sinon = require('sinon') async = require('async') ratings = require('../../server/ratings') scheduler = require('../../server/schedule') require '../helpers' describe 'Scheduler', -> beforeEach -> date = new Date() date.setHours(23) date.setMinutes(59) date.setSeconds(59) # Get rid of existing clock @clock.restore() @clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(date.getTime()) @jobs = scheduler.createScheduler() @callbacks = (job) -> (callback) -> job.on('finished', callback) it 'decays elo ratings', (done) -> players = ['guy', 'lady'] oldRatings = [ 2000, 4000 ] oldGuyRating = 2000 oldLadyRating = 4000 ratings.setRatings players, oldRatings, => async.parallel @callbacks, => ratings.getRatings players, (err, newRatings) => throw err if err newRatings.should.eql( -> r - ratings.DECAY_AMOUNT)) done() @clock.tick(2000) it 'does not decay the minimum rating possible', (done) -> minRating = ratings.algorithm.createPlayer().rating ratings.setRating 'sonic', minRating, => async.parallel @callbacks, => ratings.getRating 'sonic', (err, rating) => throw err if err rating.should.equal(minRating) done() @clock.tick(2000) it 'does not decay active players', (done) -> players = ['guy', 'lady'] oldRatings = [ 2000, 4000 ] oldGuyRating = 2000 oldLadyRating = 4000 ratings.setActive players, => ratings.setRatings players, oldRatings, => async.parallel @callbacks, => ratings.getRatings players, (err, newRatings) => throw err if err newRatings.should.eql(oldRatings) done() @clock.tick(2000)