gen = require './generations' {_} = require 'underscore' database = require('./database') FormatsClass = require '../shared/conditions' Formats = FormatsClass.Formats() pokemonArr = [] hasmega = false UberCount = 0 PUCount = 0 UnreleasedCount = 0 DeltaCount = 0 createTeamBookshelf = (format, requs, next) -> createTeam format, requs, (mons, teamname) -> team = {} = teamname = Math.floor(Math.random() * (10000000) + 10000000) team.generation = Formats[format].generation team.pokemon = mons attributes = _.pick(team, 'id', 'name', 'generation') attributes['trainer_id'] = 1 attributes['contents'] = JSON.stringify(mons) Team = new database.Team(attributes) next(Team) createTeam = (format, requs, next) -> pokemonArr = [] hasmega = false UberCount = 0 PUCount = 0 UnreleasedCount = 0 DeltaCount = 0 genTeam = -> conditions = Formats[format] if conditions.tierBased == false console.log("PBV is not supported") return #throw error generation = conditions.generation.toUpperCase() for condNum in conditions.conditions for conditionName, conditionNumber of FormatsClass.Conditions if conditionNumber is condNum if /TIER_/.test(conditionName) tier = conditionName.replace /TIER_/, "" break getValidFormes generation, tier, (list) -> if list.length < 6 console.log("Not enough pokemon in this tier to make a team") return getPokemonArr = -> if pokemonArr.length < 6 generatePokemon list, generation, requs, (pkmn) -> pokemonArr.push(pkmn) if (pkmn.tier == ["Uber"]) UberCount++ else if (pkmn.tier == ["PU"]) PUCount++ if _.has pkmn, "unreleased" and pkmn.unreleased is true UnreleasedCount++ if /Delta/.test(pkmn.species) DeltaCount++ getPokemonArr() getPokemonArr() pokemonArr.splice(6) err = require('./conditions').validateTeam(requs, pokemonArr, gen.GenerationJSON[generation]) if err.length > 0 console.log(err) genTeam() return teamname = "Random" next(pokemonArr, teamname) genTeam() getValidFormes = (generation, tier, next) -> filteredlist = [] fullList = gen.GenerationJSON[generation].RandomList for pok in fullList #If has random moves to choose from if (_.has pok, "randomMoves") and pok.randomMoves.length >= 4 filteredlist.push(pok) next(filteredlist) generatePokemon = (list, generation, requs, next) -> tryGenerate = -> #Generate a random pokemon pokemon = list[Math.floor(Math.random() * (list.length))] for teamMember in pokemonArr #reject if we already have this species if pokemon.Name is teamMember.species tryGenerate() return #reject if we already have a mega if /mega/.test(pokemon.Forme) and hasmega tryGenerate() return #reject based on Uber count, PU count or unreleased count if UberCount > 1 and pokemon.tier[0] is "Uber" and Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) > 0 tryGenerate() return if PUCount > 1 and pokemon.tier[0] is "PU" and Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) > 0 tryGenerate() return if UnreleasedCount > 1 and _.has pokemon, "unreleased" and pokemon.unreleased is true and Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) > 0 tryGenerate() return if pokemon.tier[0] is "LC" or pokemon.tier[0] is "AG" tryGenerate() return if DeltaCount is 0 and !(/Delta/.test(pokemon.Name)) and Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) != 0 tryGenerate() return #Special code for mega eevee, we need the data for the default if pokemon.Name is "Eevee" and /mega-/.test(pokemon.Forme) Obj.forme = "mega" pokemon = gen.GenerationJSON[generation].FormeData[pokemon.Name]["mega"] Obj = {} Obj.species = pokemon.Name #Generate moves through different function possibleMoves = pokemon.randomMoves Obj.moves = generateMoves(possibleMoves) #Get forme if pokemon.isBattleOnly #gotta give it a megastone if it's a mega if /mega/.test(pokemon.Forme) itemList = gen.GenerationJSON[generation].ItemData for item, itemdata of itemList if _.has itemdata, "mega" if itemdata.mega[0] is pokemon.Name and itemdata.mega[1] is pokemon.Forme Obj.item = item hasmega = true break #gotta handle itembased mons if pokemon.isItemBased itemList = gen.GenerationJSON[generation].ItemData for item, itemdata of itemList if _.has itemdata, "itemForme" if itemdata.itemForme[0] is pokemon.Name and itemdata.itemForme[1] is pokemon.Forme Obj.item = item break if !pokemon.isItemBased Obj.forme = "default" pokemon = gen.GenerationJSON[generation].FormeData[pokemon.Name]["default"] if !pokemon.isItemBased else Obj.forme = pokemon.Forme else Obj.forme = pokemon.Forme #Assign ability abiInt = 0 if _.has pokemon, "hiddenAbility" abiInt = 1 abilityRan = Math.floor(Math.random() * (pokemon.abilities.length + abiInt)) if abilityRan is pokemon.abilities.length Obj.ability = pokemon.hiddenAbility else Obj.ability = pokemon.abilities[abilityRan] natureArray = ["Hardy","Lonely","Brave","Adamant","Naughty","Bold","Docile","Relaxed","Impish","Lax","Timid","Hasty","Serious","Jolly","Naive","Modest","Mild","Quiet","Bashful","Rash","Calm","Gentle","Sassy","Careful","Quirky"] Obj.nature = natureArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * (natureArray.length))] Obj.level = gen.GenerationJSON[generation].maxLevel Obj.happiness = 100 Obj.evs = { hp: 84, specialAttack:85, speed:84, attack:85,defense:85,specialDefense:85 } #determine if a move is Hidden Power, to determine IVs hiddenPower = "none" integer = 0 for pmove in Obj.moves if /Hidden Power/.test(pmove) hiddenPower = pmove.replace /Hidden Power /, "" Obj.moves[integer] = "Hidden Power" integer = integer + 1 Obj.ivs = determineIVs(hiddenPower) err = require('./conditions').validatePokemon(requs, Obj, gen.GenerationJSON[generation], "") if err > 0 console.log(err) tryGenerate() return next(Obj) tryGenerate() generateMoves = (possibleMoves) -> movesArr = [] generateMove = -> if movesArr.length < 4 moveIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (possibleMoves.length)) movename = possibleMoves[moveIndex] #We reject the move if it's not defined if typeof movename == "undefined" generateMove() return #We reject the move if we aleady have it for movething in movesArr if movething is movename generateMove() return #We reject the move if we already have Hidden Power if /Hidden Power/.test(movename) for movething in movesArr if /Hidden Power/.test(movething) generateMove() return movesArr.push(movename) generateMove() generateMove() movesArr.splice(4) #Hey man, just in case. Fucking async languages. return movesArr determineIVs = (type) -> ivObj = { hp: 31, attack: 31, defense: 31, specialAttack: 31, specialDefense: 31, speed: 31 } switch type when "none" then return ivObj when "Bug" ivObj.speed = 30 ivObj.specialDefense = 30 when "Dark" then return ivObj when "Dragon" ivObj.hp = 30 when "Electric" ivObj.specialAttack = 30 when "Fighting" ivObj.defense = 30 ivObj.specialDefense = 30 ivObj.specialAttack = 30 ivObj.speed = 30 when "Fire" ivObj.attack = 30 ivObj.speed = 30 ivObj.specialAttack = 30 when "Flying" ivObj.speed = 30 ivObj.specialDefense = 30 ivObj.specialAttack = 30 when "Ghost" ivObj.attack = 30 ivObj.specialDefense = 30 when "Grass" ivObj.hp = 30 ivObj.specialAttack = 30 when "Ground" ivObj.specialDefense = 30 ivObj.specialAttack = 30 when "Ice" ivObj.speed = 30 when "Poison" ivObj.defense = 30 ivObj.specialDefense = 30 ivObj.specialAttack = 30 when "Psychic" ivObj.hp = 30 ivObj.speed = 30 when "Rock" ivObj.defense = 30 ivObj.speed = 30 ivObj.specialDefense = 30 when "Steel" ivObj.specialDefense = 30 when "Water" ivObj.speed = 30 ivObj.specialAttack = 30 return ivObj module.exports = {createTeamBookshelf, createTeam}