Implements move execution for battle
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
namespace PkmnLib.Dynamic.Events;
/// <summary>
/// Event triggered when a turn ends.
/// </summary>
public class EndTurnEvent : IEventData
/// <inheritdoc />
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ namespace PkmnLib.Dynamic.Events;
/// For example, when a Pokemon gets hurt by poison, we want to show the purple poison animation and the damage at the
/// same time. This is done by batching the events together.
/// </remarks>
public record struct EventBatchId()
public readonly record struct EventBatchId()
/// <summary>
/// The unique identifier for this batch of events.
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
using PkmnLib.Dynamic.Models;
namespace PkmnLib.Dynamic.Events;
/// <summary>
/// Event triggered when a move hits.
/// </summary>
public class MoveHitEvent : IEventData
/// <summary>
/// The move that is being executed.
/// </summary>
public IExecutingMove ExecutingMove { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Data about the hit.
/// </summary>
public IHitData HitData { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The target of the move.
/// </summary>
public IPokemon Target { get; }
/// <inheritdoc cref="MoveHitEvent"/>
public MoveHitEvent(IExecutingMove executingMove, IHitData hitData, IPokemon target)
ExecutingMove = executingMove;
HitData = hitData;
Target = target;
/// <inheritdoc />
public EventBatchId BatchId { get; init; }
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
using PkmnLib.Dynamic.Models;
namespace PkmnLib.Dynamic.Events;
/// <summary>
/// Triggered when a move misses.
/// </summary>
public class MoveMissEvent : IEventData
/// <inheritdoc cref="MoveMissEvent"/>
public MoveMissEvent(IExecutingMove executingMove)
ExecutingMove = executingMove;
/// <summary>
/// Data about the move that missed.
/// </summary>
public IExecutingMove ExecutingMove { get; }
/// <inheritdoc />
public EventBatchId BatchId { get; init; }
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
using PkmnLib.Dynamic.Models;
namespace PkmnLib.Dynamic.Events;
/// <summary>
/// Runs when a move is used, before the move is executed.
/// </summary>
public class MoveUseEvent : IEventData
/// <summary>
/// The move that is being executed.
/// </summary>
public IExecutingMove ExecutingMove { get; }
/// <inheritdoc cref="MoveUseEvent"/>
public MoveUseEvent(IExecutingMove executingMove)
ExecutingMove = executingMove;
/// <inheritdoc />
public EventBatchId BatchId { get; init; }
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ public class BattleImpl : ScriptSource, IBattle
if (choice is IMoveChoice moveChoice)
// TODO: Hook to change number of PP needed.
if (moveChoice.UsedMove.CurrentPp < 1)
if (moveChoice.ChosenMove.CurrentPp < 1)
return false;
// TODO: Validate target
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ public class BattleImpl : ScriptSource, IBattle
throw new InvalidOperationException("Choice is null.");
if (choice is IMoveChoice moveChoice)
var priority = moveChoice.UsedMove.MoveData.Priority;
var priority = moveChoice.ChosenMove.MoveData.Priority;
choice.RunScriptHook(script => script.ChangePriority(moveChoice, ref priority));
moveChoice.Priority = priority;
@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
using PkmnLib.Dynamic.Events;
using PkmnLib.Dynamic.Models.Choices;
using PkmnLib.Dynamic.ScriptHandling;
using PkmnLib.Static.Moves;
using PkmnLib.Static.Utils;
namespace PkmnLib.Dynamic.Models.BattleFlow;
@ -6,7 +10,204 @@ internal static class MoveTurnExecutor
internal static void ExecuteMoveChoice(IBattle battle, IMoveChoice moveChoice)
var chosenMove = moveChoice.ChosenMove;
var moveData = chosenMove.MoveData;
var moveDataName = moveData.Name;
moveChoice.RunScriptHook(x => x.ChangeMove(moveChoice, ref moveDataName));
if (moveData.Name != moveDataName)
if (!battle.Library.StaticLibrary.Moves.TryGet(moveDataName, out moveData))
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"The move was changed to '{moveDataName}' by a script, but this move does not exist.");
// FIXME: Change the script on the move when it is changed.
var targetType = moveData.Target;
var targets = TargetResolver.ResolveTargets(battle, moveChoice.TargetSide, moveChoice.TargetPosition, targetType);
byte numberOfHits = 1;
moveChoice.RunScriptHook(x => x.ChangeNumberOfHits(moveChoice, ref numberOfHits));
if (numberOfHits == 0)
var executingMove = new ExecutingMoveImpl(targets, numberOfHits, moveChoice.User, chosenMove, moveData,
var prevented = false;
executingMove.RunScriptHook(x => x.PreventMove(executingMove, ref prevented));
if (prevented)
byte ppUsed = 1;
// TODO: Modify the PP used by the move.
