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2019-02-17 17:07:28 +00:00
/// <reference types="node" />
import * as cp from 'child_process';
import ChildProcess = cp.ChildProcess;
import { BaseLanguageClient, LanguageClientOptions, MessageTransports, StaticFeature, DynamicFeature } from './client';
import { Disposable } from 'vscode';
export * from './client';
export interface ExecutableOptions {
cwd?: string;
stdio?: string | string[];
env?: any;
detached?: boolean;
shell?: boolean;
export interface Executable {
command: string;
args?: string[];
options?: ExecutableOptions;
export interface ForkOptions {
cwd?: string;
env?: any;
encoding?: string;
execArgv?: string[];
export declare enum TransportKind {
stdio = 0,
ipc = 1,
pipe = 2,
socket = 3
export interface SocketTransport {
kind: TransportKind.socket;
port: number;
* To avoid any timing, pipe name or port number issues the pipe (TransportKind.pipe)
* and the sockets (TransportKind.socket and SocketTransport) are owned by the
* VS Code processes. The server process simply connects to the pipe / socket.
* In node term the VS Code process calls `createServer`, then starts the server
* process, waits until the server process has connected to the pipe / socket
* and then signals that the connection has been established and messages can
* be send back and forth. If the language server is implemented in a different
* programm language the server simply needs to create a connection to the
* passed pipe name or port number.
export declare type Transport = TransportKind | SocketTransport;
export interface NodeModule {
module: string;
transport?: Transport;
args?: string[];
runtime?: string;
options?: ForkOptions;
export interface StreamInfo {
writer: NodeJS.WritableStream;
reader: NodeJS.ReadableStream;
detached?: boolean;
export interface ChildProcessInfo {
process: ChildProcess;
detached: boolean;
export declare type ServerOptions = Executable | {
run: Executable;
debug: Executable;
} | {
run: NodeModule;
debug: NodeModule;
} | NodeModule | (() => Thenable<ChildProcess | StreamInfo | MessageTransports | ChildProcessInfo>);
export declare class LanguageClient extends BaseLanguageClient {
private _serverOptions;
private _forceDebug;
private _serverProcess;
private _isDetached;
constructor(name: string, serverOptions: ServerOptions, clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions, forceDebug?: boolean);
constructor(id: string, name: string, serverOptions: ServerOptions, clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions, forceDebug?: boolean);
stop(): Thenable<void>;
private checkProcessDied;
protected handleConnectionClosed(): void;
protected createMessageTransports(encoding: string): Thenable<MessageTransports>;
registerProposedFeatures(): void;
protected registerBuiltinFeatures(): void;
private _mainGetRootPath;
private _getServerWorkingDir;
export declare class SettingMonitor {
private _client;
private _setting;
private _listeners;
constructor(_client: LanguageClient, _setting: string);
start(): Disposable;
private onDidChangeConfiguration;
export declare namespace ProposedFeatures {
function createAll(_client: BaseLanguageClient): (StaticFeature | DynamicFeature<any>)[];