{_} = require 'underscore' {Ability, Item, Moves, SpeciesData, FormeData} = require './data' {Attachment, Status, Attachments} = require './attachment' {Weather} = require '../../shared/weather' {Protocol} = require '../../shared/protocol' Query = require './queries' util = require './util' floor = Math.floor class @Pokemon # TODO: Take the species obj, not attributes? constructor: (attributes = {}) -> # Inject battle and team dependencies @battle = attributes.battle @team = attributes.team @playerId = attributes.playerId @species = attributes.species || "Missingno" @name = attributes.name || @species @forme = attributes.forme || "default" @level = attributes.level || 120 @gender = attributes.gender || "Genderless" @shiny = attributes.shiny @nfe = (SpeciesData[@species]?.evolvesInto?.length > 0) @tempsprite = null #Used for Mega Zoruark @originalname = @name @attachments = new Attachments() @resetForme() @nature = attributes.nature @evs = attributes.evs || {} @ivs = attributes.ivs || {} @currentHP = @stat('hp') @moves = (attributes.moves || []).map (move) -> Moves[move] @used = {} @resetAllPP() @item = Item[attributes.item?.replace(/\s+/g, '')] @ability = Ability[attributes.ability?.replace(/\s+/g, '')] @originalAbility = @ability @originalForme = @forme @status = null @stages = attack: 0 defense: 0 speed: 0 specialDefense: 0 specialAttack: 0 evasion: 0 accuracy: 0 # What moves are blocked, and is switching blocked, and is item blocked @resetBlocks() # a record of how long this pokemon has been in play. @turnsActive = 0 # a record of the last move used by this pokemon. @lastMove = null # a record of the last item used by this pokemon. # if the item is removed by someone else, it is not recorded. @lastItem = null # the time the pokemon officially fainted. 0 means never fainted. @fainted = 0 getForme: (newForme) -> availableFormes = FormeData[@species] || {} availableFormes[newForme || @forme] isInForme: (forme) -> @forme == forme changeForme: (newForme) -> return false if !@getForme(newForme) if @species == 'Zoroark' && newForme == 'mega' alivemons = @team.getAlivePokemon() lastalivemon = alivemons[alivemons.length-1] possibleform = FormeData[lastalivemon.species] if 'mega' of possibleform @changeSprite(lastalivemon.species, 'mega') else @changeSprite(newForme) @forme = newForme @resetForme() return true resetForme: -> forme = @getForme() || {} @baseStats = _.clone(forme.stats) || {} @types = _.clone(forme.types) || [] @weight = forme.weight changeSprite: (newSpecies, newForme) -> if arguments.length == 1 [newSpecies, newForme] = [@species, newSpecies] @tempsprite = newSpecies @tell(Protocol.SPRITE_CHANGE, newSpecies, newForme) iv: (stat) -> (if stat of @ivs then @ivs[stat] else 31) ev: (stat) -> (if stat of @evs then @evs[stat] else 0) pp: (move) -> @ppHash[move.name] maxPP: (move) -> @maxPPHash[move.name] reducePP: (move, amount = 1) -> @setPP(move, @pp(move) - amount) setPP: (move, pp) -> pp = Math.max(pp, 0) pp = Math.min(pp, @maxPP(move)) @ppHash[move.name] = pp @battle?.tellPlayer(@playerId, Protocol.CHANGE_PP, @battle.getPlayerIndex(@playerId), @team.pokemon.indexOf(this), @moves.indexOf(move), pp) pp resetAllPP: (pp) -> @ppHash = {} @maxPPHash = {} if @moves? for move in @moves @ppHash[move.name] = @maxPPHash[move.name] = pp || (move.pp * 8/5) # Gets the stat indexed by key. # Ex: pokemon.stat('hp') # TODO: Precalculate the stats in the constructor stat: (key, options = {}) -> base = @baseStats[key] || 100 return 1 if base == 1 # For Shedinja. key doesn't have to be hp. iv = @iv(key) ev = floor(@ev(key) / 4) total = if key == 'hp' floor((2 * base + iv + ev) * (@level / 100) + @level + 10) else floor(((2 * base + iv + ev) * (@level / 100) + 5) * @natureBoost(key)) capitalized = key[0].toUpperCase() + key.substr(1) total = Query.chain("edit#{capitalized}", @attachments.all(), total) if @team?.attachments total = Query.chain("edit#{capitalized}", @team.attachments.all(), total) total = @statBoost(key, total, options) if key != 'hp' total # Returns 1.1, 1.0, or 0.9 according to whether a Pokemon's nature corresponds # to that stat. The default return value is 1.0. natureBoost: (stat) -> nature = @nature?.toLowerCase() if nature of natures natures[nature][stat] || 1 else 1 statBoost: (statName, total, options = {}) -> stages = @editBoosts(options) boost = stages[statName] if boost >= 0 Math.floor((2 + boost) * total / 2) else Math.floor(2 * total / (2 - boost)) # Boosts this pokemon's stats by the given number of stages. # Returns true whether any stat was boosted, false otherwise. # # Example: pokemon.boost(specialAttack: 1, evasion: 2) # boost: (boosts, source = this) -> return false if @isFainted() boosts = Query.chain('transformBoosts', @attachments.all(), _.clone(boosts), source) deltaBoosts = {} didBoost = false for stat, amount of boosts amount *= -1 if @ability == Ability.Contrary if stat not of @stages throw new Error("Tried to boost non-existent stat #{stat} by #{amount}") previous = @stages[stat] @stages[stat] += amount @stages[stat] = Math.max(-6, @stages[stat]) @stages[stat] = Math.min(6, @stages[stat]) deltaBoosts[stat] = (@stages[stat] - previous) didBoost ||= (deltaBoosts[stat] != 0) @afterEachBoost(deltaBoosts[stat], source) @tell(Protocol.BOOSTS, deltaBoosts) if didBoost didBoost positiveBoostCount: -> count = 0 for stage, total of @stages count += total if total > 0 count hasBoosts: -> for stage, value of @stages return true if value != 0 return false # Sets boosts, but also send a message to clients setBoosts: (boosts) -> for stat, amount of boosts @stages[stat] = amount @tell(Protocol.SET_BOOSTS, boosts) resetBoosts: -> @stages.attack = 0 @stages.defense = 0 @stages.speed = 0 @stages.specialAttack = 0 @stages.specialDefense = 0 @stages.accuracy = 0 @stages.evasion = 0 @tell(Protocol.RESET_BOOSTS) true hasType: (type) -> type in @types hasAbility: (ability) -> return false unless @ability return false if @isAbilityBlocked() if typeof ability == 'string' @ability.displayName == ability else @ability == ability hasItem: (itemName) -> if itemName? @item?.displayName == itemName else @item? hasStatus: -> return !!@status has: (attachment) -> @attachments.contains(attachment) get: (attachment) -> @attachments.get(attachment) cureAttachment: (attachment, options) -> if attachment.name of Status @cureStatus(attachment, options) else @cureAilment(attachment, options) cureStatus: (status, options) -> return false if !@status [ status, options ] = [ @status, status ] if status?.name not of Status return false if status != @status @cureAilment(@status, options) @status = null return true cureAilment: (ailment, options = {}) -> return false if !@has(ailment) shouldMessage = options.message ? true if @battle && shouldMessage if shouldMessage == true message = switch ailment when Status.Paralyze then " was cured of paralysis." when Status.Burn then " healed its burn!" when Status.Sleep then " woke up!" when Status.Toxic then " was cured of its poisoning." when Status.Poison then " was cured of its poisoning." when Status.Freeze then " thawed out!" when Attachment.Confusion then " snapped out of its confusion." else source = options.message message = switch ailment when Status.Paralyze then "'s #{source} cured its paralysis!" when Status.Burn then "'s #{source} healed its burn!" when Status.Sleep then "'s #{source} woke it up!" when Status.Toxic then "'s #{source} cured its poison!" when Status.Poison then "'s #{source} cured its poison!" when Status.Freeze then "'s #{source} defrosted it!" when Attachment.Confusion then "'s #{source} snapped it out of its confusion!" @battle.message("#{@name}#{message}") @unattach(ailment) return true setAbility: (ability) -> @unattach(@ability) if @ability @ability = ability initializeAbility: -> @attach(@ability).switchIn?