
164 lines
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require '../helpers'
shared = require '../shared'
{Attachment} = require '../../server/bw/attachment'
defaultTeam = [
species: "Pikachu"
moves: ["Substitute", "Thunderbolt", "Hidden Power", "Grass Knot"]
item: "Light Ball"
ability: "Lightningrod"
gender: "F"
species: "Hitmonchan"
moves: ["Close Combat", "Mach Punch", "Ice Punch", "ThunderPunch"]
item: "Life Orb"
ability: "Iron Fist"
gender: "M"
species: "Charizard"
item: "Choice Specs"
moves: ["Fire Blast", "Air Slash", "Hidden Power", "Focus Blast"]
ability: "Blaze"
species: "Dragonite"
item: "Leftovers"
moves: ["Dragon Dance", "Outrage", "Fire Punch", "ExtremeSpeed"]
ability: "Multiscale"
species: "Politoed"
item: "Leftovers"
moves: ["Scald", "Ice Beam", "Protect", "Toxic"]
ability: "Drizzle"
species: "Haunter"
item: "Leftovers"
moves: ["Substitute", "Disable", "Shadow Ball", "Focus Blast"]
ability: "Levitate"
describe "BW: Integration:", ->
describe "a battle", ->
it "executes fainted replacements at the proper time", ->, team1: defaultTeam, team2: defaultTeam)
spy = @sandbox.spy(@battle, 'performReplacements')
@sandbox.stub(@battle.getMove("Thunderbolt"), "baseDamage", -> 9999)
@controller.makeMove(@id1, "Thunderbolt")
@controller.makeSwitch(@id2, 4)
@controller.makeSwitch(@id2, 1)
@controller.makeMove(@id1, "Thunderbolt")
@controller.makeSwitch(@id2, 2)
it "can execute two fainted replacements in a row", ->, team1: defaultTeam, team2: defaultTeam)
spy = @sandbox.spy(@battle, 'performReplacements')
# Artificially set up conditions
spy1 = @sandbox.spy(, "faint")
spy2 = @sandbox.spy(, "faint") = 1 = 1
# Now attempt the first replacement.
@controller.makeSwitch(@id2, 1)
@controller.makeMove(@id1, "Thunderbolt")
# Nothing happens except the Pokemon faints.
# Do the second replacement.
@controller.makeSwitch(@id2, 2)
# Nothing happens except the Pokemon faints.
# Each pokemon should have called their faint method
it "doesn't trigger weather if a switch-in faints immediately", ->, team1: defaultTeam, team2: defaultTeam)
spy = @sandbox.spy(@battle, 'performReplacements')
# There should be no weather at the start of the battle.
# Artificially set up conditions = 1
# Now attempt the switch.
@controller.makeSwitch(@id2, 4)
@controller.makeMove(@id1, "Substitute")
# Nothing happens except the Pokemon faints.
# There should be no weather.
it "doesn't trigger weather if a replacement faints immediately", ->, team1: defaultTeam, team2: defaultTeam)
# There should be no weather at the start of the battle.
# Artificially set up conditions = 1 = 1
# Now attempt the switches.
@controller.makeSwitch(@id2, 1)
@controller.makeMove(@id1, "Substitute")
# Nothing happens except the Pokemon faints.
# Attempt the replacement
@controller.makeSwitch(@id2, 4)
# Nothing happens except the Pokemon faints, again.
# There should be no weather.