using JetBrains.Annotations; using PkmnLib.Dynamic.Events; using PkmnLib.Dynamic.Libraries; using PkmnLib.Dynamic.ScriptHandling; using PkmnLib.Static; using PkmnLib.Static.Species; using PkmnLib.Static.Utils; namespace PkmnLib.Dynamic.Models; /// /// The data of a Pokemon. /// public interface IPokemon : IScriptSource { /// /// The library data of the Pokemon. /// IDynamicLibrary Library { get; } /// /// The species of the Pokemon. /// ISpecies Species { get; } /// /// The form of the Pokemon. /// IForm Form { get; } /// /// An optional display species of the Pokemon. If this is set, the client should display this /// species. An example of usage for this is the Illusion ability. /// ISpecies? DisplaySpecies { get; } /// /// An optional display form of the Pokemon. If this is set, the client should display this /// form. An example of usage for this is the Illusion ability. /// IForm? DisplayForm { get; } /// /// The current level of the Pokemon. /// LevelInt Level { get; } /// /// The amount of experience of the Pokemon. /// uint Experience { get; } /// /// The personality value of the Pokemon. /// uint PersonalityValue { get; } /// /// The gender of the Pokemon. /// Gender Gender { get; } /// /// The coloring of the Pokemon. Value 0 is the default, value 1 means shiny. Other values are /// currently not used, and can be used for other implementations. /// byte Coloring { get; } /// /// The held item of the Pokemon. /// IItem? HeldItem { get; } /// /// The remaining health points of the Pokemon. /// uint CurrentHealth { get; } /// /// The weight of the Pokemon in kilograms. /// float WeightInKm { get; set; } /// /// The height of the Pokemon in meters. /// float HeightInMeters { get; set; } /// /// The happiness of the Pokemon. Also known as friendship. /// byte Happiness { get; } /// /// The stats of the Pokemon when disregarding any stat boosts. /// StatisticSet FlatStats { get; } /// /// The statistics boosts of the Pokemon. Will prevent the value from going above 6, and below /// -6. /// StatBoostStatisticSet StatBoost { get; } /// /// The stats of the Pokemon including the stat boosts /// StatisticSet BoostedStats { get; } /// /// The individual values of the Pokemon. /// IndividualValueStatisticSet IndividualValues { get; } /// /// The effort values of the Pokemon. /// EffortValueStatisticSet EffortValues { get; } /// /// The nature of the Pokemon. /// INature Nature { get; } /// /// An optional nickname of the Pokemon. /// string? Nickname { get; } /// /// An index of the ability to find the actual ability on the form. /// AbilityIndex AbilityIndex { get; } /// /// An ability can be overriden to an arbitrary ability. This is for example used for the Mummy /// ability. /// IAbility? OverrideAbility { get; } /// /// If in battle, we have additional data. /// IPokemonBattleData? BattleData { get; } /// /// The moves the Pokemon has learned. This is of a set length of . Empty move slots /// are null. /// IReadOnlyList Moves { get; } /// /// Whether or not the Pokemon is allowed to gain experience. /// bool AllowedExperience { get; } /// /// The current types of the Pokemon. /// IReadOnlyList Types { get; } /// /// Whether or not this Pokemon is an egg. /// bool IsEgg { get; } /// /// Whether or not this Pokemon was caught this battle. /// bool IsCaught { get; } /// /// The script for the held item. /// ScriptContainer HeldItemTriggerScript { get; } /// /// The script for the ability. /// ScriptContainer AbilityScript { get; } /// /// The script for the status. /// ScriptContainer StatusScript { get; } /// /// The volatile status scripts of the Pokemon. /// IScriptSet Volatile { get; } /// /// Checks whether the Pokemon is holding an item with a specific name. /// bool HasHeldItem(StringKey itemName); /// /// Changes the held item of the Pokemon. Returns the previously held item. /// [MustUseReturnValue] IItem? SetHeldItem(IItem? item); /// /// Removes the held item from the Pokemon. Returns the previously held item. /// [MustUseReturnValue] IItem? RemoveHeldItem(); /// /// Makes the Pokemon uses its held item. Returns whether the item was consumed. /// bool ConsumeHeldItem(); /// /// Change