
529 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-02-01 22:19:30 +00:00
isMobileOrAndroid = ->
return true if /Mobile/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent)
return true if /Android/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent)
return false
# helper which attaches selectize
attachSelectize = ($element, options) ->
# Block selectize on mobile and all android operating systems (All androids are blocked due to a bug)
return if isMobileOrAndroid()
setSelectizeValue = ($element, value) ->
if isMobileOrAndroid()
$element.each ->
setSelectizeDisabled = ($element, disabled) ->
$element.filter(".selectized").each ->
return unless @selectize
if disabled then @selectize.disable() else @selectize.enable()
class @PokemonEditView extends Backbone.View
editTemplate: JST['teambuilder/pokemon']
speciesTemplate: JST['teambuilder/species']
nonStatsTemplate: JST['teambuilder/non_stats']
movesTemplate: JST['teambuilder/moves']
'change .sortSpecies': 'changeSort'
'change .species_list': 'changeSpecies'
'change .selected_nickname': 'changeNickname'
'click .selected_shininess': 'changeShiny'
'click .selected_happiness': 'changeHappiness'
'change .selected-forme': 'changeForme'
'change .selected_nature': 'changeNature'
'change .selected_ability': 'changeAbility'
'change .selected_item': 'changeItem'
'change .selected_gender': 'changeGender'
'change .selected_level': 'changeLevel'
'change .iv-entry': 'changeIv'
'focus .ev-entry': 'focusEv'
'blur .ev-entry': 'changeEv'
'change .ev-entry': 'changeEv'
'input .ev-entry[type=range]': 'changeEv' # fix for firefox
'change .select-hidden-power': 'changeHiddenPower'
'keydown .selected_moves input': 'keydownMoves'
'blur .selected_moves input': 'blurMoves'
'click .table-moves tbody tr': 'clickMoveName'
'mousedown .table-moves': 'preventBlurMoves'
'click .move-button': 'clickSelectedMove'
'click .move-button .close': 'removeSelectedMove'
initialize: (attributes={}) =>
@onPokemonChange = attributes.onPokemonChange
setFormat: (format) =>
allformats = window.PokeBattle.conditions.Formats()
format = allformats[format] || allformats[DEFAULT_FORMAT]
2016-02-01 22:19:30 +00:00
# TODO: Set PBV limit based on conditions
changeSort:(e) =>
sort = $(e.currentTarget).val()
if sort =="Default Sort"
else if sort == "Sort by Dexnumber"
@sortSpecieslist("id", false)
else if sort == "Invert by Dexnumber"
@sortSpecieslist("id", true)
else if sort == "Sort Alphabetically"
@sortSpecieslist("pokename", false)
else if sort == "Invert Alphabetically"
@sortSpecieslist("pokename", true)
2016-02-01 22:19:30 +00:00
sortSpecieslist: (option, reverse) =>
{MoveData, SpeciesData, ItemData} = @generation
if option == "Default"
sortedlist = @getSpecies()
2016-02-01 22:19:30 +00:00
sortedlist = @sortObject(SpeciesData, option, reverse)
@speciesList = (species for species, data of sortedlist)
sortObject: (data, option, reverse) ->
arr = []
for key, val of data
val.pokename = key
arr = _.sortBy(arr, option)
if reverse == true
newobj = {}
for thing in arr
newobj[thing.pokename] = thing
finished = newobj
setGeneration: (generation) =>
@generation = window.Generations[generation.toUpperCase()]
{MoveData, SpeciesData, ItemData} = @generation
@moveData = MoveData
