require '../../helpers' shared = require '../../shared' {Conditions} = require '../../../shared/conditions' {Attachment, Status} = require '../../../server/bw/attachment' {Protocol} = require '../../../shared/protocol' {Factory} = require '../../factory' describe "Sleep Clause", -> it "prevents Sleep if the opponent was already slept by this team", -> conditions = [ Conditions.SLEEP_CLAUSE ] team1 = [ Factory("Magikarp"), Factory("Magikarp") ] team2 = [ Factory("Magikarp"), Factory("Magikarp") ], {conditions, team1, team2}) spore = @battle.getMove("Spore") @battle.performMove(@p1, spore) @battle.performSwitch(@p2, 1) mock = @sandbox.mock(spore).expects('fail').once() @battle.performMove(@p1, spore) mock.verify() it "prevents Sleep from Yawn", -> conditions = [ Conditions.SLEEP_CLAUSE ] team1 = [ Factory("Magikarp"), Factory("Magikarp") ] team2 = [ Factory("Magikarp"), Factory("Magikarp") ], {conditions, team1, team2}) yawn = @battle.getMove("Yawn") @battle.performMove(@p1, yawn) @battle.endTurn() @battle.endTurn() @battle.performSwitch(@p2, 1) @battle.performMove(@p1, yawn) @battle.endTurn() @battle.endTurn() it "doesn't prevent other statuses", -> conditions = [ Conditions.SLEEP_CLAUSE ] team1 = [ Factory("Magikarp"), Factory("Magikarp") ] team2 = [ Factory("Magikarp"), Factory("Magikarp") ], {conditions, team1, team2}) thunderWave = @battle.getMove("Thunder Wave") @battle.performMove(@p1, thunderWave) @battle.performSwitch(@p2, 1) mock = @sandbox.mock(thunderWave).expects('fail').never() @battle.performMove(@p1, thunderWave) mock.verify() it "doesn't prevent Sleep if the opponent was slept, but not by this team", -> conditions = [ Conditions.SLEEP_CLAUSE ] team1 = [ Factory("Magikarp"), Factory("Magikarp") ] team2 = [ Factory("Magikarp"), Factory("Magikarp") ], {conditions, team1, team2}) spore = @battle.getMove("Spore") mock = @sandbox.mock(spore).expects('fail').never() @battle.performMove(@p1, spore) mock.verify() it "doesn't prevent Sleep if the opponent was slept, but fainted", -> conditions = [ Conditions.SLEEP_CLAUSE ] team1 = [ Factory("Magikarp"), Factory("Magikarp") ] team2 = [ Factory("Magikarp"), Factory("Magikarp") ], {conditions, team1, team2}) spore = @battle.getMove("Spore") @battle.performMove(@p1, spore) @battle.performSwitch(@p2, 1) @p2.faint() mock = @sandbox.mock(spore).expects('fail').never() @battle.performMove(@p1, spore) mock.verify()