97 lines
3.5 KiB
97 lines
3.5 KiB
{Factory} = require './factory'
shouldDoNoDamage = (moveName, battleOptions) ->
it 'does no damage', ->
create.call(this, battleOptions)
move = @battle.getMove(moveName)
@battle.performMove(@p1, move)
@p2.currentHP.should.equal @p2.stat('hp')
shouldFailIfUsedTwice = (moveName, battleOptions) ->
it 'should fail if used twice', ->
create.call(this, battleOptions)
move = @battle.getMove(moveName)
mock = @sandbox.mock(move).expects('fail').once()
@battle.performMove(@p1, move)
@battle.performMove(@p1, move)
build = (context, opts={}) ->
generation = opts.gen ? 'bw'
{Battle} = require("../server/#{generation}/battle")
{BattleController} = require("../server/#{generation}/battle_controller")
context.id1 = 'abcde'
context.id2 = 'fghij'
team1 = opts.team1 || [Factory('Magikarp'), Factory('Magikarp')]
team2 = opts.team2 || [Factory('Magikarp'), Factory('Magikarp')]
conditions = opts.conditions
players = [
{id: context.id1, name: context.id1, team: team1, ratingKey: context.id1}
{id: context.id2, name: context.id2, team: team2, ratingKey: context.id2}
numActive = opts.numActive || 1
format = opts.format
context.battle = new Battle(createId(), players, {numActive, conditions, format})
context.controller = new BattleController(context.battle)
context.team1 = context.battle.getTeam(context.id1)
context.team2 = context.battle.getTeam(context.id2)
context.p1 = context.team1.first()
context.p2 = context.team2.first()
biasRNG.call(context, 'next', 'ch', 1)
biasRNG.call(context, 'randInt', 'damage roll', 0)
biasRNG.call(context, 'randInt', 'miss', 0) # Can be overridden, of course.
biasRNG.call(context, 'next', 'secondary effect', 1) # No effect unless 100%
biasRNG.call(context, 'next', 'secondary boost', 0) # Always happens
biasRNG.call(context, 'randInt', 'flinch', 99) # No flinch (unless fake out)
# moves that call other moves also get new targets
biasRNG.call(context, 'randInt', 'selected pokemon target', 0)
createId = ->
create = (opts={}) ->
build(this, opts)
createTestRNG = ->
@biasedRNGFuncs = {}
for funcName in ['next', 'randInt']
do (funcName) =>
oldFunc = @battle.rng[funcName].bind(@battle.rng)
@battle.rng[funcName] = (args...) =>
id = args[args.length - 1]
func = @biasedRNGFuncs[funcName]
return (if id of func then func[id] else oldFunc(args...))
testEveryMove = (allMoves, gen) ->
for move in allMoves
if move.hasPrimaryEffect()
do (move) ->
describe move.name, ->
# Test primary boost moves
if move.primaryBoostStats?
it "boosts properly", ->
create.call(this, gen: gen)
target = (if move.primaryBoostTarget == 'self' then @p1 else @p2)
@battle.performMove(@p1, move)
if move.primaryBoostTarget == 'self'
it "can never miss self", ->
create.call(this, gen: gen)
move.chanceToHit(@battle, @p1, @p1).should.equal(0)
biasRNG = (funcName, id, returns) ->
@biasedRNGFuncs[funcName] ||= {}
@biasedRNGFuncs[funcName][id] = returns
module.exports = {
shouldDoNoDamage, shouldFailIfUsedTwice,
build, create, biasRNG, testEveryMove