/** * License: Apache 2.0 with LLVM Exception or GPL v3 * * Author: Jesse Laning */ #ifndef ARGPARSE_H #define ARGPARSE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace argparse { namespace detail { static inline bool _not_space(int ch) { return !std::isspace(ch); } static inline void _ltrim(std::string &s, bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) { s.erase(s.begin(), std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), f)); } static inline void _rtrim(std::string &s, bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) { s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), f).base(), s.end()); } static inline void _trim(std::string &s, bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) { _ltrim(s, f); _rtrim(s, f); } static inline std::string _ltrim_copy(std::string s, bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) { _ltrim(s, f); return s; } static inline std::string _rtrim_copy(std::string s, bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) { _rtrim(s, f); return s; } static inline std::string _trim_copy(std::string s, bool (*f)(int) = _not_space) { _trim(s, f); return s; } template static inline std::string _join(InputIt begin, InputIt end, const std::string &separator = " ") { std::ostringstream ss; if (begin != end) { ss << *begin++; } while (begin != end) { ss << separator; ss << *begin++; } return ss.str(); } static inline bool _is_number(const std::string &arg) { std::istringstream iss(arg); float f; iss >> std::noskipws >> f; return iss.eof() && !iss.fail(); } static inline int _find_equal(const std::string &s) { for (size_t i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) { // if find graph symbol before equal, end search // i.e. don't accept --asd)f=0 arguments // but allow --asd_f and --asd-f arguments if (std::ispunct(static_cast(s[i]))) { if (s[i] == '=') { return static_cast(i); } else if (s[i] == '_' || s[i] == '-') { continue; } return -1; } } return -1; } static inline size_t _find_name_end(const std::string &s) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) { if (std::ispunct(static_cast(s[i]))) { break; } } return i; } namespace is_vector_impl { template struct is_vector : std::false_type {}; template struct is_vector> : std::true_type {}; } // namespace is_vector_impl // type trait to utilize the implementation type traits as well as decay the // type template struct is_vector { static constexpr bool const value = is_vector_impl::is_vector::type>::value; }; } // namespace detail class ArgumentParser { private: public: class Argument; class Result { public: Result() {} Result(std::string err) noexcept : _error(true), _what(err) {} operator bool() const { return _error; } friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Result &dt); const std::string &what() const { return _what; } private: bool _error{false}; std::string _what{}; }; class Argument { public: enum Position : int { LAST = -1, DONT_CARE = -2 }; enum Count : int { ANY = -1 }; Argument &name(const std::string &name) { _names.push_back(name); return *this; } Argument &names(std::vector names) { _names.insert(_names.end(), names.begin(), names.end()); return *this; } Argument &description(const std::string &description) { _desc = description; return *this; } Argument &required(bool req) { _required = req; return *this; } Argument &position(int position) { if (position != Position::LAST) { // position + 1 because technically argument zero is the name of the // executable _position = position + 1; } else { _position = position; } return *this; } Argument &count(int count) { _count = count; return *this; } bool found() const { return _found; } template typename std::enable_if::value, T>::type get() { T t = T(); typename T::value_type vt; for (auto &s : _values) { std::istringstream in(s); in >> vt; t.push_back(vt); } return t; } template typename std::enable_if::value, T>::type get() { std::istringstream in(get()); T t = T(); in >> t >> std::ws; return t; } private: Argument(const std::string &name, const std::string &desc, bool required = false) : _desc(desc), _required(required) { _names.push_back(name); } Argument() {} friend class ArgumentParser; int _position{Position::DONT_CARE}; int _count{Count::ANY}; std::vector _names{}; std::string _desc{}; bool _found{false}; bool _required{false}; int _index{-1}; std::vector _values{}; }; ArgumentParser(const std::string &bin, const std::string &desc) : _bin(bin), _desc(desc) {} Argument &add_argument() { _arguments.push_back({}); _arguments.back()._index = static_cast(_arguments.size()) - 1; return _arguments.back(); } Argument &add_argument(const std::string &name, const std::string &long_name, const std::string &desc, const bool required = false) { _arguments.push_back(Argument(name, desc, required)); _arguments.back()._names.push_back(long_name); _arguments.back()._index = static_cast(_arguments.size()) - 1; return _arguments.back(); } Argument &add_argument(const std::string &name, const std::string &desc, const bool required = false) { _arguments.push_back(Argument(name, desc, required)); _arguments.back()._index = static_cast(_arguments.size()) - 1; return _arguments.back(); } void print_help(size_t count = 0, size_t page = 0) { if (page * count > _arguments.size()) { return; } if (page == 0) { std::cout << "Usage: " << _bin; if (_positional_arguments.empty()) { std::cout << " [options...]" << std::endl; } else { int current = 1; for (auto &v : _positional_arguments) { if (v.first != Argument::Position::LAST) { for (; current < v.first; current++) { std::cout << " [" << current << "]"; } std::cout << " [" << detail::_ltrim_copy( _arguments[static_cast(v.second)]._names[0], [](int c) -> bool { return c != static_cast('-'); }) << "]"; } } auto it = _positional_arguments.find(Argument::Position::LAST); if (it == _positional_arguments.end()) { std::cout << " [options...]"; } else { std::cout << " [options...] [" << detail::_ltrim_copy( _arguments[static_cast(it->second)]._names[0], [](int c) -> bool { return c != static_cast('-'); }) << "]"; } std::cout << std::endl; } std::cout << "Options:" << std::endl; } if (count == 0) { page = 0; count = _arguments.size(); } for (size_t i = page * count; i < std::min(page * count + count, _arguments.size()); i++) { Argument &a = _arguments[i]; std::string name = a._names[0]; for (size_t n = 1; n < a._names.size(); ++n) { name.append(", " + a._names[n]); } std::cout << " " << std::setw(23) << std::left << name << std::setw(23) << a._desc; if (a._required) { std::cout << " (Required)"; } std::cout << std::endl; } } Result parse(int argc, const char *argv[]) { Result err; if (argc > 1) { // build name map for (auto &a : _arguments) { for (auto &n : a._names) { std::string name = detail::_ltrim_copy( n, [](int c) -> bool { return c != static_cast('-'); }); if (_name_map.find(name) != _name_map.end()) { return Result("Duplicate of argument name: " + n); } _name_map[name] = a._index; } if (a._position >= 0 || a._position == Argument::Position::LAST) { _positional_arguments[a._position] = a._index; } } if (err) { return err; } // parse std::string current_arg; size_t arg_len; for (int argv_index = 1; argv_index < argc; ++argv_index) { current_arg = std::string(argv[argv_index]); arg_len = current_arg.length(); if (arg_len == 0) { continue; } if (_help_enabled && (current_arg == "-h" || current_arg == "--help")) { _arguments[static_cast(_name_map["help"])]._found = true; } else if (argv_index == argc - 1 && _positional_arguments.find(Argument::Position::LAST) != _positional_arguments.end()) { err = _end_argument(); Result b = err; err = _add_value(current_arg, Argument::Position::LAST); if (b) { return b; } if (err) { return err; } } else if (arg_len >= 2 && !detail::_is_number(current_arg)) { // ignores the case if // the arg is just a - // look for -a (short) or --arg (long) args if (current_arg[0] == '-') { err = _end_argument(); if (err) { return err; } // look for --arg (long) args if (current_arg[1] == '-') { err = _begin_argument(current_arg.substr(2), true, argv_index); if (err) { return err; } } else { // short args err = _begin_argument(current_arg.substr(1), false, argv_index); if (err) { return err; } } } else { // argument value err = _add_value(current_arg, argv_index); if (err) { return err; } } } else { // argument value err = _add_value(current_arg, argv_index); if (err) { return err; } } } } if (_help_enabled && exists("help")) { return Result(); } err = _end_argument(); if (err) { return err; } for (auto &p : _positional_arguments) { Argument &a = _arguments[static_cast(p.second)]; if (a._values.size() > 0 && a._values[0][0] == '-') { std::string name = detail::_ltrim_copy(a._values[0], [](int c) -> bool { return c != static_cast('-'); }); if (_name_map.find(name) != _name_map.end()) { if (a._position == Argument::Position::LAST) { return Result( "Poisitional argument expected at the end, but argument " + a._values[0] + " found instead"); } else { return Result("Poisitional argument expected in position " + std::to_string(a._position) + ", but argument " + a._values[0] + " found instead"); } } } } for (auto &a : _arguments) { if (a._required && !a._found) { return Result("Required argument not found: " + a._names[0]); } if (a._position >= 0 && argc >= a._position && !a._found) { return Result("Argument " + a._names[0] + " expected in position " + std::to_string(a._position)); } } return Result(); } void enable_help() { add_argument("-h", "--help", "Shows this page", false); _help_enabled = true; } bool exists(const std::string &name) const { std::string n = detail::_ltrim_copy( name, [](int c) -> bool { return c != static_cast('-'); }); auto it = _name_map.find(n); if (it != _name_map.end()) { return _arguments[static_cast(it->second)]._found; } return false; } template T get(const std::string &name) { auto t = _name_map.find(name); if (t != _name_map.end()) { return _arguments[static_cast(t->second)].get(); } return T(); } private: Result _begin_argument(const std::string &arg, bool longarg, int position) { auto it = _positional_arguments.find(position); if (it != _positional_arguments.end()) { Result err = _end_argument(); Argument &a = _arguments[static_cast(it->second)]; a._values.push_back((longarg ? "--" : "-") + arg); a._found = true; return err; } if (_current != -1) { return Result("Current argument left open"); } size_t name_end = detail::_find_name_end(arg); std::string arg_name = arg.substr(0, name_end); if (longarg) { int equal_pos = detail::_find_equal(arg); auto nmf = _name_map.find(arg_name); if (nmf == _name_map.end()) { return Result("Unrecognized command line option '" + arg_name + "'"); } _current = nmf->second; _arguments[static_cast(nmf->second)]._found = true; if (equal_pos == 0 || (equal_pos < 0 && arg_name.length() < arg.length())) { // malformed argument return Result("Malformed argument: " + arg); } else if (equal_pos > 0) { std::string arg_value = arg.substr(name_end + 1); _add_value(arg_value, position); } } else { Result r; if (arg_name.length() == 1) { return _begin_argument(arg, true, position); } else { for (char &c : arg_name) { r = _begin_argument(std::string(1, c), true, position); if (r) { return r; } r = _end_argument(); if (r) { return r; } } } } return Result(); } Result _add_value(const std::string &value, int location) { if (_current >= 0) { Result err; Argument &a = _arguments[static_cast(_current)]; if (a._count >= 0 && static_cast(a._values.size()) >= a._count) { err = _end_argument(); if (err) { return err; } goto unnamed; } a._values.push_back(value); if (a._count >= 0 && static_cast(a._values.size()) >= a._count) { err = _end_argument(); if (err) { return err; } } return Result(); } else { unnamed: auto it = _positional_arguments.find(location); if (it != _positional_arguments.end()) { Argument &a = _arguments[static_cast(it->second)]; a._values.push_back(value); a._found = true; } // TODO return Result(); } } Result _end_argument() { if (_current >= 0) { Argument &a = _arguments[static_cast(_current)]; _current = -1; if (static_cast(a._values.size()) < a._count) { return Result("Too few arguments given for " + a._names[0]); } if (a._count >= 0) { if (static_cast(a._values.size()) > a._count) { return Result("Too many arguments given for " + a._names[0]); } } } return Result(); } bool _help_enabled{false}; int _current{-1}; std::string _bin{}; std::string _desc{}; std::vector _arguments{}; std::map _positional_arguments{}; std::map _name_map{}; }; std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ArgumentParser::Result &r) { os << r.what(); return os; } template <> inline std::string ArgumentParser::Argument::get() { return detail::_join(_values.begin(), _values.end()); } template <> inline std::vector ArgumentParser::Argument::get>() { return _values; } } // namespace argparse #endif