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class TeamStore extends Backbone.Collection
model: Team
initialize: ->
@on('add remove reset remoteSync', @saveLocally)
# Only locally save teams without an id or is trying to save.
unsavedTeams: =>
@filter((team) -> !team.id || team.get('saving'))
saveLocally: =>
teams = @unsavedTeams()
json = _.map(teams, (team) -> team.toJSON())
window.localStorage.setItem('local_teams', JSON.stringify(json))
console.error("Failed to save teams locally.")
loadLocally: =>
json = window.localStorage.getItem('local_teams')
return unless json
teams = JSON.parse(json)
@add(teams) if teams.length > 0
console.error("Failed to load teams locally.")
saveRemotely: =>
teams = @unsavedTeams()
team.save() for team in teams
PokeBattle.TeamStore = new TeamStore()
PokeBattle.primus.on 'receiveTeams', (remoteTeams) ->
remoteTeams = remoteTeams.map (team) ->
team.teambuilder = true
new Team(team)
# First, find teams that are already saved locally -- these exclude deleted
# teams on either side. The remote copy of the team is checked against the
# local copy of the team. If they differ, display a modal asking whether to
# override or keep the local changes.
ids = PokeBattle.TeamStore.pluck('id')
for remoteTeam in remoteTeams when remoteTeam.id in ids
remoteJSON = remoteTeam.toJSON()
localTeam = PokeBattle.TeamStore.get(remoteTeam.id)
unsavedTeam = localTeam.clone()
unsavedTeam.set(localTeam.previousAttributes(), silent: true)
localJSON = unsavedTeam.toJSON()
if !_.isEqual(remoteJSON, localJSON)
# Whoa! Versions are different! Let's ask the user what to do.
teamText = PokeBattle.exportTeam(remoteJSON.pokemon)
domId = "teams-differ-#{remoteTeam.id}"
$modal = PokeBattle.modal('modals/teams_differ', domId, {teamText})
do (localTeam, remoteJSON) ->
# We want to override the current version with the one on the server.
# This is extremely hacky due to hidden state and clones everywhere on
# the teambuilder.
$modal.find('.button_override').one 'click', ->
localTeam.set(remoteJSON, silent: true)
localTeam.trigger('render', localTeam)
# Now, add teams we haven't seen yet to the store.
PokeBattle.primus.on 'loginSuccess', ->