() if @ability && !@isAbilityBlocked() # TODO: really ugly copying of ability copyAbility: (ability, options = {}) -> shouldShow = options.reveal ? true @activateAbility() if shouldShow @setAbility(ability) @activateAbility() if shouldShow @initializeAbility() swapAbilityWith: (target) -> # Abilities are not revealed during the swap # if the user and the target are on the same side if @team != target.team @activateAbility() target.activateAbility() uAbility = @ability @setAbility(target.ability) target.setAbility(uAbility) if @team != target.team @activateAbility() target.activateAbility() @battle.cannedText('SWAP_ABILITY', this) @initializeAbility() target.initializeAbility() hasChangeableAbility: -> !@hasAbility("Multitype") setItem: (item, options = {}) -> if @hasItem() then @removeItem() @item = item @lastItem = null if options.clearLastItem attachment = @attach(@item) attachment.switchIn?() if !@isItemBlocked() getItem: -> @item useItem: -> item = @item @removeItem() @lastItem = item removeItem: -> return unless @item @attach(Attachment.Unburden) if @hasAbility("Unburden") @get(@item).switchOut?() @unattach(@item) oldItem = @item @item = null oldItem hasTakeableItem: -> return false if !@hasItem() return false if @item.type == 'mail' return false if @item.type == 'key' return false if @hasAbility("Multitype") && @item.plate return false if @species == 'Giratina' && @forme == 'origin' return false if @species == 'Genesect' && /Drive$/.test(@item.displayName) true # This differs from hasTakeableItem by virtue of Sticky Hold canLoseItem: -> @hasTakeableItem() && !@has(Ability.StickyHold) canHeal: -> !@has(Attachment.HealBlock) isActive: -> this in @team.getActiveAlivePokemon() isAlive: -> !@isFainted() isFainted: -> @currentHP <= 0 faint: -> return if @fainted if @battle @battle.message "#{@name} fainted!" @battle.tell(Protocol.FAINT, @battle.getPlayerIndex(@playerId), @battle.getSlotNumber(this)) # Remove pending actions they had. @battle.popAction(this) @fainted = @battle.incrementFaintedCounter() @setHP(0) if !@isFainted() # TODO: If a Pokemon faints in an afterFaint, should it be added to this? Query('afterFaint', @attachments.all()) # TODO: Do fainted Pokémon need attachments in any case? # If so, #attach will need to be revisited as well. @unattachAll() @team.faintedThisTurn = true damage: (amount, options = {}) -> amount = Math.max(1, amount) amount = @transformHealthChange(amount, options) @setHP(@currentHP - amount) heal: (amount) -> if amount > 0 && @currentHP < @stat('hp') && !@canHeal() @battle.cannedText('HEAL_BLOCK_TRY_HEAL', this) return false @setHP(@currentHP + amount) drain: (amount, source) -> if @hasItem("Big Root") && !@isItemBlocked() amount = util.roundHalfDown(amount * 1.3) amount *= -1 if source != this && source?.hasAbility("Liquid Ooze") @heal(amount) transformHealthChange: (damage, options) -> Query.chain('transformHealthChange', @attachments.all(), damage, options) editPriority: (priority, move) -> Query.chain('editPriority', @attachments.all(), priority, move) editBoosts: (opts = {}) -> stages = Query.chain('editBoosts', @attachments.all(), _.clone(@stages)) for stat, amt of stages amt = 0 if opts.ignorePositiveBoosts && amt > 0 amt = 0 if opts.ignoreNegativeBoosts && amt < 0 amt = 0 if opts.ignoreEvasion && stat == 'evasion' amt = 0 if opts.ignoreAccuracy && stat == 'accuracy' amt = 0 if opts.ignoreOffense && stat in [ 'attack', 'specialAttack' ] amt = 0 if opts.ignoreDefense && stat in [ 'defense', 'specialDefense' ] stages[stat] = amt return stages editAccuracy: (accuracy, move, target) -> Query.chain('editAccuracy', @attachments.all(), accuracy, move, target) editEvasion: (accuracy, move, user) -> Query.chain('editEvasion', @attachments.all(), accuracy, move, user) editMoveType: (type, target) -> Query.chain('editMoveType', @attachments.all(), type, target) calculateWeight: -> Query.chain('calculateWeight', @attachments.all(), @weight) criticalModifier: -> Query.chain('criticalModifier', @attachments.all(), 0) afterEachBoost: (boostAmount, source = this) -> Query('afterEachBoost', @attachments.all(), boostAmount, source) afterAllHits: (move) -> Query('afterAllHits', @attachments.all(), move) afterAllHitsTarget: (move, user) -> Query('afterAllHitsTarget', @attachments.all(), move, user) setHP: (hp) -> oldHP = @currentHP @currentHP = Math.min(@stat('hp'), hp) @currentHP = Math.max(@currentHP, 0) delta = oldHP - @currentHP if delta != 0 percent = Math.ceil(100 * @currentHP / @stat('hp')) @tell(Protocol.CHANGE_HP, percent) @tellPlayer(Protocol.CHANGE_EXACT_HP, @currentHP) delta recordMove: (move) -> @lastMove = move @used[move.name] = true recordHit: (pokemon, damage, move, turn, direct) -> team = pokemon.team slot = team.indexOf(pokemon) @lastHitBy = {team, slot, damage, move, turn, direct} isImmune: (type, options = {}) -> b = Query.untilNotNull('isImmune', @attachments.all(), type, options.move) if b? then return b return false if options.move?.ignoresImmunities() multiplier = @effectivenessOf(type, options) return multiplier == 0 effectivenessOf: (type, options) -> hash = {} if options.user type = options.user.editMoveType(type, this) hash.ignoreImmunities = options.user.shouldIgnoreImmunity(type, this) hash.superEffectiveAgainst = options.move?.superEffectiveAgainst util.typeEffectiveness(type, @types, hash) isWeatherDamageImmune: (weather) -> b = Query.untilNotNull('isWeatherDamageImmune', @attachments.all(), weather) if b? then return b return true if weather == Weather.HAIL && @hasType("Ice") return true if weather == Weather.SAND && (@hasType("Ground") || @hasType("Rock") || @hasType("Steel")) return @battle?.hasWeatherCancelAbilityOnField() || false activate: -> @turnsActive = 0 @attach(@ability) if @ability @attach(@item) if @item switchIn: -> Query('switchIn', @attachments.all()) switchOut: -> delete @lastMove @used = {} Query('switchOut', @attachments.all()) @attachments.unattachAll((a) -> a.volatile) @resetForme() @resetBoosts() @resetBlocks() @ability = @originalAbility @changeForme(@originalForme) if @forme != @originalForme informSwitch: (switcher) -> Query('informSwitch', @attachments.all(), switcher) shouldPhase: (phaser) -> Query.untilFalse('shouldPhase', @attachments.all(), phaser) != false shouldIgnoreImmunity: (type, target) -> Query.untilTrue('shouldIgnoreImmunity', @attachments.all(), type, target) informCriticalHit: -> Query('informCriticalHit', @attachments.all()) informWeather: (weather) -> Query('informWeather', @attachments.all(), weather) beginTurn: -> Query('beginTurn', @attachments.all()) beforeMove: (move, user, targets) -> Query.untilFalse('beforeMove', @attachments.all(), move, user, targets) afterMove: (move, user, targets) -> Query('afterMove', @attachments.all(), move, user, targets) shouldBlockExecution: (move, user) -> Query.untilTrue('shouldBlockExecution', @attachments.all(), move, user) update: -> Query('update', @attachments.all()) afterTurnOrder: -> Query('afterTurnOrder', @attachments.all()) calculateNumberOfHits: (move, targets) -> Query.untilNotNull("calculateNumberOfHits", @attachments.all(), move, targets) resetRecords: -> @lastHitBy = null # Hook for when the Pokemon gets hit by a move afterBeingHit: (move, user, target, damage, isDirect) -> Query('afterBeingHit', @attachments.all(), move, user, target, damage, isDirect) afterSuccessfulHit: (move, user, target, damage) -> Query('afterSuccessfulHit', @attachments.all(), move, user, target, damage) # Adds an attachment to the list of attachments attach: (attachment, options={}) -> if @isFainted() return false options = _.clone(options) @attachments.push(attachment, options, battle: @battle, team: @team, pokemon: this) # Removes an attachment from the list of attachment unattach: (klass) -> # TODO: Do we need to remove circular dependencies? # Removing them here will result in some unanticipated consequenes. @attachments.unattach(klass) unattachAll: -> @attachments.unattachAll() # Blocks a move for a single turn blockMove: (move) -> @blockedMoves.push(move) # Blocks all moves for a single turn blockMoves: -> @blockMove(move) for move in @moves isMoveBlocked: (move) -> return (move in @blockedMoves) isSwitchBlocked: -> @switchBlocked # Returns true if the Pokemon has no item or the item has been blocked. isItemBlocked: -> !@item? || @itemBlocked # Blocks a switch for a single turn blockSwitch: -> @switchBlocked = true unless !@isItemBlocked() && @hasItem("Shed Shell") # Blocks an item for a single turn blockItem: -> @itemBlocked = true # Blocks an ability for a single turn blockAbility: -> @abilityBlocked = true unblockAbility: -> @abilityBlocked = false isAbilityBlocked: -> @abilityBlocked resetBlocks: -> @blockedMoves = [] @switchBlocked = false @itemBlocked = false @abilityBlocked = false # Locks the Pokemon into a single move. Does not limit switches. lockMove: (moveToLock) -> for move in @validMoves() @blockMove(move) if move != moveToLock activateAbility: -> @tell(Protocol.ACTIVATE_ABILITY, @ability?.displayName) tell: (protocol, args...) -> return unless @battle args = [ @battle.getPlayerIndex(@playerId), @team.indexOf(this), args... ] @battle.tell(protocol, args...) tellPlayer: (protocol, args...) -> return unless @battle args = [ @battle.getPlayerIndex(@playerId), @team.indexOf(this), args... ] @battle.tellPlayer(@playerId, protocol, args...) # Returns whether this Pokemon has this move in its moveset. knows: (move) -> move in @moves # A list of moves that this pokemon can use freely validMoves: -> moves = _(@moves).difference(@blockedMoves) moves = moves.filter((move) => @pp(move) > 0) moves toString: -> "[Pokemon species:#{@species} hp:#{@currentHP}/#{@stat('hp')}]" movesetJSON: -> return { "moves" : @moves.map (m) -> m.name "moveTypes" : @moves.map (m) -> m.type "pp" : @moves.map (m) => @pp(m) "maxPP" : @moves.map (m) => @maxPP(m) } toJSON: (options = {}) -> base = "species" : @species "name" : @name "level" : @level "gender" : @gender "boosts" : @stages "forme" : @forme "shiny" : @shiny == true return base if options.hidden _.extend base, @movesetJSON(), "hp" : @currentHP "maxHP" : @stat('hp') "ivs" : hp: @iv('hp') attack: @iv('attack') defense: @iv('defense') speed: @iv('speed') specialAttack: @iv('specialAttack') specialDefense: @iv('specialDefense') base["item"] = @item.displayName if @item base["ability"] = @ability.displayName if @ability base # A hash that keys a nature with the stats that it boosts. # Neutral natures are ignored. PLUS = 1.1 MINUS = 0.9 natures = lonely: {attack: PLUS, defense: MINUS} brave: {attack: PLUS, speed: MINUS} adamant: {attack: PLUS, specialAttack: MINUS} naughty: {attack: PLUS, specialDefense: MINUS} bold: {defense: PLUS, attack: MINUS} relaxed: {defense: PLUS, speed: MINUS} impish: {defense: PLUS, specialAttack: MINUS} lax: {defense: PLUS, specialDefense: MINUS} timid: {speed: PLUS, attack: MINUS} hasty: {speed: PLUS, defense: MINUS} jolly: {speed: PLUS, specialAttack: MINUS} naive: {speed: PLUS, specialDefense: MINUS} modest: {specialAttack: PLUS, attack: MINUS} mild: {specialAttack: PLUS, defense: MINUS} quiet: {specialAttack: PLUS, speed: MINUS} rash: {specialAttack: PLUS, specialDefense: MINUS} calm: {specialDefense: PLUS, attack: MINUS} gentle: {specialDefense: PLUS, defense: MINUS} sassy: {specialDefense: PLUS, speed: MINUS} careful: {specialDefense: PLUS, specialAttack: MINUS}