
176 lines
7.0 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web;
using DeukBot4.APIHandlers;
using DeukBot4.Database;
using DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler.RequestStructure;
using DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.Permissions;
using DeukBot4.Utilities;
using Discord;
using Discord.Rest;
using Discord.WebSocket;
namespace DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler
public class GeneralCommands : CommandContainerBase
public override string Name => "General";
[Command("info", PermissionLevel.Everyone)]
[CommandHelp("Gives basic info on the bot", "Gives basic info on the bot")]
public async Task Info(CommandRequest request)
await request.SendSimpleEmbed("Deukbot", "A bot designed by Deukhoofd for use on the Epsilon server", new[]
new EmbedFieldBuilder()
Name = "Software", Value = "Deukbot 4.0", IsInline = true
new EmbedFieldBuilder()
Name = "Creator", Value = "<@84372569012043776>", IsInline = true
[Command("ping", PermissionLevel.Everyone)]
[CommandHelp("Simple Ping Pong Response", "Generates a simple Pong response when triggered")]
public async Task Ping(CommandRequest request)
var t1 = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
var eb = EmbedFactory.GetStandardEmbedBuilder();
eb.Title = "Pong";
eb.Description = "Pong";
eb.Fields = new List<EmbedFieldBuilder>()
new EmbedFieldBuilder()
Name = "Ping between Message and Command Handling",
Value = $"{(int)(t1 - request.OriginalMessage.CreatedAt).TotalMilliseconds} ms"
eb.Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
Text = "Ping can be off a bit due to Discord timestamping"
var t2 = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
var m = await request.SendMessageAsync("", embed: eb.Build());
eb.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder()
Name = "Time handling embed creation",
Value = $"{(t2 - t1).TotalMilliseconds} ms"
eb.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder()
Name = "Ping between Bot and Discord",
Value = $"{(int)(m.CreatedAt - t2).TotalMilliseconds} ms"
m.ModifyAsync(properties => { properties.Embed = eb.Build(); });
[Command("help", PermissionLevel.Everyone)]
[CommandParameters(new []{ParameterMatcher.ParameterType.Word})]
[CommandHelp("Displays a list of commands for the bot",
"Allows you to see all commands you can use for your permission level, along with a description.\n" +
"usage:\n``help`` for a list of all commands useable for you.\n" +
"``help`` [command name] for more detailed info on a specific command. " +
"Note that you need to be able to use the command to get this info.")]
public async Task Help(CommandRequest request)
if (request.Parameters.Length == 0)
await request.SendMessageAsync("",
embed: HelpCommandGenerator.GenerateFullHelp(request.RequestPermissions));
await request.SendMessageAsync("",
embed: HelpCommandGenerator.GenerateSpecificHelp(request.Parameters[0].AsString(),
[Command("whatdoyouthinkdeukbot", PermissionLevel.Everyone)]
[Command("whatdoyouthink", PermissionLevel.Everyone)]
[CommandHelp("Gives the bots opinion about something", "Gives the bots opinion about something\nusage:\n``whatdoyouthink {about something}``")]
public async Task BotOpinion(CommandRequest request)
await request.SendSimpleEmbed("Opinion", BotOpinions.GetOpinion(request));
[Command("catfact", PermissionLevel.Everyone)]
[CommandHelp("Returns a random cat fact", "Returns a random cat fact, powered by")]
public async Task RandomCatFact(CommandRequest request)
await request.SendSimpleEmbed("Cat Fact", await CatFactsApi.GetRandomCatFact());
[Command("catpic", PermissionLevel.Everyone)]
[CommandHelp("Returns a random cat picture", "Returns a random cat picture")]
public async Task RandomCatPc(CommandRequest request)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.Parameters[0].AsString()))
var saying = request.Parameters[0].AsString();
await request.OriginalMessage.Channel.SendFileAsync(await CatPicHandler.GetCatPicture(saying), "cat_pic.png");
await request.OriginalMessage.Channel.SendFileAsync(await CatPicHandler.GetCatPicture(), "cat_pic.png");
[Command("avatar", PermissionLevel.Everyone)]
[CommandHelp("Gets a users avatar", "Gets a users avatar. Returns avatar of user using the command if no user was specified.")]
public async Task GetAvatar(CommandRequest request)
SocketUser user = null;
if (request.Parameters.Length > 0)
var guild = (request.OriginalMessage.Channel as IGuildChannel)?.Guild;
if (guild != null)
user = (SocketUser) await request.Parameters[0].AsDiscordUser(guild);
if (user == null)
var userId = request.Parameters[0].AsUlong();
if (userId.HasValue)
user = Program.Client.GetUser(userId.Value);
user = request.OriginalMessage.Author;
if (user == null)
await request.SendMessageAsync("Can't find that user");
var eb = new EmbedBuilder
Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder
Name = $"{user.Username}#{user.Discriminator}",
IconUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl()
ImageUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl(ImageFormat.Auto, 256),
Timestamp = request.OriginalMessage.CreatedAt,
Color = Color.Gold
await request.SendMessageAsync("", embed: eb.Build());