require '../helpers' {Battle} = require('../../server/bw/battle') {Weather} = require('../../shared/weather') {Pokemon} = require('../../server/bw/pokemon') {Status, Attachment, BaseAttachment, VolatileAttachment} = require('../../server/bw/attachment') {Moves, SpeciesData} = require('../../server/bw/data') {Protocol} = require '../../shared/protocol' {Factory} = require '../factory' should = require 'should' shared = require '../shared' describe 'Pokemon', -> it 'should have a species of Missingno by default', -> new Pokemon().species.should.equal 'Missingno' it 'can change the default species', -> new Pokemon(species: 'Pikachu').species.should.equal 'Pikachu' it 'should have a level of 100 by default', -> new Pokemon().level.should.equal 100 it 'can change the default level', -> new Pokemon(level: 5).level.should.equal 5 it 'gets its current hp populated from its max hp', -> new Pokemon().currentHP.should.equal 341 it 'has pp for each move', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(moves: ["Tackle", "Splash"]) pokemon.pp(Moves['Tackle']).should.equal 35 * 8/5 pokemon.pp(Moves['Splash']).should.equal 40 * 8/5 describe '#iv', -> it 'has default iv of 31', -> new Pokemon().iv('hp').should.equal 31 it 'retrieves iv successfully', -> new Pokemon(ivs: {'hp': 25}).iv('hp').should.equal 25 it "doesn't default to 31 if iv is 0", -> new Pokemon(ivs: {'hp': 0}).iv('hp').should.equal 0 describe '#ev', -> it 'has default ev of 0', -> new Pokemon().ev('hp').should.equal 0 it 'retrieves ev successfully', -> new Pokemon(evs: {hp: 25}).ev('hp').should.equal 25 describe '#stat', -> it 'calculates hp correctly', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(level: 100, evs: { hp: 255 }) pokemon.stat('hp').should.equal 404 pokemon = new Pokemon(level: 50, evs: { hp: 255 }) pokemon.stat('hp').should.equal 207 # todo: test other numbers later it 'calculates 1 base HP correctly', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(level: 100, evs: { hp: 255 }) pokemon.baseStats.hp = 1 pokemon.stat('hp').should.equal 1 it 'calculates other stats correctly', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(level: 100, evs: { attack: 255 }) pokemon.stat('attack').should.equal 299 pokemon = new Pokemon(level: 50, evs: { attack: 255 }) pokemon.stat('attack').should.equal 152 # todo: test other numbers later it "calculates a stat with a nature boost correctly", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(nature: 'Adamant') pokemon.stat('attack').should.equal 259 it "calculates a stat with a nature decrease correctly", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(nature: 'Bold') pokemon.stat('attack').should.equal 212 describe 'stat boosts', -> it 'increase the stat by (n+2)/2 if positive', -> pokemon = new Pokemon() speed = pokemon.stat('speed') pokemon.stages.speed = 3 pokemon.stat('speed').should.equal Math.floor(2.5 * speed) it 'decrease the stat by 2/(n+2) if negative', -> pokemon = new Pokemon() speed = pokemon.stat('speed') pokemon.stages.speed = -3 pokemon.stat('speed').should.equal Math.floor(speed / 2.5) describe '#natureBoost', -> it "returns 1 by default for non-existent natures", -> new Pokemon(nature: 'Super').natureBoost('attack').should.equal 1 it "returns 1.1 for natures that boost a certain stat", -> new Pokemon(nature: 'Adamant').natureBoost('attack').should.equal 1.1 it "returns 1.0 for natures do not affect a certain stat", -> new Pokemon(nature: 'Adamant').natureBoost('speed').should.equal 1 it "returns 0.9 for natures that decrease a certain stat", -> new Pokemon(nature: 'Timid').natureBoost('attack').should.equal 0.9 describe '#hasType', -> it 'returns false if the pokemon does not have that type', -> new Pokemon().hasType('Grass') it 'returns true if the pokemon has that type', -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.types = ['Dark', 'Grass'] pokemon.hasType('Grass') describe '#switchOut', -> it 'resets stat boosts', -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.boost(specialAttack: 2) pokemon.switchOut() pokemon.stages['specialAttack'].should.equal 0 it 'removes blocked moves', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(moves: ['Earthquake']) pokemon.blockMove(Moves['Earthquake']) pokemon.switchOut() pokemon.isMoveBlocked(Moves['Earthquake']) it 'removes volatile attachments', -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.attach(VolatileAttachment) pokemon.switchOut() pokemon.has(VolatileAttachment) describe '#endTurn', -> it 'removes blocked moves', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(moves: ['Earthquake']) pokemon.blockMove(Moves['Earthquake']) pokemon.switchOut() pokemon.isMoveBlocked(Moves['Earthquake']) describe '#attach', -> it 'adds an attachment to a list of attachments', -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.attach(BaseAttachment) pokemon.has(BaseAttachment) describe '#unattach', -> it 'removes an attachment from the list of attachments', -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.attach(BaseAttachment) pokemon.unattach(BaseAttachment) pokemon.has(BaseAttachment) describe '#unattachAll', -> it 'removes every attachment', -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.attach(BaseAttachment) pokemon.attach(VolatileAttachment) pokemon.unattachAll() pokemon.has(BaseAttachment) pokemon.has(VolatileAttachment) describe '#blockMove', -> it 'adds a move to a list of blocked moves', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(moves: ['Earthquake']) pokemon.blockMove(Moves['Earthquake']) pokemon.blockedMoves.should.containEql Moves['Earthquake'] describe '#isMoveBlocked', -> it 'returns true if the move is blocked', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(moves: ['Earthquake']) pokemon.blockMove(Moves['Earthquake']) pokemon.isMoveBlocked(Moves['Earthquake']) it 'returns false if the move is not blocked', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(moves: ['Earthquake']) pokemon.isMoveBlocked(Moves['Earthquake']) describe '#validMoves', -> it 'returns moves without blocked moves', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(moves: ['Splash', 'Earthquake']) pokemon.blockMove(Moves['Earthquake']) pokemon.validMoves().should.eql([ Moves['Splash'] ]) it 'excludes moves with 0 PP', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(moves: ['Splash', 'Earthquake']) move = pokemon.moves[0] otherMoves = pokemon.moves.filter((m) -> m != move) pokemon.setPP(move, 0) pokemon.validMoves().should.eql(otherMoves) describe '#reducePP', -> it 'reduces PP of a move by 1', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(moves: ['Splash', 'Earthquake']) move = Moves['Splash'] pokemon.reducePP(move) pokemon.pp(move).should.equal pokemon.maxPP(move) - 1 it 'does not go below 0', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(moves: ['Splash', 'Earthquake']) move = Moves['Splash'] for x in [0..pokemon.maxPP(move)] pokemon.reducePP(move) pokemon.pp(move).should.equal 0 describe '#setPP', -> it "sets the PP of a move", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(moves: ['Splash', 'Earthquake']) move = Moves['Splash'] pokemon.setPP(move, 1) pokemon.pp(move).should.equal 1 it "cannot go below 0", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(moves: ['Splash', 'Earthquake']) move = Moves['Splash'] pokemon.setPP(move, -1) pokemon.pp(move).should.equal 0 it "cannot go above the max PP possible", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(moves: ['Splash', 'Earthquake']) move = Moves['Splash'] pokemon.setPP(move, pokemon.maxPP(move) + 1) pokemon.pp(move).should.equal pokemon.maxPP(move) describe '#positiveBoostCount', -> it "returns the number of boosts higher than 0", -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.boost(attack: 4, defense: -3, speed: 1) pokemon.positiveBoostCount().should.equal 5 describe '#isItemBlocked', -> it 'returns true if the Pokemon has no item', -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.isItemBlocked() describe "attaching statuses", -> it "returns null if attaching too many statuses", -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.attach(Status.Freeze) should.not.exist pokemon.attach(Status.Paralyze) it "does not override statuses", -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.attach(Status.Freeze) pokemon.attach(Status.Paralyze) pokemon.has(Status.Freeze) pokemon.has(Status.Paralyze) it "sets the status of the pokemon", -> for species, status of Status pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.attach(status) pokemon.status.should.equal(status) it "sets the corresponding attachment on the pokemon", -> for species, status of Status pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.attach(status) pokemon.has(status) it "doesn't poison Poison types", -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.types = ["Poison"] pokemon.attach(Status.Poison) pokemon.attach(Status.Toxic) pokemon.has(Status.Poison) pokemon.has(Status.Toxic) it "doesn't poison Steel types", -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.types = ["Steel"] pokemon.attach(Status.Poison) pokemon.attach(Status.Toxic) pokemon.has(Status.Poison) pokemon.has(Status.Toxic) it "doesn't burn Fire types", -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.types = ["Fire"] pokemon.attach(Status.Burn) pokemon.has(Status.Burn) it "doesn't freeze Ice types", -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.types = ["Ice"] pokemon.attach(Status.Freeze) pokemon.has(Status.Freeze) it "doesn't freeze under Sun", -> battle = new Battle('id', {"a": [], "b": []}) battle.setWeather(Weather.SUN) pokemon = new Pokemon(battle: battle) pokemon.attach(Status.Freeze) pokemon.has(Status.Freeze) describe "#cureStatus", -> it "removes all statuses if no argument is passed", -> pokemon = new Pokemon() for species, status of Status pokemon.attach(status) pokemon.cureStatus() pokemon.hasStatus() it "removes only a certain status if an argument is passed", -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.attach(Status.Freeze) pokemon.cureStatus(Status.Paralyze) pokemon.has(Status.Freeze) describe '#hasTakeableItem', -> it "returns false if the pokemon has no item", -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.hasTakeableItem() it "returns true if the item can be taken", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(item: "Leftovers") pokemon.hasTakeableItem() it "returns false if the pokemon has a mail", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(item: "Air Mail") pokemon.hasTakeableItem() it "returns false if