@speciesList = (species for species, data of SpeciesData)
# TODO: filter irrelevant items
@itemList = (_(itemName for itemName, data of ItemData).sort())
setPokemon: (pokemon) =>
# Stop listening for change events on the previously set pokemon
@stopListening(@pokemon) if @pokemon
@pokemon = pokemon
@listenTo(pokemon, 'change:level', @renderStats)
@listenTo(pokemon, 'change:ivs', @renderStats)
@listenTo(pokemon, 'change:evs', @renderStats)
@listenTo(pokemon, 'change:nature', @renderStats)
@listenTo(pokemon, 'change:hiddenPowerType', @renderStats)
@listenTo(pokemon, 'change:shiny', @renderSpecies)
setTeamPBV: (pbv) =>
@teamPBV = pbv
setTeamTier: (tier) =>
@teamTier = tier
2016-02-01 22:19:30 +00:00
changeSpecies: (e) =>
return if not @onPokemonChange
species = $(e.currentTarget).val()
@pokemon = if species
new Pokemon(teambuilder: true, species: species)
new NullPokemon()
changeNickname: (e) =>
$input = $(e.currentTarget)
@pokemon.set("name", $input.val())
changeShiny: (e) =>
$switch = $(e.currentTarget).toggleClass("selected")
@pokemon.set("shiny", $".selected"))
changeHappiness: (e) =>
$switch = $(e.currentTarget).toggleClass("selected")
happiness = if $".selected") then 0 else 100
@pokemon.set("happiness", happiness)
changeForme: (e) =>
$forme = $(e.currentTarget)
@pokemon.set('forme', $forme.val())
# Forme changes may have different abilities, so we have to change this.
@pokemon.set('ability', @pokemon.getAbilities()[0])
changeNature: (e) =>
$list = $(e.currentTarget)
@pokemon.set("nature", $list.val())
changeAbility: (e) =>
$list = $(e.currentTarget)
@pokemon.set("ability", $list.val())
changeItem: (e) =>
$list = $(e.currentTarget)
2016-02-19 23:54:42 +00:00
item = $list.val()
{ItemData} = @generation
itemdata = ItemData[item]
@pokemon.set("item", item)
if typeof itemdata.itemForme != 'undefined' and itemdata.itemForme[0] is @pokemon.get('species')
@pokemon.set('forme', itemdata.itemForme[1])
else if typeof @pokemon.getForme().isItemBased != 'undefined' and @pokemon.getForme().isItemBased
@pokemon.set('forme', 'default')
2016-02-01 22:19:30 +00:00
changeGender: (e) =>
$list = $(e.currentTarget)
@pokemon.set("gender", $list.val())
changeLevel: (e) =>
$input = $(e.currentTarget)
value = parseInt($input.val(), 10)
2016-02-19 23:54:42 +00:00
value = @generation.maxLevel if isNaN(value) || value > @generation.maxLevel
2016-02-01 22:19:30 +00:00
value = 1 if value < 1
changeLevel2: (level) =>
$levelBox = $(".selected_level")
@pokemon.set("level", level)
2016-02-01 22:19:30 +00:00
changeIv: (e) =>
# todo: make changeIv and changeEv DRY
$input = $(e.currentTarget)
stat = $"stat")
value = parseInt($input.val(), 10)
if isNaN(value) || value > 31 || value < 0
value = 31
@pokemon.setIv(stat, value)
focusEv: (e) =>
$input = $(e.currentTarget)
return if $"[type=range]")
value = parseInt($input.val(), 10)
$input.val("") if value == 0
changeEv: (e) =>
# todo: make changeIv and changeEv DRY
$input = $(e.currentTarget)
stat = $"stat")
value = parseInt($input.val(), 10)
value = 252 if value > 252
value = 0 if isNaN(value) || value < 0
value = @pokemon.setEv(stat, value)
$input.val(value) if not $"[type=range]")
changeHiddenPower: (e) =>
$input = $(e.currentTarget)
type = $input.val()
@pokemon.set('hiddenPowerType', type.toLowerCase())
