using PkmnLib.Dynamic.Models.Choices;
using PkmnLib.Dynamic.ScriptHandling;
namespace PkmnLib.Dynamic.Models;
/// A side in a battle.
public interface IBattleSide : IScriptSource
/// The index of the side on the battle.
byte Index { get; }
/// The number of Pokémon that can be on the side.
byte NumberOfPositions { get; }
/// A list of Pokémon currently on the battlefield.
IReadOnlyList Pokemon { get; }
/// The currently set choices for all Pokémon on the battlefield. Cleared when the turn starts.
IReadOnlyList SetChoices { get; }
/// Whether every Pokémon on this side has its choices
bool AllChoicesSet { get; }
/// The slots on the side that can still be filled. Once all slots are set to false, this side
/// has lost the battle.
IReadOnlyList FillablePositions { get; }
/// A reference to the battle this side is in.
IBattle Battle { get; }
/// Whether this side has fled.
bool HasFledBattle { get; }
/// The volatile scripts that are attached to the side.
IScriptSet VolatileScripts { get; }
/// Returns true if there are slots that need to be filled with a new pokemon, that have parties
/// responsible for them. Returns false if all slots are filled with usable pokemon, or slots are
/// empty, but can't be filled by any party anymore.
void AllPositionsFilled();
/// Sets a choice for a Pokémon on this side.
void SetChoice(byte position, ITurnChoice choice);
/// Resets all choices on this side.
void ResetChoices();
/// Forcibly removes a Pokémon from the field.
void ForceClearPokemonFromField();
/// Switches out a spot on the field for a different Pokémon. If null is passed, the spot is
/// cleared. Returns the Pokémon that was previously in the spot.
IPokemon? SwapPokemon(byte position, IPokemon? pokemon);
/// Swaps two Pokémon on the side.
void SwapPokemon(byte position1, byte position2);
/// Checks whether a Pokemon is on the field in this side.
bool IsPokemonOnSide(IPokemon pokemon);
/// Marks a slot as unfillable. This happens when no parties are able to fill the slot anymore.
/// If this happens, the slot can not be used again.
void MarkPositionAsUnfillable(byte position);
/// Checks whether a slot is fillable. If it is not, the slot can not be used anymore.
bool IsPositionFillable(byte position);
/// Checks whether the side has been defeated.
bool IsDefeated();
/// Mark the side as fled.
void MarkAsFled();
/// Gets a random Pokémon on the given side.
byte GetRandomPosition();