{_} = require('underscore') ConditionsFunc = require('../shared/conditions') config = require('../knexfile')[process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'] knex = require('knex')(config) bookshelf = require('bookshelf')(knex) # Postgres 9.2+ support the JSON datatype. Other versions/DBs do not. # So if the JSON data type is supported, then loading will load as JSON. jsonify = (contents) -> if _.isObject(contents) contents else if !contents || !contents.length {} else JSON.parse(contents) Team = bookshelf.Model.extend tableName: 'teams' hasTimestamps: ['created_at', 'updated_at'] toJSON: -> { id: @id name: @get('name') generation: @get('generation') pokemon: jsonify(@get('contents')) } Teams = bookshelf.Collection.extend model: Team Battle = bookshelf.Model.extend tableName: 'battles' hasTimestamps: ['created_at', 'updated_at'] # TODO: Find (and jsonify) asset versions getName: -> @get('name') || @getPlayerNames().join(' vs. ') || 'Untitled' getFormat: -> allformats = ConditionsFunc.Formats() allformats[@get('format')].humanName getPlayerNames: -> # players is denormalized. It's an array with a comma delimiter. @get('players')?.split(',') || [] version: (js) -> jsonify(@get('versions'))[js] toJSON: -> { id: @get('battle_id') name: @getName() format: @get('format') numActive: @get('num_active') players: @getPlayerNames() contents: jsonify(@get('contents')) created_at: @get('created_at') } SavedBattle = bookshelf.Model.extend tableName: 'saved_battles' hasTimestamps: ['created_at', 'updated_at'] SavedBattles = bookshelf.Collection.extend model: SavedBattle module.exports = {Team, Teams, Battle, SavedBattle, SavedBattles, knex}