if (!executingMove.ChosenMove.TryUse(ppUsed))
battle.EventHook.Invoke(new MoveUseEvent(executingMove));
var failed = false;
executingMove.RunScriptHook(x => x.FailMove(executingMove, ref failed));
if (failed)
// TODO: fail handling
var stopped = false;
executingMove.RunScriptHook(x => x.StopBeforeMove(executingMove, ref stopped));
if (stopped)
executingMove.RunScriptHook(x => x.OnBeforeMove(executingMove));
foreach (var target in targets.WhereNotNull())
ExecuteMoveChoiceForTarget(battle, executingMove, target);
private static void ExecuteMoveChoiceForTarget(IBattle battle, IExecutingMove executingMove, IPokemon target)
var failed = false;
target.RunScriptHook(x => x.FailIncomingMove(executingMove, target, ref failed));
if (failed)
// TODO: fail handling
var isInvulnerable = false;
target.RunScriptHook(x => x.IsInvulnerableToMove(executingMove, target, ref isInvulnerable));
if (isInvulnerable)
// TODO: event?
var numberOfHits = executingMove.NumberOfHits;
var targetHitStat = executingMove.GetTargetIndex(target) * numberOfHits;
for (byte i = 0; i < numberOfHits; i++)
if (battle.HasEnded)
if (executingMove.User.IsFainted)
if (target.IsFainted)
var hitIndex = i;
var useMove = executingMove.UseMove;
var hitType = useMove.MoveType;
executingMove.RunScriptHook(x => x.ChangeMoveType(executingMove, target, hitIndex, ref hitType));
var hitData = (HitData)executingMove.GetDataFromRawIndex(targetHitStat + i);
hitData.Type = hitType;
var effectiveness = battle.Library.StaticLibrary.Types.GetEffectiveness(hitType, target.Types);
executingMove.RunScriptHook(x => x.ChangeEffectiveness(executingMove, target, hitIndex, ref effectiveness));
hitData.Effectiveness = effectiveness;
var blockCritical = false;
executingMove.RunScriptHook(x => x.BlockCriticalHit(executingMove, target, hitIndex, ref blockCritical));
target.RunScriptHook(x => x.BlockIncomingCriticalHit(executingMove, target, hitIndex, ref blockCritical));
if (!blockCritical)
var critical = battle.Library.DamageCalculator.IsCritical(battle, executingMove, target, hitIndex);
hitData.IsCritical = critical;
var basePower = battle.Library.DamageCalculator.GetBasePower(executingMove, target, hitIndex, hitData);
hitData.BasePower = basePower;
hitData.Damage = battle.Library.DamageCalculator.GetDamage(executingMove, target, hitIndex, hitData);
var accuracy = useMove.Accuracy;
// If the accuracy is 255, the move should always hit, and as such we should not allow
// modifying it.
if (accuracy != 255)
executingMove.RunScriptHook(x => x.ChangeAccuracy(executingMove, target, hitIndex, ref accuracy));
// TODO: Deal with accuracy/evasion stats.
if (accuracy < 100 && battle.Random.GetInt(100) >= accuracy)
executingMove.RunScriptHook(x => x.OnMoveMiss(executingMove, target));
battle.EventHook.Invoke(new MoveMissEvent(executingMove));
if (useMove.Category == MoveCategory.Status)
var secondaryEffect = useMove.SecondaryEffect;
if (secondaryEffect != null)
var chance = secondaryEffect.Chance;
if (chance < 0 || battle.Random.EffectChance(chance, executingMove, target, hitIndex))
executingMove.RunScriptHook(x => x.OnSecondaryEffect(executingMove, target, hitIndex));
// else if the move is a physical or special move, we should apply the damage.
var currentHealth = target.CurrentHealth;
if (hitData.Damage > currentHealth)
hitData.Damage = currentHealth;
var damage = hitData.Damage;
if (damage > 0)
var hitEventBatch = new EventBatchId();
battle.EventHook.Invoke(new MoveHitEvent(executingMove, hitData, target)
BatchId = hitEventBatch
target.Damage(damage, DamageSource.MoveDamage, hitEventBatch);
if (!target.IsFainted)
target.RunScriptHook(x => x.OnIncomingHit(executingMove, target, hitIndex));
executingMove.RunScriptHook(x => x.OnOpponentFaints(executingMove, target, hitIndex));
if (!target.IsFainted)
var secondaryEffect = useMove.SecondaryEffect;
if (secondaryEffect != null)
var preventSecondary = false;
target.RunScriptHook(x => x.PreventSecondaryEffect(executingMove, target, hitIndex, ref preventSecondary));
if (!preventSecondary)
var chance = secondaryEffect.Chance;
if (chance < 0 || battle.Random.EffectChance(chance, executingMove, target, hitIndex))
executingMove.RunScriptHook(x => x.OnSecondaryEffect(executingMove, target, hitIndex));
if (numberOfHits == 0)
target.RunScriptHook(x => x.OnMoveMiss(executingMove, target));
battle.EventHook.Invoke(new MoveMissEvent(executingMove));
if (!executingMove.User.IsFainted)
executingMove.RunScriptHook(x => x.OnAfterHits(executingMove, target));
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
using PkmnLib.Static.Moves;
namespace PkmnLib.Dynamic.Models.BattleFlow;
/// <summary>
/// Helper class for resolving the targets of a move.