the pokemon has a key item", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(item: "Acro Bike") pokemon.hasTakeableItem() it "returns false if the pokemon has Multitype and a plate", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(ability: "Multitype", item: "Draco Plate") pokemon.hasTakeableItem() it "returns false if the pokemon is Giratina-O", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(species: "Giratina", forme: "origin", item: "Griseous Orb") pokemon.hasTakeableItem() it "returns false if the pokemon is Genesect with a Drive item", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(species: "Genesect", item: "Burn Drive") pokemon.hasTakeableItem() describe "#isWeatherDamageImmune", -> it "returns true if it's hailing and the Pokemon is Ice type", -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.types = [ "Ice" ] pokemon.isWeatherDamageImmune(Weather.HAIL) it "returns true if it's sandstorming and the Pokemon is Rock type", -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.types = [ "Rock" ] pokemon.isWeatherDamageImmune(Weather.SAND) it "returns true if it's sandstorming and the Pokemon is Steel type", -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.types = [ "Steel" ] pokemon.isWeatherDamageImmune(Weather.SAND) it "returns true if it's sandstorming and the Pokemon is Ground type", -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.types = [ "Ground" ] pokemon.isWeatherDamageImmune(Weather.SAND) it "returns false otherwise", -> pokemon = new Pokemon() pokemon.types = [ "Grass" ] pokemon.isWeatherDamageImmune(Weather.SAND) pokemon.isWeatherDamageImmune(Weather.HAIL) describe "#useItem", -> it "records the item in lastItem", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(item: "Leftovers") pokemon.activate() pokemon.useItem() should.exist pokemon.lastItem pokemon.lastItem.displayName.should.equal("Leftovers") it "removes the item", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(item: "Leftovers") pokemon.activate() pokemon.useItem() pokemon.hasItem() describe "#removeItem", -> it "removes the item", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(item: "Leftovers") pokemon.activate() pokemon.removeItem() pokemon.hasItem() it "does not remove prior records of an item", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(item: "Flying Gem") fake = new Pokemon(item: "Leftovers") pokemon.activate() fake.activate() pokemon.useItem() pokemon.setItem(fake.getItem()) pokemon.removeItem() should.exist pokemon.lastItem describe '#changeForme', -> it "changes the Pokemon's forme from one to another", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(species: 'Shaymin') pokemon.forme.should.equal('default') pokemon.changeForme('sky') pokemon.forme.should.equal('sky') it 'changes base stats if applicable', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(species: 'Shaymin') pokemon.baseStats.should.eql( attack: 100, defense: 100, hp: 100, specialAttack: 100, specialDefense: 100, speed: 100) pokemon.changeForme('sky') pokemon.baseStats.should.eql( attack: 103, defense: 75, hp: 100, specialAttack: 120, specialDefense: 75, speed: 127) it 'changes weight if applicable', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(species: 'Shaymin') pokemon.weight.should.equal(21) pokemon.changeForme('sky') pokemon.weight.should.equal(52) it 'changes type if applicable', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(species: 'Shaymin') pokemon.types.should.eql([ 'Grass' ]) pokemon.changeForme('sky') pokemon.types.should.eql([ 'Grass', 'Flying' ]) it 'does nothing if the new forme is an invalid forme', -> pokemon = new Pokemon(species: 'Shaymin') pokemon.forme.should.equal('default') pokemon.changeForme('batman') pokemon.forme.should.equal('default') describe "#toJSON", -> it "can hide information", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(species: 'Shaymin') json = pokemon.toJSON(hidden: true)"hp")"maxHP")"moves")"moveTypes")"pp")"maxPP")"ivs") it "shows all information otherwise", -> pokemon = new Pokemon(species: 'Shaymin') json = pokemon.toJSON()"hp")"maxHP")"moves")"moveTypes")"pp")"maxPP")"ivs") describe "Shedinja holding Focus Sash", -> it "faints from burn damage", ->, team1: [Factory("Shedinja", item: "Focus Sash")]) @p1.attach(Status.Burn) @p1.currentHP.should.equal(1) @battle.endTurn() @p1.currentHP.should.equal(0) it "faints from switching into hazards", -> this, team2: [Factory("Magikarp"), Factory("Shedinja", item: "Focus Sash")] @battle.performMove(@p1, @battle.getMove("Stealth Rock")) @battle.performSwitch(@team2.first(), 1) pokemon = @team2.first() (pokemon.stat('hp') - pokemon.currentHP).should.equal(1) it "faints from Perish Song", ->, team1: [Factory("Shedinja", item: "Focus Sash")]) @battle.performMove(@p2, @battle.getMove('Perish Song')) @battle.endTurn() for x in [0..3] @p1.isFainted() it "faints from Destiny Bond", ->, team1: [Factory("Shedinja", item: "Focus Sash")]) @p2.currentHP = 1 @battle.performMove(@p2, @battle.getMove("Destiny Bond")) @battle.performMove(@p1, @battle.getMove("Tackle")) @p1.isFainted() it "faints from using Final Gambit", ->, team1: [Factory("Shedinja", item: "Focus Sash")]) finalGambit = @battle.getMove("Final Gambit") @battle.performMove(@p1, finalGambit) @p1.isFainted()