var fs = require("fs"); var Transform = require("stream").Transform; var PassThrough = require("stream").PassThrough; var zlib = require("zlib"); var util = require("util"); var EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter; var crc32 = require("buffer-crc32"); exports.ZipFile = ZipFile; exports.dateToDosDateTime = dateToDosDateTime; util.inherits(ZipFile, EventEmitter); function ZipFile() { this.outputStream = new PassThrough(); this.entries = []; this.outputStreamCursor = 0; this.ended = false; // .end() sets this this.allDone = false; // set when we've written the last bytes this.forceZip64Eocd = false; // configurable in .end() } ZipFile.prototype.addFile = function(realPath, metadataPath, options) { var self = this; metadataPath = validateMetadataPath(metadataPath, false); if (options == null) options = {}; var entry = new Entry(metadataPath, false, options); self.entries.push(entry); fs.stat(realPath, function(err, stats) { if (err) return self.emit("error", err); if (!stats.isFile()) return self.emit("error", new Error("not a file: " + realPath)); entry.uncompressedSize = stats.size; if (options.mtime == null) entry.setLastModDate(stats.mtime); if (options.mode == null) entry.setFileAttributesMode(stats.mode); entry.setFileDataPumpFunction(function() { var readStream = fs.createReadStream(realPath); entry.state = Entry.FILE_DATA_IN_PROGRESS; readStream.on("error", function(err) { self.emit("error", err); }); pumpFileDataReadStream(self, entry, readStream); }); pumpEntries(self); }); }; ZipFile.prototype.addReadStream = function(readStream, metadataPath, options) { var self = this; metadataPath = validateMetadataPath(metadataPath, false); if (options == null) options = {}; var entry = new Entry(metadataPath, false, options); self.entries.push(entry); entry.setFileDataPumpFunction(function() { entry.state = Entry.FILE_DATA_IN_PROGRESS; pumpFileDataReadStream(self, entry, readStream); }); pumpEntries(self); }; ZipFile.prototype.addBuffer = function(buffer, metadataPath, options) { var self = this; metadataPath = validateMetadataPath(metadataPath, false); if (buffer.length > 0x3fffffff) throw new Error("buffer too large: " + buffer.length + " > " + 0x3fffffff); if (options == null) options = {}; if (options.size != null) throw new Error("options.size not allowed"); var entry = new Entry(metadataPath, false, options); entry.uncompressedSize = buffer.length; entry.crc32 = crc32.unsigned(buffer); entry.crcAndFileSizeKnown = true; self.entries.push(entry); if (!entry.compress) { setCompressedBuffer(buffer); } else { zlib.deflateRaw(buffer, function(err, compressedBuffer) { setCompressedBuffer(compressedBuffer); }); } function setCompressedBuffer(compressedBuffer) { entry.compressedSize = compressedBuffer.length; entry.setFileDataPumpFunction(function() { writeToOutputStream(self, compressedBuffer); writeToOutputStream(self, entry.getDataDescriptor()); entry.state = Entry.FILE_DATA_DONE; // don't call pumpEntries() recursively. // (also, don't call process.nextTick recursively.) setImmediate(function() { pumpEntries(self); }); }); pumpEntries(self); } }; ZipFile.prototype.addEmptyDirectory = function(metadataPath, options) { var self = this; metadataPath = validateMetadataPath(metadataPath, true); if (options == null) options = {}; if (options.size != null) throw new Error("options.size not allowed"); if (options.compress != null) throw new Error("options.compress not allowed"); var entry = new Entry(metadataPath, true, options); self.entries.push(entry); entry.setFileDataPumpFunction(function() { writeToOutputStream(self, entry.getDataDescriptor()); entry.state = Entry.FILE_DATA_DONE; pumpEntries(self); }); pumpEntries(self); }; var eocdrSignatureBuffer = Buffer.from([0x50, 0x4b, 0x05, 0x06]); ZipFile.prototype.end = function(options, finalSizeCallback) { if (typeof options === "function") { finalSizeCallback = options; options = null; } if (options == null) options = {}; if (this.ended) return; this.ended = true; this.finalSizeCallback = finalSizeCallback; this.forceZip64Eocd = !!options.forceZip64Format; if (options.comment) { if (typeof options.comment === "string") { this.comment = encodeCp437(options.comment); } else { // It should be a Buffer this.comment = options.comment; } if (this.comment.length > 0xffff) throw new Error("comment is too large"); // gotta check for this, because the zipfile format is actually