namespace PkmnLib.Static.Libraries;
/// The storage for all different static libraries.
public interface IStaticLibrary
/// The miscellaneous settings for the library.
LibrarySettings Settings { get; }
/// All data for Pokémon species.
IReadOnlySpeciesLibrary Species { get; }
/// All data for Pokémon moves.
IReadOnlyMoveLibrary Moves { get; }
/// All data for Pokémon abilities.
IReadOnlyAbilityLibrary Abilities { get; }
/// All data for Pokémon types and their effectiveness.
IReadOnlyTypeLibrary Types { get; }
/// All data for Pokémon natures.
IReadOnlyNatureLibrary Natures { get; }
/// All data for Pokémon growth rates.
IReadOnlyGrowthRateLibrary GrowthRates { get; }
/// All data for Pokémon items.
IReadOnlyItemLibrary Items { get; }
public class StaticLibraryImpl : IStaticLibrary
public StaticLibraryImpl(LibrarySettings settings, IReadOnlySpeciesLibrary species, IReadOnlyMoveLibrary moves, IReadOnlyAbilityLibrary abilities, IReadOnlyTypeLibrary types, IReadOnlyNatureLibrary natures, IReadOnlyGrowthRateLibrary growthRates, IReadOnlyItemLibrary items)
Settings = settings;
Species = species;
Moves = moves;
Abilities = abilities;
Types = types;
Natures = natures;
GrowthRates = growthRates;
Items = items;
public LibrarySettings Settings { get; }
public IReadOnlySpeciesLibrary Species { get; }
public IReadOnlyMoveLibrary Moves { get; }
public IReadOnlyAbilityLibrary Abilities { get; }
public IReadOnlyTypeLibrary Types { get; }
public IReadOnlyNatureLibrary Natures { get; }
public IReadOnlyGrowthRateLibrary GrowthRates { get; }
public IReadOnlyItemLibrary Items { get; }