142 lines
4.3 KiB
142 lines
4.3 KiB
ratings = require('./ratings')
alts = require('./alts')
class QueuedPlayer
constructor: (player) ->
@player = player
@rating = null # needs to be updated by getRatings
intersectsWith: (other) ->
leftMin = @rating - (@range / 2)
leftMax = @rating + (@range / 2)
rightMin = other.rating - (other.range / 2)
rightMax = other.rating + (other.range / 2)
return false if leftMin > rightMax
return false if leftMax < rightMin
# A queue of users waiting for a battle
class @BattleQueue
constructor: ->
@queue = {}
@newPlayers = []
@recentlyMatched = {}
@length = 0
@ranked = true
# Adds a player to the queue.
# "name" can either be the real name, or an alt
add: (playerId, name, team, ratingKey=playerId) ->
return false if !playerId
return false if playerId of @queue
playerObject = {id: playerId, name, team, ratingKey}
player = new QueuedPlayer(playerObject)
@queue[playerId] = player
@length += 1
return true
setUnranked: ->
@ranked = false
remove: (playerIds) ->
playerIds = Array(playerIds) if playerIds not instanceof Array
for playerId in playerIds
if playerId of @queue
delete @queue[playerId]
@length -= 1
queuedPlayers: ->
hasUserId: (playerId) ->
hasRecentlyMatched: (player1Id, player2Id) ->
players = [player1Id, player2Id].sort()
key = "#{players[0]}:#{players[1]}"
addRecentMatch: (player1Id, player2Id) ->
players = [player1Id, player2Id].sort()
key = "#{players[0]}:#{players[1]}"
@recentlyMatched[key] = true
setTimeout((=> delete @recentlyMatched[key]), 30 * 60 * 1000) # expire in 30 minutes
size: ->
# An internal function which loads ratings for newly queued players
# and removes them from the newly queued list
updateNewPlayers: (next) ->
if @ranked == true
ratingKeys = (queued.player.ratingKey for queued in @newPlayers)
return next(null) if ratingKeys.length == 0
ratings.getRatings ratingKeys, (err, returnedRatings) =>
if err then return next(err)
ratings.setActive ratingKeys, (err) =>
if err then return next(err)
# Update the ratings in the player objects
for rating, i in returnedRatings
continue unless @hasUserId(@newPlayers[i].player.id)
@newPlayers[i].rating = rating
# reset the new players list, we're done
@newPlayers.splice(0, @newPlayers.length)
# Returns an array of pairs. Each pair is a queue object that contains
# a player and team key, corresponding to the player socket and player's team.
pairPlayers: (next) ->
return next(null, []) if @size() == 0
@updateNewPlayers (err) =>
if err then return next(err, null)
sortedPlayers = (queued for id, queued of @queue)
if @ranked
sortedPlayers.sort((a, b) -> a.rating - b.rating)
alreadyMatched = (false for [0...sortedPlayers.length])
pairs = []
for leftIdx in [0...sortedPlayers.length]
continue if alreadyMatched[leftIdx]
for rightIdx in [(leftIdx + 1)...sortedPlayers.length]
continue if alreadyMatched[rightIdx]
left = sortedPlayers[leftIdx]
right = sortedPlayers[rightIdx]
leftPlayer = left.player
rightPlayer = right.player
# Continue if these two players already played
continue if @hasRecentlyMatched(leftPlayer.id, rightPlayer.id) and @ranked
# If the rating difference is too large break out, we have no possible match for left
break unless left.intersectsWith(right)
# Everything checks out, so make the pair and break out
pairs.push([leftPlayer, rightPlayer])
@remove([leftPlayer.id, rightPlayer.id])
@addRecentMatch(leftPlayer.id, rightPlayer.id) if @ranked
alreadyMatched[leftIdx] = alreadyMatched[rightIdx] = true
# Expand the range of all unmatched players
queued.range += RANGE_INCREMENT for id, queued of @queue
# Return the list of paired players
next(null, pairs)