Added Find Battle Unranked

This commit is contained in:
Deukhoofd 2016-02-10 03:10:17 +01:00
parent 398d23a0d6
commit 16ac69171d
23 changed files with 778 additions and 419 deletions

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ html, body
margin 0
font-size 100%
background $background-color url("//")
background $background-color blue
line-height normal
ul, ol

View File

@ -4,6 +4,57 @@ $ ->
$mainButtons.on 'click', '.teambuilder_button', (e) ->
challengeobjunranked =
eventName: "findBattleunranked"
populate: $mainButtons.find('.find_battle_select_team')
button: $mainButtons.find('.find_battle_non_ranked')
defaultClauses: [
blockedClauses: true
challengeobj =
eventName: "findBattle"
populate: $mainButtons.find('.find_battle_select_team')
button: $mainButtons.find('.find_battle')
defaultClauses: [
blockedClauses: true
challengepaneobjunranked = new challengePaneObject(challengeobjunranked)
challengepaneobj = new challengePaneObject(challengeobj)
eventName: "findBattleunranked"
populate: $mainButtons.find('.find_battle_select_team')
button: $mainButtons.find('.find_battle_non_ranked')
defaultClauses: [
blockedClauses: true
eventName: "findBattle"
populate: $mainButtons.find('.find_battle_select_team')
@ -26,6 +77,12 @@ $ ->
.addClass('icon-spinner spinner-anim')
$mainButtons.find('.find_battle_non_ranked').on 'challenge', ->
$this = $(this)
.addClass('icon-spinner spinner-anim')
$mainButtons.find('.display_credits').click ->
$modal = PokeBattle.modal('modals/credits')
$modal.find('.modal-footer button').first().focus()
@ -40,11 +97,24 @@ depressFindBattle = ->
$mainButtons.find('.find_battle_select_team .select').removeClass('disabled')
depressFindBattleUnranked = ->
$mainButtons = $('.main_buttons')
$button = $mainButtons.find('.find_battle_non_ranked')
.removeClass("icon-spinner spinner-anim")
$mainButtons.find('.find_battle_select_team .select').removeClass('disabled')
$(window).load ->
$mainButtons = $('.main_buttons')
PokeBattle.battles.on 'add', (battle) ->
if !battle.get('spectating')
PokeBattle.primus.on 'findBattleCanceled', depressFindBattle 'findBattleCanceled', depressFindBattle
PokeBattle.primus.on 'findBattleCanceledUnranked', depressFindBattleUnranked 'findBattleCanceledUnranked', depressFindBattleUnranked

View File

@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
# eventName should be one of "challenge" or "find battle"
# opts may include whether to enable clauses, for example
@challengePaneArray = []
class @challengePaneObject
constructor: (@object) ->
@event = @object.eventName
@button = @object.button
@populate = @object.populate
@clauses = @object.defaultClauses
@blockedClauses = @object.blockedClauses
@createChallengePane = (opts) ->
$wrapper = opts.populate
$button = opts.button
@ -18,7 +29,7 @@
selectedTeamId = null
selectedAlt = null
$PaneArray = @challengePaneArray
getSelectedTeam = ->
PokeBattle.TeamStore.get(selectedTeamId) ||
@ -70,11 +81,13 @@
# Implement finding battle/challenging
$button.on 'click.challenge', ->
thisChallenge = _.find($PaneArray, (butt) -> butt.button.selector is $button.selector)
# Start requesting for notify permission here
format = $'format')
if typeof format == "undefined" and typeof personId == "undefined"
format = $('.select-format').data('format')
# Toggle state when you press the button.
if !$button.hasClass('disabled')
team = getSelectedTeam()
@ -90,7 +103,7 @@
$clauses = $wrapper.find('input:checked[type="checkbox"]')
clauses = []
$clauses.each(-> clauses.push(parseInt($(this).val(), 10)))
PokeBattle.primus.send(eventName, personId, format, teamJSON, clauses, selectedAlt)
PokeBattle.primus.send(eventName, personId, format, teamJSON, thisChallenge.clauses, selectedAlt)
PokeBattle.primus.send(eventName, format, teamJSON, selectedAlt)

View File

@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class @BattleView extends Backbone.View
team = $'team')
slot = $'slot')
pokemon = @model.getPokemon(team, slot)
@pokemonPopover($this, pokemon)
#@pokemonPopover($this, pokemon)
@ -278,6 +278,8 @@ class @BattleView extends Backbone.View
$newPokemon.attr('data-slot', slot)
@pokemonPopover($newSprite, pokemon)
pokemon.set('beeninbattle', true)
@cannedText('SENT_OUT', player, player, slot)

View File

@ -6,9 +6,13 @@ block content
| Find battle
| Ranked battle

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ html
meta(http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible", content="IE=Edge")
meta(name="viewport", content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0")
title PokeBattle
link(rel="icon", type="image/png", href="//")
link(rel="icon", type="image/png", href="../Sprites/favicon.png")
link(rel="stylesheet", href=asset_path("css/vendor.css"))
link(rel="stylesheet", href=asset_path("css/main.css"))
body(class = bodyClass)

View File

@ -9,17 +9,32 @@ each team in [ yourTeam, opponentTeam ]
- var teamvisible = team.collection.parents[0].get('visibleteam')
- var isdef = typeof teamvisible
if isdef != 'undefined' && teamvisible
- var orig = team.get('pokemon')
- var teamPokemon = team.getRandomOrder()
- for (var i = 0, len = teamPokemon.length; i < len; i += 1)
- var pokemon = teamPokemon[i]
if pokemon
- var origpkmn = orig.findWhere({species: pokemon.species});
- var faintClass = (origpkmn.isFainted() ? 'fainted' : '')
- var style = window.PokemonIconBackground(origpkmn)
- var orig = team.get('pokemon')
- var teamPokemon = team.getRandomOrder()
- for (var i = 0, len = teamPokemon.length; i < len; i += 1)
- var pokemon = teamPokemon[i]
if pokemon
- var origpkmn = orig.findWhere({species: pokemon.species});
- var faintClass = (origpkmn.isFainted() ? 'fainted' : '')
- var style = window.PokemonIconBackground(origpkmn)
if isdef != 'undefined' && teamvisible
a.pokemon_icon(href=window.PokemonIconBackground(origpkmn), target="_blank", class = faintClass, style = style, data-team = teamIndex, data-slot = i)
if !origpkmn.isFainted()
.pokemon_hp(style="height: " + (origpkmn.getSpecies().id) + "%", class=origpkmn.getHPColor())
- var hasbeeninbattle = origpkmn.get('beeninbattle')
if hasbeeninbattle == true
- console.log('hasbeeninbattle')
a.pokemon_icon(href=window.PokemonIconBackground(origpkmn), target="_blank", class = faintClass, style = style, data-team = teamIndex, data-slot = i)
if !origpkmn.isFainted()
.pokemon_hp(style="height: " + (origpkmn.getSpecies().id) + "%", class=origpkmn.getHPColor())
- console.log('hasnoybeeninbattle')
- var newstyle = "background:url('../Sprites/Icons/iconempty.png')!important; background-size: cover!important;"
a.pokemon_icon(href="", target="_blank", class = faintClass, style = newstyle, data-team = teamIndex, data-slot = i)
if !origpkmn.isFainted()
.pokemon_hp(style="height: " + (origpkmn.getSpecies().id) + "%", class=origpkmn.getHPColor())

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 301 B

public/Sprites/favicon.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 597 B

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
html,body{color:#333332;padding:0;margin:0;font-size:100%;font-family:'proxima-nova','Helvetica Neue',Calibri,'Droid Sans',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;background:#f3f3f3 url("//");line-height:normal}
html,body{color:#333332;padding:0;margin:0;font-size:100%;font-family:'proxima-nova','Helvetica Neue',Calibri,'Droid Sans',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;background:#f3f3f3 #00f;line-height:normal}
#content{position:absolute;top:0;left:150px;right:0;bottom:0;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 10px #000;box-shadow:0 0 10px #000}