ambiguous. if (this.comment.includes(eocdrSignatureBuffer)) throw new Error("comment contains end of central directory record signature"); } else { // no comment. this.comment = EMPTY_BUFFER; } pumpEntries(this); }; function writeToOutputStream(self, buffer) { self.outputStream.write(buffer); self.outputStreamCursor += buffer.length; } function pumpFileDataReadStream(self, entry, readStream) { var crc32Watcher = new Crc32Watcher(); var uncompressedSizeCounter = new ByteCounter(); var compressor = entry.compress ? new zlib.DeflateRaw() : new PassThrough(); var compressedSizeCounter = new ByteCounter(); readStream.pipe(crc32Watcher) .pipe(uncompressedSizeCounter) .pipe(compressor) .pipe(compressedSizeCounter) .pipe(self.outputStream, {end: false}); compressedSizeCounter.on("end", function() { entry.crc32 = crc32Watcher.crc32; if (entry.uncompressedSize == null) { entry.uncompressedSize = uncompressedSizeCounter.byteCount; } else { if (entry.uncompressedSize !== uncompressedSizeCounter.byteCount) return self.emit("error", new Error("file data stream has unexpected number of bytes")); } entry.compressedSize = compressedSizeCounter.byteCount; self.outputStreamCursor += entry.compressedSize; writeToOutputStream(self, entry.getDataDescriptor()); entry.state = Entry.FILE_DATA_DONE; pumpEntries(self); }); } function pumpEntries(self) { if (self.allDone) return; // first check if finalSize is finally known if (self.ended && self.finalSizeCallback != null) { var finalSize = calculateFinalSize(self); if (finalSize != null) { // we have an answer self.finalSizeCallback(finalSize); self.finalSizeCallback = null; } } // pump entries var entry = getFirstNotDoneEntry(); function getFirstNotDoneEntry() { for (var i = 0; i < self.entries.length; i++) { var entry = self.entries[i]; if (entry.state < Entry.FILE_DATA_DONE) return entry; } return null; } if (entry != null) { // this entry is not done yet if (entry.state < Entry.READY_TO_PUMP_FILE_DATA) return; // input file not open yet if (entry.state === Entry.FILE_DATA_IN_PROGRESS) return; // we'll get there // start with local file header entry.relativeOffsetOfLocalHeader = self.outputStreamCursor; var localFileHeader = entry.getLocalFileHeader(); writeToOutputStream(self, localFileHeader); entry.doFileDataPump(); } else { // all cought up on writing entries if (self.ended) { // head for the exit self.offsetOfStartOfCentralDirectory = self.outputStreamCursor; self.entries.forEach(function(entry) { var centralDirectoryRecord = entry.getCentralDirectoryRecord(); writeToOutputStream(self, centralDirectoryRecord); }); writeToOutputStream(self, getEndOfCentralDirectoryRecord(self)); self.outputStream.end(); self.allDone = true; } } } function calculateFinalSize(self) { var pretendOutputCursor = 0; var centralDirectorySize = 0; for (var i = 0; i < self.entries.length; i++) { var entry = self.entries[i]; // compression is too hard to predict if (entry.compress) return -1; if (entry.state >= Entry.READY_TO_PUMP_FILE_DATA) { // if addReadStream was called without providing the size, we can't predict the final size if (entry.uncompressedSize == null) return -1; } else { // if we're still waiting for fs.stat, we might learn the size someday if (entry.uncompressedSize == null) return null; } // we know this for sure, and this is important to know if we need ZIP64 format. entry.relativeOffsetOfLocalHeader = pretendOutputCursor; var useZip64Format = entry.useZip64Format(); pretendOutputCursor += LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE + entry.utf8FileName.length; pretendOutputCursor += entry.uncompressedSize; if (!entry.crcAndFileSizeKnown) { // use a data descriptor if (useZip64Format) { pretendOutputCursor += ZIP64_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE; } else { pretendOutputCursor += DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE; } } centralDirectorySize += CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_RECORD_FIXED_SIZE + entry.utf8FileName.length + entry.fileComment.length; if (useZip64Format) { centralDirectorySize += ZIP64_EXTENDED_INFORMATION_EXTRA_FIELD_SIZE; } } var endOfCentralDirectorySize = 0; if (self.forceZip64Eocd || self.entries.length >= 0xffff || centralDirectorySize >= 0xffff || pretendOutputCursor >= 0xffffffff) { // use zip64 end of central directory stuff endOfCentralDirectorySize += ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_RECORD_SIZE + ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR_SIZE; } endOfCentralDirectorySize += END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_RECORD_SIZE + self.comment.length; return pretendOutputCursor + centralDirectorySize + endOfCentralDirectorySize; } var ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_RECORD_SIZE = 56; var ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR_SIZE = 20; var END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_RECORD_SIZE = 22; function getEndOfCentralDirectoryRecord(self, actuallyJustTellMeHowLongItWouldBe) { var needZip64Format = false; var normalEntriesLength = self.entries.length; if (self.forceZip64Eocd || self.entries.length >= 0xffff) { normalEntriesLength = 0xffff; needZip64Format = true; } var sizeOfCentralDirectory = self.outputStreamCursor - self.offsetOfStartOfCentralDirectory; var normalSizeOfCentralDirectory = sizeOfCentralDirectory; if (self.forceZip64Eocd || sizeOfCentralDirectory >= 0xffffffff) { normalSizeOfCentralDirectory = 0xffffffff; needZip64Format = true; } var normalOffsetOfStartOfCentralDirectory = self.offsetOfStartOfCentralDirectory; if (self.forceZip64Eocd || self.offsetOfStartOfCentralDirectory >= 0xffffffff) { normalOffsetOfStartOfCentralDirectory = 0xffffffff; needZip64Format = true; } if (actuallyJustTellMeHowLongItWouldBe) { if (needZip64Format) { return ( ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_RECORD_SIZE + ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR_SIZE + END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_RECORD_SIZE ); } else { return END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_RECORD_SIZE; } } var eocdrBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_RECORD_SIZE + self.comment.length); // end of central dir signature 4 bytes (0x06054b50) eocdrBuffer.writeUInt32LE(0x06054b50, 0); // number of this disk 2 bytes eocdrBuffer.writeUInt16LE(0, 4); // number of the disk with the start of the central directory 2 bytes eocdrBuffer.writeUInt16LE(0, 6); // total number of entries in the central directory on this disk 2 bytes eocdrBuffer.writeUInt16LE(normalEntriesLength, 8); // total number of entries in the central directory 2 bytes eocdrBuffer.writeUInt16LE(normalEntriesLength, 10); // size of the central directory 4 bytes eocdrBuffer.writeUInt32LE(normalSizeOfCentralDirectory, 12); // offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number 4 bytes eocdrBuffer.writeUInt32LE(normalOffsetOfStartOfCentralDirectory, 16); // .ZIP file comment length 2 bytes eocdrBuffer.writeUInt16LE(self.comment.length, 20); // .ZIP file comment (variable size) self.comment.copy(eocdrBuffer, 22); if (!needZip64Format) return eocdrBuffer; // ZIP64 format // ZIP64 End of Central Directory Record var zip64EocdrBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_RECORD_SIZE); // zip64 end of central dir signature 4 bytes (0x06064b50) zip64EocdrBuffer.writeUInt32LE(0x06064b50, 0); // size of zip64 end of central directory record 8 bytes writeUInt64LE(zip64EocdrBuffer, ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_RECORD_SIZE - 12, 4); // version made by 2 bytes zip64EocdrBuffer.writeUInt16LE(VERSION_MADE_BY, 12); // version needed to extract 2 bytes zip64EocdrBuffer.writeUInt16LE(VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT_ZIP64, 14); // number of this disk 4 bytes zip64EocdrBuffer.writeUInt32LE(0, 16); // number of the disk with the start of the central directory 4 bytes zip64EocdrBuffer.writeUInt32LE(0, 20); // total number of entries in the central directory on this disk 8 bytes writeUInt64LE(zip64EocdrBuffer, self.entries.length, 24); // total number of entries in the central directory 8 bytes writeUInt64LE(zip64EocdrBuffer, self.entries.length, 32); // size of the central directory 8 bytes writeUInt64LE(zip64EocdrBuffer, sizeOfCentralDirectory, 40); // offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number 8 bytes writeUInt64LE(zip64EocdrBuffer, self.offsetOfStartOfCentralDirectory, 48); // zip64 extensible data sector (variable size) // nothing in the zip64 extensible data sector // ZIP64 End of Central Directory Locator var zip64EocdlBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR_SIZE); // zip64 end of central dir locator signature 4 bytes (0x07064b50) zip64EocdlBuffer.writeUInt32LE(0x07064b50, 0); // number of the disk with the start of the zip64 end of