Funcdefs and script callback functions

Funcdefs are used to define a function signature for callbacks. This funcdef is then used to declare variables or function parameters that can hold handles to functions of matching signature.

The application can also register funcdefs as part of the application interface if the intention is for the script to set callbacks that will be called from the application. Once this is done, the application can receive the function handles as an asIScriptFunction pointer which can then be executed normally.

An example

Let's say the application needs to allow the script to set a callback that will then be called at some event. To do this the application would first register the funcdef that defines the signature of the callback. Then it needs to register the function that will be used to set the callback from the script.

// Register a simple funcdef for the callback
engine->RegisterFuncdef("void CallbackFunc()");
// Register a function for setting the callback
engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void SetCallback(CallbackFunc @cb)", asFUNCTION(SetCallback), asCALL_CDECL);

With this interface, the script would be able to inform the callback like this:

  void main()
    // Tell the application what script function to call
  // The signature matches the registered CallbackFunc funcdef
  void MyCallback()

The implementation for the SetCallback function might look something like this.

// The callback is a script function.
// Don't forget to release this before cleaning up the engine.
asIScriptFunction *callback = 0;
void SetCallback(asIScriptFunction *cb)
// Release the previous callback, if any
if( callback )
// Store the received handle for later use
callback = cb;
// Do not release the received script function
// until it won't be used any more

To call the actual callback when it is time, the application uses the script context just like for any other call to a script function.


Of course, callbacks can be used with delegates as well. Delegates are special function objects that holds a reference to an object and the method it should call on it. If this is exactly how the application should treat them, then the above example will work exactly the same and the application never needs to worry about whether the callback is actually a global function or a delegate object.

Sometimes however, it may be beneficial to break up the delegate, and have the application store the actual object and method separately, for example if the application should use a weak reference to avoid keeping the object alive longer than desired. The following shows how to retrieve the internals of the delegate:

// The callback, and accompanying object, if the callback is a class method
asIScriptFunction *callback = 0;
void *callbackObject = 0;
asITypeInfo *callbackObjectType = 0;
void SetCallback(asIScriptFunction *cb)
// Release the previous callback, if any
if( callback )
if( callbackObject )
engine->ReleaseScriptObject(callbackObject, callbackObjectType);
callback = 0;
callbackObject = 0;
callbackObjectType = 0;
if( cb && cb->GetFuncType() == asFUNC_DELEGATE )
callbackObject = cb->GetDelegateObject();
callbackObjectType = cb->GetDelegateObjectType();
callback = cb->GetDelegateFunction();
// Hold on to the object and method
engine->AddRefScriptObject(callbackObject, callbackObjectType);
// Release the delegate, since it won't be used anymore
// Store the received handle for later use
callback = cb;
// Do not release the received script function
// until it won't be used any more
virtual void ReleaseScriptObject(void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type)=0
Release the object pointer.
virtual int AddRef() const =0
Increases the reference counter.
virtual int Release() const =0
Decrease reference counter.
virtual int RegisterFuncdef(const char *decl)=0
Registers a function definition.
virtual asITypeInfo * GetDelegateObjectType() const =0
Returns the type of the delegated object.
virtual int RegisterGlobalFunction(const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary=0)=0
Registers a global function.
#define asFUNCTION(f)
Returns an asSFuncPtr representing the function specified by the name.
Definition: angelscript.h:675
virtual asIScriptFunction * GetDelegateFunction() const =0
Returns the function for the delegate.
The interface for describing types This interface is used to describe the types in the script engine.
Definition: angelscript.h:3527
virtual void * GetDelegateObject() const =0
Returns the object for the delegate.
The interface for a script function description.
Definition: angelscript.h:3823
virtual void AddRefScriptObject(void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type)=0
Increase the reference counter for the script object.
A cdecl function.
Definition: angelscript.h:226
A function delegate.
Definition: angelscript.h:557
virtual asEFuncType GetFuncType() const =0
Returns the type of the function.