#ifndef ARBUTILS_UNIQUEPTR_HPP #define ARBUTILS_UNIQUEPTR_HPP #include "../Assert.hpp" namespace ArbUt { /// @brief A unique pointer is used to indicate a pointer that is owned by its holder, and will be deleted when its /// owner is deleted. As with all Arbutils pointers, this cannot be assigned null. Use an OptionalUniquePtr for pointers that can be null. /// @details A unique pointer is used to indicate a pointer that is owned by an object, and that needs to be deleted /// when its owner is deleted. template class UniquePtr { private: T* _raw; public: /// @brief Initialise a UniquePtr with a specific raw pointer. inline UniquePtr(__attribute__((nonnull)) T* ptr) : _raw(ptr) { AssertNotNull(ptr); }; /// @brief Initialise a UniquePtr from a copy. inline UniquePtr(const UniquePtr& other) : _raw(other._raw){}; /// @brief Initialise a UniquePtr with a std unique_ptr. inline UniquePtr(const std::unique_ptr& other) : _raw(other.get()){}; ~UniquePtr() noexcept{ delete _raw; } /// @brief Copy operator. inline UniquePtr& operator=(const UniquePtr& rhs) { if (this == &rhs) return *this; _raw = rhs._raw; return *this; } inline UniquePtr& operator=(__attribute__((nonnull)) T* rhs) { if (_raw == &rhs) return *this; AssertNotNull(rhs); _raw = rhs; return *this; } /// @brief Operator for access into underlying pointer. /// @warning Note that this asserts that the underlying pointer is not null first, to prevent segfaults. inline T* operator->() const noexcept { return _raw; } /// @brief Get the raw underlying pointer. inline T* GetRaw() const noexcept { return _raw; } /// @brief Check equality of two UniquePtr objects inline bool operator==(const UniquePtr& rhs) const noexcept { return _raw == rhs._raw; } /// @brief Check equality of pointers inline bool operator==(T* rhs) const noexcept { return _raw == rhs; } /// @brief Check equality of two UniquePtr objects inline bool operator!=(const UniquePtr& rhs) const noexcept { return _raw != rhs._raw; } /// @brief Check equality of pointers inline bool operator!=(T* rhs) const noexcept { return _raw == rhs; } }; } namespace std { /// @brief Helper class for allowing hashing of UniquePtr. template struct hash> { /// @brief Returns a hash of for a borrowed Pointer. Effectively just the raw memory address. /// @param k A borrowed pointer. /// @return The hash of the borrowed pointer. std::size_t operator()(const ArbUt::UniquePtr& k) const { return (size_t)k.GetRaw(); } }; } #endif // ARBUTILS_UNIQUEPTR_HPP