using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using PkmnLib.Static.Utils;
namespace PkmnLib.Static.Species;
/// The data belonging to a Pokémon with certain characteristics.
public interface ISpecies : INamedValue
/// The national dex identifier of the Pokémon.
ushort Id { get; }
/// The chance between 0.0 and 1.0 that a Pokémon is female. 0.0 means always male, 1.0 means always female.
/// If less than 0, the Pokémon is genderless.
float GenderRate { get; }
/// How much experience is required for a level.
StringKey GrowthRate { get; }
/// How hard it is to capture a Pokémon. 255 means this will be always caught, 0 means this is
/// uncatchable.
byte CaptureRate { get; }
/// The base happiness of the Pokémon.
byte BaseHappiness { get; }
/// The forms that belong to this Pokémon.
IReadOnlyDictionary Forms { get; }
/// The arbitrary flags that can be set on a Pokémon for script use.
ImmutableHashSet Flags { get; }
/// Gets a form by name.
bool TryGetForm(StringKey id, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out IForm form);
/// Gets the form the Pokémon will have by default, if no other form is specified.
IForm GetDefaultForm();
/// Gets a random gender.
Gender GetRandomGender(IRandom rand);
/// Check whether the Pokémon has a specific flag set.
bool HasFlag(string key);
/// The data regarding into which Pokémon this species can evolve, and how.
IReadOnlyList EvolutionData { get; }
/// The egg groups the Pokémon belongs to.
ICollection EggGroups { get; }
public class SpeciesImpl : ISpecies
public SpeciesImpl(ushort id, StringKey name, float genderRate, StringKey growthRate, byte captureRate,
byte baseHappiness, IReadOnlyDictionary forms, IEnumerable flags,
IReadOnlyList evolutionData, IEnumerable eggGroups)
Id = id;
Name = name;
GenderRate = genderRate;
GrowthRate = growthRate;
CaptureRate = captureRate;
BaseHappiness = baseHappiness;
Forms = forms;
Flags = flags.ToImmutableHashSet();
EvolutionData = evolutionData;
EggGroups = eggGroups.ToImmutableHashSet();
if (Forms.Count == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Species must have at least one form.");
if (!Forms.ContainsKey("default"))
throw new ArgumentException("Species must have a default form.");
public ushort Id { get; }
public StringKey Name { get; }
public float GenderRate { get; }
public StringKey GrowthRate { get; }
public byte CaptureRate { get; }
public byte BaseHappiness { get; }
public IReadOnlyDictionary Forms { get; }
public ImmutableHashSet Flags { get; }
public IReadOnlyList EvolutionData { get; }
public ICollection EggGroups { get; }
public bool TryGetForm(StringKey id, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out IForm form) => Forms.TryGetValue(id, out form);
public IForm GetDefaultForm() => Forms["default"];
public Gender GetRandomGender(IRandom rand)
if (GenderRate < 0.0f)
return Gender.Genderless;
var v = rand.GetFloat();
return v < GenderRate ? Gender.Female : Gender.Male;
public bool HasFlag(string key) => Flags.Contains(key);