require '../../helpers' shared = require '../../shared' {Conditions} = require '../../../shared/conditions' {Protocol} = require '../../../shared/protocol' {Factory} = require '../../factory' describe "Team preview", -> it "starts the battle by passing team info and requesting team order", -> conditions = [ Conditions.TEAM_PREVIEW ] team1 = [ Factory("Magikarp") ] team2 = [ Factory("Magikarp") ], {conditions, team1, team2}) mock = @sandbox.mock(@battle).expects('startBattle').never() spy = @sandbox.spy(@battle, 'tell') @controller.beginBattle() mock.verify() spy.calledWith(Protocol.TEAM_PREVIEW) it "waits until all players have arranged their teams before starting", -> conditions = [ Conditions.TEAM_PREVIEW ] team1 = [ Factory("Magikarp") ] team2 = [ Factory("Magikarp") ], {conditions, team1, team2}) mock = @sandbox.mock(@battle).expects('startBattle').never() @controller.beginBattle() @controller.arrangeTeam(@id1, [ 0 ]) mock.verify() @battle.startBattle.restore() mock = @sandbox.mock(@battle).expects('startBattle').once() @controller.arrangeTeam(@id2, [ 0 ]) mock.verify() it "rejects team arrangements that aren't arrays", -> conditions = [ Conditions.TEAM_PREVIEW ] team1 = [ Factory("Magikarp") ] team2 = [ Factory("Magikarp") ], {conditions, team1, team2}) arrangement = true @controller.arrangeTeam(@id1, arrangement) it "accepts arrays of integers (arrangements) matching team length", -> conditions = [ Conditions.TEAM_PREVIEW ] team1 = [ Factory("Magikarp") ] team2 = [ Factory("Magikarp") ], {conditions, team1, team2}) arrangement = [ 0 ] @controller.arrangeTeam(@id1, arrangement) it "rejects team arrangements that are smaller than the team length", -> conditions = [ Conditions.TEAM_PREVIEW ] team1 = [ Factory("Magikarp") ] team2 = [ Factory("Magikarp") ], {conditions, team1, team2}) arrangement = [] @controller.arrangeTeam(@id1, arrangement) it "rejects team arrangements that are larger than the team length", -> conditions = [ Conditions.TEAM_PREVIEW ] team1 = [ Factory("Magikarp") ] team2 = [ Factory("Magikarp") ], {conditions, team1, team2}) arrangement = [ 0, 1 ] @controller.arrangeTeam(@id1, arrangement) it "rejects team arrangements containing negative indices", -> conditions = [ Conditions.TEAM_PREVIEW ] team1 = [ Factory("Magikarp") ] team2 = [ Factory("Magikarp") ], {conditions, team1, team2}) arrangement = [ -1 ] @controller.arrangeTeam(@id1, arrangement) it "rejects team arrangements containing indices out of bounds", -> conditions = [ Conditions.TEAM_PREVIEW ] team1 = [ Factory("Magikarp") ] team2 = [ Factory("Magikarp") ], {conditions, team1, team2}) arrangement = [ 1 ] @controller.arrangeTeam(@id1, arrangement) it "rejects team arrangements containing non-unique indices", -> conditions = [ Conditions.TEAM_PREVIEW ] team1 = (Factory("Magikarp") for x in [0..1]), {conditions, team1}) arrangement = [ 1, 1 ] @controller.arrangeTeam(@id1, arrangement) it "rejects team arrangements that have some non-numbers", -> conditions = [ Conditions.TEAM_PREVIEW ] team1 = (Factory("Magikarp") for x in [0..1]), {conditions, team1}) arrangement = [ 1, "a" ] @controller.arrangeTeam(@id1, arrangement) it "rejects team arrangements that don't point to a correct index", -> conditions = [ Conditions.TEAM_PREVIEW ] team1 = (Factory("Magikarp") for x in [0..1]), {conditions, team1}) arrangement = [ 1, .5 ] @controller.arrangeTeam(@id1, arrangement) it "rejects team arrangements if the battle has already begun", -> conditions = [ Conditions.TEAM_PREVIEW ] team1 = (Factory("Magikarp") for x in [0..1]), {conditions, team1}) arrangement = [ 1, 0 ] @controller.arrangeTeam(@id1, arrangement) @controller.arrangeTeam(@id2, arrangement) @controller.arrangeTeam(@id1, arrangement) it "rearranges team when given a valid array of indices", -> conditions = [ Conditions.TEAM_PREVIEW ] team1 = [ Factory("Magikarp"), Factory("Gyarados"), Factory("Celebi") ] team2 = [ Factory("Magikarp"), Factory("Gyarados"), Factory("Celebi") ], {conditions, team1, team2}) @controller.arrangeTeam(@id1, [ 0, 2, 1 ]) @controller.arrangeTeam(@id2, [ 2, 0, 1 ])"Magikarp")"Celebi")"Gyarados")"Celebi")"Magikarp")"Gyarados") it "is isomorphic", -> conditions = [ Conditions.TEAM_PREVIEW ] team1 = [ Factory("Magikarp"), Factory("Gyarados"), Factory("Celebi") ] team2 = [ Factory("Magikarp"), Factory("Gyarados"), Factory("Celebi") ] arrangedTeamNames = [ "Celebi", "Magikarp", "Gyarados" ], {conditions, team1, team2}) @controller.arrangeTeam(@id1, [ 2, 0, 1 ]) @controller.arrangeTeam(@id1, [ 2, 0, 1 ]) @controller.arrangeTeam(@id2, [ 2, 0, 1 ]) -> p.species).should.eql(arrangedTeamNames)