View File

@ -3146,8 +3146,7 @@
$this = $(el);
team = $'team');
slot = $'slot');
pokemon = _this.model.getPokemon(team, slot);
return _this.pokemonPopover($this, pokemon);
return pokemon = _this.model.getPokemon(team, slot);
@ -3338,6 +3337,7 @@
$newPokemon.attr('data-slot', slot);
this.pokemonPopover($newSprite, pokemon);
pokemon.set('beeninbattle', true);
this.cannedText('SENT_OUT', player, player, slot);
if (this.skip != null) {
@ -7476,8 +7476,24 @@
(function() {
var __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
this.challengePaneArray = [];
this.challengePaneObject = (function() {
function challengePaneObject(object) {
this.object = object;
this.event = this.object.eventName;
this.button = this.object.button;
this.populate = this.object.populate;
this.clauses = this.object.defaultClauses;
this.blockedClauses = this.object.blockedClauses;
return challengePaneObject;
this.createChallengePane = function(opts) {
var $accept, $button, $buttons, $checkboxes, $format, $reject, $selectFormat, $wrapper, acceptEventName, altCreatedEvent, blockedClauses, cancelChallenge, cancelEventName, capitalizedEventName, defaultClauses, disableButtons, enableButtons, eventName, generation, getSelectedTeam, isAttachedToDom, personId, rejectEventName, renderCurrentTeam, selectedAlt, selectedTeamId, teamUpdated, toggleAltInput, _ref;
var $PaneArray, $accept, $button, $buttons, $checkboxes, $format, $reject, $selectFormat, $wrapper, acceptEventName, altCreatedEvent, blockedClauses, cancelChallenge, cancelEventName, capitalizedEventName, defaultClauses, disableButtons, enableButtons, eventName, generation, getSelectedTeam, isAttachedToDom, personId, rejectEventName, renderCurrentTeam, selectedAlt, selectedTeamId, teamUpdated, toggleAltInput, _ref;
$wrapper = opts.populate;
$button = opts.button;
$accept = opts.acceptButton || $();
@ -7494,6 +7510,7 @@
blockedClauses = (_ref = opts.blockedClauses) != null ? _ref : false;
selectedTeamId = null;
selectedAlt = null;
$PaneArray = this.challengePaneArray;
getSelectedTeam = function() {
return PokeBattle.TeamStore.get(selectedTeamId) ||;
@ -7554,9 +7571,16 @@
$selectFormat = $wrapper.find(".select-format");
$button.on('click.challenge', function() {
var $clauses, clauses, format, team, teamJSON;
var $clauses, clauses, format, team, teamJSON, thisChallenge;
thisChallenge = _.find($PaneArray, function(butt) {
return butt.button.selector === $button.selector;
format = $'format');
if (typeof format === "undefined" && typeof personId === "undefined") {
format = $('.select-format').data('format');
if (!$button.hasClass('disabled')) {
team = getSelectedTeam();
if (!team) {
@ -7572,7 +7596,7 @@
$clauses.each(function() {
return clauses.push(parseInt($(this).val(), 10));
PokeBattle.primus.send(eventName, personId, format, teamJSON, clauses, selectedAlt);
PokeBattle.primus.send(eventName, personId, format, teamJSON, thisChallenge.clauses, selectedAlt);
} else {
PokeBattle.primus.send(eventName, format, teamJSON, selectedAlt);
@ -11062,14 +11086,39 @@
(function() {
var depressFindBattle;
var depressFindBattle, depressFindBattleUnranked;
$(function() {
var $mainButtons;
var $mainButtons, challengeobj, challengeobjunranked, challengepaneobj, challengepaneobjunranked;
$mainButtons = $('.main_buttons');
$mainButtons.on('click', '.teambuilder_button', function(e) {
return PokeBattle.navigation.showTeambuilder();
challengeobjunranked = {
eventName: "findBattleunranked",
populate: $mainButtons.find('.find_battle_select_team'),
button: $mainButtons.find('.find_battle_non_ranked'),
defaultClauses: [Conditions.SLEEP_CLAUSE, Conditions.EVASION_CLAUSE, Conditions.SPECIES_CLAUSE, Conditions.OHKO_CLAUSE, Conditions.PRANKSTER_SWAGGER_CLAUSE, Conditions.UNRELEASED_BAN, Conditions.TIMED_BATTLE],
blockedClauses: true
challengeobj = {
eventName: "findBattle",
populate: $mainButtons.find('.find_battle_select_team'),
button: $mainButtons.find('.find_battle'),
defaultClauses: [Conditions.SLEEP_CLAUSE, Conditions.EVASION_CLAUSE, Conditions.SPECIES_CLAUSE, Conditions.OHKO_CLAUSE, Conditions.PRANKSTER_SWAGGER_CLAUSE, Conditions.UNRELEASED_BAN, Conditions.RATED_BATTLE, Conditions.TIMED_BATTLE],
blockedClauses: true
challengepaneobjunranked = new challengePaneObject(challengeobjunranked);
challengepaneobj = new challengePaneObject(challengeobj);
eventName: "findBattleunranked",
populate: $mainButtons.find('.find_battle_select_team'),
button: $mainButtons.find('.find_battle_non_ranked'),
defaultClauses: [Conditions.SLEEP_CLAUSE, Conditions.EVASION_CLAUSE, Conditions.SPECIES_CLAUSE, Conditions.OHKO_CLAUSE, Conditions.PRANKSTER_SWAGGER_CLAUSE, Conditions.UNRELEASED_BAN, Conditions.TIMED_BATTLE],
blockedClauses: true
eventName: "findBattle",
populate: $mainButtons.find('.find_battle_select_team'),
@ -11082,6 +11131,11 @@
$this = $(this);
return $this.find('.find-icon').addClass('icon-spinner spinner-anim').removeClass("icon-earth");
$mainButtons.find('.find_battle_non_ranked').on('challenge', function() {
var $this;
$this = $(this);
return $this.find('.find-icon').addClass('icon-spinner spinner-anim').removeClass("icon-earth");
return $mainButtons.find('.display_credits').click(function() {
var $modal;
$modal = PokeBattle.modal('modals/credits');
@ -11098,16 +11152,28 @@
return $mainButtons.find('.find_battle_select_team .select').removeClass('disabled');
depressFindBattleUnranked = function() {
var $button, $mainButtons;
$mainButtons = $('.main_buttons');
$button = $mainButtons.find('.find_battle_non_ranked');
$button.find('.find-icon').removeClass("icon-spinner spinner-anim").addClass("icon-earth");
return $mainButtons.find('.find_battle_select_team .select').removeClass('disabled');
$(window).load(function() {
var $mainButtons;
$mainButtons = $('.main_buttons');
PokeBattle.battles.on('add', function(battle) {
if (!battle.get('spectating')) {
return depressFindBattle();
return depressFindBattleUnranked();
PokeBattle.primus.on('findBattleCanceled', depressFindBattle);
return'findBattleCanceled', depressFindBattle);'findBattleCanceled', depressFindBattle);
PokeBattle.primus.on('findBattleCanceledUnranked', depressFindBattleUnranked);
return'findBattleCanceledUnranked', depressFindBattleUnranked);