/// </summary>
public static class TargetResolver
/// <summary>
/// Get the targets of a move based on the target type, and the selected side and position to target.
/// </summary>
public static IReadOnlyList<IPokemon?> ResolveTargets(IBattle battle, byte side, byte position, MoveTarget target)
return target switch
MoveTarget.Adjacent or MoveTarget.AdjacentAlly or MoveTarget.AdjacentAllySelf or MoveTarget.AdjacentOpponent
or MoveTarget.Any or MoveTarget.RandomOpponent
or MoveTarget.SelfUse => [battle.GetPokemon(side, position)],
MoveTarget.All => GetAllTargets(battle),
MoveTarget.AllAdjacentOpponent => GetAllAdjacentAndOpponent(battle, side, position),
MoveTarget.AllAdjacent => GetAllAdjacent(battle, side, position),
MoveTarget.AllAlly => battle.Sides[side].Pokemon.ToList(),
MoveTarget.AllOpponent => battle.Sides[GetOppositeSide(side)].Pokemon.ToList(),
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(target), target, null)
private static IReadOnlyList<IPokemon?> GetAllTargets(IBattle battle) =>
battle.Sides.SelectMany(x => x.Pokemon).ToList();
private static byte GetOppositeSide(byte side) => side == 0 ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
/// <summary>
/// Gets all Pokémon that are adjacent to of directly opposite of a Pokémon. This means the target,
/// the Pokémon left of it, the Pokémon right of it, and the Pokémon opposite of it.
/// </summary>
private static IReadOnlyList<IPokemon?> GetAllAdjacentAndOpponent(IBattle battle, byte side, byte position)
var left = position - 1;
var right = position + 1;
if (left < 0 && right >= battle.PositionsPerSide)
return [battle.GetPokemon(side, position), battle.GetPokemon(GetOppositeSide(side), position)];
if (left < 0)
battle.GetPokemon(side, position), battle.GetPokemon(GetOppositeSide(side), position),
battle.GetPokemon(side, (byte)right)
if (right >= battle.PositionsPerSide)
battle.GetPokemon(side, position), battle.GetPokemon(GetOppositeSide(side), position),
battle.GetPokemon(side, (byte)left)
battle.GetPokemon(side, position), battle.GetPokemon(GetOppositeSide(side), position),
battle.GetPokemon(side, (byte)left), battle.GetPokemon(side, (byte)right)
private static IReadOnlyList<IPokemon?> GetAllAdjacent(IBattle battle, byte side, byte position)
var left = position - 1;
var right = position + 1;
if (left < 0 && right >= battle.PositionsPerSide)
return [battle.GetPokemon(side, position)];
if (left < 0)
return [battle.GetPokemon(side, position), battle.GetPokemon(side, (byte)right)];
if (right >= battle.PositionsPerSide)
return [battle.GetPokemon(side, position), battle.GetPokemon(side, (byte)left)];
battle.GetPokemon(side, position), battle.GetPokemon(side, (byte)left), battle.GetPokemon(side, (byte)right)
@ -4,8 +4,14 @@ using PkmnLib.Static.Utils;
namespace PkmnLib.Dynamic.Models.BattleFlow;
/// <summary>
/// Helper class for handling the running of a turn in a battle.
/// </summary>
public static class TurnRunner
/// <summary>
/// Runs a single turn in a battle to completion.
/// </summary>
public static void RunTurn(this IBattle battle)
var queue = battle.ChoiceQueue;
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ public interface IMoveChoice : ITurnChoice
/// <summary>
/// The move that is used.
/// </summary>
ILearnedMove UsedMove { get; }
ILearnedMove ChosenMove { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The side the move is targeted at.
