Initial work

This commit is contained in:
Deukhoofd 2018-03-29 01:34:48 +02:00
commit 3a85a9f18f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B4C087AC81641654
22 changed files with 1008 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
# Created by .ignore support plugin (
### VisualStudio template
## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and
## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons.
## Get latest from
# User-specific files
# User-specific files (MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio)
# Build results
# Visual Studio 2015/2017 cache/options directory
# Uncomment if you have tasks that create the project's static files in wwwroot
# Visual Studio 2017 auto generated files
Generated\ Files/
# MSTest test Results
# Build Results of an ATL Project
# Benchmark Results
# .NET Core
# StyleCop
# Files built by Visual Studio
# Chutzpah Test files
# Visual C++ cache files
# Visual Studio profiler
# Visual Studio Trace Files
# TFS 2012 Local Workspace
# Guidance Automation Toolkit
# ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in
# JustCode is a .NET coding add-in
# TeamCity is a build add-in
# DotCover is a Code Coverage Tool
# AxoCover is a Code Coverage Tool
# Visual Studio code coverage results
# NCrunch
# MightyMoose
# Web workbench (sass)
# Installshield output folder
# DocProject is a documentation generator add-in
# Click-Once directory
# Publish Web Output
# Note: Comment the next line if you want to checkin your web deploy settings,
# but database connection strings (with potential passwords) will be unencrypted
# Microsoft Azure Web App publish settings. Comment the next line if you want to
# checkin your Azure Web App publish settings, but sensitive information contained
# in these scripts will be unencrypted
# NuGet Packages
# The packages folder can be ignored because of Package Restore
# except build/, which is used as an MSBuild target.
# Uncomment if necessary however generally it will be regenerated when needed
# NuGet v3's project.json files produces more ignorable files
# Microsoft Azure Build Output
# Microsoft Azure Emulator
# Windows Store app package directories and files
# Visual Studio cache files
# files ending in .cache can be ignored
# but keep track of directories ending in .cache
# Others
# Including strong name files can present a security risk
# (
# Since there are multiple workflows, uncomment next line to ignore bower_components
# (
# RIA/Silverlight projects
# Backup & report files from converting an old project file
# to a newer Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed,
# because we have git ;-)
# SQL Server files
# Business Intelligence projects
# Microsoft Fakes
# GhostDoc plugin setting file
# Node.js Tools for Visual Studio
# Visual Studio 6 build log
# Visual Studio 6 workspace options file
# Visual Studio 6 auto-generated workspace file (contains which files were open etc.)
# Visual Studio LightSwitch build output
# Paket dependency manager
# FAKE - F# Make
# JetBrains Rider
# CodeRush
# Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS)
# Cake - Uncomment if you are using it
# tools/**
# !tools/packages.config
# Tabs Studio
# Telerik's JustMock configuration file
# BizTalk build output
# OpenCover UI analysis results
# Azure Stream Analytics local run output
# MSBuild Binary and Structured Log
# NVidia Nsight GPU debugger configuration file

DeukBot4.sln Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "DeukBot4", "DeukBot4\DeukBot4.csproj", "{68999D7B-9A79-42D6-B9D1-6421B42742D9}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{68999D7B-9A79-42D6-B9D1-6421B42742D9}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{68999D7B-9A79-42D6-B9D1-6421B42742D9}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{68999D7B-9A79-42D6-B9D1-6421B42742D9}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{68999D7B-9A79-42D6-B9D1-6421B42742D9}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU

DeukBot4/DeukBot4.csproj Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Discord.Net" Version="2.0.0-beta" />
<PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="11.0.2" />

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<wpf:ResourceDictionary xml:space="preserve" xmlns:x="" xmlns:s="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib" xmlns:ss="urn:shemas-jetbrains-com:settings-storage-xaml" xmlns:wpf="">
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/CodeInspection/NamespaceProvider/NamespaceFoldersToSkip/=messagehandlers_005Cattributes/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean></wpf:ResourceDictionary>