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -2872,8 +2872,7 @@
$this = $(el);
team = $'team');
slot = $'slot');
pokemon = _this.model.getPokemon(team, slot);
return _this.pokemonPopover($this, pokemon);
return pokemon = _this.model.getPokemon(team, slot);
@ -3064,6 +3063,7 @@
$newPokemon.attr('data-slot', slot);
this.pokemonPopover($newSprite, pokemon);
pokemon.set('beeninbattle', true);
this.cannedText('SENT_OUT', player, player, slot);
if (this.skip != null) {
@ -5208,8 +5208,24 @@
(function() {
var __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
this.challengePaneArray = [];
this.challengePaneObject = (function() {
function challengePaneObject(object) {
this.object = object;
this.event = this.object.eventName;
this.button = this.object.button;
this.populate = this.object.populate;
this.clauses = this.object.defaultClauses;
this.blockedClauses = this.object.blockedClauses;
return challengePaneObject;
this.createChallengePane = function(opts) {
var $accept, $button, $buttons, $checkboxes, $format, $reject, $selectFormat, $wrapper, acceptEventName, altCreatedEvent, blockedClauses, cancelChallenge, cancelEventName, capitalizedEventName, defaultClauses, disableButtons, enableButtons, eventName, generation, getSelectedTeam, isAttachedToDom, personId, rejectEventName, renderCurrentTeam, selectedAlt, selectedTeamId, teamUpdated, toggleAltInput, _ref;
var $PaneArray, $accept, $button, $buttons, $checkboxes, $format, $reject, $selectFormat, $wrapper, acceptEventName, altCreatedEvent, blockedClauses, cancelChallenge, cancelEventName, capitalizedEventName, defaultClauses, disableButtons, enableButtons, eventName, generation, getSelectedTeam, isAttachedToDom, personId, rejectEventName, renderCurrentTeam, selectedAlt, selectedTeamId, teamUpdated, toggleAltInput, _ref;
$wrapper = opts.populate;
$button = opts.button;
$accept = opts.acceptButton || $();
@ -5226,6 +5242,7 @@
blockedClauses = (_ref = opts.blockedClauses) != null ? _ref : false;
selectedTeamId = null;
selectedAlt = null;
$PaneArray = this.challengePaneArray;
getSelectedTeam = function() {
return PokeBattle.TeamStore.get(selectedTeamId) ||;
@ -5286,9 +5303,16 @@
$selectFormat = $wrapper.find(".select-format");
$button.on('click.challenge', function() {
var $clauses, clauses, format, team, teamJSON;
var $clauses, clauses, format, team, teamJSON, thisChallenge;
thisChallenge = _.find($PaneArray, function(butt) {
return butt.button.selector === $button.selector;
format = $'format');
if (typeof format === "undefined" && typeof personId === "undefined") {
format = $('.select-format').data('format');
if (!$button.hasClass('disabled')) {
team = getSelectedTeam();
if (!team) {
@ -5304,7 +5328,7 @@
$clauses.each(function() {
return clauses.push(parseInt($(this).val(), 10));
PokeBattle.primus.send(eventName, personId, format, teamJSON, clauses, selectedAlt);
PokeBattle.primus.send(eventName, personId, format, teamJSON, thisChallenge.clauses, selectedAlt);
} else {
PokeBattle.primus.send(eventName, format, teamJSON, selectedAlt);

View File

@ -383,8 +383,6 @@ var teamIndex = (team === yourTeam ? yourIndex : 1 - yourIndex)
buf.push("<div" + (jade.attrs({ "class": [('bg-faded-blue'),('fill-' + leftOrRight)] }, {"class":true})) + "><div" + (jade.attrs({ "class": [(leftOrRight)] }, {"class":true})) + "><div class=\"owner_name\">" + (jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = team.get('owner')) ? "" : jade.interp)) + "</div><div class=\"battle-timer frozen-timer hidden\"></div><div class=\"battle-timer remaining-timer\"></div><div class=\"pokemon_icons\">");
var teamvisible = team.collection.parents[0].get('visibleteam')
var isdef = typeof teamvisible
if ( isdef != 'undefined' && teamvisible)
var orig = team.get('pokemon')
var teamPokemon = team.getRandomOrder()
for (var i = 0, len = teamPokemon.length; i < len; i += 1)
@ -396,13 +394,38 @@ buf.push("<div class=\"icon_wrapper\">");
var origpkmn = orig.findWhere({species: pokemon.species});
var faintClass = (origpkmn.isFainted() ? 'fainted' : '')
var style = window.PokemonIconBackground(origpkmn)
if ( isdef != 'undefined' && teamvisible)
buf.push("<a" + (jade.attrs({ 'href':(window.PokemonIconBackground(origpkmn)), 'target':("_blank"), 'style':(style), 'data-team':(teamIndex), 'data-slot':(i), "class": [('pokemon_icon'),(faintClass)] }, {"class":true,"href":true,"target":true,"style":true,"data-team":true,"data-slot":true})) + "></a>");
if ( !origpkmn.isFainted())
buf.push("<div class=\"pokemon_hp_background\"><div" + (jade.attrs({ 'style':("height: " + (origpkmn.getSpecies().id) + "%"), "class": [('pokemon_hp'),(origpkmn.getHPColor())] }, {"class":true,"style":true})) + "></div></div>");
var hasbeeninbattle = origpkmn.get('beeninbattle')
if ( hasbeeninbattle == true)
buf.push("<a" + (jade.attrs({ 'href':(window.PokemonIconBackground(origpkmn)), 'target':("_blank"), 'style':(style), 'data-team':(teamIndex), 'data-slot':(i), "class": [('pokemon_icon'),(faintClass)] }, {"class":true,"href":true,"target":true,"style":true,"data-team":true,"data-slot":true})) + "></a>");
if ( !origpkmn.isFainted())
buf.push("<div class=\"pokemon_hp_background\"><div" + (jade.attrs({ 'style':("height: " + (origpkmn.getSpecies().id) + "%"), "class": [('pokemon_hp'),(origpkmn.getHPColor())] }, {"class":true,"style":true})) + "></div></div>");
var newstyle = "background:url('../Sprites/Icons/iconempty.png')!important; background-size: cover!important;"
buf.push("<a" + (jade.attrs({ 'href':(""), 'target':("_blank"), 'style':(newstyle), 'data-team':(teamIndex), 'data-slot':(i), "class": [('pokemon_icon'),(faintClass)] }, {"class":true,"href":true,"target":true,"style":true,"data-team":true,"data-slot":true})) + "></a>");
if ( !origpkmn.isFainted())
buf.push("<div class=\"pokemon_hp_background\"><div" + (jade.attrs({ 'style':("height: " + (origpkmn.getSpecies().id) + "%"), "class": [('pokemon_hp'),(origpkmn.getHPColor())] }, {"class":true,"style":true})) + "></div></div>");
@ -418,8 +441,6 @@ var teamIndex = (team === yourTeam ? yourIndex : 1 - yourIndex)
buf.push("<div" + (jade.attrs({ "class": [('bg-faded-blue'),('fill-' + leftOrRight)] }, {"class":true})) + "><div" + (jade.attrs({ "class": [(leftOrRight)] }, {"class":true})) + "><div class=\"owner_name\">" + (jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = team.get('owner')) ? "" : jade.interp)) + "</div><div class=\"battle-timer frozen-timer hidden\"></div><div class=\"battle-timer remaining-timer\"></div><div class=\"pokemon_icons\">");
var teamvisible = team.collection.parents[0].get('visibleteam')
var isdef = typeof teamvisible
if ( isdef != 'undefined' && teamvisible)
var orig = team.get('pokemon')
var teamPokemon = team.getRandomOrder()
for (var i = 0, len = teamPokemon.length; i < len; i += 1)
@ -431,13 +452,38 @@ buf.push("<div class=\"icon_wrapper\">");
var origpkmn = orig.findWhere({species: pokemon.species});
var faintClass = (origpkmn.isFainted() ? 'fainted' : '')
var style = window.PokemonIconBackground(origpkmn)
if ( isdef != 'undefined' && teamvisible)
buf.push("<a" + (jade.attrs({ 'href':(window.PokemonIconBackground(origpkmn)), 'target':("_blank"), 'style':(style), 'data-team':(teamIndex), 'data-slot':(i), "class": [('pokemon_icon'),(faintClass)] }, {"class":true,"href":true,"target":true,"style":true,"data-team":true,"data-slot":true})) + "></a>");
if ( !origpkmn.isFainted())
buf.push("<div class=\"pokemon_hp_background\"><div" + (jade.attrs({ 'style':("height: " + (origpkmn.getSpecies().id) + "%"), "class": [('pokemon_hp'),(origpkmn.getHPColor())] }, {"class":true,"style":true})) + "></div></div>");
var hasbeeninbattle = origpkmn.get('beeninbattle')
if ( hasbeeninbattle == true)
buf.push("<a" + (jade.attrs({ 'href':(window.PokemonIconBackground(origpkmn)), 'target':("_blank"), 'style':(style), 'data-team':(teamIndex), 'data-slot':(i), "class": [('pokemon_icon'),(faintClass)] }, {"class":true,"href":true,"target":true,"style":true,"data-team":true,"data-slot":true})) + "></a>");
if ( !origpkmn.isFainted())
buf.push("<div class=\"pokemon_hp_background\"><div" + (jade.attrs({ 'style':("height: " + (origpkmn.getSpecies().id) + "%"), "class": [('pokemon_hp'),(origpkmn.getHPColor())] }, {"class":true,"style":true})) + "></div></div>");
var newstyle = "background:url('../Sprites/Icons/iconempty.png')!important; background-size: cover!important;"
buf.push("<a" + (jade.attrs({ 'href':(""), 'target':("_blank"), 'style':(newstyle), 'data-team':(teamIndex), 'data-slot':(i), "class": [('pokemon_icon'),(faintClass)] }, {"class":true,"href":true,"target":true,"style":true,"data-team":true,"data-slot":true})) + "></a>");
if ( !origpkmn.isFainted())
buf.push("<div class=\"pokemon_hp_background\"><div" + (jade.attrs({ 'style':("height: " + (origpkmn.getSpecies().id) + "%"), "class": [('pokemon_hp'),(origpkmn.getHPColor())] }, {"class":true,"style":true})) + "></div></div>");