# Prevents the blurMoves event from activating for the duration of
# the remaining javascript events. This allows the click event to not fire
# the blur event.
preventBlurMoves: (e) =>
@_preventBlur = true
_.defer =>
@_preventBlur = false
blurMoves: (e) =>
$input = $(e.currentTarget)
if @_preventBlur
previousScrollPosition = @$el.scrollTop()
@$el.scrollTop(previousScrollPosition) # prevent scroll from refocus
$selectedMove = @$selectedMove()
moveName = $'move-id')
# Remove filtering and row selection
$(".table-moves .active").removeClass("active")
if $input.val().length == 0
@insertMove($input, moveName)
clickMoveName: (e) =>
$this = $(e.currentTarget)
moveName = $'move-id')
$moves = @$el.find('.selected_moves')
$input = $moves.find('input:focus').first()
$input = $moves.find('input').first() if $input.length == 0
return if $input.length == 0
@insertMove($input, moveName)
insertMove: ($input, moveName) =>
currentScrollPosition = @$el.scrollTop()
return if !@buttonify($input, moveName)
$moves = @$el.find('.selected_moves')
$firstInput = $moves.find('input').first()
if $firstInput.length > 0
recordMoves: =>
movesArray = []
$moves = @$el.find('.selected_moves')
$moves.find('.move-button').each ->
moveName = $(this).find("span").text().trim()
if moveName != ""
@pokemon.set("moves", movesArray)
$selectedMove: =>
$table = @$el.find('.table-moves')
$allMoves = $table.find('tbody tr')
clickSelectedMove: (e) =>
$this = $(e.currentTarget)
moveName = $this.find('span').text()
$input = $("<input type='text' value='#{moveName}'/>")
# Set the current move row to active
$(".table-moves tr[data-move-id='#{moveName}']").addClass("active")
removeSelectedMove: (e) =>
$this = $(e.currentTarget).parent()
$input = $("<input type='text'/>")
buttonify: ($input, moveName) =>
return false if moveName not of @moveData
# The blur event may have been cancelled, so when removing the input also
# remove the filter
if $":focus")
$(".table-moves .active").removeClass("active")
type = @moveData[moveName].type.toLowerCase()
<div class="button move-button #{type}"><span>#{moveName}</span><div class='close'>&times;</div></div>
return true
keydownMoves: (e) =>
$input = $(e.currentTarget)
$table = @$el.find('.table-moves')
$allMoves = $table.find('tbody tr')
switch e.which
when 13 # [Enter]; we're selecting the active move.
$activeMove = @$selectedMove()
when 38 # [Up arrow]; selects move above
$activeMove = $allMoves.filter('.active').first()
$prevMove = $activeMove.prevAll(":visible").first()
if $prevMove.length > 0
when 40 # [Down arrow]; selects move below
$activeMove = $allMoves.filter('.active').first()
$nextMove = $activeMove.nextAll(":visible").first()
if $nextMove.length > 0
# Otherwise we're filtering moves
# We defer since $input may not have updated yet
_.defer =>
return unless $":focus")
moveName = $input.val()
filterMovesBy: (moveName) =>
moveName = moveName.replace(/\s+|-/g, "")
$table = @$el.find('.table-moves')
$allMoves = $table.find('tbody tr')
moveRegex = new RegExp(moveName, "i")
$moves = $allMoves.filter ->
$move = $(this)
moveName = $'move-search-id')
disableEventsAndExecute: (callback) =>
isOutermost = !@_eventsDisabled
@_eventsDisabled = true
@undelegateEvents() if isOutermost # disable events
@delegateEvents() if isOutermost
@_eventsDisabled = false if isOutermost
render: =>
@$el.html @editTemplate(window: window, speciesList: @speciesList, itemList: @itemList)
option: (item, escape) =>
