
370 lines
9.5 KiB

// Automatically Generated//
use crate::logger::messages::Message;
use crate::parsing::lexer::lex;
use crate::parsing::lexer::lex_tokens::LexToken;
use crate::parsing::parser::parse;
use crate::parsing::parser::parsed_statement::ParsedStatement;
use crate::span::Span;
fn ignore_error(_msg: Message, _: Span) {
fn panic_on_error(msg: Message, _: Span) {
fn integration_add_function() {
let script = "int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
let lexed_tokens = lex(script, &mut panic_on_error);
println!("{}", serde_json::to_string(&lexed_tokens).unwrap());
let expected_tokens: Vec<LexToken> =
"token_type": "IntKeyword",
"span": {
"start": 0,
"end": 3
"token_type": "WhiteSpace",
"span": {
"start": 3,
"end": 4
"token_type": {
"Identifier": "add"
"span": {
"start": 4,
"end": 7
"token_type": "OpenBracket",
"span": {
"start": 7,
"end": 8
"token_type": "IntKeyword",
"span": {
"start": 8,
"end": 11
"token_type": "WhiteSpace",
"span": {
"start": 11,
"end": 12
"token_type": {
"Identifier": "a"
"span": {
"start": 12,
"end": 13
"token_type": "Comma",
"span": {
"start": 13,
"end": 14
"token_type": "WhiteSpace",
"span": {
"start": 14,
"end": 15
"token_type": "IntKeyword",
"span": {
"start": 15,
"end": 18
"token_type": "WhiteSpace",
"span": {
"start": 18,
"end": 19
"token_type": {
"Identifier": "b"
"span": {
"start": 19,
"end": 20
"token_type": "CloseBracket",
"span": {
"start": 20,
"end": 21
"token_type": "WhiteSpace",
"span": {
"start": 21,
"end": 22
"token_type": "OpenCurlyBracket",
"span": {
"start": 22,
"end": 23
"token_type": "WhiteSpace",
"span": {
"start": 23,
"end": 24
"token_type": "WhiteSpace",
"span": {
"start": 24,
"end": 25
"token_type": "WhiteSpace",
"span": {
"start": 25,
"end": 26
"token_type": "WhiteSpace",
"span": {
"start": 26,
"end": 27
"token_type": "WhiteSpace",
"span": {
"start": 27,
"end": 28
"token_type": "ReturnKeyword",
"span": {
"start": 28,
"end": 34
"token_type": "WhiteSpace",
"span": {
"start": 34,
"end": 35
"token_type": {
"Identifier": "a"
"span": {
"start": 35,
"end": 36
"token_type": "WhiteSpace",
"span": {
"start": 36,
"end": 37
"token_type": "Plus",
"span": {
"start": 37,
"end": 38
"token_type": "WhiteSpace",
"span": {
"start": 38,
"end": 39
"token_type": {
"Identifier": "b"
"span": {
"start": 39,
"end": 40
"token_type": "Semicolon",
"span": {
"start": 40,
"end": 41
"token_type": "WhiteSpace",
"span": {
"start": 41,
"end": 42
"token_type": "CloseCurlyBracket",
"span": {
"start": 42,
"end": 43
"token_type": "EndOfFile",
"span": {
"start": 43,
"end": 43
assert_eq!(lexed_tokens, expected_tokens);
let parsed_tree = parse(lexed_tokens, &mut panic_on_error);
println!("{}", serde_json::to_string(&parsed_tree).unwrap());
let expected_tree: Box<ParsedStatement> =
"Script": {
"statements": [
"FuncDeclaration": {
"modifiers": 0,
"field_mod": null,
"is_destructor": false,
"returns_reference": false,
"return_type": {
"Type": {
"is_const": false,
"scope": null,
"datatype": {
"DataTypePrimType": {
"prim_type": "Int32"
"modifiers": []
"name": "add",
"param_list": {
"ParamList": {
"parameters": [
"parameter_type": {
"Type": {
"is_const": false,
"scope": null,
"datatype": {
"DataTypePrimType": {
"prim_type": "Int32"
"modifiers": []
"type_mod": null,
"identifier": "a",
"default": null
"parameter_type": {
"Type": {
"is_const": false,
"scope": null,
"datatype": {
"DataTypePrimType": {
"prim_type": "Int32"
"modifiers": []
"type_mod": null,
"identifier": "b",
"default": null
"is_const": false,
"func_attr": 0,
"block": {
"StatBlock": {
"statements": [
"ReturnStatement": {
"expression": {
"BinaryExpr": {
"left": {
"VarAccess": {
"scope": null,
"identifier": "a"
"operator": "Addition",
"right": {
"VarAccess": {
"scope": null,
"identifier": "b"
assert_eq!(parsed_tree, expected_tree);
// A substring of a script should never panic, even though it might be completely invalid.
fn integration_add_function_substring() {
let mut script = "int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
for _ in 0..script.len() {
let lexed_tokens = lex(script.as_str(), &mut ignore_error);
let _parsed_tree = parse(lexed_tokens, &mut ignore_error);