@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ public class MoveChoice : TurnChoice, IMoveChoice
/// <inheritdoc cref="MoveChoice"/>
public MoveChoice(IPokemon user, ILearnedMove usedMove, byte targetSide, byte targetPosition) : base(user)
UsedMove = usedMove;
ChosenMove = usedMove;
TargetSide = targetSide;
TargetPosition = targetPosition;
/// <inheritdoc />
public ILearnedMove UsedMove { get; }
public ILearnedMove ChosenMove { get; }
/// <inheritdoc />
public byte TargetSide { get; }
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ namespace PkmnLib.Dynamic.Models.Choices;
/// </summary>
public class TurnChoiceComparer : IComparer<ITurnChoice>
/// <inheritdoc cref="TurnChoiceComparer"/>
public static TurnChoiceComparer Instance { get; } = new();
private enum CompareValues
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using PkmnLib.Dynamic.ScriptHandling;
using PkmnLib.Static;
using PkmnLib.Static.Moves;
using PkmnLib.Static.Utils;
using PkmnLib.Static.Utils.Errors;
namespace PkmnLib.Dynamic.Models;
@ -132,11 +133,11 @@ public interface IExecutingMove : IScriptSource
/// <inheritdoc cref="IExecutingMove"/>
public class ExecutingMoveImpl : ScriptSource, IExecutingMove
private readonly List<IPokemon?> _targets;
private readonly IReadOnlyList<IPokemon?> _targets;
private readonly IHitData[] _hits;
/// <inheritdoc cref="ExecutingMoveImpl"/>
public ExecutingMoveImpl(List<IPokemon?> targets, byte numberOfHits, IPokemon user, ILearnedMove chosenMove,
public ExecutingMoveImpl(IReadOnlyList<IPokemon?> targets, byte numberOfHits, IPokemon user, ILearnedMove chosenMove,
IMoveData useMove, ScriptContainer script)
_targets = targets;
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public abstract class Script
/// This function allows you to change the move that is used during execution. This is useful for
/// moves such as metronome, where the move chosen actually differs from the move used.
/// </summary>
public virtual void ChangeMove(IMoveChoice choice, ref string moveName)
public virtual void ChangeMove(IMoveChoice choice, ref StringKey moveName)
@ -189,14 +189,14 @@ public abstract class Script
/// <summary>
/// This function allows a script to block an outgoing move from being critical.
/// </summary>
public virtual void BlockCriticalHit(IExecutingMove move, IPokemon target, ref bool block)
public virtual void BlockCriticalHit(IExecutingMove move, IPokemon target, byte hit, ref bool block)
/// <summary>
/// This function allows a script to block an incoming move from being critical.
/// </summary>
public virtual void BlockIncomingCriticalHit(IExecutingMove move, IPokemon target, ref bool block)
public virtual void BlockIncomingCriticalHit(IExecutingMove move, IPokemon target, byte hit, ref bool block)
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using PkmnLib.Static.Utils;
namespace PkmnLib.Dynamic.ScriptHandling;
@ -44,6 +43,10 @@ public class ScriptContainer : IEnumerable<ScriptContainer>
return GetEnumerator();
/// <summary>
/// Assigns a new script to this container. If there was a script already, it is removed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="script"></param>
public void Set(Script script)
if (Script is not null)
@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ public static class ScriptExecution
/// <summary>
/// Executes a hook on all scripts in a list of sources. Note that this does not walk through the parents of the
/// sources, but only the sources themselves.
/// </summary>
public static void RunScriptHook(this IReadOnlyList<IEnumerable<ScriptContainer>> source, Action<Script> hook)
foreach (var container in source.SelectMany(x => x))
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public interface IReadOnlyTypeLibrary
/// Gets the effectiveness for a single attacking type against an amount of defending types.
/// This is equivalent to running get_single_effectiveness on each defending type, and multiplying the results with each other.
/// </summary>
float GetEffectiveness(TypeIdentifier attacking, TypeIdentifier[] defending);
float GetEffectiveness(TypeIdentifier attacking, IReadOnlyList<TypeIdentifier> defending);
/// <inheritdoc />
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public class TypeLibrary : IReadOnlyTypeLibrary
/// <inheritdoc />
public float GetEffectiveness(TypeIdentifier attacking, TypeIdentifier[] defending) =>
public float GetEffectiveness(TypeIdentifier attacking, IReadOnlyList<TypeIdentifier> defending) =>
defending.Aggregate<TypeIdentifier, float>(1,
(current, type) => current * GetSingleEffectiveness(attacking, type));
@ -10,4 +10,27 @@ public static class EnumerableHelpers
/// </summary>
public static IEnumerable<T> WhereNotNull<T>(this IEnumerable<T?> enumerable) where T : class =>
enumerable.Where(x => x is not null)!;
/// <summary>
/// Finds the index of a value in an enumerable. Returns -1 if the value is not found.
/// </summary>
public static int IndexOf<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable, T value)
var index = 0;
foreach (var item in enumerable)
if (item is null)
if (value is null)
return index;
if (item.Equals(value))
return index;
return -1;
Reference in New Issue