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2016-02-01 22:19:30 +00:00
redis = require './redis'
async = require 'async'
alts = require './alts'
@algorithm = require('./elo')
DEFAULT_PLAYER = @algorithm.createPlayer()
USERS_RATED_KEY = "users:rated"
USERS_ACTIVE_KEY = "users:active"
RATINGS_KEY = "ratings"
for attribute in RATINGS_ATTRIBUTES
RATINGS_SUBKEYS[attribute] = [RATINGS_KEY, attribute].join(':')
RATINGS_MAXKEY = "ratings:max"
2016-02-28 02:18:28 +00:00
2016-02-01 22:19:30 +00:00
systemConstant: 0.2 # Glicko2 tau
@results =
WIN : 1
DRAW : 0.5 # In earlier generations, it's possible to draw.
LOSE : 0
@setActive = (idArray, next) ->
idArray = [idArray] if idArray not instanceof Array
idArray = -> id.toLowerCase())
redis.sadd(USERS_ACTIVE_KEY, idArray, next)
RATIOS_KEY = 'ratios'
RATIOS_ATTRIBUTES = Object.keys(@results).map((key) -> key.toLowerCase())
for attribute in RATIOS_ATTRIBUTES
RATIOS_SUBKEYS[attribute] = [RATIOS_KEY, attribute].join(':')
# Used internally by the ratings system to update
# the max rating of user when a rating changes
# Id can either be the actual id, or an alt id
updateMaxRating = (id, next) =>
id = alts.getIdOwner(id).toLowerCase()
alts.listUserAlts id, (err, altNames) =>
return next(err) if err
# Retrieve a list of all rating Keys
ids = (alts.uniqueId(id, name) for name in altNames)
@getRatings ids, (err, results) ->
return next(err) if err
redis.zadd(RATINGS_MAXKEY, Math.max(results...), id)
# Update the max ratings for multiple players
updateMaxRatings = (ids, next) ->
ops = (id) ->
(callback) -> updateMaxRating(id, callback)
async.parallel ops, next
updateMaxStreak = (id, next) =>
@getStreak id, (err, results) ->
return next(err) if err
if results.streak > results.maxStreak
redis.hmset RATIOS_MAXSTREAK_KEY, id, results.streak, next
@getPlayer = (id, next) ->
id = id.toLowerCase()
multi = redis.multi()
for attribute in RATINGS_ATTRIBUTES
multi = multi.zscore(RATINGS_SUBKEYS[attribute], id)
multi.exec (err, results) ->
return next(err) if err
object = {}
for value, i in results
value ||= DEFAULT_PLAYER[attribute]
object[attribute] = Number(value)
return next(null, object)
@getRating = (id, next) ->
id = id.toLowerCase()
exports.getPlayer id, (err, player) ->
return next(err) if err
return next(null, Number(player.rating))
# Returns the maximum rating for a user among that user and his/her alts
@getMaxRating = (id, next) ->
id = id.toLowerCase()
redis.zscore RATINGS_MAXKEY, id, (err, rating) ->
return next(err) if err
rating ||= 0
next(null, Number(rating))
@setRating = (id, newRating, next) =>
@setRatings([id], [newRating], next)
@setRatings = (idArray, newRatingArray, next) ->
idArray = -> id.toLowerCase())
multi = redis.multi()
multi = multi.sadd(USERS_RATED_KEY, idArray)
for id, i in idArray
newRating = newRatingArray[i]
multi = multi.zadd(RATINGS_SUBKEYS['rating'], newRating, id)
multi.exec (err) ->
return next(err) if err
updateMaxRatings(idArray, next)
@getPlayers = (idArray, next) ->
idArray = -> id.toLowerCase())
callbacks = (id) =>
(callback) => @getPlayer(id, callback)
async.parallel(callbacks, next)
@getRatings = (idArray, next) ->
idArray = -> id.toLowerCase())
exports.getPlayers idArray, (err, players) ->
return next(err) if err
return next(null, -> Number(p.rating)))
@getRank = (id, next) ->
id = id.toLowerCase()
redis.zrevrank RATINGS_SUBKEYS['rating'], id, (err, rank) ->
return next(err) if err
return next(null, null) if !rank?