central directory 4 bytes zip64EocdlBuffer.writeUInt32LE(0, 4); // relative offset of the zip64 end of central directory record 8 bytes writeUInt64LE(zip64EocdlBuffer, self.outputStreamCursor, 8); // total number of disks 4 bytes zip64EocdlBuffer.writeUInt32LE(1, 16); return Buffer.concat([ zip64EocdrBuffer, zip64EocdlBuffer, eocdrBuffer, ]); } function validateMetadataPath(metadataPath, isDirectory) { if (metadataPath === "") throw new Error("empty metadataPath"); metadataPath = metadataPath.replace(/\\/g, "/"); if (/^[a-zA-Z]:/.test(metadataPath) || /^\//.test(metadataPath)) throw new Error("absolute path: " + metadataPath); if (metadataPath.split("/").indexOf("..") !== -1) throw new Error("invalid relative path: " + metadataPath); var looksLikeDirectory = /\/$/.test(metadataPath); if (isDirectory) { // append a trailing '/' if necessary. if (!looksLikeDirectory) metadataPath += "/"; } else { if (looksLikeDirectory) throw new Error("file path cannot end with '/': " + metadataPath); } return metadataPath; } var EMPTY_BUFFER = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0); // this class is not part of the public API function Entry(metadataPath, isDirectory, options) { this.utf8FileName = Buffer.from(metadataPath); if (this.utf8FileName.length > 0xffff) throw new Error("utf8 file name too long. " + utf8FileName.length + " > " + 0xffff); this.isDirectory = isDirectory; this.state = Entry.WAITING_FOR_METADATA; this.setLastModDate(options.mtime != null ? options.mtime : new Date()); if (options.mode != null) { this.setFileAttributesMode(options.mode); } else { this.setFileAttributesMode(isDirectory ? 0o40775 : 0o100664); } if (isDirectory) { this.crcAndFileSizeKnown = true; this.crc32 = 0; this.uncompressedSize = 0; this.compressedSize = 0; } else { // unknown so far this.crcAndFileSizeKnown = false; this.crc32 = null; this.uncompressedSize = null; this.compressedSize = null; if (options.size != null) this.uncompressedSize = options.size; } if (isDirectory) { this.compress = false; } else { this.compress = true; // default if (options.compress != null) this.compress = !!options.compress; } this.forceZip64Format = !!options.forceZip64Format; if (options.fileComment) { if (typeof options.fileComment === "string") { this.fileComment = Buffer.from(options.fileComment, "utf-8"); } else { // It should be a Buffer this.fileComment = options.fileComment; } if (this.fileComment.length > 0xffff) throw new Error("fileComment is too large"); } else { // no comment. this.fileComment = EMPTY_BUFFER; } } Entry.WAITING_FOR_METADATA = 0; Entry.READY_TO_PUMP_FILE_DATA = 1; Entry.FILE_DATA_IN_PROGRESS = 2; Entry.FILE_DATA_DONE = 3; Entry.prototype.setLastModDate = function(date) { var dosDateTime = dateToDosDateTime(date); this.lastModFileTime = dosDateTime.time; this.lastModFileDate =; }; Entry.prototype.setFileAttributesMode = function(mode) { if ((mode & 0xffff) !== mode) throw new Error("invalid mode. expected: 0 <= " + mode + " <= " + 0xffff); // this.externalFileAttributes = (mode << 16) >>> 0; }; // doFileDataPump() should not call pumpEntries() directly. see issue #9. Entry.prototype.setFileDataPumpFunction = function(doFileDataPump) { this.doFileDataPump = doFileDataPump; this.state = Entry.READY_TO_PUMP_FILE_DATA; }; Entry.prototype.useZip64Format = function() { return ( (this.forceZip64Format) || (this.uncompressedSize != null && this.uncompressedSize > 0xfffffffe) || (this.compressedSize != null && this.compressedSize > 0xfffffffe) || (this.relativeOffsetOfLocalHeader != null && this.relativeOffsetOfLocalHeader > 0xfffffffe) ); } var LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE = 30; var VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT_UTF8 = 20; var VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT_ZIP64 = 45; // 3 = unix. 63 = spec version 6.3 var VERSION_MADE_BY = (3 << 8) | 63; var FILE_NAME_IS_UTF8 = 1 << 11; var UNKNOWN_CRC32_AND_FILE_SIZES = 1 << 3; Entry.prototype.getLocalFileHeader = function() { var crc32 = 0; var compressedSize = 0; var uncompressedSize = 0; if (this.crcAndFileSizeKnown) { crc32 = this.crc32; compressedSize = this.compressedSize; uncompressedSize = this.uncompressedSize; } var fixedSizeStuff = Buffer.allocUnsafe(LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE); var generalPurposeBitFlag = FILE_NAME_IS_UTF8; if (!this.crcAndFileSizeKnown) generalPurposeBitFlag |= UNKNOWN_CRC32_AND_FILE_SIZES; // local file header signature 4 bytes (0x04034b50) fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt32LE(0x04034b50, 0); // version needed to extract 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT_UTF8, 4); // general purpose bit flag 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(generalPurposeBitFlag, 6); // compression method 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(this.getCompressionMethod(), 8); // last mod file time 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(this.lastModFileTime, 10); // last mod file date 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(this.lastModFileDate, 12); // crc-32 4 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt32LE(crc32, 14); // compressed size 4 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt32LE(compressedSize, 18); // uncompressed size 4 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt32LE(uncompressedSize, 22); // file name length 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(this.utf8FileName.length, 26); // extra field length 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(0, 28); return Buffer.concat([ fixedSizeStuff, // file name (variable size) this.utf8FileName, // extra field (variable size) // no extra fields ]); }; var DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE = 16; var ZIP64_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE = 24; Entry.prototype.getDataDescriptor = function() { if (this.crcAndFileSizeKnown) { // the Mac Archive Utility requires this not be present unless we set general purpose bit 3 return Buffer.allocUnsafe(0); } if (!this.useZip64Format()) { var buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE); // optional signature (required according to Archive Utility) buffer.writeUInt32LE(0x08074b50, 0); // crc-32 4 bytes buffer.writeUInt32LE(this.crc32, 4); // compressed size 4 bytes buffer.writeUInt32LE(this.compressedSize, 8); // uncompressed size 4 bytes buffer.writeUInt32LE(this.uncompressedSize, 12); return buffer; } else { // ZIP64 format var buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(ZIP64_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE); // optional signature (unknown if anyone cares about this) buffer.writeUInt32LE(0x08074b50, 0); // crc-32 4 bytes buffer.writeUInt32LE(this.crc32, 4); // compressed size 8 bytes writeUInt64LE(buffer, this.compressedSize, 8); // uncompressed size 8 bytes writeUInt64LE(buffer, this.uncompressedSize, 16); return buffer; } }; var CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_RECORD_FIXED_SIZE = 46; var ZIP64_EXTENDED_INFORMATION_EXTRA_FIELD_SIZE = 28; Entry.prototype.getCentralDirectoryRecord = function() { var fixedSizeStuff = Buffer.allocUnsafe(CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_RECORD_FIXED_SIZE); var generalPurposeBitFlag = FILE_NAME_IS_UTF8; if (!this.crcAndFileSizeKnown) generalPurposeBitFlag |= UNKNOWN_CRC32_AND_FILE_SIZES; var normalCompressedSize = this.compressedSize; var normalUncompressedSize = this.uncompressedSize; var normalRelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader = this.relativeOffsetOfLocalHeader; var versionNeededToExtract; var zeiefBuffer; if (this.useZip64Format()) { normalCompressedSize = 0xffffffff; normalUncompressedSize = 0xffffffff; normalRelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader = 0xffffffff; versionNeededToExtract = VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT_ZIP64; // ZIP64 extended information extra field zeiefBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(ZIP64_EXTENDED_INFORMATION_EXTRA_FIELD_SIZE); // 0x0001 2 bytes Tag for this "extra" block type zeiefBuffer.writeUInt16LE(0x0001, 0); // Size 2 bytes Size of this "extra" block zeiefBuffer.writeUInt16LE(ZIP64_EXTENDED_INFORMATION_EXTRA_FIELD_SIZE - 4, 2); // Original Size 8 bytes Original uncompressed file size writeUInt64LE(zeiefBuffer, this.uncompressedSize, 4); // Compressed Size 8 bytes Size of compressed data writeUInt64LE(zeiefBuffer, this.compressedSize, 12); // Relative Header Offset 8 bytes Offset of local header record writeUInt64LE(zeiefBuffer, this.relativeOffsetOfLocalHeader, 20); // Disk Start Number 4 bytes Number of the disk on which this file starts // (omit) } else { versionNeededToExtract = VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT_UTF8; zeiefBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0); } // central