using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using PkmnLib.Static.Utils;
namespace PkmnLib.Static.Libraries;
/// The library for all growth rates in the game.
public interface IReadOnlyGrowthRateLibrary
/// Tries to get a growth rate from the library. Returns false if the growth rate is not found.
bool TryGet(StringKey key, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out IGrowthRate value);
/// Gets a random growth rate from the library.
IGrowthRate GetRandom(IRandom random);
/// Gets the amount of growth rates in the library.
int Count { get; }
/// Whether the library is empty.
bool IsEmpty { get; }
/// Calculates the experience for a given growth key name and a certain level.
uint CalculateExperience(StringKey key, LevelInt level);
/// Calculates the level for a given growth key name and a certain experience.
LevelInt CalculateLevel(StringKey key, uint experience);
public class GrowthRateLibrary : DataLibrary, IReadOnlyGrowthRateLibrary
public uint CalculateExperience(StringKey key, LevelInt level)
if (!TryGet(key, out var growthRate))
throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Growth rate {key} not found.");
return growthRate.CalculateExperience(level);
public LevelInt CalculateLevel(StringKey key, uint experience)
if (!TryGet(key, out var growthRate))
throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Growth rate {key} not found.");
return growthRate.CalculateLevel(experience);