View File

@ -269,7 +269,6 @@ class @Move
weatherModifier: (battle, user, target) ->
# TODO: This is wrong.
type = @getType(battle, user, target)
if type == 'Fire' && battle.hasWeather(Weather.SUN)
else if type == 'Fire' && battle.hasWeather(Weather.RAIN)
@ -280,8 +279,6 @@ class @Move
else if type == 'Dark' && battle.hasWeather(Weather.MOON)
else if type == 'Ghost' && battle.hasWeather(Weather.MOON)
else if type == 'Fairy' && battle.hasWeather(Weather.MOON)

View File

@ -12,322 +12,321 @@ ConditionHash = {}
createCondition = (condition, effects = {}) ->
ConditionHash[condition] = effects
# Attaches each condition to the Battle facade.
@attach = (battleFacade) ->
battle = battleFacade.battle
for condition in battle.conditions
if condition not of ConditionHash
throw new Error("Undefined condition: #{condition}")
hash = ConditionHash[condition] || {}
# Attach each condition's event listeners
for eventName, callback of hash.attach
battle.on(eventName, callback)
# Extend battle with each function
# TODO: Attach to prototype, and only once.
for funcName, funcRef of hash.extend
battle[funcName] = funcRef
for funcName, funcRef of hash.extendFacade
battleFacade[funcName] = funcRef
# validates an entire team
@validateTeam = (conditions, team, genData) ->
errors = []
for condition in conditions
if condition not of ConditionHash
throw new Error("Undefined condition: #{condition}")
validator = ConditionHash[condition].validateTeam
continue if !validator
errors.push(validator(team, genData)...)
return errors
# validates a single pokemon
@validatePokemon = (conditions, pokemon, genData, prefix) ->
errors = []
for condition in conditions
if condition not of ConditionHash
throw new Error("Undefined condition: #{condition}")
validator = ConditionHash[condition].validatePokemon
continue if !validator
errors.push(validator(pokemon, genData, prefix)...)
return errors
createPBVCondition = (totalPBV) ->
createCondition Conditions["PBV_#{totalPBV}"],
validateTeam: (team, genData) ->
errors = []
if pbv.determinePBV(genData, team) > totalPBV
errors.push "Total team PBV cannot surpass #{totalPBV}."
if team.length != 6
errors.push "Your team must have 6 pokemon."
return errors
validatePokemon: (pokemon, genData, prefix) ->
errors = []
MAX_INDIVIDUAL_PBV = Math.floor(totalPBV / 3)
individualPBV = pbv.determinePBV(genData, pokemon)
errors.push "#{prefix}: This Pokemon's PBV is #{individualPBV}. Individual
PBVs cannot go over 1/3 the total (over #{MAX_INDIVIDUAL_PBV} PBV)."
return errors
createTierCondition = (conditionName, tier) ->
createCondition Conditions[conditionName],
validateTeam: (team, genData) ->
errors = []
tierdata = Tiers[tier]
teamtier = tiering.determineTier(genData, team)
if teamtier.tierRank > tierdata.tierRank
errors.push "Your team tier may not exceed the #{tierdata.humanName} tier"
if team.length != 6
errors.push "Your team must have 6 pokemon."
return errors
for key, val of Tiers
createTierCondition("TIER_#{key}", key)
createCondition Conditions.SLEEP_CLAUSE,
initialize: ->
for team in @getTeams()
for p in team.pokemon
createCondition Conditions.SPECIES_CLAUSE,
validateTeam: (team, genData) ->
errors = []
species = -> p.species)
for i in [1...species.length]
speciesName = species[i - 1]
if speciesName == species[i]
errors.push("Cannot have the same species: #{speciesName}")
while speciesName == species[i]
return errors
createCondition Conditions.EVASION_CLAUSE,
validatePokemon: (pokemon, genData, prefix) ->
{moves, ability} = pokemon
errors = []
# Check evasion abilities
if ability in [ "Moody" ]
errors.push("#{prefix}: #{ability} is banned under Evasion Clause.")
# Check evasion moves
for moveName in moves || []
move = genData.MoveData[moveName]
continue if !move
if move.primaryBoostStats? && move.primaryBoostStats.evasion > 0 &&
move.primaryBoostTarget == 'self'
errors.push("#{prefix}: #{moveName} is banned under Evasion Clause.")
return errors
createCondition Conditions.OHKO_CLAUSE,
validatePokemon: (pokemon, genData, prefix) ->
{moves} = pokemon
errors = []
# Check OHKO moves
for moveName in moves || []
move = genData.MoveData[moveName]
continue if !move
if "ohko" in move.flags
errors.push("#{prefix}: #{moveName} is banned under One-Hit KO Clause.")
return errors
createCondition Conditions.PRANKSTER_SWAGGER_CLAUSE,
validatePokemon: (pokemon, genData, prefix) ->
errors = []
if "Swagger" in pokemon.moves && "Prankster" == pokemon.ability
errors.push("#{prefix}: A Pokemon can't have both Prankster and Swagger.")
return errors
createCondition Conditions.UNRELEASED_BAN,
validatePokemon: (pokemon, genData, prefix) ->
# Check for unreleased items
errors = []
if pokemon.item && genData.ItemData[pokemon.item]?.unreleased
errors.push("#{prefix}: The item '#{pokemon.item}' is unreleased.")
# Check for unreleased abilities
forme = genData.FormeData[pokemon.species][pokemon.forme || "default"]
if forme.unreleasedHidden && pokemon.ability == forme.hiddenAbility &&
forme.hiddenAbility not in forme.abilities
errors.push("#{prefix}: The ability #{pokemon.ability} is unreleased.")
# Check for unreleased Pokemon
if forme.unreleased
errors.push("#{prefix}: The Pokemon #{pokemon.species} is unreleased.")
return errors
createCondition Conditions.RATED_BATTLE,
end: (winnerId) ->
return if !winnerId
index = @getPlayerIndex(winnerId)
loserId = @playerIds[1 - index]
ratings = require './ratings'
winner = @getPlayer(winnerId)
loser = @getPlayer(loserId)
winnerId = winner.ratingKey
loserId = loser.ratingKey
ratings.getRatings [ winnerId, loserId ], (err, oldRatings) =>
ratings.updatePlayers winnerId, loserId, ratings.results.WIN, (err, result) =>
return @message "An error occurred updating rankings :(" if err
oldRating = Math.floor(oldRatings[0])
newRating = Math.floor(result[0])
@cannedText('RATING_UPDATE', index, oldRating, newRating)
oldRating = Math.floor(oldRatings[1])
newRating = Math.floor(result[1])
@cannedText('RATING_UPDATE', 1 - index, oldRating, newRating)
