlin_y = ((y-bbox_y1) / double(bbox_h))*f;
double lag = lag_map. octaveNoise(perlin_x, perlin_y, octaves)*0.5 + 0.5;
double slope = slope_map.octaveNoise(perlin_x, perlin_y, 8)*0.5 + 0.5;
return interpolate(c1, c2, lag, slope, 1.0 - t);
else if (fading == COSINE) return interpolate(c1, c2, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 - t);
return interpolate(c1, c2, 1.0 - t);
color morph::interpolate(color c1, color c2, double lag, double slope, double str) {
if (fading == COSINE || fading == PERLIN) {
const double pi = 3.14159265358;
double s = (slope+0.1)/1.1;
double l = (1.0 - s) * lag;
if (str <= l ) str = 0.0;
else if (str >= (l+s)) str = 1.0;
else str = ((-cos((str-l)*(pi/s))+1.0)/2.0);
return interpolate(c1, c2, str);
color morph::interpolate(color c1, color c2, double c1_weight) {
color c;
c.r = std::round(c1_weight * double(c1.r) + (1.0 - c1_weight) * double(c2.r));
c.g = std::round(c1_weight * double(c1.g) + (1.0 - c1_weight) * double(c2.g));
c.b = std::round(c1_weight * double(c1.b) + (1.0 - c1_weight) * double(c2.b));
c.a = std::round(c1_weight * double(c1.a) + (1.0 - c1_weight) * double(c2.a));
return c;
pixel morph::interpolate(pixel px1, pixel px2, double px1_weight) {
pixel px;
px.x = std::round(px1_weight * double(px1.x) + (1.0 - px1_weight) * double(px2.x));
px.y = std::round(px1_weight * double(px1.y) + (1.0 - px1_weight) * double(px2.y));
px.c.r = std::round(px1_weight * double(px1.c.r) + (1.0 - px1_weight) * double(px2.c.r));
px.c.g = std::round(px1_weight * double(px1.c.g) + (1.0 - px1_weight) * double(px2.c.g));
px.c.b = std::round(px1_weight * double(px1.c.b) + (1.0 - px1_weight) * double(px2.c.b));
px.c.a = std::round(px1_weight * double(px1.c.a) + (1.0 - px1_weight) * double(px2.c.a));
return px;
point morph::interpolate(point pt1, point pt2, double pt1_weight) {
point pt;
double x1 = (double(UINT8_MAX+1)*pt1.s.x + pt1.s.x_fract);
double y1 = (double(UINT8_MAX+1)*pt1.s.y + pt1.s.y_fract);
double x2 = (double(UINT8_MAX+1)*pt2.s.x + pt2.s.x_fract);
double y2 = (double(UINT8_MAX+1)*pt2.s.y + pt2.s.y_fract);
double x = (pt1_weight * x1 + (1.0 - pt1_weight) * x2);
double y = (pt1_weight * y1 + (1.0 - pt1_weight) * y2);
pt.s.x = x / double(UINT8_MAX+1); pt.s.x_fract = x - (pt.s.x*(UINT8_MAX+1));
pt.s.y = y / double(UINT8_MAX+1); pt.s.y_fract = y - (pt.s.y*(UINT8_MAX+1));
return pt;
void morph::set_resolution(uint16_t w, uint16_t h) {
width = w;
height = h;
double morph::get_time(size_t frame_index, size_t total_frames_out) {
if (total_frames_out == 0) return 0.0;
if (finite) {
if (total_frames_out == 1) {
if (get_frame_count() == 0) return 0.0;
return (1.0 - (1.0/double(get_frame_count())))/2.0;
double t = double(frame_index) / double(total_frames_out-1);
t*= 1.0 - (1.0/double(get_frame_count()));
return t;
return double(frame_index) / double(total_frames_out);
blob * morph::find_blob_by_group(size_t frame_key, size_t group) {
if (!has_frame(frame_key)) return nullptr;
std::vector<blob*> *blobs = &(frames[frame_key].blobs);
size_t bsz = blobs->size();
for (size_t i=0; i< bsz; ++i) {
if (blobs->at(i)->group == group) return blobs->at(i);
return nullptr;
void morph::set_fluid(unsigned f) {
if (fluidsteps != f) {
fluidsteps = f;
if (fluidsteps > 0 && density > 1) {
void morph::set_density(uint16_t d) {
if (density != d) {
density = d;
if (fluidsteps != 0 && density > 1) {