
209 lines
4.9 KiB

(function(e){if("function"==typeof bootstrap)bootstrap("jade",e);else if("object"==typeof exports)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define(e);else if("undefined"!=typeof ses){if(!ses.ok())return;ses.makeJade=e}else"undefined"!=typeof window?window.jade=e():global.jade=e()})(function(){var define,ses,bootstrap,module,exports;
return (function(e,t,n){function i(n,s){if(!t[n]){if(!e[n]){var o=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!s&&o)return o(n,!0);if(r)return r(n,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+n+"'")}var u=t[n]={exports:{}};e[n][0].call(u.exports,function(t){var r=e[n][1][t];return i(r?r:t)},u,u.exports)}return t[n].exports}var r=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var s=0;s<n.length;s++)i(n[s]);return i})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
* Jade - runtime
* Copyright(c) 2010 TJ Holowaychuk <>
* MIT Licensed
* Lame Array.isArray() polyfill for now.
if (!Array.isArray) {
Array.isArray = function(arr){
return '[object Array]' ==;
* Lame Object.keys() polyfill for now.
if (!Object.keys) {
Object.keys = function(obj){
var arr = [];
for (var key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return arr;
* Merge two attribute objects giving precedence
* to values in object `b`. Classes are special-cased
* allowing for arrays and merging/joining appropriately
* resulting in a string.
* @param {Object} a
* @param {Object} b
* @return {Object} a
* @api private
exports.merge = function merge(a, b) {
var ac = a['class'];
var bc = b['class'];
if (ac || bc) {
ac = ac || [];
bc = bc || [];
if (!Array.isArray(ac)) ac = [ac];
if (!Array.isArray(bc)) bc = [bc];
a['class'] = ac.concat(bc).filter(nulls);
for (var key in b) {
if (key != 'class') {
a[key] = b[key];
return a;
* Filter null `val`s.
* @param {*} val
* @return {Boolean}
* @api private
function nulls(val) {
return val != null && val !== '';
* join array as classes.
* @param {*} val
* @return {String}
* @api private
function joinClasses(val) {
return Array.isArray(val) ?' ') : val;
* Render the given attributes object.
* @param {Object} obj
* @param {Object} escaped
* @return {String}
* @api private
exports.attrs = function attrs(obj, escaped){
var buf = []
, terse = obj.terse;
delete obj.terse;
var keys = Object.keys(obj)
, len = keys.length;
if (len) {
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var key = keys[i]
, val = obj[key];
if ('boolean' == typeof val || null == val) {
if (val) {
? buf.push(key)
: buf.push(key + '="' + key + '"');
} else if (0 == key.indexOf('data') && 'string' != typeof val) {
buf.push(key + "='" + JSON.stringify(val) + "'");
} else if ('class' == key) {
if (escaped && escaped[key]){
if (val = exports.escape(joinClasses(val))) {
buf.push(key + '="' + val + '"');
} else {
if (val = joinClasses(val)) {
buf.push(key + '="' + val + '"');
} else if (escaped && escaped[key]) {
buf.push(key + '="' + exports.escape(val) + '"');
} else {
buf.push(key + '="' + val + '"');
return buf.join(' ');
* Escape the given string of `html`.
* @param {String} html
* @return {String}
* @api private
exports.escape = function escape(html){
return String(html)
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
* Re-throw the given `err` in context to the
* the jade in `filename` at the given `lineno`.
* @param {Error} err
* @param {String} filename
* @param {String} lineno
* @api private
exports.rethrow = function rethrow(err, filename, lineno, str){
if (!(err instanceof Error)) throw err;
if ((typeof window != 'undefined' || !filename) && !str) {
err.message += ' on line ' + lineno;
throw err;
try {
str = str || require('fs').readFileSync(filename, 'utf8')
} catch (ex) {
rethrow(err, null, lineno)
var context = 3
, lines = str.split('\n')
, start = Math.max(lineno - context, 0)
, end = Math.min(lines.length, lineno + context);
// Error context
var context = lines.slice(start, end).map(function(line, i){
var curr = i + start + 1;
return (curr == lineno ? ' > ' : ' ')
+ curr
+ '| '
+ line;
// Alter exception message
err.path = filename;
err.message = (filename || 'Jade') + ':' + lineno
+ '\n' + context + '\n\n' + err.message;
throw err;
// nothing to see here... no file methods for the browser