a boosted stat by a certain amount. /// /// The stat to be changed /// The amount to change the stat by /// Whether the change was self-inflicted. This can be relevant in scripts. bool ChangeStatBoost(Statistic stat, sbyte change, bool selfInflicted); /// /// Returns the currently active ability. /// IAbility ActiveAbility { get; } /// /// Calculates the flat stats on the Pokemon. This should be called when for example the base /// stats, level, nature, IV, or EV changes. This has a side effect of recalculating the boosted /// stats, as those depend on the flat stats. /// void RecalculateFlatStats(); /// /// Calculates the boosted stats on the Pokemon, _without_ recalculating the flat stats. /// This should be called when a stat boost changes. /// void RecalculateBoostedStats(); /// /// Change the species of the Pokemon. /// void ChangeSpecies(ISpecies species, IForm form); /// /// Change the form of the Pokemon. /// void ChangeForm(IForm form); /// /// Whether the Pokemon is useable in a battle. /// bool IsUsable { get; } /// /// Whether the Pokemon is fainted. /// bool IsFainted { get; } /// /// Damages the Pokemon by a certain amount of damage, from a damage source. /// void Damage(uint damage, DamageSource source, EventBatchId batchId); /// /// Heals the Pokemon by a specific amount. Unless allow_revive is set to true, this will not /// heal if the Pokemon has 0 health. If the amount healed is 0, this will return false. /// bool Heal(uint heal, bool allowRevive); /// /// Learn a move by name. /// void LearnMove(string moveName, MoveLearnMethod method, byte index); /// /// Removes the current non-volatile status from the Pokemon. /// void ClearStatus(); /// /// Modifies the level by a certain amount /// void ChangeLevelBy(int change); /// /// Sets the current battle the Pokémon is in. /// void SetBattleData(IBattle battle, byte sideIndex); /// /// Sets whether the Pokémon is on the battlefield. /// void SetOnBattlefield(bool onBattleField); /// /// Sets the position the Pokémon has within its side. /// /// void SetBattleSidePosition(byte position); /// /// Marks a Pokemon as seen in the battle. /// void MarkOpponentAsSeen(IPokemon pokemon); // TODO: (de)serialize } /// /// The data of the Pokemon related to being in a battle. /// This is only set when the Pokemon is on the field in a battle. /// public interface IPokemonBattleData { /// /// The battle the Pokemon is in. /// IBattle Battle { get; internal set; } /// /// The index of the side of the Pokemon /// byte SideIndex { get; internal set; } /// /// The index of the position of the Pokemon on the field /// byte Position { get; internal set; } /// /// A list of opponents the Pokemon has seen this battle. /// IReadOnlyList SeenOpponents { get; } /// /// Whether the Pokemon is on the battlefield. /// bool IsOnBattlefield { get; set; } /// /// Adds an opponent to the list of seen opponents. /// void MarkOpponentAsSeen(IPokemon opponent); } /// public class PokemonImpl : ScriptSource, IPokemon { /// public PokemonImpl(IDynamicLibrary library, ISpecies species, IForm form, AbilityIndex abilityIndex, LevelInt level, uint personalityValue, Gender gender, byte coloring, StringKey natureName) { Library = library; Species = species; Form = form; AbilityIndex = abilityIndex; Level = level; PersonalityValue = personalityValue; Gender = gender; Coloring = coloring; Types = form.Types.ToList(); Experience = library.StaticLibrary.GrowthRates.CalculateExperience(species.GrowthRate, level); WeightInKm = form.Weight; HeightInMeters = form.Height; Happiness = species.BaseHappiness; if (!library.StaticLibrary.Natures.TryGet(natureName, out var nature)) throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Nature {natureName} not found."); Nature = nature; RecalculateFlatStats(); CurrentHealth = BoostedStats.Hp; } /// public IDynamicLibrary Library { get; } /// public ISpecies Species { get; } /// public IForm Form { get; } /// public ISpecies? DisplaySpecies { get; set; } /// public IForm? DisplayForm { get; set; } /// public LevelInt Level { get; private set; } /// public uint Experience { get; } /// public uint PersonalityValue { get; } /// public