createCondition Conditions.TIMED_BATTLE,
initialize: ->
@playerTimes = {}
@lastActionTimes = {}
now =
# Set up initial values
for id in @playerIds
@playerTimes[id] = now + @TEAM_PREVIEW_TIMER
# Set up timers and event listeners
check = () =>
@teamPreviewTimerId = setTimeout(check, @TEAM_PREVIEW_TIMER)
@once('end', => clearTimeout(@teamPreviewTimerId))
@once('start', => clearTimeout(@teamPreviewTimerId))
start: ->
nowTime =
for id in @playerIds
@playerTimes[id] = nowTime + @DEFAULT_TIMER
# Remove first turn since we'll be increasing it again.
@playerTimes[id] -= @TIMER_PER_TURN_INCREASE
requestActions: (playerId) ->
# If a player has selected a move, then there's an amount of time spent
# between move selection and requesting another action that was "lost".
# We grant this back here.
if @lastActionTimes[playerId]
now =
leftoverTime = now - @lastActionTimes[playerId]
delete @lastActionTimes[playerId]
@addTime(playerId, leftoverTime)
# In either case, we tell people that this player's timer resumes.
@send('resumeTimer', @id, @getPlayerIndex(playerId))
addAction: (playerId, action) ->
# Record the last action for use
@lastActionTimes[playerId] =
undoCompletedRequest: (playerId) ->
delete @lastActionTimes[playerId]
# Show players updated times
beginTurn: ->
remainingTimes = []
for id in @playerIds
@send('updateTimers', @id, remainingTimes)
continueTurn: ->
for id in @playerIds
@send('pauseTimer', @id, @getPlayerIndex(id))
spectateBattle: (user) ->
playerId =
remainingTimes = (@timeRemainingFor(id) for id in @playerIds)
user.send('updateTimers', @id, remainingTimes)
# Pause timer for players who have already chosen a move.
if @hasCompletedRequests(playerId)
index = @getPlayerIndex(playerId)
timeSinceLastAction = - @lastActionTimes[playerId]
user.send('pauseTimer', @id, index, timeSinceLastAction)
DEFAULT_TIMER: 3 * 60 * 1000 # three minutes
TIMER_PER_TURN_INCREASE: 15 * 1000 # fifteen seconds
TIMER_CAP: 3 * 60 * 1000 # three minutes
TEAM_PREVIEW_TIMER: 1.5 * 60 * 1000 # 1 minute and 30 seconds
startTimer: (msecs) ->
@timerId = setTimeout(@declareWinner.bind(this), msecs)
@once('end', => clearTimeout(@timerId))
addTime: (id, msecs) ->
@playerTimes[id] += msecs
remainingTime = @timeRemainingFor(id)
if remainingTime > @TIMER_CAP
diff = remainingTime - @TIMER_CAP
@playerTimes[id] -= diff
recalculateTimers: ->
playerTimes = for id in @playerIds
if @lastActionTimes[id] then Infinity else @timeRemainingFor(id)
leastTime = Math.min(playerTimes...)
if 0 < leastTime < Infinity
@timerId = setTimeout(@declareWinner.bind(this), leastTime)
else if leastTime <= 0
timeRemainingFor: (playerId) ->
endTime = @playerTimes[playerId]
nowTime = @lastActionTimes[playerId] ||
return endTime - nowTime
playersWithLeastTime: ->
losingIds = []
leastTimeRemaining = Infinity
for id in @playerIds
timeRemaining = @timeRemainingFor(id)
if timeRemaining < leastTimeRemaining
losingIds = [ id ]
leastTimeRemaining = timeRemaining
else if timeRemaining == leastTimeRemaining
return losingIds
declareWinner: ->
loserIds = @playersWithLeastTime()
loserId = @rng.choice(loserIds, "timer")
index = @getPlayerIndex(loserId)
winnerIndex = 1 - index
timerWin: (winnerIndex) ->
@tell(Protocol.TIMER_WIN, winnerIndex)
@emit('end', @playerIds[winnerIndex])
# Attaches each condition to the Battle facade.
@attach = (battleFacade) ->
battle = battleFacade.battle
for condition in battle.conditions
if condition not of ConditionHash
throw new Error("Undefined condition: #{condition}")
hash = ConditionHash[condition] || {}
# Attach each condition's event listeners
for eventName, callback of hash.attach
battle.on(eventName, callback)
# Extend battle with each function
# TODO: Attach to prototype, and only once.
for funcName, funcRef of hash.extend
battle[funcName] = funcRef
for funcName, funcRef of hash.extendFacade
battleFacade[funcName] = funcRef
# validates an entire team
@validateTeam = (conditions, team, genData) ->
errors = []
for condition in conditions
if condition not of ConditionHash
throw new Error("Undefined condition: #{condition}")
validator = ConditionHash[condition].validateTeam
continue if !validator
errors.push(validator(team, genData)...)
return errors
# validates a single pokemon
@validatePokemon = (conditions, pokemon, genData, prefix) ->
errors = []
for condition in conditions
if condition not of ConditionHash
throw new Error("Undefined condition: #{condition}")
validator = ConditionHash[condition].validatePokemon
continue if !validator
errors.push(validator(pokemon, genData, prefix)...)
return errors
createPBVCondition = (totalPBV) ->
createCondition Conditions["PBV_#{totalPBV}"],
validateTeam: (team, genData) ->
errors = []
if pbv.determinePBV(genData, team) > totalPBV
errors.push "Total team PBV cannot surpass #{totalPBV}."
if team.length != 6
errors.push "Your team must have 6 pokemon."
return errors
validatePokemon: (pokemon, genData, prefix) ->
errors = []
MAX_INDIVIDUAL_PBV = Math.floor(totalPBV / 3)
individualPBV = pbv.determinePBV(genData, pokemon)
errors.push "#{prefix}: This Pokemon's PBV is #{individualPBV}. Individual
PBVs cannot go over 1/3 the total (over #{MAX_INDIVIDUAL_PBV} PBV)."
return errors
createTierCondition = (conditionName, tier) ->
createCondition Conditions[conditionName],
validateTeam: (team, genData) ->
errors = []
tierdata = Tiers[tier]
teamtier = tiering.determineTier(genData, team)
if teamtier.tierRank > tierdata.tierRank
errors.push "Your team tier may not exceed the #{tierdata.humanName} tier"
if team.length != 6
errors.push "Your team must have 6 pokemon."
return errors
for key, val of Tiers
createTierCondition("TIER_#{key}", key)
createCondition Conditions.SLEEP_CLAUSE,
initialize: ->
for team in @getTeams()
for p in team.pokemon
createCondition Conditions.SPECIES_CLAUSE,
validateTeam: (team, genData) ->
errors = []
species = -> p.species)
for i in [1...species.length]
speciesName = species[i - 1]
if speciesName == species[i]
errors.push("Cannot have the same species: #{speciesName}")
