{_} = require('underscore') learnsets = require '../shared/learnsets' @ALL_GENERATIONS = [ 'rb', 'gs', 'rs', 'dp', 'bw', 'xy', 'in' ] @SUPPORTED_GENERATIONS = [ 'xy', 'in' ] @DEFAULT_GENERATION = 'in' @INT_TO_GENERATION = {} for gen, i in @ALL_GENERATIONS @INT_TO_GENERATION[i + 1] = gen @GENERATION_TO_INT = {} for gen, i in @ALL_GENERATIONS @GENERATION_TO_INT[gen] = (i + 1) @GenerationJSON = {} # TODO: Get rid of this once we have all data in. maybeRequire = (path) -> try require(path) trymerge = (one, two) -> try returnobj = one for key, value of two returnobj[key] = value returnobj for gen, i in @ALL_GENERATIONS SpeciesData = maybeRequire("./#{gen}/data/data_species.json") || {} PokeData = maybeRequire("./#{gen}/data/data_formes.json") || {} DeltaData = maybeRequire("./#{gen}/data/delta_formes.json") || {} MoveData = maybeRequire("./#{gen}/data/data_moves.json") || {} ItemData = maybeRequire("./#{gen}/data/data_items.json") || {} AbilityData = maybeRequire("./#{gen}/data/data_abilities.json") || {} if Object.keys(DeltaData).length != 0 FormeData = trymerge(DeltaData, PokeData) else FormeData = PokeData PokemonList = (name for name of FormeData) ItemList = (name for name of ItemData) MoveList = [] TypeList = [] AbilityList = [] MoveMap = {} AbilityMap = {} TypeMap = {} for pokemonName, pokemonData of FormeData for formeName, formeData of pokemonData # Add types for type in formeData.types TypeList.push(type) TypeMap[type] ?= [] TypeMap[type].push([pokemonName, formeName]) # Add abilities abilities = [] abilities.push(formeData.abilities...) abilities.push(formeData.hiddenAbility) if formeData.hiddenAbility for ability in abilities AbilityMap[ability] ?= [] AbilityMap[ability].push([pokemonName, formeName]) AbilityList = Object.keys(AbilityData) MoveList = Object.keys(MoveData) TypeList = _.chain(TypeList).uniq().sort().value() @GenerationJSON[gen.toUpperCase()] = SpeciesData : SpeciesData FormeData : FormeData MoveData : MoveData ItemData : ItemData AbilityData : AbilityData PokemonList : PokemonList ItemList : ItemList MoveList : MoveList AbilityList : AbilityList TypeList : TypeList MoveMap : MoveMap AbilityMap : AbilityMap TypeMap : TypeMap # Now add moves for every generation for gen in @ALL_GENERATIONS thisGen = @GenerationJSON[gen.toUpperCase()] for pokemonName, pokemonData of thisGen.FormeData for formeName, formeData of pokemonData pokemon = {species: pokemonName, forme: formeName} # Add moves moves = learnsets.learnableMoves(@GenerationJSON, pokemon, @GENERATION_TO_INT[gen]) for moveName in moves thisGen.MoveMap[moveName] ?= [] thisGen.MoveMap[moveName].push([pokemonName, formeName])