DeukBot4/Logger.cs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Discord;
namespace DeukBot4
public static class Logger
private static readonly Dictionary<LogSeverity, ConsoleColor> Colors = new Dictionary<LogSeverity, ConsoleColor>
{LogSeverity.Info, ConsoleColor.Black},
{LogSeverity.Verbose, ConsoleColor.Black},
{LogSeverity.Debug, ConsoleColor.Black},
{LogSeverity.Warning, ConsoleColor.Yellow},
{LogSeverity.Error, ConsoleColor.Red},
{LogSeverity.Critical, ConsoleColor.Red}
public static async Task Log(object o, LogSeverity severity)
Console.ForegroundColor = Colors[severity];
Console.WriteLine($"[{severity}] {DateTime.UtcNow.ToShortTimeString()}: {o.ToString()}");
public static async Task LogDiscord(LogMessage message)
Console.ForegroundColor = Colors[message.Severity];
Console.WriteLine($"[{message.Severity}] {DateTime.UtcNow.ToShortTimeString()}: {message.Message}");
public static async Task Log(object o)
await Log(o, LogSeverity.Info);
public static async Task LogWarning(object o)
await Log(o, LogSeverity.Warning);
public static async Task LogError(object o)
await Log(o, LogSeverity.Error);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
using System;
using DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.Permissions;
namespace DeukBot4.MessageHandlers
public class CommandAttribute : Attribute
public string Command { get; }
public PermissionLevel Permission { get; }
public CommandAttribute(string command, PermissionLevel permission)
Command = command;
Permission = permission;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
using System;
namespace DeukBot4.MessageHandlers
public class CommandHelpAttribute : Attribute
public string ShortHelp { get; }
public string LongHelp { get; }
public CommandHelpAttribute(string shortHelp, string longHelp)
ShortHelp = shortHelp;
LongHelp = longHelp;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
using System;
using DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler.RequestStructure;
namespace DeukBot4.MessageHandlers
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class CommandParametersAttribute : Attribute
public ParameterMatcher.ParameterType[] Types { get; }
public CommandParametersAttribute(ParameterMatcher.ParameterType[] types)
Types = types;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler.RequestStructure;
using DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.Permissions;
using Discord.WebSocket;
namespace DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler
public class Command
public Command(string name, PermissionLevel permission, string shortHelp, string longHelp,
ParameterMatcher.ParameterType[][] parameterTypes, MethodInfo function, CommandContainerBase commandContainer)
Name = name;
Permission = permission;
ShortHelp = shortHelp;
LongHelp = longHelp;
Function = function;
CommandContainer = commandContainer;
ParameterTypes = parameterTypes;
HasHelp = true;
public Command(string name, PermissionLevel permission, ParameterMatcher.ParameterType[][] parameterTypes,
MethodInfo function, CommandContainerBase commandContainer)
Name = name;
Permission = permission;
Function = function;
CommandContainer = commandContainer;
ParameterTypes = parameterTypes;
HasHelp = false;
public string Name { get; }
public PermissionLevel Permission { get; }
public string ShortHelp { get; }
public string LongHelp { get; }
public MethodInfo Function { get; }
public CommandContainerBase CommandContainer { get; }
public bool HasHelp { get; }
public ParameterMatcher.ParameterType[][] ParameterTypes { get; }
private string[] _parameterMatchers;
public string[] ParametersMatchers =>
_parameterMatchers ?? (_parameterMatchers = ParameterMatcher.GenerateRegex(this));
public async Task Invoke(CommandRequest request)
await (Task) Function.Invoke(CommandContainer, new object[] {request});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection.Metadata.Ecma335;
using DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler.RequestStructure;
namespace DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler
public abstract class CommandContainerBase
public abstract string Name { get; }
public Command[] GetCommands()
var funcs = GetType().GetMethods()
.Where(x => x.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CommandAttribute), true).Length > 0);
var commands = new List<Command>();
foreach (var methodInfo in funcs)
var commandAttributes = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CommandAttribute), true)
.Select(x => x as CommandAttribute);
CommandHelpAttribute helpAttribute = null;
var helpAttributes = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CommandHelpAttribute), true)
.Select(x => x as CommandHelpAttribute);
var commandHelpAttributes = helpAttributes as CommandHelpAttribute[] ?? helpAttributes.ToArray();
if (commandHelpAttributes.Any())
helpAttribute = commandHelpAttributes[0];
var parametersAttributes = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CommandParametersAttribute), true)
.Select(x => x as CommandParametersAttribute);
var commandParametersAttributes = parametersAttributes as CommandParametersAttribute[] ??
var parameters = commandParametersAttributes.Select(x => x.Types).ToArray();
foreach (var commandAttribute in commandAttributes)
if (commandAttribute == null)
if (helpAttribute == null)
commands.Add(new Command(commandAttribute.Command, commandAttribute.Permission, parameters,
methodInfo, this));
commands.Add(new Command(commandAttribute.Command, commandAttribute.Permission,
helpAttribute.ShortHelp, helpAttribute.LongHelp, parameters, methodInfo, this));
return commands.ToArray();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler.RequestStructure;
using DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.Permissions;
using DeukBot4.Utilities;
using Discord.WebSocket;
namespace DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler
public static class CommandHandler
public static Dictionary<string, Command> Commands { get; private set; } = new Dictionary<string, Command>();
public const char CommandTrigger = '!';
public static void Build()
var commandContainers = typeof(CommandHandler).Assembly.GetTypes()
.Where(x => typeof(CommandContainerBase).IsAssignableFrom(x) && !x.IsAbstract);
