require '../helpers' {Ability} = require('../../server/bw/data/abilities') {Item} = require('../../server/bw/data/items') {Attachment, Status} = require('../../server/bw/attachment') Priorities = require('../../server/bw/priorities') Query = require('../../server/bw/queries') shared = require('../shared') describe "BW Priorities:", -> ensureAttachments = (arrayOfAttachments, eventName) -> attachments = (a for a in arrayOfAttachments when a.prototype[eventName]? && a not in Priorities[eventName]) attachments = -> a.displayName || a::name) if attachments.length > 0 throw new Error("#{attachments.join(', ')} must specify their #{eventName} priority.") it "ensures all relevant attachments have their specified event names", -> for eventName of Priorities ensureAttachments((klass for name, klass of Attachment), eventName) ensureAttachments((klass for name, klass of Item), eventName) ensureAttachments((klass for name, klass of Ability), eventName) describe "Queries", -> it "execute priorities in order", -> @battle.attach(Attachment.TrickRoom) @team2.attach(Attachment.Reflect) @p1.attach(Attachment.Ingrain) spy1 = @sandbox.spy(Attachment.TrickRoom.prototype, 'endTurn') spy2 = @sandbox.spy(Attachment.Reflect.prototype, 'endTurn') spy3 = @sandbox.spy(Attachment.Ingrain.prototype, 'endTurn') Query("endTurn", @battle.getAllAttachments()) spy3.calledBefore(spy2) spy2.calledBefore(spy1)