[package] name = "pkmn_lib" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["Deukhoofd "] edition = "2018" [lib] name = "pkmn_lib" crate_type = ["cdylib"] [features] c_interface = [] [profile.dev] opt-level = 0 debug = true debug-assertions = true overflow-checks = true lto = "thin" panic = 'unwind' incremental = true codegen-units = 256 rpath = false [profile.release] opt-level = 3 debug = 1 debug-assertions = false overflow-checks = true lto = "fat" panic = 'unwind' incremental = false codegen-units = 16 rpath = false [dependencies] # Used for PrimInt, so we can check if a generic is an integer num-traits = "0.2" # Allow us to assert whether floats are approximately a value assert_approx_eq = "1.1.0" # Used for time based code (i.e. randomness) chrono = "0.4.19" # Used for RNG rand = "0.8.5" rand_pcg = "0.3.1" # Used for the hashmap!{} macro, creating a simple initializer pattern for hashmaps. maplit = "1.0.2" failure = "0.1.8" failure_derive = "0.1.8" lazy_static = "1.4.0" hashbrown = "0.12.1" indexmap = "1.8.2" parking_lot = "0.12.1"