Gender Gender { get; } /// public byte Coloring { get; } /// public IItem? HeldItem { get; private set; } /// public uint CurrentHealth { get; private set; } /// public float WeightInKm { get; set; } /// public float HeightInMeters { get; set; } /// public byte Happiness { get; } /// public StatisticSet FlatStats { get; } = new(); /// public StatBoostStatisticSet StatBoost { get; } = new(); /// public StatisticSet BoostedStats { get; } = new(); /// public IndividualValueStatisticSet IndividualValues { get; } = new(); /// public EffortValueStatisticSet EffortValues { get; } = new(); /// public INature Nature { get; } /// public string? Nickname { get; set; } /// public AbilityIndex AbilityIndex { get; } /// public IAbility? OverrideAbility { get; private set; } /// public IPokemonBattleData? BattleData { get; private set; } private readonly ILearnedMove?[] _learnedMoves = new ILearnedMove[Const.MovesCount]; /// public IReadOnlyList Moves => _learnedMoves; /// public bool AllowedExperience { get; set; } /// public IReadOnlyList Types { get; private set; } /// public bool IsEgg { get; private set; } /// public bool IsCaught { get; private set; } /// public ScriptContainer HeldItemTriggerScript { get; } = new(); /// public ScriptContainer AbilityScript { get; } = new(); /// public ScriptContainer StatusScript { get; } = new(); /// public IScriptSet Volatile { get; } = new ScriptSet(); /// public bool HasHeldItem(StringKey itemName) => HeldItem?.Name == itemName; /// public IItem? SetHeldItem(IItem? item) { var previous = HeldItem; HeldItem = item; return previous; } /// public IItem? RemoveHeldItem() { var previous = HeldItem; HeldItem = null; return previous; } /// public bool ConsumeHeldItem() { if (HeldItem is null) return false; if (!Library.ScriptResolver.TryResolveItemScript(HeldItem, out _)) return false; // TODO: actually consume the item throw new NotImplementedException(); } /// public bool ChangeStatBoost(Statistic stat, sbyte change, bool selfInflicted) { var prevented = false; this.RunScriptHook(script => script.PreventStatBoostChange(this, stat, change, selfInflicted, ref prevented)); if (prevented) return false; this.RunScriptHook(script => script.ChangeStatBoostChange(this, stat, selfInflicted, ref change)); if (change == 0) return false; var changed = false; var oldBoost = StatBoost.GetStatistic(stat); changed = change switch { > 0 => StatBoost.IncreaseStatistic(stat, change), < 0 => StatBoost.DecreaseStatistic(stat, change), _ => changed, }; if (!changed) return false; if (BattleData != null) { var newBoost = StatBoost.GetStatistic(stat); BattleData.Battle.EventHook.Invoke(new StatBoostEvent(this, stat, oldBoost, newBoost)); } RecalculateBoostedStats(); return true; } /// public IAbility ActiveAbility { get { if (OverrideAbility != null) return OverrideAbility; var ability = Form.GetAbility(AbilityIndex); if (!Library.StaticLibrary.Abilities.TryGet(ability, out var abilityObj)) throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Ability {ability} not found."); return abilityObj; } } /// public void RecalculateFlatStats() { Library.StatCalculator.CalculateFlatStats(this, FlatStats); RecalculateBoostedStats(); } /// public void RecalculateBoostedStats() => Library.StatCalculator.CalculateBoostedStats(this, BoostedStats); /// public void ChangeSpecies(ISpecies species, IForm form) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /// public void ChangeForm(IForm form) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /// /// /// Currently this checks the Pokemon is not an egg, not caught, and not fainted. /// public bool IsUsable => !IsCaught && !IsEgg && !IsFainted; /// public bool IsFainted => CurrentHealth == 0; /// public void Damage(uint damage, DamageSource source, EventBatchId batchId) { // If the Pokemon is already fainted, we don't need to do anything. if (IsFainted) return; // If the damage is more than the current health, we cap it at the current health, to prevent // underflow. if (damage >= CurrentHealth) damage = CurrentHealth; // Calculate the new health. var newHealth = CurrentHealth - damage; if (BattleData is not null) { // If the Pokémon is in a