$header = 50px $pokemon-list-height = 50px // TODO: Make this a global style .teambuilder input .teambuilder select box-sizing border-box height 28px .teambuilder .selectize-input input height 18px .teambuilder position absolute top 0 bottom 0 left 0 right 0 select, input margin-bottom 0!important width 100% .teambuilder .meta-info max-width 1368px .teambuilder .meta-info .left-side, .teambuilder .meta-info .right-side float left box-sizing border-box .teambuilder .navigation position absolute top $header bottom 0 background-color $body-color width: 160px ul list-style-type none padding 0 margin 0 li, .nav-button display block box-sizing border-box padding-left 1em height $pokemon-list-height line-height $pokemon-list-height font-size 14px li:hover, .nav-button:hover cursor pointer background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) li.active background-color rgba(200, 210, 255, 0.5) .pokemon_icon float none display inline-block margin 0 vertical-align middle .pokemon-pbv margin-top 7px font-size 0.75em .pokemon-middle line-height 50% display inline-block vertical-align middle .teambuilder .meta-info .left-side padding-left 180px width 45% .teambuilder .meta-info .right-side width 55% padding-left 20px .teambuilder .species float left width 180px margin-left -185px .species_list width 100% .pbv float right color #888 .teambuilder .shiny-switch display inline-block width 14px height 14px margin-right 10px margin-left -(@margin-right + @width) vertical-align middle cursor pointer background-image URL('/Sprites/images/noshiny.png') background-size cover &.selected background-image URL('/Sprites/images/shiny.png') .teambuilder .happiness-switch display inline-block position relative width 14px height 14px margin-left 10px margin-right -(@margin-left + @width) cursor pointer vertical-align middle $happy = #FF3C3C $unhappy = #333 &:before, &:after position absolute content "" left 8px top 0 width 8px height 13px background $happy border-radius 7px 7px 0 0 transform rotate(-45deg) transform-origin 0 100% &:after left 0 transform rotate(45deg) transform-origin 100% 100% &:hover:before, &:hover:after background darken($happy, 30%) &.selected:before, &.selected:after background $unhappy &.selected:hover:before, &.selected:hover:after background lighten($unhappy, 30%) .teambuilder .team_meta position absolute top 0 left 0 right 0 height $header line-height @height .team_name font-weight 700 font-size 1.5em height $header line-height @height float left margin 0 width auto padding 0 (1em/@font-size) box-sizing border-box .team_name:hover:not(:focus) text-decoration underline cursor pointer .team_meta_buttons float right margin-top 7px .button float left margin-right 10px .teambuilder .meta-info .non-stats display table width 100% .teambuilder_row, .pbv-row display table-row line-height 1.5em .teambuilder_col display table-cell box-sizing border-box height 2em margin 0 &:first-child text-align right padding-right 10px .pbv-row .left, .pbv-row .right box-sizing border-box height 2em .non-stat-label width 1px // minimum possible size .teambuilder .stats width 100% margin-bottom 1.5em td, th text-align left padding-right 10px white-space nowrap line-height 1.5em height 1.5em .stat-label, .stat-total, .base-stat width 1px // minimum possible size td:first-child text-align right input width 100% text-align right th.ev-cell, th.iv-cell text-align right padding-right 17px // match with value in textfield (10px from the main cell + the input padding) td.ev-cell, td.iv-cell width 50px .plus-nature color $positive-color font-weight bold .minus-nature color $negative-color .remaining-evs float left .hidden-power float right .ev-lock float left margin-right 5px cursor pointer .icon-lock color #444 .icon-unlocked color #888 .remaining-evs-amount.over-limit color $negative-color font-weight bold .teambuilder select.select-hidden-power width auto .teambuilder .pokemon_edit position absolute overflow auto left 150px top $header bottom 0 right 0 background white padding 15px overflow-y scroll .teambuilder .forme-sprite-box height 120px line-height @height text-align center .forme-sprite display inline-block .teambuilder .species-types text-align center margin-bottom 5px margin-top 50px img margin 0 2px .teambuilder .selected_moves .header margin-bottom 8px .moves-label font-weight bold font-size 2em line-height 1em a line-height 2em .move-button, input display block margin 0 box-sizing border-box height 32px .close opacity .4 line-height 30px width 20px text-align center float right .close:hover, .close:focus opacity .8 font-weight bold .table-moves border-collapse separate border solid 1px #DDD thead th background whitesmoke border-bottom solid 1px #DDD tbody tr cursor pointer td border 1px solid transparent &.active td background #f0f0f9 &:first-child text-decoration underline &.selected td background #f0f0f9 &:first-child font-weight bold img margin-bottom 3px .name white-space nowrap .teambuilder .table-moves margin-top 8px .teambuilder .description width 60% .teambuilder .display_teams position absolute top 0 left 0 bottom 0 right 0 overflow auto h2 margin-left 10px margin-bottom 0 .select-team h2 text-overflow ellipsis white-space nowrap overflow hidden width 192px margin 0 font-size 1.5em .add-new-team margin 10px .get-teams margin 10px .team-meta font-size .75em text-align right margin-top 10px .team-pbv margin-top -5px .team-tier margin-top -5px textarea.textarea_modal box-sizing border-box width 100% height 300px @media screen and (max-width: 1268px) // stack non-stats and stats .teambuilder .meta-info .left-side, .teambuilder .meta-info .right-side display block width 100% // stack non-stats and stats .teambuilder .non-stats margin 0!important // stack non-stats and stats .teambuilder .meta-info .right-side padding-left 0 // add some separation between stats and non-stats .teambuilder .stats margin-top 1.5em @media screen and (max-width: 1000px) // Hide move descriptions .table-moves .description display none // Make selected moves take up the entire row .teambuilder .selected_moves .span3 width 100% margin-left 0 @media screen and (max-width: 800px) // Move side navigation to above .teambuilder .navigation li, teambuilder .navigation .nav-button float left width (100/6)% font-size 0 // Hide the text text-align center // Move side navigation to above .teambuilder .pokemon_edit left 0 top $header + $pokemon-list-height // Move side navigation to above .teambuilder .navigation width 100% @media screen and (max-width: 600px) // Scroll at the teambuilder level instead of the pokemon_edit level // TODO: This should kick in on tablet landscape modes, // with large widths but small heights (ex: nexus 7) .teambuilder overflow auto .team_meta position static height auto .navigation position static .pokemon_edit position static overflow visible textarea.textarea_modal height auto @media screen and (max-width: 480px) // split species and non-stats .teambuilder .meta-info .left-side padding-left 0 // split species and non-stats .teambuilder .species, .teambuilder .non-stats margin-left 0 width 100% margin-bottom 1.5em // hide ev-bars .teambuilder .ev-range-cell display none // Hide pp and acc cells .table-moves .pp, .acc display none