while speciesName == species[i]
return errors
createCondition Conditions.EVASION_CLAUSE,
validatePokemon: (pokemon, genData, prefix) ->
{moves, ability} = pokemon
errors = []
# Check evasion abilities
if ability in [ "Moody" ]
errors.push("#{prefix}: #{ability} is banned under Evasion Clause.")
# Check evasion moves
for moveName in moves || []
move = genData.MoveData[moveName]
continue if !move
if move.primaryBoostStats? && move.primaryBoostStats.evasion > 0 &&
move.primaryBoostTarget == 'self'
errors.push("#{prefix}: #{moveName} is banned under Evasion Clause.")
return errors
createCondition Conditions.OHKO_CLAUSE,
validatePokemon: (pokemon, genData, prefix) ->
{moves} = pokemon
errors = []
# Check OHKO moves
for moveName in moves || []
move = genData.MoveData[moveName]
continue if !move
if "ohko" in move.flags
errors.push("#{prefix}: #{moveName} is banned under One-Hit KO Clause.")
return errors
createCondition Conditions.PRANKSTER_SWAGGER_CLAUSE,
validatePokemon: (pokemon, genData, prefix) ->
errors = []
if "Swagger" in pokemon.moves && "Prankster" == pokemon.ability
errors.push("#{prefix}: A Pokemon can't have both Prankster and Swagger.")
return errors
createCondition Conditions.UNRELEASED_BAN,
validatePokemon: (pokemon, genData, prefix) ->
# Check for unreleased items
errors = []
if pokemon.item && genData.ItemData[pokemon.item]?.unreleased
errors.push("#{prefix}: The item '#{pokemon.item}' is unreleased.")
# Check for unreleased abilities
forme = genData.FormeData[pokemon.species][pokemon.forme || "default"]
if forme.unreleasedHidden && pokemon.ability == forme.hiddenAbility &&
forme.hiddenAbility not in forme.abilities
errors.push("#{prefix}: The ability #{pokemon.ability} is unreleased.")
# Check for unreleased Pokemon
if forme.unreleased
errors.push("#{prefix}: The Pokemon #{pokemon.species} is unreleased.")
return errors
createCondition Conditions.RATED_BATTLE,
end: (winnerId) ->
return if !winnerId
index = @getPlayerIndex(winnerId)
loserId = @playerIds[1 - index]
ratings = require './ratings'
winner = @getPlayer(winnerId)
loser = @getPlayer(loserId)
winnerId = winner.ratingKey
loserId = loser.ratingKey
ratings.getRatings [ winnerId, loserId ], (err, oldRatings) =>
ratings.updatePlayers winnerId, loserId, ratings.results.WIN, (err, result) =>
return @message "An error occurred updating rankings :(" if err
oldRating = Math.floor(oldRatings[0])
newRating = Math.floor(result[0])
@cannedText('RATING_UPDATE', index, oldRating, newRating)
oldRating = Math.floor(oldRatings[1])
newRating = Math.floor(result[1])
@cannedText('RATING_UPDATE', 1 - index, oldRating, newRating)
createCondition Conditions.TIMED_BATTLE,
initialize: ->
@playerTimes = {}
@lastActionTimes = {}
now =
# Set up initial values
for id in @playerIds
@playerTimes[id] = now + @TEAM_PREVIEW_TIMER
# Set up timers and event listeners
check = () =>
@teamPreviewTimerId = setTimeout(check, @TEAM_PREVIEW_TIMER)
@once('end', => clearTimeout(@teamPreviewTimerId))
@once('start', => clearTimeout(@teamPreviewTimerId))
start: ->
nowTime =
for id in @playerIds
@playerTimes[id] = nowTime + @DEFAULT_TIMER
# Remove first turn since we'll be increasing it again.
@playerTimes[id] -= @TIMER_PER_TURN_INCREASE
requestActions: (playerId) ->
# If a player has selected a move, then there's an amount of time spent
# between move selection and requesting another action that was "lost".
# We grant this back here.
if @lastActionTimes[playerId]
now =
leftoverTime = now - @lastActionTimes[playerId]
delete @lastActionTimes[playerId]
@addTime(playerId, leftoverTime)
# In either case, we tell people that this player's timer resumes.
@send('resumeTimer', @id, @getPlayerIndex(playerId))
addAction: (playerId, action) ->
# Record the last action for use
@lastActionTimes[playerId] =
undoCompletedRequest: (playerId) ->
delete @lastActionTimes[playerId]
# Show players updated times
beginTurn: ->
remainingTimes = []
for id in @playerIds
@send('updateTimers', @id, remainingTimes)
continueTurn: ->
for id in @playerIds
@send('pauseTimer', @id, @getPlayerIndex(id))
spectateBattle: (user) ->
playerId =
remainingTimes = (@timeRemainingFor(id) for id in @playerIds)
user.send('updateTimers', @id, remainingTimes)
# Pause timer for players who have already chosen a move.
if @hasCompletedRequests(playerId)
index = @getPlayerIndex(playerId)
timeSinceLastAction = - @lastActionTimes[playerId]
user.send('pauseTimer', @id, index, timeSinceLastAction)
DEFAULT_TIMER: 3 * 60 * 1000 # three minutes
TIMER_PER_TURN_INCREASE: 15 * 1000 # fifteen seconds
TIMER_CAP: 3 * 60 * 1000 # three minutes
TEAM_PREVIEW_TIMER: 1.5 * 60 * 1000 # 1 minute and 30 seconds
startTimer: (msecs) ->
@timerId = setTimeout(@declareWinner.bind(this), msecs)
@once('end', => clearTimeout(@timerId))
addTime: (id, msecs) ->
@playerTimes[id] += msecs
remainingTime = @timeRemainingFor(id)
if remainingTime > @TIMER_CAP
diff = remainingTime - @TIMER_CAP
@playerTimes[id] -= diff
recalculateTimers: ->
playerTimes = for id in @playerIds
if @lastActionTimes[id] then Infinity else @timeRemainingFor(id)
leastTime = Math.min(playerTimes...)
if 0 < leastTime < Infinity
@timerId = setTimeout(@declareWinner.bind(this), leastTime)
else if leastTime <= 0
timeRemainingFor: (playerId) ->
endTime = @playerTimes[playerId]
nowTime = @lastActionTimes[playerId] ||
return endTime - nowTime
playersWithLeastTime: ->
losingIds = []
leastTimeRemaining = Infinity
for id in @playerIds
timeRemaining = @timeRemainingFor(id)
if timeRemaining < leastTimeRemaining
losingIds = [ id ]
leastTimeRemaining = timeRemaining
else if timeRemaining == leastTimeRemaining
return losingIds
declareWinner: ->
loserIds = @playersWithLeastTime()
loserId = @rng.choice(loserIds, "timer")
index = @getPlayerIndex(loserId)
winnerIndex = 1 - index
timerWin: (winnerIndex) ->
@tell(Protocol.TIMER_WIN, winnerIndex)
@emit('end', @playerIds[winnerIndex])
createCondition Conditions.TEAM_PREVIEW,
initialize: ->