team = @pokemon.getTeam()
if team.hasPBV()
pbv = PokeBattle.PBV.determinePBV(@generation, species: item.value)
return "<div class='clearfix'>#{item.text}<div class='pbv'>#{pbv}</div></div>"
else if team.hasTier()
tier = PokeBattle.Tier.determineTier(@generation, species: item.value)
return "<div class='clearfix'>#{item.text}<div class='tier'>#{tier.humanName}</div></div>"
2016-02-01 22:19:30 +00:00
return this
renderPokemon: =>
@changeLevel2(@generation.maxLevel) if typeof @pokemon.get("level") == "undefined"
2016-02-01 22:19:30 +00:00
# Disable entering values if this is a NullPokemon
$elements = @$el.find("input, select").not(".species input, .species select")
$elements.prop("disabled", @pokemon.isNull)
setSelectizeDisabled($elements, @pokemon.isNull)
return this
renderPBV: =>
individualPBV = @pokemon.getPBV()
team = @pokemon.getTeam()
pbv = team.getPBV()
maxPBV = team.getMaxPBV()
@$(".total-format").text(pbv).toggleClass("red", pbv > maxPBV)
renderTier: =>
individualTier = @pokemon.getTier()
2016-02-01 22:19:30 +00:00
team = @pokemon.getTeam()
if team
teamtier = team.getTier()
tier = team.getTier()
maxTier = team.getMaxTier()
@$(".total-format").text(teamtier.humanName).toggleClass("red", teamtier.tierRank > maxTier.tierRank)
renderFormat: =>
team = @pokemon.getTeam()
if team and team.hasPBV()
else if team and team.hasTier()
2016-02-01 22:19:30 +00:00
renderSpecies: =>
@disableEventsAndExecute =>
setSelectizeValue(@$(".species_list"), @pokemon.get("species"))
html = if @pokemon.isNull then "" else @speciesTemplate(window: window, pokemon: @pokemon)
@$(".selected_shininess").toggleClass("selected", @pokemon.get('shiny') == true)
@$(".selected_happiness").toggleClass("selected", @pokemon.get("happiness") == 0)
getTeam: =>
2016-02-01 22:19:30 +00:00
renderNonStats: =>
$nonStats = @$el.find(".non-stats")
populateSelect = (searchStr, valueTextPairs, selectedValue) ->
$select = $nonStats.find(searchStr).empty()
for pair in valueTextPairs
value = text = pair
if pair instanceof Array
value = pair[0]
text = pair[1]
$select.append($("<option>").attr("value", value).text(text))
displayedGenders =
F: "Female"
M: "Male"
Genderless: "Genderless"
@disableEventsAndExecute =>
genders = ([g, displayedGenders[g]] for g in @pokemon.getGenders())
populateSelect ".selected_ability", @pokemon.getAbilities(), @pokemon.get("ability")
populateSelect ".selected_nature", @pokemon.getNatures(), @pokemon.get("nature")
setSelectizeValue(@$(".selected_item"), @pokemon.get("item"))
populateSelect ".selected_gender", genders, @pokemon.get("gender")
renderStats: =>
pokemon = @pokemon
@$(".iv-entry").each ->
$input = $(this)
stat = $"stat")
@$(".ev-entry").each ->
return if $(this).is(":focus")
$input = $(this)
stat = $"stat")
@$('.base-stat').each ->
$this = $(this)
stat = $"stat")
@$('.stat-total').each ->
$this = $(this)
stat = $"stat")
$this.removeClass('plus-nature minus-nature')
if pokemon.natureBoost(stat) > 1
$this.text($this.text() + '+')
if pokemon.natureBoost(stat) < 1
$this.text($this.text() + '-')
remainingEvs = 508 - @pokemon.getTotalEVs()
.toggleClass("over-limit", remainingEvs < 0)
renderMoves: =>
# TODO: Cache the resultant html
$moveSection = @$el.find(".moves-section")
if @pokemon.isNull
$moveSection.html ""
$moveSection.html @movesTemplate(window: window, pokemon: @pokemon)
$moveSection.find('.selected_moves input').each (i, el) =>
$this = $(el)
moveName = $this.val()
@buttonify($this, moveName)