foreach (var commandContainer in commandContainers)
if (!(Activator.CreateInstance(commandContainer) is CommandContainerBase obj))
var commands = obj.GetCommands();
foreach (var command in commands)
Commands.Add(command.Name.ToLowerInvariant(), command);
Logger.Log($"Loaded following commands for container {obj.Name}: {commands.Select(x => x.Name).Join(", ")}");
public static async Task HandleMessage(SocketMessage message)
if (message.Content[0] != CommandTrigger) return;
var req = CommandRequest.Create(message);
var resultCode = req.Item2;
if (resultCode == CommandRequest.RequestCode.Invalid)
await Logger.LogError("Invalid content: " + message.Content);
else if (resultCode == CommandRequest.RequestCode.Forbidden)
await Logger.Log(
$"Unauthorized user tried to run command: {message.Author.Username} -> {message.Content}");
else if (resultCode == CommandRequest.RequestCode.OK)
await req.Item1.Command.Invoke(req.Item1);
public static Command GetCommand(string name)
return Commands.TryGetValue(name.ToLowerInvariant(), out var com) ? com : null;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler.RequestStructure;
using DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.Permissions;
namespace DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler
public class GeneralCommands : CommandContainerBase
public override string Name => "General";
[Command("ping", PermissionLevel.Everyone)]
[CommandHelp("Simple Ping Pong Response", "Generates a simple Pong response when triggered")]
public async Task Ping(CommandRequest request)
await request.OriginalMessage.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Pong");
[Command("help", PermissionLevel.Everyone)]
[CommandParameters(new []{ParameterMatcher.ParameterType.Word})]
[CommandHelp("Displays a list of commands for the bot",
@"Allows you to see all commands you can use for your permission level, along with a description.
``help`` for a list of all commands useable for you.
``help`` [command name] for more detailed info on a specific command. Note that you need to be able to use the command to get this info."
public async Task Help(CommandRequest request)
if (request.Parameters.Length == 0)
await request.OriginalMessage.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
await request.OriginalMessage.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
HelpCommandGenerator.GenerateSpecificHelp(request.Parameters[0].AsString(), request.RequestPermissions));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.Permissions;
namespace DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler
public static class HelpCommandGenerator
public static string GenerateFullHelp(PermissionLevel level)
var dic = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
foreach (var command in CommandHandler.Commands)
if (command.Value.Permission > level)
if (!command.Value.HasHelp)
if (!dic.TryGetValue(command.Value.CommandContainer.Name, out var entry))
dic.Add(command.Value.CommandContainer.Name, new Dictionary<string, string>());
entry = dic[command.Value.CommandContainer.Name];
entry.Add(command.Value.Name, command.Value.ShortHelp);
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var entry in dic)
foreach (var cmd in entry.Value)
sb.Append($"``{cmd.Key}`` - {cmd.Value}\n");
return sb.ToString();
public static string GenerateSpecificHelp(string command, PermissionLevel level)
if (!CommandHandler.Commands.TryGetValue(command, out var cmd))
return null;
if (cmd.Permission > level)
return null;
if (!cmd.HasHelp)
return null;
return $"**{cmd.Name}** - *{cmd.LongHelp}*";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.Permissions;
using Discord.WebSocket;
namespace DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler.RequestStructure
public class CommandRequest
private const string CommandNamePattern = "!([a-zA-Z0-9_]*) *(.*)";
private static readonly Regex CommandNameMatcher = new Regex(CommandNamePattern);
public Command Command { get; }
//public string ParameterString { get; }
public SocketMessage OriginalMessage { get; }
public RequestParameter[] Parameters { get; private set; }
public PermissionLevel RequestPermissions { get; }
private CommandRequest(SocketMessage message, Command command, PermissionLevel requestPermissions, RequestParameter[] parameters)
OriginalMessage = message;
Command = command;
RequestPermissions = requestPermissions;
Parameters = parameters;
public enum RequestCode
OK, Invalid, Forbidden
public static (CommandRequest, RequestCode) Create(SocketMessage message)
var originalMessage = message;
var content = message.Content;
var res = CommandNameMatcher.Match(content);
if (res.Groups.Count <= 2)
return (null, RequestCode.Invalid);
var commandName = res.Groups[1].Value;
var command = CommandHandler.GetCommand(commandName);
if (command == null)
return (null, RequestCode.Invalid);
var permission = PermissionValidator.GetUserPermissionLevel(message);
if (permission < command.Permission)
return (null, RequestCode.Forbidden);
var parameterString = res.Groups[2].Value;
var parameters = ParameterMatcher.GetParameterValues(command, parameterString);
return (new CommandRequest(originalMessage, command, permission, parameters), RequestCode.OK);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler.RequestStructure
public static class ParameterMatcher
public enum ParameterType
public static string[] GenerateRegex(Command command)
var arr = new string[command.ParameterTypes.Length];
for (var index = 0; index < command.ParameterTypes.Length; index++)
var commandParameterType = command.ParameterTypes[index];
var builder = new StringBuilder();
arr[index] = builder.ToString();
return arr;
private static string GetParameterRegex(ParameterType type)
switch (type)
case ParameterType.Word:
return " *(\\w+)";
case ParameterType.Number:
return " *(\\d+)";
case ParameterType.Remainder:
return " *(.*)";
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), type, null);
public static RequestParameter[] GetParameterValues(Command command, string parameterString)
foreach (var pattern in command.ParametersMatchers)
var matches = Regex.Match(parameterString, pattern);
if (matches.Success)
return matches.Groups.Skip(1).Select(x => new RequestParameter(x.Value)).ToArray();
return new RequestParameter[0];