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{_} = require('underscore')
{Formats} = require('../shared/conditions')
ConditionsFunc = require('../shared/conditions')
config = require('../knexfile')[process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development']
knex = require('knex')(config)
@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ Battle = bookshelf.Model.extend
@get('name') || @getPlayerNames().join(' vs. ') || 'Untitled'
getFormat: ->
allformats = ConditionsFunc.Formats()
getPlayerNames: ->
# players is denormalized. It's an array with a comma delimiter.

View File

@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ class @Attachment.Livewire extends @TeamAttachment
#On switch in
switchIn: (pokemon) ->
if pokemon.isFainted()
#if pokemon is part electric and not immune to ground, remove livewire. Also if has ground and is not immune to ground
if (pokemon.hasType("Electric") && !pokemon.isImmune("Ground")) || (pokemon.hasType("Ground") && !pokemon.isImmune("Ground"))

View File

@ -798,12 +798,12 @@
"stats": {
"attack": 165,
"attack": 155,
"defense": 100,
"hp": 65,
"specialAttack": 70,
"specialDefense": 60,
"speed": 130
"specialAttack": 80,
"specialDefense": 70,
"speed": 120
"abilities": [
@ -6259,6 +6259,7 @@
"weight": 3,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 145,
"tier": [ "OU" ]
@ -8206,19 +8207,18 @@
"stats": {
"attack": 145,
"defense": 125,
"attack": 155,
"defense": 100,
"hp": 65,
"specialAttack": 60,
"specialDefense": 85,
"speed": 105
"specialAttack": 80,
"specialDefense": 70,
"speed": 120
"abilities": [
"isBattleOnly": true,
"weight": 700,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 1001,
"tier": [ "Uber" ]
@ -10770,6 +10770,7 @@
"weight": 50,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 150,
"tier": [ "OU" ]
@ -12977,6 +12978,7 @@
"weight": 2500,
"pokeBattleValue": 130,
"unreleased": true,
"tier": [ "UU" ]
@ -13904,6 +13906,7 @@
"weight": 856,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 140,
"tier": [ "OU" ]
@ -14699,6 +14702,7 @@
"types": [
"unreleased": true,
"weight": 505,
"pokeBattleValue": 1001,
"tier": [ "Uber" ]
@ -15598,6 +15602,7 @@
"weight": 608,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 1001,
"tier": [ "Uber" ]
@ -15693,6 +15698,7 @@
"weight": 608,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 200,
"tier": [ "Uber" ]
@ -15732,6 +15738,7 @@
"weight": 608,
"pokeBattleValue": 200,
"unreleased": true,
"tier": [ "Uber" ]
@ -16066,6 +16073,7 @@
"pokeBattleValue": 155,
"unreleased": true,
"tier": [ "OU" ]
"mega": {
@ -31349,6 +31357,7 @@
"weight": 485,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 175,
"tier": [ "OU" ]
@ -31438,6 +31447,7 @@
"weight": 485,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 175,
"tier": [ "OU" ]
@ -32623,6 +32633,7 @@
"unreleased": true,
"weight": 3250,
"pokeBattleValue": 180,
"tier": [ "OU" ]
@ -33052,6 +33063,7 @@
"weight": 680,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 180,
"tier": [ "Uber" ]
@ -33148,6 +33160,7 @@
"weight": 680,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 175,
"tier": [ "OU" ]
@ -33606,6 +33619,7 @@
"weight": 400,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 165,
"tier": [ "OU" ]
@ -33627,8 +33641,8 @@
"isBattleOnly": true,
"weight": 520,
"pokeBattleValue": 1001,
"tier": [ "Uber" ]
"pokeBattleValue": 190,
"tier": [ "OU"]
"Latios": {
@ -33730,6 +33744,7 @@
"unreleased": true,
"weight": 600,
"pokeBattleValue": 175,
"tier": [ "OU" ]
@ -33752,8 +33767,8 @@
"isBattleOnly": true,
"weight": 700,
"pokeBattleValue": 1001,
"tier": [ "Uber" ]
"pokeBattleValue": 190,
"tier": [ "OU" ]
"Leafeon": {
@ -39046,6 +39061,7 @@
"weight": 3,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 130,
"tier": [ "UU" ]
@ -44893,6 +44909,7 @@
"weight": 31,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 80,
"tier": [ "Unsorted" ]
@ -52850,8 +52867,9 @@
"weight": 21,
"pokeBattleValue": 140,
"tier": [ "OU" ]
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 130,
"tier": [ "UU" ]
"sky": {
"abilities": [
@ -52915,6 +52933,7 @@
"weight": 52,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 335,
"tier": [ "Uber" ]
@ -60197,6 +60216,7 @@
"weight": 2600,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 160,
"tier": [ "OU" ]
@ -61197,6 +61217,7 @@
"weight": 630,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 160,
"tier": [ "OU" ]
@ -61291,6 +61312,7 @@
"weight": 630,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 170,
"tier": [ "OU" ]
@ -62387,12 +62409,12 @@
"stats": {
"attack": 85,
"defense": 78,
"attack": 90,
"defense": 88,
"hp": 78,
"specialAttack": 160,
"specialDefense": 109,
"speed": 125
"specialDefense": 110,
"speed": 109
"abilities": [
@ -63118,6 +63140,7 @@
"types": [
"unreleased": true,
"weight": 3,
"pokeBattleValue": 130,
"tier": [ "UU" ]
@ -64309,6 +64332,7 @@
"weight": 2000,
"unreleased": true,
"pokeBattleValue": 130,
"tier": [ "UU" ]

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
"spriteId": 407,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"Absorb Bulb": {
@ -55,6 +56,7 @@
"spriteId": 397,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"Aguav Berry": {
@ -81,6 +83,7 @@
"spriteId": 409,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"Amaze Mulch": {
@ -193,6 +196,7 @@
"spriteId": 398,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
@ -204,7 +208,8 @@
"spriteId": 404,
"type": "megastone"
"type": "megastone",
"unreleased": true
}, "Belue Berry": {
"description": "No competitive use.",
"flingPower": 10,
@ -213,6 +218,7 @@
"type": "Electric"
"spriteId": 166,
"type": "berries"
"Berry Juice": {
@ -259,6 +265,7 @@
"spriteId": 404,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
}, "Black Belt": {
"description": "The holder's Fighting-type attacks have their power multiplied by 1.2.",
@ -382,7 +389,6 @@
"Bug Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Bug-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 342,
"type": "misc"
@ -455,6 +461,7 @@
"spriteId": 390,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"Charizardite Y": {
@ -619,7 +626,6 @@
"Custap Berry": {
"description": "The holder moves first in its priority bracket if it has 1/4 or less of its maximum HP. Single use.",
"flingPower": 10,
"unreleased": true,
"naturalGift": {
"power": 100,
"type": "Ghost"
@ -648,7 +654,6 @@
"Dark Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Dark-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 346,
"type": "misc"
@ -782,6 +787,7 @@
"spriteId": 404,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
}, "Douse Drive": {
"description": "The holder's Techno Blast is Water type.",
@ -804,7 +810,6 @@
"Dragon Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Dragon-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 345,
"type": "misc"
@ -885,7 +890,6 @@
"Electric Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Electric-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 334,
"type": "misc"
@ -950,7 +954,6 @@
"Fairy Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Fairy-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 425,
"type": "misc"
@ -979,7 +982,6 @@
}, "Fighting Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Fighting-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 337,
"type": "misc"
@ -996,7 +998,6 @@
"Fire Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Fire-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 332,
"type": "misc"
@ -1048,7 +1049,6 @@
"Flying Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Flying-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": false,
"spriteId": 340,
"type": "misc"
@ -1102,6 +1102,7 @@
"spriteId": 404,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"Ganlon Berry": {
@ -1122,6 +1123,7 @@
"spriteId": 413,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"Gardevoirite": {
@ -1132,6 +1134,7 @@
"spriteId": 387,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"Gengarite": {
@ -1153,7 +1156,6 @@
"Ghost Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Ghost-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 344,
"type": "misc"
@ -1194,7 +1196,6 @@
"Grass Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Grass-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 335,
"type": "misc"
@ -1248,7 +1249,6 @@
"Ground Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Ground-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 339,
"type": "misc"
@ -1272,6 +1272,7 @@
"spriteId": 406,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"HP Up": {
@ -1372,6 +1373,7 @@
"spriteId": 396,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"Hyper Potion": {
@ -1393,7 +1395,6 @@
"Ice Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Ice-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 336,
"type": "misc"
@ -1471,6 +1472,7 @@
"spriteId": 405,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"Kasib Berry": {
@ -1646,6 +1648,7 @@
"spriteId": 404,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"Love Ball": {
@ -1662,6 +1665,7 @@
"spriteId": 403,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"Luck Incense": {
@ -1741,6 +1745,7 @@
"description": "No competitive use. Evolves Magmar into Magmortar when traded.",
"flingPower": 80,
"spriteId": 306,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "misc"
"Magnet": {
@ -1777,6 +1782,7 @@
"spriteId": 412,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"Maranga Berry": {
@ -1859,6 +1865,7 @@
"spriteId": 395,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
}, "Meganiumite": {
"description": "If the holder is a Meganium, this item allows it to Mega Evolve into Mega Meganium in battle.",
@ -1868,6 +1875,7 @@
"spriteId": 404,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"Mental Herb": {
@ -1927,7 +1935,6 @@
"Micle Berry": {
"description": "The holder's next move has its accuracy multiplied by 1.2 when it has 1/4 or less of its maximum HP. Single use.",
"flingPower": 10,
"unreleased": true,
"naturalGift": {
"power": 100,
"type": "Rock"
@ -1941,6 +1948,7 @@
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 404,
"type": "megastone"
}, "Miltankite": {
@ -2237,6 +2245,7 @@
"spriteId": 401,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"Pixie Plate": {
@ -2260,7 +2269,6 @@
"Poison Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Poison-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 338,
"type": "misc"
@ -2373,7 +2381,6 @@
"Psychic Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Psychic-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 341,
"type": "misc"
@ -2621,7 +2628,6 @@
"Rock Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Rock-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 343,
"type": "misc"
@ -2748,6 +2754,7 @@
"spriteId": 400,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"Scope Lens": {
@ -2783,6 +2790,7 @@
"spriteId": 404,
"unreleased": true,
"type": "megastone"
"Shed Shell": {
@ -3001,7 +3009,6 @@
"Steel Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Steel-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 347,
"type": "misc"
@ -3227,7 +3234,6 @@
"Water Gem": {
"description": "The holder's first successful Water-type attack has its power multiplied by 1.3. Single use.",
"flingPower": 0,
"unreleased": true,
"spriteId": 333,
"type": "misc"

