#include "BattleSide.hpp" #include "../EventHooks/EventDataClasses.hpp" #include "Battle.hpp" using namespace CreatureLib::Battling; bool BattleSide::AllChoicesSet() const noexcept { return _choicesSet == _creaturesPerSide; } bool BattleSide::AllPossibleSlotsFilled() const { try { for (size_t i = 0; i < _creatures.Count(); i++) { auto c = _creatures[i]; if (!c.HasValue() || c.GetValue()->IsFainted()) { if (_battle->CanSlotBeFilled(_index, i)) { return false; } } } } catch (const std::exception& e) { THROW("Exception during AllPossibleSlotsFilled check: '" << e.what() << "'."); } return true; } void BattleSide::ResetChoices() noexcept { _choicesSet = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < _creaturesPerSide; i++) { _choices[i] = nullptr; } } void BattleSide::SetChoice(BaseTurnChoice* choice) { EnsureNotNull(choice) try { for (size_t i = 0; i < _creatures.Count(); i++) { auto& c = _creatures[i]; if (!c.HasValue()) { continue; } if (c.GetValue() == choice->GetUser()) { _choices[i] = std::shared_ptr(choice); _choicesSet++; return; } } } catch (const std::exception& e) { THROW("Error during setting choice: '" << e.what() << "'."); } THROW("User not found"); } void BattleSide::SetCreature(ArbUt::OptionalBorrowedPtr creature, uint8_t index) { auto old = _creatures[index]; if (old.HasValue()) { old.GetValue()->SetOnBattleField(false); } _creatures[index] = creature.GetValue(); if (!creature.HasValue()) { return; } creature.GetValue()->SetBattleData(_battle, this); creature.GetValue()->SetOnBattleField(true); for (auto* side : _battle->GetSides()) { if (side == this) { continue; } for (const auto& c : side->GetCreatures()) { if (c.HasValue()) { c.GetValue()->MarkOpponentAsSeen(creature.GetValue()); creature.GetValue()->MarkOpponentAsSeen(c.GetValue()); } } } _battle->TriggerEventListener(CreatureIndex(this->_index, index), creature.GetValue()); } bool BattleSide::CreatureOnSide(const ArbUt::BorrowedPtr& creature) const { return std::find(_creatures.begin(), _creatures.end(), creature.GetRaw()) != _creatures.end(); } const ArbUt::OptionalBorrowedPtr& BattleSide::GetCreature(uint8_t index) const { return _creatures[index]; } void BattleSide::GetActiveScripts(ArbUt::List& scripts) { scripts.Append(ScriptWrapper::FromSet(&_volatile)); _battle->GetActiveScripts(scripts); } size_t BattleSide::ScriptCount() const { return _battle->ScriptCount() + 1; } uint8_t BattleSide::GetRandomCreatureIndex() { // TODO: Consider adding parameter to only get index for available creatures. return _battle->GetRandom()->Get(_creaturesPerSide); } bool BattleSide::SwapPositions(u8 a, u8 b) { // If out of range, don't allow swapping. if (a >= _creaturesPerSide || b >= _creaturesPerSide) { return false; } // If the two indices are the same, don't allow swapping. if (a == b) { return false; } // Fetch parties for the two indices. BattleParty* partyA = nullptr; BattleParty* partyB = nullptr; for (auto* party : this->_battle->GetParties()) { if (party->IsResponsibleForIndex(_index, a)) { partyA = party; } if (party->IsResponsibleForIndex(_index, b)) { partyB = party; } } // Don't allow swapping if different parties are responsible for the indices. if (partyA != partyB) { return false; } auto creatureA = _creatures[a]; _creatures[a] = _creatures[b]; _creatures[b] = creatureA; _battle->TriggerEventListener(_index, a, b); return true; } BattleSide* BattleSide::CloneWithoutCreatures() { auto* side = new BattleSide(_index, _battle, _creaturesPerSide); side->_choicesSet = _choicesSet; _volatile.Clone(side->_volatile); side->_hasFled = _hasFled; return side; }