86 lines
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86 lines
2.5 KiB
class Teams extends Backbone.Collection
model: Team
class @Battle extends Backbone.AssociatedModel
relations: [
type: Backbone.Many
key: 'teams'
relatedModel: Team
collectionType: Teams
spectating: true
finished: false
_.extend(this.prototype, PokeBattle.mixins.BattleProtocolParser)
initialize: (attributes) =>
@updateQueue = []
{@numActive, spectators} = attributes
@spectators = new UserList(spectators) unless !spectators
@set('generation', Formats[@get('format')].generation)
@set('notifications', 0)
@set('turn', 0)
@set('teams', [{hidden: true}, {hidden: true}])
@set('spectating', !@has('index'))
@set('index', Math.floor(2 * Math.random())) unless @has('index')
receiveTeams: (receivedTeams) =>
teams = @get('teams')
for receivedTeam, i in receivedTeams
receivedTeam.hidden = true
team = teams.at(i)
team.set(receivedTeam) if team.get('hidden')
receiveTeam: (team) =>
teams = @get('teams')
teams.at(@get('index')).unset('hidden', silent: true).set(team)
makeMove: (moveName, forSlot, callback) =>
pokemon = @getPokemon(@get('index'), forSlot)
options = {}
options['megaEvolve'] = pokemon.get('megaEvolve') if pokemon.get('megaEvolve')
'sendMove', @id, moveName, forSlot,
@get('turn'), options, callback,
makeSwitch: (toSlot, forSlot, callback) =>
'sendSwitch', @id, toSlot, forSlot, @get('turn'), callback
makeCancel: =>
PokeBattle.primus.send 'sendCancelAction', @id, @get('turn')
arrangeTeam: (arrangement) =>
PokeBattle.primus.send 'arrangeTeam', @id, arrangement
switch: (fromIndex, toIndex) =>
you = @getTeam().pokemon
[you[fromIndex], you[toIndex]] = [you[toIndex], you[fromIndex]]
getTeam: (playerIndex = @get('index')) =>
getOpponentTeam: (playerIndex = @get('index')) =>
@get("teams").at(1 - playerIndex)
getPokemon: (playerIndex, slot = 0) =>
team = @getTeam(playerIndex)
isPlaying: =>
!@get('finished') && !@get('spectating')
forfeit: =>
PokeBattle.primus.send('forfeit', @id)
# TODO: Opponent switch. Use some logic to determine whether the switch is
# to a previously seen Pokemon or a new Pokemon. In the latter case, we
# should reveal a previously unknown Pokeball if it's not a Wi-Fi battle.
notify: =>
@set('notifications', @get('notifications') + 1)