h1 narrow-font() font-size 2em font-weight 700 line-height 50px margin 0 #header h1 text-transform lowercase margin 0 $body_wrapper #navigation $clr = #44484e position absolute top 0 left 0 bottom 0 width $nav_size background $clr font-size .875em overflow hidden .logo display block margin 0 font-size 32px color rgba(255, 255, 255, .8) text-shadow 0 1px 0 #333 text-align center height $header_size line-height $header_size .logo:hover cursor pointer .nav margin-bottom 1em a, .fake_link display block padding 4px 16px line-height 1.5em color #ccd border none background none float none margin 0 border-radius 0 &:hover background lighten($clr, 10%) text-decoration none color #fff h2 text-transform uppercase line-height normal margin 0 font-size .929em padding 4px 16px letter-spacing 1px color lighten($clr, 60%) background darken($clr, 20%) text-shadow 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .3) color #777 border-bottom 1px solid #555 border-top 1px solid #111 .nav_item position relative &.active, &.active:hover background #d94e47 color #fff cursor default .nav_meta position absolute right 0 font-size .714em .notifications, .close height 1.3em * (1em / .714em) // 1.3 height adjusted by the nav_meta font size width @height line-height @height text-align center margin-top 0.1em // the container is 1.5em and the contents are 1.3em margin-right 5px float left opacity 1 font-size 1em text-shadow none .notifications border-radius 4px background #a30 color #fff &:hover .notifications background #b41 .close background #333 border-radius 1em color #fff cursor pointer &:hover background #555 .user-info float right margin 0 16px .team-dropdown max-height 300px overflow-y auto .team-pbv margin-top -5px .dropdown li border-bottom 1px solid #aaa li:last-of-type border none !important