"use strict"; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Touch; (function (Touch) { Touch.None = 0; Touch.First = 1; Touch.Last = 2; })(Touch = exports.Touch || (exports.Touch = {})); class LinkedMap { constructor() { this._map = new Map(); this._head = undefined; this._tail = undefined; this._size = 0; } clear() { this._map.clear(); this._head = undefined; this._tail = undefined; this._size = 0; } isEmpty() { return !this._head && !this._tail; } get size() { return this._size; } has(key) { return this._map.has(key); } get(key) { const item = this._map.get(key); if (!item) { return undefined; } return item.value; } set(key, value, touch = Touch.None) { let item = this._map.get(key); if (item) { item.value = value; if (touch !== Touch.None) { this.touch(item, touch); } } else { item = { key, value, next: undefined, previous: undefined }; switch (touch) { case Touch.None: this.addItemLast(item); break; case Touch.First: this.addItemFirst(item); break; case Touch.Last: this.addItemLast(item); break; default: this.addItemLast(item); break; } this._map.set(key, item); this._size++; } } delete(key) { const item = this._map.get(key); if (!item) { return false; } this._map.delete(key); this.removeItem(item); this._size--; return true; } shift() { if (!this._head && !this._tail) { return undefined; } if (!this._head || !this._tail) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } const item = this._head; this._map.delete(item.key); this.removeItem(item); this._size--; return item.value; } forEach(callbackfn, thisArg) { let current = this._head; while (current) { if (thisArg) { callbackfn.bind(thisArg)(current.value, current.key, this); } else { callbackfn(current.value, current.key, this); } current = current.next; } } forEachReverse(callbackfn, thisArg) { let current = this._tail; while (current) { if (thisArg) { callbackfn.bind(thisArg)(current.value, current.key, this); } else { callbackfn(current.value, current.key, this); } current = current.previous; } } values() { let result = []; let current = this._head; while (current) { result.push(current.value); current = current.next; } return result; } keys() { let result = []; let current = this._head; while (current) { result.push(current.key); current = current.next; } return result; } /* JSON RPC run on es5 which has no Symbol.iterator public keys(): IterableIterator { let current = this._head; let iterator: IterableIterator = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return iterator; }, next():IteratorResult { if (current) { let result = { value: current.key, done: false }; current = current.next; return result; } else { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } } }; return iterator; } public values(): IterableIterator { let current = this._head; let iterator: IterableIterator = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return iterator; }, next():IteratorResult { if (current) { let result = { value: current.value, done: false }; current = current.next; return result; } else { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } } }; return iterator; } */ addItemFirst(item) { // First time Insert if (!this._head && !this._tail) { this._tail = item; } else if (!this._head) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } else { item.next = this._head; this._head.previous = item; } this._head = item; } addItemLast(item) { // First time Insert if (!this._head && !this._tail) { this._head = item; } else if (!this._tail) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } else { item.previous = this._tail; this._tail.next = item; } this._tail = item; } removeItem(item) { if (item === this._head && item === this._tail) { this._head = undefined; this._tail = undefined; } else if (item === this._head) { this._head = item.next; } else if (item === this._tail) { this._tail = item.previous; } else { const next = item.next; const previous = item.previous; if (!next || !previous) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } next.previous = previous; previous.next = next; } } touch(item, touch) { if (!this._head || !this._tail) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } if ((touch !== Touch.First && touch !== Touch.Last)) { return; } if (touch === Touch.First) { if (item === this._head) { return; } const next = item.next; const previous = item.previous; // Unlink the item if (item === this._tail) { // previous must be defined since item was not head but is tail // So there are more than on item in the map previous.next = undefined; this._tail = previous; } else { // Both next and previous are not undefined since item was neither head nor tail. next.previous = previous; previous.next = next; } // Insert the node at head item.previous = undefined; item.next = this._head; this._head.previous = item; this._head = item; } else if (touch === Touch.Last) { if (item === this._tail) { return; } const next = item.next; const previous = item.previous; // Unlink the item. if (item === this._head) { // next must be defined since item was not tail but is head // So there are more than on item in the map next.previous = undefined; this._head = next; } else { // Both next and previous are not undefined since item was neither head nor tail. next.previous = previous; previous.next = next; } item.next = undefined; item.previous = this._tail; this._tail.next = item; this._tail = item; } } } exports.LinkedMap = LinkedMap;