return next(null, rank + 1) # rank starts at 0
@getRanks = (idArray, next) ->
idArray = -> id.toLowerCase())
multi = redis.multi()
for id in idArray
multi = multi.zrevrank(RATINGS_SUBKEYS['rating'], id)
multi.exec (err, ranks) ->
return next(err) if err
ranks = (rank) ->
# Rank starts at 0, but it can also be null (doesn't exist).
if rank? then rank + 1 else null
next(null, ranks)
@updatePlayer = (id, score, object, next) ->
id = id.toLowerCase()
multi = redis.multi()
attribute = switch score
when 1 then 'win'
when 0 then 'lose'
else 'draw'
multi = multi.hincrby(RATIOS_SUBKEYS[attribute], id, 1)
if attribute == "win"
multi = multi.hincrby(RATIOS_STREAK_KEY, id, 1)
multi = multi.hset(RATIOS_STREAK_KEY, id, 0)
multi = multi.sadd(USERS_RATED_KEY, id)
for attribute in RATINGS_ATTRIBUTES
value = object[attribute]
multi = multi.zadd(RATINGS_SUBKEYS[attribute], value, id)
multi.exec (err) ->
return next(err) if err
updateMaxRating.bind(this, id)
updateMaxStreak.bind(this, id)
], next)
@updatePlayers = (id, opponentId, score, next) ->
if score < 0 || score > 1
return next(new Error("Invalid match result: #{score}"))
id = id.toLowerCase()
opponentId = opponentId.toLowerCase()
opponentScore = 1.0 - score
exports.getPlayers [id, opponentId], (err, results) =>
return next(err) if err
[player, opponent] = results
winnerMatches = [{opponent, score}]
loserMatches = [{opponent: player, score: opponentScore}]
newWinner = exports.algorithm.calculate(player, winnerMatches, ALGORITHM_OPTIONS)
newLoser = exports.algorithm.calculate(opponent, loserMatches, ALGORITHM_OPTIONS)
async.parallel [
@updatePlayer.bind(this, id, score, newWinner)
@updatePlayer.bind(this, opponentId, opponentScore, newLoser)
], (err, results) =>
return next(err) if err
@getRatings([id, opponentId], next)
@resetRating = (id, next) ->
@resetRatings([id], next)
@resetRatings = (idArray, next) ->
idArray = -> id.toLowerCase())
multi = redis.multi()
multi = multi.srem(USERS_RATED_KEY, idArray)
for attribute, key of RATINGS_SUBKEYS
multi = multi.zrem(key, idArray)
multi.exec (err) ->
return next(err) if err
updateMaxRatings(idArray, next)
2016-02-28 02:18:28 +00:00
@getRatio = (id, next) ->
id = id.toLowerCase()
multi = redis.multi()
for attribute, key of RATIOS_SUBKEYS
multi = multi.hget(key, id)
multi.exec (err, results) ->
return next(err) if err
hash = {}
for attribute, i in RATIOS_ATTRIBUTES
hash[attribute] = Number(results[i]) || 0
return next(null, hash)
@getRatios = (users, next) ->
multi = redis.multi()
for id in users
for attribute, key of RATIOS_SUBKEYS
multi = multi.hget(key, id)
multi.exec (err, results) ->
return next(err) if err
hasharray = {}
iter = 0
for id, i in users
hash = {}
for attribute, j in RATIOS_ATTRIBUTES
hash[attribute] = Number(results[iter]) || 0
hasharray[id] = hash
next(null, hasharray)
2016-02-01 22:19:30 +00:00
@listRatings = (page = 1, perPage = RATINGS_PER_PAGE, next) ->
if arguments.length == 2 && typeof perPage == 'function'
[perPage, next] = [RATINGS_PER_PAGE, perPage]
page -= 1
start = page * perPage
end = start + (perPage - 1)
redis.zrevrange RATINGS_MAXKEY, start, end, 'WITHSCORES', (err, r) ->
return next(err) if err
array = []
for i in [0...r.length] by 2
username = r[i]
score = Number(r[i + 1]) # redis returns scores as strings
array.push(username: username, score: score)
next(null, array)
@getStreak = (id, next) ->
id = id.toLowerCase()
multi = redis.multi()
multi = multi.hget(RATIOS_STREAK_KEY, id)
multi = multi.hget(RATIOS_MAXSTREAK_KEY, id)
multi.exec (err, results) ->
next(null, {streak: results[0], maxStreak: results[1]})