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
using System;
namespace DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler.RequestStructure
public class RequestParameter
private readonly string _value;
public RequestParameter(string value)
_value = value;
public int AsInt()
if (int.TryParse(_value, out var i))
return i;
throw new ArgumentException();
public string AsString()
return _value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Discord.WebSocket;
namespace DeukBot4.MessageHandlers
public static class MainHandler
public static async Task HandleMessage(SocketMessage message)
await CommandHandler.CommandHandler.HandleMessage(message);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
namespace DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.Permissions
public enum PermissionLevel : sbyte
Banned = -10,
Bot = -5,
Everyone = 0,
Helper = 20,
Moderator = 40,
Admin = 60,
Owner = 100

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
using DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler.RequestStructure;
using Discord.WebSocket;
namespace DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.Permissions
public static class PermissionValidator
public static PermissionLevel GetUserPermissionLevel(SocketMessage message)
if (message.Author.Id == Program.Settings.OwnerId)
return PermissionLevel.Owner;
if (message.Author.IsBot)
return PermissionLevel.Bot;
return PermissionLevel.Everyone;
public static bool CanUse(this CommandRequest req)
var level = GetUserPermissionLevel(req.OriginalMessage);
return level >= req.Command.Permission;

DeukBot4/Program.cs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DeukBot4.MessageHandlers;
using DeukBot4.MessageHandlers.CommandHandler;
using Discord;
using Discord.Commands.Builders;
using Discord.WebSocket;
namespace DeukBot4
class Program
public static DiscordSocketClient Client { get; private set; }
public static Settings Settings { get; private set; }
private static void Main(string[] args)
private static async Task MainAsync()
Settings = Settings.FromJsonFile("settings.json");
Client = new DiscordSocketClient();
Client.Log += Logger.LogDiscord;
Client.Ready += OnReady;
Client.MessageReceived += MainHandler.HandleMessage;
await Client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, Settings.Token);
await Client.StartAsync();
// Block this task until the program is closed.
await Task.Delay(-1);
private static async Task OnReady()
await Client.CurrentUser.ModifyAsync(properties =>
properties.Username = Settings.Username;

DeukBot4/Settings.cs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
using System.IO;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace DeukBot4
public class Settings
public string Token { get; private set; }
public string Username { get; private set; }
public ulong OwnerId { get; private set; }
public static Settings FromJsonFile(string filepath)
var s = File.ReadAllText(filepath);
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Settings>(s);

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace DeukBot4.Utilities
public static class IEnumerableExtensions
public static string Join(this IEnumerable<string> arr, string sep)
return string.Join(sep, arr);