battle, we trigger an event to the front-end. BattleData.Battle.EventHook.Invoke(new DamageEvent(this, CurrentHealth, newHealth, source) { BatchId = batchId, }); // And allow scripts to execute. this.RunScriptHook(script => script.OnDamage(this, source, CurrentHealth, newHealth)); } CurrentHealth = newHealth; // If the Pokémon is now fainted, we also run faint handling. if (IsFainted) { OnFaint(source); } } private void OnFaint(DamageSource source) { // If the Pokémon is not in a battle, we don't need to do anything. if (BattleData is null) return; // Trigger the faint event to the front-end. BattleData.Battle.EventHook.Invoke(new FaintEvent(this)); // Allow scripts to trigger based on the faint. this.RunScriptHook(script => script.OnFaint(this, source)); // Make sure the OnRemove script is run. this.RunScriptHook(script => script.OnRemove()); // Mark the position as unfillable if it can't be filled by any party. if (!BattleData.Battle.CanSlotBeFilled(BattleData.SideIndex, BattleData.Position)) { BattleData.Battle.Sides[BattleData.SideIndex].MarkPositionAsUnfillable(BattleData.Position); } // Validate the battle state to see if the battle is over. BattleData.Battle.ValidateBattleState(); } /// public bool Heal(uint heal, bool allowRevive) { if (IsFainted && !allowRevive) return false; var maxAmount = this.BoostedStats.Hp - CurrentHealth; if (heal > maxAmount) heal = maxAmount; if (heal == 0) return false; var newHealth = CurrentHealth + heal; BattleData?.Battle.EventHook.Invoke(new HealEvent(this, CurrentHealth, newHealth)); CurrentHealth = newHealth; return true; } /// /// /// If the index is 255, it will try to find the first empty move slot. /// public void LearnMove(string moveName, MoveLearnMethod method, byte index) { if (index == 255) { for (byte i = 0; i < Moves.Count; i++) { if (Moves[i] is not null) continue; index = i; break; } } if (index >= Moves.Count) throw new InvalidOperationException("No empty move slot found."); if (!Library.StaticLibrary.Moves.TryGet(moveName, out var move)) throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Move {moveName} not found."); _learnedMoves[index] = new LearnedMoveImpl(move, method); } /// public void ClearStatus() => StatusScript.Clear(); /// public void ChangeLevelBy(int change) { var newLevel = Level + change; Level = (LevelInt)Math.Clamp(newLevel, 1, Library.StaticLibrary.Settings.MaxLevel); RecalculateFlatStats(); } /// public void SetBattleData(IBattle battle, byte sideIndex) { if (BattleData is not null) { BattleData.Battle = battle; BattleData.SideIndex = sideIndex; } else { BattleData = new PokemonBattleDataImpl(battle, sideIndex); } } /// public void SetOnBattlefield(bool onBattleField) { if (BattleData is not null) { BattleData.IsOnBattlefield = onBattleField; if (!onBattleField) { Volatile.Clear(); WeightInKm = Form.Weight; HeightInMeters = Form.Height; } } } /// public void SetBattleSidePosition(byte position) { if (BattleData is not null) { BattleData.Position = position; } } /// public void MarkOpponentAsSeen(IPokemon pokemon) => BattleData?.MarkOpponentAsSeen(pokemon); /// public override int ScriptCount { get { var c = 4; if (BattleData != null) { var side = BattleData.Battle.Sides[BattleData.SideIndex]; c += side.ScriptCount; } return c; } } /// public override void GetOwnScripts(List> scripts) { scripts.Add(HeldItemTriggerScript); scripts.Add(AbilityScript); scripts.Add(StatusScript); scripts.Add(Volatile); } /// public override void CollectScripts(List> scripts) { GetOwnScripts(scripts); if (BattleData != null) { var side = BattleData.Battle.Sides[BattleData.SideIndex]; side.CollectScripts(scripts); } } } /// public class PokemonBattleDataImpl : IPokemonBattleData { /// public PokemonBattleDataImpl(IBattle battle, byte sideIndex) { Battle = battle; SideIndex = sideIndex; } /// public IBattle Battle { get; set; } /// public byte SideIndex { get; set; } /// public byte Position { get; set; } private readonly List _seenOpponents = []; /// public IReadOnlyList SeenOpponents => _seenOpponents; /// public bool IsOnBattlefield { get; set; } /// public void MarkOpponentAsSeen(IPokemon opponent) { _seenOpponents.Add(opponent); } }