128 lines
3.7 KiB
128 lines
3.7 KiB
class PokemonCollection extends Backbone.Collection
model: (attrs, options) =>
# History lesson: We stored species under `name`. Now that we support
# nicknames, we need the `name` freed up. However, teams are saved to the
# server using the old scheme. Therefore we need to do a simple check for
# the existence of `species`; if it exists, do nothing. If not, use `name`.
if attrs.name || attrs.species
attrs.teambuilder = @parents[0].get('teambuilder')
return new Pokemon(attrs, options)
return new NullPokemon()
class @Team extends Backbone.AssociatedModel
relations: [
type: Backbone.Many
key: 'pokemon'
collectionType: PokemonCollection
initialize: (attrs={}, options={}) =>
@owner = attrs.owner
@set('generation', DEFAULT_GENERATION) unless attrs.generation
@set('teambuilder', true) if options.teambuilder
@set('pokemon', []) unless attrs.pokemon
getName: =>
@get('name') || "Untitled team"
toJSON: =>
json = {}
json['id'] = @id if @id
json['name'] = @get('name')
json['generation'] = @get('generation')
json['pokemon'] = @get('pokemon').toJSON()
# Returns the pokemon at a particular index. Delegates to the internal pokemon collection
at: (idx) => @get('pokemon').at(idx)
# Returns which index the pokemon is in
indexOf: (idx) => @get('pokemon').indexOf(idx)
# Replace a pokemon at a particular index for another
replace: (idx, newPokemon) =>
@get('pokemon').add(newPokemon, at: idx)
# Equivalent to toJSON, but omits NullPokemon
toNonNullJSON: =>
id: @id
name: @get('name')
generation: @get('generation')
pokemon: @get('pokemon')
.reject((pokemon) -> pokemon.isNull)
.map((pokemon) -> pokemon.toJSON())
clone: =>
attrs = _(@attributes).clone()
attrs.pokemon = @get('pokemon').toJSON()
new Team(attrs)
rearrange: (arrangement) ->
pokemon = @get('pokemon')
pokemon.reset((pokemon.models[index] for index in arrangement))
return true
getFormat: =>
format = @get('generation') # TODO: Migrate to format
format = DEFAULT_FORMAT if format not of Formats
getGeneration: (generation) ->
gen = generation || @getFormat().generation
gen = gen.toUpperCase()
getPBV: =>
gen = @getGeneration()
pokemon = @get('pokemon').toJSON()
PokeBattle.PBV.determinePBV(gen, pokemon)
getMaxPBV: =>
{conditions} = @getFormat()
if Conditions.PBV_1000 in conditions
else if Conditions.PBV_500 in conditions
hasPBV: =>
@getMaxPBV() > 0
getNonNullPokemon: =>
@get('pokemon').where(isNull: false)
hasNonNullPokemon: =>
@get('pokemon').some((pokemon) -> not pokemon.isNull)
sync: (method) =>
switch method
when 'create', 'patch', 'update'
@set('saving', true, silent: true)
@trigger('remoteSync', this)
PokeBattle.primus.send 'saveTeam', @toJSON(), (id) =>
# Note: If this model is saved multiple times, then this won't
# tell you if some of the saves failed.
@set('id', id)
@set('saving', false, silent: true)
@trigger('remoteSync', this)
when 'delete'
PokeBattle.primus.send('destroyTeam', @id) if @id
getRandomOrder: =>
order = @get('randomorder')
if typeof order is 'undefined'
order = @get('randomorder')
order = @get('randomorder')
setRandomOrder: =>
#random order for the icons with team preview when in battle
team = @get('pokemon').toJSON()
teamshuffled = _.shuffle(team)
@set('randomorder', teamshuffled)