using System.Collections;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using Pcg;

namespace PkmnLib.Static.Utils;

/// <summary>
/// Marks the type as deep cloneable. This means that when a deep clone is made, the object will be cloned recursively.
/// Any reference types that are not marked as deep cloneable will be copied by reference, and not cloned.
/// </summary>
public interface IDeepCloneable;

/// <summary>
/// Handles deep cloning of objects. 
/// </summary>
public static class DeepCloneHandler
    /// <summary>
    /// This will clone an object including all fields and properties, and recursively clone any reference types
    /// that are marked as deep cloneable. Value types will be copied by value, and reference types that are not marked as
    /// deep cloneable will be copied by reference.
    /// Recursive references will be handled correctly, and will only be cloned once, to prevent infinite loops and invalid
    /// references.
    /// </summary>
    public static T DeepClone<T>(this T? obj, Dictionary<(Type, int), object>? objects = null) where T : IDeepCloneable
        return (T)DeepClone((object?)obj, objects)!;
    private static object? DeepClone(this object? obj, Dictionary<(Type, int), object>? objects = null)
        if (obj == null)
            return null;
        if (objects != null && objects.TryGetValue((obj.GetType(), obj.GetHashCode()), out var value))
            return value;

        var type = obj.GetType();
        // We use GetUninitializedObject to create an object without calling the constructor. This is necessary to prevent
        // side effects from the constructor, and to not require a parameterless constructor.
        var newObj = FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(type)!;
        // If the objects dictionary is null, we create a new one. We use this dictionary to keep track of objects that have
        // already been cloned, so we can re-use them instead of cloning them again. This is necessary to prevent infinite
        // loops and invalid references.
        objects ??= new Dictionary<(Type, int), object>();
        objects.Add((obj.GetType(), obj.GetHashCode()), newObj);

        var expressions = GetDeepCloneExpressions(type);
        foreach (var (getter, setter) in expressions)
            var v = getter.Invoke(obj);
            if (v == null)
            var cloned = DeepCloneInternal(v, v.GetType(), objects);
            setter.Invoke(newObj, cloned);

        return newObj;

    private static readonly HashSet<Type> ExternalDeepCloneTypes = new()

    private static object? DeepCloneInternal(object? obj, Type type, Dictionary<(Type, int), object> objects)
        if (obj == null)
            return null;
        // If the object is a value type or a string, we can just return it.
        if (type.IsValueType || type == typeof(string))
            return obj;
        // If the object is marked as deep cloneable, we will clone it.
        if (type.GetInterface(nameof(IDeepCloneable)) != null || ExternalDeepCloneTypes.Contains(type))
            // If the object is already cloned, we return the cloned object to prevent infinite loops and invalid references.
            if (objects.TryGetValue((obj.GetType(), obj.GetHashCode()), out var value))
                return value;
            var o = DeepClone(obj, objects);
            return o;

        if (type.IsArray)
            // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
            var array = (Array)obj;
            var newArray = Array.CreateInstance(type.GetElementType()!, array.Length);
            for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                newArray.SetValue(DeepCloneInternal(array.GetValue(i), type.GetElementType()!, objects),
            return newArray;

        if (type.IsGenericType)
            var genericType = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
            if (genericType == typeof(List<>))
                // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
                var list = (IList)obj;
                var newList = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                foreach (var item in list)
                    newList.Add(DeepCloneInternal(item, type.GetGenericArguments()[0], objects));
                return newList;

            if (genericType == typeof(Dictionary<,>))
                // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
                var dictionary = (IDictionary)obj;
                var newDictionary = (IDictionary)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in dictionary)
                        DeepCloneInternal(entry.Key, type.GetGenericArguments()[0], objects)!,
                        DeepCloneInternal(entry.Value, type.GetGenericArguments()[1], objects));
                return newDictionary;

        return obj;

    /// <summary>
    /// Helper method to get the compiled expressions for deep cloning a type. This will create a getter and setter for each field
    /// in the type, which can be used to clone the object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This method is thread safe, and will only create the expressions once for each type. It returns compiled expressions for
    /// each field in the type, so that we can get high performance deep cloning.
    /// </remarks>
    private static (Func<object, object?> getter, Action<object, object?> setter)[]
        GetDeepCloneExpressions(Type type)
        // We use a lock here to prevent multiple threads from trying to create the expressions at the same time.
        lock (DeepCloneExpressions)
            if (DeepCloneExpressions.TryGetValue(type, out var value))
                return value;

            var fields = GetFields(type).ToArray();
            var expressions = new (Func<object, object?> getter, Action<object, object?> setter)[fields.Length];
            for (var i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
                var field = fields[i];
                // Create a compiled getter for the field.
                // 1. Set up the instance parameter.
                var obj = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
                // 2. Cast the instance (which we want to pass as an object) to the correct type.
                var cast = Expression.Convert(obj, type);
                // 3. Get the field value from the instance.
                var get = Expression.Field(cast, field);
                // 4. Cast the field value to an object.
                var getCasted = Expression.Convert(get, typeof(object));
                // 5. Wrap the cast in a lambda so we can compile it.
                var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object>>(getCasted, obj);

                // This is a slight hack to allow us to set readonly fields. We can't set them directly through expression trees,
                // as Expression.Assign checks for this. We can however set them through reflection, so we create a setter that
                // does this. This is not ideal as it is slower, but works for now.
                if (field.IsInitOnly)
                    void Setter(object instance, object? v)
                        field.SetValue(instance, v);

                    expressions[i] = (getter: lambda.Compile(), Setter);
                    // Create a compiled setter for the field.
                    // 1. Set up the parameter for the value.
                    var valueLambda = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
                    // 2. Cast the value to the correct type.
                    var valueCast = Expression.Convert(valueLambda, field.FieldType);
                    // 3. Assign the value to the field.
                    var assign = Expression.Assign(Expression.Field(cast, field), valueCast);
                    // 4. Wrap the assign in a lambda so we can compile it.
                    var set = Expression.Lambda<Action<object, object?>>(assign, obj, valueLambda);
                    expressions[i] = (getter: lambda.Compile(), setter: set.Compile());

            DeepCloneExpressions.Add(type, expressions);
            return expressions;

    private static IEnumerable<FieldInfo> GetFields(Type type)
        IEnumerable<FieldInfo> fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance |
                                                       BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
        // Note that we do the above with DeclaredOnly, while we do want to get the fields from the base type.
        // This is because even without DeclaredOnly, we will only get public fields from our base type. As we want
        // to get all fields, we need to do this recursively.
        if (type.BaseType != null)
            fields = fields.Concat(GetFields(type.BaseType));
        return fields;

    private static readonly Dictionary<Type, (Func<object, object?> getter, Action<object, object?> setter)[]>
        DeepCloneExpressions = new();