View File

@ -357,6 +357,23 @@ CLIENT_VERSION = assets.getVersion()
spark.on 'findBattleunranked', (format, team, altName=null) ->
return unless _.isString(format)
return unless _.isObject(team)
return unless !altName || _.isString(altName)
# Note: If altName == null, then isAltOwnedBy will return true
alts.isAltOwnedBy, altName, (err, valid) ->
if not valid
user.error(errors.INVALID_ALT_NAME, "You do not own this alt")
validationErrors = server.queuePlayerunranked(, team, format, altName)
if validationErrors.length > 0
user.error(errors.FIND_BATTLE, validationErrors)
spark.on 'cancelFindBattleunranked', ->
spark.on 'sendMove', (battleId, moveName, slot, forTurn, options, callback) ->
return unless _.isString(moveName)
return unless _.isFinite(slot)
@ -425,7 +442,20 @@ CLIENT_VERSION = assets.getVersion()
setTimeout(battleSearch, 5 * 1000)
battleSearchUnranked = ->
server.beginBattlesunranked (err, battleIds) ->
if err then return
for id in battleIds
battle = server.findBattle(id)
playerIds = battle.getPlayerIds()
ratingKeys = -> battle.getPlayer(id).ratingKey)
ratings.getRanks ratingKeys, (err, fullRanks) ->
ranks = _.compact(fullRanks)
setTimeout(battleSearchUnranked, 5 * 1000)

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class @BattleQueue
@newPlayers = []
@recentlyMatched = {}
@length = 0
@ranked = true
# Adds a player to the queue.
# "name" can either be the real name, or an alt
@ -40,6 +41,9 @@ class @BattleQueue
@length += 1
return true
setUnranked: ->
@ranked = false
remove: (playerIds) ->
playerIds = Array(playerIds) if playerIds not instanceof Array
@ -71,23 +75,26 @@ class @BattleQueue
# An internal function which loads ratings for newly queued players
# and removes them from the newly queued list
updateNewPlayers: (next) ->
ratingKeys = (queued.player.ratingKey for queued in @newPlayers)
return next(null) if ratingKeys.length == 0
if @ranked == true
ratingKeys = (queued.player.ratingKey for queued in @newPlayers)
return next(null) if ratingKeys.length == 0
ratings.getRatings ratingKeys, (err, returnedRatings) =>
if err then return next(err)
ratings.setActive ratingKeys, (err) =>
ratings.getRatings ratingKeys, (err, returnedRatings) =>
if err then return next(err)
# Update the ratings in the player objects
for rating, i in returnedRatings
continue unless @hasUserId(@newPlayers[i]
@newPlayers[i].rating = rating
ratings.setActive ratingKeys, (err) =>
if err then return next(err)
# reset the new players list, we're done
@newPlayers.splice(0, @newPlayers.length)
# Update the ratings in the player objects
for rating, i in returnedRatings
continue unless @hasUserId(@newPlayers[i]
@newPlayers[i].rating = rating
# reset the new players list, we're done
@newPlayers.splice(0, @newPlayers.length)
# Returns an array of pairs. Each pair is a queue object that contains
# a player and team key, corresponding to the player socket and player's team.
@ -98,7 +105,8 @@ class @BattleQueue
if err then return next(err, null)
sortedPlayers = (queued for id, queued of @queue)
sortedPlayers.sort((a, b) -> a.rating - b.rating)
if @ranked
sortedPlayers.sort((a, b) -> a.rating - b.rating)
alreadyMatched = (false for [0...sortedPlayers.length])
@ -115,20 +123,19 @@ class @BattleQueue
rightPlayer = right.player
# Continue if these two players already played
continue if @hasRecentlyMatched(,
continue if @hasRecentlyMatched(, and @ranked
# If the rating difference is too large break out, we have no possible match for left
break unless left.intersectsWith(right)
# Everything checks out, so make the pair and break out
pairs.push([leftPlayer, rightPlayer])
@addRecentMatch(, if @ranked
alreadyMatched[leftIdx] = alreadyMatched[rightIdx] = true
# Expand the range of all unmatched players
queued.range += RANGE_INCREMENT for id, queued of @queue
# Return the list of paired players
next(null, pairs)

View File

@ -30,14 +30,28 @@ FIND_BATTLE_CONDITIONS = [
class @BattleServer
constructor: ->
@queues = {}
@unrankedqueues = {}
allformats = ConditionsFunc.Formats()
for format of allformats
@queues[format] = new BattleQueue()
@unrankedqueues[format] = new BattleQueue()
@battles = {}
# A hash mapping users to battles.
@ -239,7 +253,46 @@ class @BattleServer
return next(err) if err
next(null, _.flatten(battleIds))
return true
# Adds the player to the queue. Note that there is no validation on whether altName
# is correct, so make
queuePlayerunranked: (playerId, team, format = DEFAULT_FORMAT, altName) ->
if @isLockedDown()
err = ["The server is restarting after all battles complete. No new battles can start at this time."]
err = @validateTeam(team, format, FIND_BATTLE_CONDITIONS)
if err.length == 0
name = @users.get(playerId).name
ratingKey = alts.uniqueId(playerId, altName)
@unrankedqueues[format].add(playerId, altName || name, team, ratingKey)
return err
queuedPlayersunranked: (format = DEFAULT_FORMAT) ->
removePlayerunranked: (playerId, format = DEFAULT_FORMAT) ->
return false if format not of @unrankedqueues
return true
beginBattlesunranked: (next) ->
allformats = ConditionsFunc.Formats()
array = for format in Object.keys(allformats)
do (format) => (callback) =>
@unrankedqueues[format].pairPlayers (err, pairs) =>
if err then console.log(err)
if err then return callback(err)
# Create a battle for each pair
battleIds = []
for pair in pairs
id = @createBattle(format, pair, FIND_BATTLE_CONDITIONS_UNRANKED)
callback(null, battleIds)
async.parallel array, (err, battleIds) ->
return next(err) if err
next(null, _.flatten(battleIds))
return true
# Creates a battle and returns its battleId
createBattle: (rawFormat = DEFAULT_FORMAT, pair = [], conditions = []) ->
allformats = ConditionsFunc.Formats()