using PkmnLib.Static.Utils;
namespace PkmnLib.Static;
/// A nature is an attribute on a Pokémon that modifies the effective base stats on a Pokémon. They
/// can have an increased statistic and a decreased statistic, or be neutral.
public interface INature : INamedValue
/// The stat that should receive the increased modifier.
Statistic IncreasedStat { get; }
/// The stat that should receive the decreased modifier.
Statistic DecreasedStat { get; }
/// The amount that the increased stat gets modified by.
float IncreasedModifier { get; }
/// The amount that the decreased stat gets modified by.
float DecreasedModifier { get; }
/// Calculates the modifier for a given stat. If it's the increased stat, returns the increased
/// modifier, if it's the decreased stat, returns the decreased modifier. Otherwise returns 1.0.
/// The stat to calculate the modifier for.
/// The calculated modifier.
float GetStatModifier(Statistic stat);
/// Checks if two natures are equal.
/// The other nature to compare to.
/// True if the natures are equal, false otherwise.
bool Equals(INature other);
public class Nature(
StringKey name,
Statistic increaseStat,
Statistic decreaseStat,
float increaseModifier,
float decreaseModifier) : INature
public StringKey Name { get; } = name;
public Statistic IncreasedStat { get; } = increaseStat;
public Statistic DecreasedStat { get; } = decreaseStat;
public float IncreasedModifier { get; } = increaseModifier;
public float DecreasedModifier { get; } = decreaseModifier;
public float GetStatModifier(Statistic stat)
if (stat == IncreasedStat && stat != DecreasedStat)
return IncreasedModifier;
if (stat == DecreasedStat && stat != IncreasedStat)
return DecreasedModifier;
return 1.0f;
public bool Equals(INature? other) =>
other is not null && StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Equals(Name, other.Name);