file header signature 4 bytes (0x02014b50) fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt32LE(0x02014b50, 0); // version made by 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(VERSION_MADE_BY, 4); // version needed to extract 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(versionNeededToExtract, 6); // general purpose bit flag 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(generalPurposeBitFlag, 8); // compression method 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(this.getCompressionMethod(), 10); // last mod file time 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(this.lastModFileTime, 12); // last mod file date 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(this.lastModFileDate, 14); // crc-32 4 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt32LE(this.crc32, 16); // compressed size 4 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt32LE(normalCompressedSize, 20); // uncompressed size 4 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt32LE(normalUncompressedSize, 24); // file name length 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(this.utf8FileName.length, 28); // extra field length 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(zeiefBuffer.length, 30); // file comment length 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(this.fileComment.length, 32); // disk number start 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(0, 34); // internal file attributes 2 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt16LE(0, 36); // external file attributes 4 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt32LE(this.externalFileAttributes, 38); // relative offset of local header 4 bytes fixedSizeStuff.writeUInt32LE(normalRelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader, 42); return Buffer.concat([ fixedSizeStuff, // file name (variable size) this.utf8FileName, // extra field (variable size) zeiefBuffer, // file comment (variable size) this.fileComment, ]); }; Entry.prototype.getCompressionMethod = function() { var NO_COMPRESSION = 0; var DEFLATE_COMPRESSION = 8; return this.compress ? DEFLATE_COMPRESSION : NO_COMPRESSION; }; function dateToDosDateTime(jsDate) { var date = 0; date |= jsDate.getDate() & 0x1f; // 1-31 date |= ((jsDate.getMonth() + 1) & 0xf) << 5; // 0-11, 1-12 date |= ((jsDate.getFullYear() - 1980) & 0x7f) << 9; // 0-128, 1980-2108 var time = 0; time |= Math.floor(jsDate.getSeconds() / 2); // 0-59, 0-29 (lose odd numbers) time |= (jsDate.getMinutes() & 0x3f) << 5; // 0-59 time |= (jsDate.getHours() & 0x1f) << 11; // 0-23 return {date: date, time: time}; } function writeUInt64LE(buffer, n, offset) { // can't use bitshift here, because JavaScript only allows bitshifting on 32-bit integers. var high = Math.floor(n / 0x100000000); var low = n % 0x100000000; buffer.writeUInt32LE(low, offset); buffer.writeUInt32LE(high, offset + 4); } function defaultCallback(err) { if (err) throw err; } util.inherits(ByteCounter, Transform); function ByteCounter(options) {, options); this.byteCount = 0; } ByteCounter.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { this.byteCount += chunk.length; cb(null, chunk); }; util.inherits(Crc32Watcher, Transform); function Crc32Watcher(options) {, options); this.crc32 = 0; } Crc32Watcher.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { this.crc32 = crc32.unsigned(chunk, this.crc32); cb(null, chunk); }; var cp437 = '\u0000☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○◙♂♀♪♫☼►◄↕‼¶§▬↨↑↓→←∟↔▲▼ !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~⌂ÇüéâäàåçêëèïîìÄÅÉæÆôöòûùÿÖÜ¢£¥₧ƒáíóúñѪº¿⌐¬½¼¡«»░▒▓│┤╡╢╖╕╣║╗╝╜╛┐└┴┬├─┼╞╟╚╔╩╦╠═╬╧╨╤╥╙╘╒╓╫╪┘┌█▄▌▐▀αßΓπΣσµτΦΘΩδ∞φε∩≡±≥≤⌠⌡÷≈°∙·√ⁿ²■ '; if (cp437.length !== 256) throw new Error("assertion failure"); var reverseCp437 = null; function encodeCp437(string) { if (/^[\x20-\x7e]*$/.test(string)) { // CP437, ASCII, and UTF-8 overlap in this range. return Buffer.from(string, "utf-8"); } // This is the slow path. if (reverseCp437 == null) { // cache this once reverseCp437 = {}; for (var i = 0; i < cp437.length; i++) { reverseCp437[cp437[i]] = i; } } var result = Buffer.allocUnsafe(string.length); for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { var b = reverseCp437[string[i]]; if (b == null) throw new Error("character not encodable in CP437: " + JSON.stringify(string[i])); result[i] = b; } return result; }