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#include "BuildItems.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "../../extern/json.hpp"
using json = nlohmann::json;
#define GET(o, objectKey, key) \
auto _##objectKey = o[#objectKey]; \
if (_##objectKey.is_null()) { \
std::cout << "Failed to retrieve key '" << #objectKey << "' for object with value '" << key << "' in file '" \
<< path << "'\n"; \
return nullptr; \
static CreatureLib::Library::ItemCategory ParseItemCategory(std::string& in) {
std::transform(in.begin(), in.end(), in.end(), tolower);
if (in == "item")
return CreatureLib::Library::ItemCategory::MiscItem;
if (in == "medicine")
return CreatureLib::Library::ItemCategory::Medicine;
if (in == "berry")
return CreatureLib::Library::ItemCategory::Berry;
if (in == "mail")
return CreatureLib::Library::ItemCategory::Mail;
if (in == "key")
return CreatureLib::Library::ItemCategory::KeyItem;
if (in == "pokeball")
return CreatureLib::Library::ItemCategory::CaptureDevice;
if (in == "tm")
return CreatureLib::Library::ItemCategory::MoveLearner;
std::cout << "Unknown Item Type: '" << in << "'\n";
return static_cast<CreatureLib::Library::ItemCategory>(255);
PkmnLib::Library::ItemLibrary* BuildItems::Build(const std::string& path) {
std::ifstream fileStream(path.c_str());
if ( {
std::cout << "Failed to load Items data file at '" << path << "'\n";
return nullptr;
auto lib = new PkmnLib::Library::ItemLibrary();
json j;
fileStream >> j;
for (auto i : j.items()) {
auto val = i.value();
GET(val, name, i);
GET(val, itemType, i);
GET(val, flags, i);
GET(val, price, i);
GET(val, flingPower, i);
auto itemTypeStr = _itemType.get<std::string>();
CreatureLib::Library::ItemCategory itemType = ParseItemCategory(itemTypeStr);
if (static_cast<int>(itemType) == 255)
return nullptr;
auto flags = std::unordered_set<uint>();
for (auto flagIndex : _flags.items()) {
2021-05-08 10:33:05 +00:00
CreatureLib::Library::SecondaryEffect* effect = nullptr;
auto effectJson = val["effect"];
if (effectJson != nullptr) {
auto effectName = effectJson["name"];
auto parametersJson = effectJson["parameters"];
ArbUt::List<CreatureLib::Library::EffectParameter*> parameters;
if (parametersJson != nullptr) {
for (auto& kv : parametersJson.items()) {
auto& p = kv.value();
auto t = p.type();
switch (t) {
case json::value_t::boolean:
parameters.Append(new CreatureLib::Library::EffectParameter(p.get<bool>()));
case json::value_t::number_integer:
case json::value_t::number_unsigned:
parameters.Append(new CreatureLib::Library::EffectParameter(p.get<int64_t>()));
case json::value_t::number_float:
parameters.Append(new CreatureLib::Library::EffectParameter(p.get<float>()));
default: continue;
effect = new CreatureLib::Library::SecondaryEffect(
100, ArbUt::StringView(effectName.get<std::string>().c_str()), parameters);
auto item = new PkmnLib::Library::Item(ArbUt::StringView(_name.get<std::string>().c_str()), itemType,
CreatureLib::Library::BattleItemCategory::None, _price.get<int32_t>(),
2021-05-08 10:33:05 +00:00
effect, flags, _flingPower.get<uint8_t>());
lib->Insert(item->GetName(), item);
return lib;
#undef GET