99 lines
3.1 KiB
99 lines
3.1 KiB
coffee = require 'coffee-script'
path = require('path').resolve(__dirname, '../../bw/data/moves.coffee')
eval(coffee.compile(require('fs').readFileSync(path, 'utf8'), bare: true))
makeChargeMove 'Bounce', ["Gust", "Thunder", "Twister", "Sky Uppercut", "Hurricane", "Smack Down", "Thousand Arrows"], "$1 sprang up!"
extendMove "Defog", ->
@selectPokemon = (battle, user, target) ->
[ target, user ]
extendMove 'Facade', ->
@burnCalculation = -> 1
extendMove 'Fell Stinger', ->
@afterSuccessfulHit = (battle, user, target) ->
user.boost(attack: 2) if target.isFainted()
makeChargeMove 'Fly', ["Gust", "Thunder", "Twister", "Sky Uppercut", "Hurricane", "Smack Down", "Thousand Arrows"], "$1 flew up high!"
extendMove 'Freeze-Dry', ->
@superEffectiveAgainst = "Water"
makeChargeMove 'Geomancy', "$1 is absorbing power!"
extendMove 'Knock Off', ->
@basePower = (battle, user, target) ->
multiplier = (if target.hasTakeableItem() then 1.5 else 1.0)
Math.floor(multiplier * @power)
extendMove 'Happy Hour', ->
@afterSuccessfulHit = (battle, user, target) ->
battle.message "Everyone is caught up in the happy atmosphere!"
extendMove 'Hidden Power', ->
@basePower = -> @power
makeProtectCounterMove "King's Shield", (battle, user, targets) ->
makeTrappingMove "Infestation"
extendMove "Metronome", ->
@impossibleMoves.push("Belch", "Celebrate", "Crafty Shield", "Diamond Storm",
"Happy Hour", "Hold Hands", "Hyperspace Hole", "King's Shield", "Light of Ruin",
"Mat Block", "Spiky Shield", "Steam Eruption", "Thousand Arrows", "Thousand Waves")
extendMove 'Nature Power', ->
@execute = (battle, user, targets) ->
# In Wi-Fi battles, Tri Attack is always chosen.
battle.message "#{@name} turned into Tri Attack!"
triAttack = battle.getMove('Tri Attack')
battle.executeMove(triAttack, user, targets)
extendMove "Parting Shot", ->
@afterSuccessfulHit = (battle, user, target) ->
target.boost(attack: -1, specialAttack: -1, user)
makeChargeMove 'Phantom Force', [], "$1 vanished instantly!"
extendMove "Rapid Spin", ->
extendMove 'Skill Swap', ->
@canSwapSameAbilities = true
makeProtectCounterMove "Spiky Shield", (battle, user, targets) ->
makeOpponentFieldMove 'Sticky Web', (battle, user, opponentId) ->
team = battle.getTeam(opponentId)
if !team.attach(Attachment.StickyWeb)
@fail(battle, user)
extendMove 'Topsy-Turvy', ->
@afterSuccessfulHit = (battle, user, target) ->
if target.hasBoosts()
boosts = {}
for stage, value of target.stages
boosts[stage] = -value
battle.message "#{target.name}'s stat changes were all reversed!"
@fail(battle, user)
extendMove 'Toxic', ->
@canMiss = (battle, user, target) ->
return !user.hasType("Poison")
extendMove 'Venom Drench', ->
@use = (battle, user, target) ->
if !target.has(Status.Poison)
@fail(battle, user)
return false
target.boost(attack: -1, specialAttack: -1, speed: -1)