66 lines
1.8 KiB
66 lines
1.8 KiB
{_} = require('underscore')
{EventEmitter} = require('events')
redis = require('./redis')
errors = require('../shared/errors')
class @Room extends EventEmitter
constructor: (@name) ->
@users = {}
@userCounts = {}
@sparks = []
add: (spark) ->
return if spark in @sparks
@send('joinChatroom', @name, @userJSON(spark.user)) unless @users[spark.user.id]
userId = spark.user.id
if userId not of @users
@userCounts[userId] = 1
@users[userId] = spark.user
@userCounts[userId] += 1
spark.send('listChatroom', @name, @toJSON())
remove: (spark) ->
index = @sparks.indexOf(spark)
return if index == -1
@sparks.splice(index, 1)
userId = spark.user.id
@userCounts[userId] -= 1
if @userCounts[userId] == 0
@send('leaveChatroom', @name, @transformName(spark.user.name))
delete @users[userId]
delete @userCounts[userId]
userMessage: (user, message) ->
@send('userMessage', @name, @transformName(user.name), message)
message: (message) ->
@send('rawMessage', @name, message)
announce: (klass, message) ->
@send('announce', @name, klass, message)
send: ->
user.send.apply(user, arguments) for name, user of @users
userJSON: (user) ->
json = user.toJSON(alt: @transformName(user.name))
# Hook to transform a user's name to something else. Does the identity func.
transformName: (name) ->
# Set the room's topic. Does not work for battle rooms.
# TODO: Or rather, it shouldn't work for battle rooms. Once a distinction is
# possible, block it for battle rooms
setTopic: (topic) ->
redis.hset "topic", "main", topic
@send('topic', topic) if topic
toJSON: ->
for name, user of @users